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This week's Monday Meeting Notes:
Have you ever used a local folk legend in a game?
>5th editons cliffnotes
/CofD/ & /wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
>Typical Jewish levels of sophistric REEEEEEing.
You are a special level of Autistic. Do me a favour and go climb into an oven before someone triggers you merely by mentioning another company offhandedly that you don't like, which isn't in the least bit relevant to the discussion. Go on, go climb in to the oven. You'll be doing us both a world of good.
The game was released in 2004, as of 2016, the game has over 10 years of post-release support. Acticuckup sure didn't care about quality control, but people clearly cared enough about the game for it to still be selling today!
Not really.
Drop Bears are fucking dangerous though.
APIO has its work cut out for it just covering up their existence.
Anythin intresting in the monday meeting forum thread?
Thanks to the guy who posted the Convention Books, I had to go to my final
that's because it was a troika game user
i've never played played MTA but If I did it would a waste to not take advantage of the salem atmosphere
There is a supposed satanic church in my neck of the woods, but i usually run games in the city.
Cherokee Park Louisville there is a statue of pan that supposedly comes to life and wanders around under the full moonlight.
Virtue: Determined/Humble
Vice: Ennui
Aspirations: Be A Hero For Fun, Do The Right Thing
Mental Attributes: Intelligence 2, Wits 7, Resolve 9
Physical Attributes: Strength 20, Dexterity 10, Stamina 20
Social Attributes: Presence 1, Manipulation 2, Composure 9
Skills: Academics 1, Crafts 1, Investigation 2, Occult 1, Athletics (Absurd Agility) 10, Brawl (Punching) 10, Empathy (Personalities) 3, Expression (Heroic) 1, Intimidation (Unsurpassable Might) 3, Persuasion 2, Subterfuge 1
Merits: Area Of Expertise (Punching), Common Sense, Danger Sense (Advanced), Fast Reflexes 3 (Advanced), Indomitable (Epic), Interdisciplinary Specialty (Punching), Tolerance For Biology, Trained Observer 3, Virtuous (Advanced 3), Ambidextrous, Iron Stamina 3, Iron Will, Resources 1, Status (Hero Association 1), True Friend (Genos)
Willpower: 28
Defense: 30
Initiative: 22
Speed: Special (See Absurd Agility)
Health: 25
Potency: 10
Integrity: 9
Dread Powers: Absurd Agility*, Immortal*, Prodigious Leap, Reality Stutter, Unbreakable, Unsurpassable Might*, Unnatural Healing*, Serious Series*, Surprise Entrance
[Continued In The Nex Post]
*Absurd Agility: Saitama uses the highest between Dexterity and Wits to determine Defense, adds his Potency to Defense and applies it to ranged attacks. His Dodging rolls receive bonus Successes equal to Potency and may be done reflexively. His Speed is considered to be enough to win any Chase against mundane opponents. In the case of supernatural opponents with powers that significantly enhance their Speed, roll a Clash Of Wills against Saitama’s Dexterity + Athletics, and give him bonus Successes equal to Potency.
*Immortal: Should Saitama be targeted by anything that would kill him, he simply takes a nap and wakes up in the next scene.
*Unsurpassable Might: Saitama receives an additional pool of [Potency x 2] dots to distribute between Strength and Stamina. His attacks count as supernatural, ignore all Durability and mundane Armor, and may deal either bashing or lethal. Whenever Saitama enters combat, he forces the opponent(s) to use Down And Dirty Combat. He may also Clash against certain supernatural powers by simply Punching their source. In both cases, he rolls 32 dice and gains bonus Successes equal to Potency.
*Unnatural Healing: Saitama gains General/Ballistic Armor equal to Stamina, which stacks with Unbreakable. He heals all bashing and lethal damage at the start of each turn, and downgrades a number of aggravated damage from any source equal to Stamina into lethal.
Serious Series: The stats above are for when Saitama isn't making any effort. When he does, he is considered to have a Supernal Scaling (Mage Chronicler's Guide, page 218). That is, add 16 dice to appropriate dice pools, take the total amount of Successes, multiply them by whatever arbitrarily gigantic number you want and go full anime with your descriptions of the ensuing destruction.
Holy crap, another KY WoDer? Also, that's boss.
If he's still here, he wouldn't happen to have Dead Magic 1&2?
The WoD community is pretty strong here.
Rod Ferrell
The Book of Shadows mentioned a group called "Fringe Walkers" as a group somewhere between Traditions and Marauders. Was anything ever done with them?
Because I have an idea for a character who's perfectly sane, but his avatar is Mad and tends to take "liberties" with how his magic goes.
Not much new info, but more playtest info came out.
Dead Magic & DM - Secrets and Survivors:
Is the 20th Anniversary line still going despise 5ed coming next year?
