Burlew's really picked up the pace.
OotS #1075: Shuffle the Deck
>Burlew's really picked up the pace.
He was doing kickstarter incentives, that's why the main comic was so slow
Too wordy by far, but good effort user.
>le epic /v/tard maymay
You forgot to slip Loss in there and make it end on a le wacky reaction face.
Thanks, user. I know I cut less than I could have, but it's because I wanted to keep Roy's persona as Talky-Man and preserve the joke at the end.
fucking FINALLY done with that damn giant. nice
Shut up berlew.
Ah no, that was actually okay, but I think you could have cut about 50% of the rest, even if it would make the sentence structure primitive.
Lighten up user, it's all in good fun. Say, wasn't the original wordswordswords poster a dislectic or something? He said he needed a minute to get through 6 words or something.
different thog make more thog
He didn't claim any problems, he just stated his 6-words-per-minute (or whatever number it was) thing like it was the human average.
>that grin on the giant's face as she falls
Good stuff, user.
You know what they say - a frown is just a smile turned upside down!
Thog Thogging the Thog to Thog better Thog
now we're done here.
see you all next thread
I really hate Order of the Stick. The self-referential "jokes", the slow updates, the terrible, overly-wordy combat sequences, the constant breaking-of-the-forth-wall for the sake of "lulz," when in reality it just destroys the immersion that already isn't there. The characters have gone from likeable to almost complete cunts, this entire godmoot shit is like the nuke in Indiana Jones, it's going to make whatever climax with Xykon eventually squirts out of Rich Burlew's cock look like a BB rattling around in a gnat's asshole compared to this "Roy v.s. his best friend for literally the fate of the literal world. Literally." And the worst part is, it's slow as fuck. The problem isn't even the amount of update. Once a week is fine for a well-written full-page RPG comic. It's not like XKCD cancer where all Munroe has to do is sketch a few stickmen while he's taking a shit. That's fine. But it's the whole "9000 word dialogue while FUCKING FIGHTING WITH SWORDS." I would bet my ass Rich Burlew has never been in a fight in his goddamn life. There isn't enough fucking breath for talking. It's just shoved in there because he wants "le comical showdown" that ends up being flat and unfunny 99% of the time.
This comic hasn't been funny or enjoyable in years. Is there a reason people are still reading it?
Two plot threads wrapped up in one strip. At this rate, Xykon'll be dead in 9 strips.
>being this new
I'm pretty sure Thog edits are older than le loss
But then again, I try to not look at /v/ as much as I can
I'm honestly surprised people on Veeky Forums of all places are scared of reading. You'd think that the neccessity to read through all these fucking rulebooks would make you faggots somewhat less illiterate
>thinking people actually read their rulebooks
I guess it's just easier to just make shit up and let the one guy in the room who does know the rules correct you.
But also disgust
Now we'll just have to hope V can sort of off-handedly retrieve Roy's sword so that we can finally get out of here.
Everyone in the room shouts at me when I do that... Even when I point out a rule that HELPS them...
>reading books
>knowing the rules
get a load of this loser nerd
> this entire godmoot shit is like the nuke in Indiana Jones, it's going to make whatever climax with Xykon eventually squirts out of Rich Burlew's cock look like a BB rattling around in a gnat's asshole compared to this "Roy v.s. his best friend for literally the fate of the literal world.
this is a good point actually, though we do have the snarl coming up which can potentially destroy everything.
reading rules for a game =! reading something uninteresting that has no relevance outside of itself.
A lovecraftian monster that can destroy everything is worse than battling his friend to avoid the destruction of the world.
Rich got lost. It started as a comic to make fun of D&D, and grew to that. Xykon should have being destroyed before this whole dwarf vampire thing.
The monster under the umbrella is the snarl
Rules are usually uninteresting and have no relevance outside of the game system
Honestly? Stockholm Syndrome for the most part.
Seriously. I'd understand if the complaint was that the dialogue is stilted or the jokes fall flat (this chapter has been pretty bad in that regard), but just repeatedly shouting "there are too many words on the page!" is fucking asinine.
Which is why I can't help but think they're just trolling for the sake of it.
xykon and redcloak are too good to get rid of, if anything he should have cut down the vampire stuff
The vampire stuff is needed to keep Durkon from solving everyone's problems. Remember how high level they are? Same reason V made that deal with the fiends: so that way in any future situations where V could solve a problem by snapping his fingers, they can be disposed of so that way there's some actual tension.
I didn't mean cut the vampire stuff completely, just fold it into the final gate's plotline. like, instead of the godsmoot the order could stop at the dwarven lands and durkon(still durkon) would kill the high priest in revenge or something, getting them in deep shit. just an idea, but i mean it should have been a major subplot of the last book rather than the main plotline of another book
oots sounds like the sound a dog makes as it wipes it's ass across the floor
The comic reads like what's left on the floor after the dog goes by, too.