ITT: we ask questions that don't deserve their own thread as well as share our answers to questions that we know the answer to
/Ask away
ITT: we ask questions that don't deserve their own thread as well as share our answers to questions that we know the answer to
/Ask away
My girlfriend has a lot of issues (cuts herself, is semi-bulimic, self-esteem issues, major social anxiety except with me) but she's working on getting better. It can just be exhausting sometimes, because it takes a psychological toll on me too.
How do I help her? She says she's going to get better for me, and leaving her isn't an option
Is Bitcoin going to reach $30k?
It will unironically reach $20,000 by the end of the year
Wow! I'd break even!
Leaving her is an option
Some bitches threaten suicide to keep you around and they are cancer.
Walk away and lose contact.
Whats a good exchange to use?
I heard good things about binance but idk
Binance has come a long way and is now one of the most promising and stable exchanges out there. I'd strongly recommend it. Ever since Bittrex's shady shit show a few months ago, Binance has profited from their short comings, and is now more user friendly.
only downside is, it doesn't have a lot of alt-coin or shit coins like bittrex does
I was gonna stick with the bigger coins for now and mostly hold. Just thought about getting some XRP and trying a little bit of trading.
Get a better cock
Can you set buy and sell limits on exchanges?
Why is Einstenium worth more than my piss?
how much does a coin moon when mainnet launches?
>How do I help her? She says she's going to get better for me, and leaving her isn't an option
She shouldn't be getting better for you, she should be getting better for herself.
on most
How to read candlestick charts?
is there potato dictator coin
>serious question
Is it too late for an absolute no-coiner (no coins in any crypto at all) to try and make it? I missed out on ethereum when I was considering "investing" $50 in it
Is it stupid to short a coin at the moment?
Holy shit are you me?
You need some passive anal experience first.
Leave her; you're doing youself a huge disservice by staying with her - It might suck if she ends up worse off or kills herself tho
just kill her