I'll give mi right kidney for a Hunter20 book.
>Amazon and now Barnes and Noble
How well is OPP doing? I always thought they were pretty indie and poor but it looks like they have money to spare.
Local to where I am, or local to where the game is set? Because the latter, yes. The former, no.
Also, Signs remains static. Rose sems to be assigned the "Get shit moving" command role.
Any feedback on these stats?
Paradox probably feeds them moneys.
>second mega link for oWoD is gone from the pastebin in the OP
Okay, guess I'll be uploading all the stuff I've downloaded later tonight.
So, what would a Sin Eater waifu be like?
New Storyteller here. Long-time fan of the lore and flavor of WoD, the setting, but new to the gameplay with dices and stuff.
For the first time we intend to make character sheets. We looked at the social merits and we had many questions which could be resumed with this:
>Where's the limit between a merit such as Allies, and natural will to help of a friend?
I mean, other playing characters don't require Merits to play with, right? Yet many would die to save the others. What about a relation that came with time?
I understand ''putting XP'' in a merit means ''I took enough time in my life to get this'' but to have it for some NPCs and not for other players just seem... not coherent from a storyline perspective.
Thanks for your help!
Basically, GM grace and favour.
If you want an NPC to help you, you've got to jump through the GM's hurles to get them to do so.
Whether that's explain the dire straits, succeed on social tests, pay them, or whatever.
If you want an "Ally" to help you, you call them up and tell them what's the problem and they jump to.
The GM can decide to make you jump through hoops to get the first one on board, or not. However with an Ally, if the GM doesn't let you access them, then they're cutting away a significant chunk of your character's capacity.
Social merits are factors that are reliable. They are generally more powerful than handouts than GMs will give, more widely applicable, and almost always there.
Also, xp is not "going through enough time to get this"
xp is the grace of the GM, and an enhancment of capacity
It is the permission to enhance your character's inherent abilities
Sure you might fluff-wise rationalise that as enhanced experience encouraging making alliances
But you could just as simply spend xp and make good friends with the person you met just the day before
So I'm working on sort of cofd bestiary starting with human opponents. One of the things I want to put in are hunters. What compacts or conspiracies would you like to see stated out for your splat?
>What compacts or conspiracies would you like to see stated out for your splat?
I'm rather partial to the Lucifuge, as well as Network Zero.
Yeah I want to put Lucifuge in as well as Cheiron for certain.
>Today on Network Zero: Funniest Hunter Videos
How much do you have written, by the way?
If it's on google docs or something, I'd love to give it a read through.
I'm just starting it up. Discovered I could use something like this instead of grazing through various books looking for stuff
I plan to put in stats for generic
1. thugs/criminals, police/military
2. Ghouls, Kinfolk, Proximi, Stigmatics, Alchemists and whatnot
3. Hunters and slashers(one conspiracy per splat i.e. woof-hunter vamp-hunter etc)
4. Minor templates from Hurt Locker
Am I missing something?
Of course I plan only making
Blah I ment to write that I plan only making one or two of each archetype(excluding hunters)
>Blah I ment to write that I plan only making one or two of each archetype(excluding hunters)
Well, from my rather casual inspection you don't seem to be missing anything.
What the fuck is pugmire and monarchies of mau and that martian shit.
OPP wasting time on shit rpgs, and not publishing nwod ones is super gay.
Forsaken wasn't clicking with furries as much as they'd like so they made some new rpgs
Clinging to a single IP that you don't even own as your livelihood is a bad idea. It also just so happens to keep major players for that licensed RPG happy and willing to stick with the company.
That was actually my plan - make them rescued shovelheads, that is - and set in right after the fall of the Berlin Wall.
Thing is, I wanted to include the Ashirra and the Brujah Council (remnants) along with the typical sabbat/anarch/camarilla shtick, but I guess I could just trim it down a little.
Right so on to making bestiary for cofd/nwod. This are few first pages with examples of hurt locker minor templates and ghouls. Any ideas about how should I improve on those and what should I add
There are some errors here and there(that I will iron out) thou I'm interested if anyone would add any sort of information for those npcs and what not
Are there Magr rules for making potions?
not for 2e but 1e has some alchemy rules in tome of mysteries
Can those be adapted to 2e? Matter arcana?
>How well is OPP doing?
Kept alive by plundering kickstarter backing while casually ignoring the promised material and sucking White Wolf's cock so they can keep leasing the IPs.
OPP was a mistake.
Character sheet no longer has enough slits for merits what do?
>OPP was a mistake.
That's not entirely fair. When OPP was created, it was the ONLY mechanism to get new WOD material, no less see properties like Scion or Trinity revives. CCP controlled the IP for the benefit of the MMO, and after that dissolved, the situation was a total void for WOD publishing.
