How am I supposed to tell which one is the aasimar and which one is the tiefling?
How am I supposed to tell which one is the aasimar and which one is the tiefling?
Well, there's one man and one woman. Through deduction you should be able to figure out which one's the demon spawn.
>Graced with a touch of the holy, aasimars are usually tall, good-looking and generally pleasant.
You could try learning to read, for starters. It's clearly the attractive woman on the left, not that animated pike with a mustache on the right.
Nice try, succubus.
I'll get you next time, overweight, sweaty, neckbeard! You'll fall for my feminine wiles yet!
Sophisticated DNA analysis looking for specific extraplanar genes?
The tiefling is the caped one with the goat horns on her head. The aasimar is the elderly luigi.
Trust your dick.
Label your shit with pf/pathfinder/ or something similar so I can filter it, thanks.
This has never steered a man wrong.
if heaven is gangrely fucking italians hell and limbo dont look so bad
This is adorable.
Can you label your triggered-bitch self with a trip so we know who you are and can make fun of you in the future?
As soon as you stop shitting up the board with shit threads senpai.
100& of all the worst decisions are a direct result of dickthink.
I find you shitting in every dnd thread. Your 3.butthurt is amazing.
I bet you are the guy who told me that my 1st-40th level campaign was badwrongfun
Just ignore him. He's literally a special needs child that unfortunately has access to the internet.
What about the Holocaust
AKA Hitler's snuff fetish.
Well, one of them has spikes on his armor. That usually means they're the evil-flavored one.
I mean, even just wearing armor means you're likely a violent person.
It was more like Heydrich who had the snuff fetish
>everyone who dislikes your dumb game and shit threads is the same boogeyman
You're right about one thing though, if I read that post about a 40 level campaign I'd talk shit as well, so good on that user.
Are you implying Hitler wasn't a dick?
>dissing the sexy 'stache
You sir are a pleb and a swine.
Can't be. The German libido is tied directly to mechanical efficiency. I could've designed a better extermination camp than Auschwitz in my sleep.
I ask for two reasons.. the way you write and your obsession. And the specific tone of the attacks.
Also I just hope that Veeky Forums has only one idiot of your level.
Because of your answer I am sure is you.
You're supposed to ignore him.
You're seeing danger in every shadow. You look like the obsessed one. I won't bother you anymore autist-kun, you keep your dumb threads and your schizophrenic system.
Someone had to bang Hitler's mom.
He fascinates me. In a morbid way I mean. Look here What the fuck happened to him to have a personal vendetta vs a gaming system?
How much pathetic his life could be to shitpost about that endlessly?
There must be more.. like a mental issue or a personal tragedy.
Clicked the wrong one. I mean this post.
The bile is always palpable and now I am sure is the same guy he repeated the same sentence by word.
Is fascinating. How could this freakish person be?
Good point.
The only way to settle this is to make tieflings look like alien goat people; maybe there's some vidya that has an example we can base it off of!
If they're fugly, they're tiefs.
How about you shut your fucking whoremouth? A place filled with cheerful Italians eating twelve course pasta-based meals and loudly talking with their hands is the definition of heaven.
one is female and therefore Evil-aligned
I've jacked off so many times to the tiefling when I was a kid.
>T H I C C
I just imagine a gene being made of 666 or 777 atoms or having horns/a halo, or maybe glowing red/blue or something.
this thread is autistic
Here's a hint, Don Quixote is not a tiefling.
I bet you that guy was a fucking paragon of manliness when he was younger, if you can grow a stache like that you can pretty much run with the best of them.
>a gene of 666 atoms
Shoulda studied instead of DnDing in highschool, user.
Any more Aaismar art?
Thieflings got a shitload, but I rarely see any Aaismar stuff.
>How am I supposed to tell which one is the aasimar and which one is the tiefling?
You play 2E instead.
Why did they get rid of the tiefling's mega hips? Goddamn. I'd hit that all night long.
Whoo, that's a weak-ass shitpost right there.
I'm gonna give you a whole 1/10, because even though you're retarded, how retarded you were in your effort to shitpost made me smile.
Aasimar and tieflings should have some physical characteristics that they've inherited from their planar ancestor.
For example
Aasimar with faintly glowing eyes, metalic colored skin, otherworldly beauty
Tiefling with horns, clawed hands, faint smell of brimstone about them.
Generally Aasimar have inherited something peculiar, exotic or aesthetically pleasing.
Tieflings may inherit some otherworldly beauty from say a incubus or succubus but otherwise have traits that make them give off an unpleasant or off putting presence and or appearance.
4E and 5E tieflings are plantigrade, not unguligrade. Literally missed out on the best part of draenei.
If they were meant to be a copy, then they're the equivalent of buying an ice cream cone and getting a cone with no ice cream in it.
They don't have to look like draenei or Cambions
And that's not what this suggests
They have traits of their ancestors they're not carbon copies or more humanoid versions.
Ultimately how they appear is really up to the player and GM
Generally I prefer Planetouched to have a single defining feature and otherwise look like their base race.
I saw that same post, laughed at it, then closed the thread.