Who pre-ordered?
I was told by the manager at the local GW that pre-order of Dark Imperium will actually come with a free Primaris Space Marine Dreadnought (I forget what their calling it now)
Who pre-ordered?
I was told by the manager at the local GW that pre-order of Dark Imperium will actually come with a free Primaris Space Marine Dreadnought (I forget what their calling it now)
>ordering a $120 box will give you a free $90 dreadnought
bait thread
heres your (You)
It's more than $120 actually
Are you actually going to use both sides? I don't know why people buy an entire starter box for themselves if they only play one side. You can probably get the contents of the side you want for close to 50% of the box price on eBay.
I got it for the Primaris Marines mostly, I plan on selling the other army off with its book.
I'm doing the smart thing and waiting for the actual Primaris kits to come out.
what's wrong with the ones in the box?
most common complaint is mono-pose and snapfit, also realizing that they'd likely be doing a "start collecting!" based on primaris after the launch of DI. I'd say save your shekels and buy an SC with Index bundle plus another SC for around the same price point
most people I know buy a box then trade the half they don't want with a friend.
they look like Zakus
I'm splitting mine with my brother...
>Who pre-ordered?
too be honest, I never pre-ordered stuff, and I still got what I wanted
also, is pic related true?
The people who buy an entire starter box themselves rather than spliting it with a friend are the people selling the contents of the other side for close to 50% of the box price on ebay.
Two friends and I are splitting the box, army, army, rules.
Why the fuck would anyone preorder that stuff? It's not like GW is going to run out of stock any time soon.
Oh wait, never mind. You're just a shill. Fuck off.
because a store only gets a finite amount of stuff on release day and if its a highly anticipated relead its feasible the store will sell them all befor you manage to get one. preorderong ensures you'll get it straight away on release (or often before since stores will het the delivery a few days earlier and FLGS owners are known to bend the rules for regulars at times)
Fuck, you've made me skeptical.
These, next to the Centurion, are probably the ugliest space marine models that came out recently.
But the Redemptor Dreadnought isn't even available for pre-order or a release date given yet.
Eh, the only part I actually dislike about them is the hoods, personally.
Splitting two boxes with 2 DG friends - who are both doing the same with someone else - he discount to $120 applies, so we're only paying 60 each.
Reason for 2 is that everyone involved can get their half, and each time, one person keeps the box and its contents (rules, dice, etc.), so everyone makes the most of the deal.
As for the excess figures, while I don't know what to do with 2 Primaris captains atm, I plan on making some Primaris Death Company or maybe even Sanguinary Guard, out of the rest for some fun!
Becauae we actually enjoy the other 50% of the hobby and and want to paint them all?
>He thinks games workshop will toss in a fucking DREADNOUGHT just for pre-ordering
>a brand new Primaris one no less
This is wishful thinking to the highest degree Buddy you got taken for a ride by the manager if you pre-ordered based on that shit