However, now with Paradox as an active nuWW IP holder, OPP seems a little redundant, or if WW really wants ttrpg licensors, OPP's lack of proficient management has now become an obvious problem. If this was not the case, OPP would be spearheading WOD 5e.
Ech from what I've seen of 5ed I have mixed feeling about it. Also I do not understand why some people are so bent on seeing OPP go under
>Also I do not understand why some people are so bent on seeing OPP go under
They are damned ghosts of the 90s.
>I do not understand why some people are so bent on seeing OPP go under
I don't want to see OPP go under, and I don't particularly care about WOD 5e.
However, so long as Paradox intends to continue CofD, I have no objection to OPP competing for the IP rights with other potential licensees. RichT's management has not been particularly impressive, and OPP appears to have grown based mainly on past fan nostalgia, often despite Rich's lack of competence. A new IP holder might do a much better job (although I do admit that I would not want SwedeDracula in charge of CofD). New CofD management, particularly using much of the stable of current CofD freelancers, might be the best thing that could happen to the line.
>why some people are so bent on seeing OPP go unde
Because OPP promised to be good and continue the legacy of White Wolf while actually its dogshit and only lately started to even attempt to disconnect from just being political propaganda pushing cretins that pray on the nostalgia of kickstarter backers while releasing books that literally copy paste swaths of text from older books.
Thats rich considering half of OPP are the people that ruined White Wolf in the early 2000s in the first place. Holden, Morke, Rose? Sounds familiar?
Quite franky it would have been better if WoD just died and that was the end of it instead of enchanting us with marvels like Mage 20, Beast and Promethean 2e. Or Exalted. Remember Exalted? Have a half a decade late book which immediately required erratas, was full of traced or poser art and contained a blight of redundant shit no-one wanted?
But who am I talking to anyway, 90% of the people in this thread are just immigrants from the Onyx Path forums that found out the devs come here to talk about stuff without them breathing down their necks.
>stuck in the 90s
OPP has produced some quality shit, whether you like it or not.
Good shit
Bad Shit
>everything else
CURRENT YEAR is not an argument, especially when the only material that seems to sell for OPP is V20. Or is that too uncomfortable?
Apparents Signs of Sorcery will have rules for temporarily imbuing items with spells. Using Prime 3, as opposed to Prime 4's true imbuing.
The obvious application? Potions.
Demon and Hunter
Wouldnt you need the arcana that the potions effect will cover?
Of course.
But it's Prime 3 that makes it possible in the first place.
Descent is okay but subpar to Fallen
Its not even really out yet. And the focus will be on fighting Slashers and the megacorporations that create them (tie in to Renegade)
>Good shit
You've hit on the problem.
Changeling 2e hasn't even been released yet, no supplements have been released for Awakening, and only 1 crappy supplement for Requiem over the course of years.
So potion making is a combined spell?
Please dont remind me OP is shit. I just want my edgy urban fantasy games.
OWoD is shit
Get over it
>urban fantasy games.
Personal horror, not urban fantasy.
The distinction matters so that one has reasonable expectation about the products.
Who said anything about OWoD you tard?
There is enough overlap to be irrelevant honestly. Dresden Files is a staple of urban fantasy and its practically indistinguishable from WoD if you remove the labels.
In essence, yes.
Seems to costly to not be able to make potions at character creation. One can be a mortal pharmacist at char gen but a mage cant be an alchemist at char gen?
The hell are you talking about?
All you need to be imbuing spell charges into items is Prime 3.
ANY Mage from ANY Path can take that at character creation.
Isn't that at char gen you are still relatively new to magic so it wouldn't be unreasonable your character doesn't have experience for more complex manipulation of magic IMHO
Ist imbuing prime 4 attainment
As I said before, you don't want a true imbued item for alchemy.
You want the option from Signs of Sorcery, which lets you imbue charges instead, requiring only Prime 3.
Limited use "imbued items" for the benefit of being able to create them earlier, from character creation even.
Signs of Sorcery not even out...
Then interpret how you think it'd work.
Make the item as an Imbued item, it lasts for a duration equal to your Prime dots on the Advanced Duration table, you must fill it with Mana.
It has as many uses as you can get out of that Mana.
It cannot be refilled.
Boom, done.
All the short-term benefits of Imbued items, with none of the long term reliability or re-applicability.
>the legacy of White Wolf
White Wolf has always been spotty and more lauded for the potential of its actual game content output. OPP is no different save for the slower production line, and White Wolf AB will be no different with over fifty sourcebooks proposed and by licensing C-list video game developers.
You have always been eating from the trash, just like the rest of us.
>Signs of Sorcery not even out...
And with the Deviant outline just submitted to WW per the Monday Meeting Notes, and thus a priority, along with Dave's personal issues, I doubt SoS will leave "development" purgatory any time soon, no less see publication. However, it should make a great supplement to Awakening Third Edition...
Ok some sligh tweeks and adding cops and robbers. I didn't stat out a plain because supremacy is real. Advice is appreciated
It wasn't JUST submitted; it's going to be submitted "any day now".
Supposedly there's one near me too.
Double supposedly there's actual witch hunters too, although according to everyone whoentions them says tbey just harass you till you leave
[Spoiler] i know some pagans who get genuinely uptight about this and think something similar to the malleus maleficarum is real and out to get them /
To be fair, i saw the guys they called witch hunters. I dunno, if i were hunting witches, id investigate them, they were creepy as fuck
I wonder if we're going to get an open pitch period with Deviant like Hunter and the C20 anthology had.
>It wasn't JUST submitted; it's going to be submitted "any day now".
That's worse.
Maybe. I'm honestly just jonesing for Signs.
>Also I do not understand why some people are so bent on seeing OPP go under
Because I'm butthurt about their rewriting Saulot to be some kind of schemer who was nefarious/evil just as the other Antediluvians.
I don't know if all the other antediluvians are evil. Ventrue either died or has been in torpor for thousands of years, Brujah was diablerized without doing much and Toreador is not too bad. Malkav is just crazy.
The biggest douches seem to be Lasombra, Tzimisce and Nosferatu ones(not counting tremere and giovani because they aren't real antes). Ravnos went on rampage after waking up thou so there's that
What are the main differences of VTM Third Edition?
You mean the main differences between 3rd/revised and V20?
nerfed celerity QQ
It's mostly modified abilities and disciplines.
You from Pennsylvania?
Schemer, sure. But Nefarious? Perhaps his schemes are for some sort of greater good.
No, the people who've seen the Beckett's Jyhad Diary say that he's pretty much being presented as one of the long-running schemers who's only out for himself, as opposed to all Kindred/humanity. Which I wouldn't really give a shit about if WW hadn't said at the Berlin convention that they plant to use said Jyhad Diary as the basis for V5's metaplot.
I always hated the idea of Saulot being the "good" Antediluvian anyway. Mostly because of my Tremere fondness, but still.
>Because I'm butthurt about their rewriting Saulot to be some kind of schemer who was nefarious/evil just as the other Antediluvians.
That's been subtly hinted at for (almost) as long as Saulot's been around, mate.
OPP has done a lot of shitty decisions over the years, but this is one that White Wolf built up themselves over quite a long period of time, even if they didn't go outright "LOLOLOL JK HE'S SUPER HITLER EVIL" at any point.
Which, to be fair, isn't something OPP is doing with Saulot either. Instead, they're just expanding on the possible story threads that people can pull on. If a ST wants to do a game with a nefarious Saulot, they can do that. If they want to instead use a flawed yet well-intentioned Saulot, they can do that as well.
Seriously, you're getting yourself butthurt over nothing here, user. If you don't like the idea of an evil Saulot, then just use a good or neutral Saulot instead.
>What are the main differences of VTM Third Edition?
The biggest differences between 3rd and V20 is that the disciplines got cleaned up a bit, and that they've moved the metaplot forward a bit as well as expanded on the clans and the bloodlines a bit.
And I hate everyone being fitted in the same bullshit, even though it was stated ages ago that Saulot would be the guardian of Raphael's promise, a beacon of hope for those who seek redemption.
>"Behold," he said, "the Lord is merciful. Even to the undeserving. I give you a path to seek peace for your soul even in this bitter darkness. I give you light of hope, for you and your children. To await the day when anger fades and pride gives way to yearning. The name of the path is Golconda and those who seek it with a true heart may yet gain salvation, though they walk in the night as demons and bear the curses of a thousand angels."
Fuck all the Abrahamic mythology they put on Vampire.
Go play Requiem then.
But that doesn't have Tremere, or Setites.
Tough shit. God is real in oWoD and he is the reason why there's vampires in the first place there. Of course, every God-like figure in other oWoD splats are real too. Some, like the August Personage of Jade for the Kindred of the East, are facets/different aspects of God and some are completely separate.
>And I hate everyone being fitted in the same bullshit, even though it was stated ages ago that Saulot would be the guardian of Raphael's promise, a beacon of hope for those who seek redemption.
The Tremere's preview chapter is heavy on the whole "SAULOT COULD BE EVIL, REEEEE" thing because it's the Tremere's chapter, and the Tremere have always painted Saulot and the Salubri as evil (or ignorant pawns).
Before you go 100% rage, maybe wait until we get the actual Salubri chapter?
that was known as far back as the Transylvania Chronicles