So what other homebrew IG regiments and SM chapters are out there? What I know of are Argo Brigade and Hua Yuan IG regiments.
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There was a dude doing a codex for Arho Brigade, hopefully he sees this and posts the end result.
I've been mulling over making my own homebrew IG regiment, but I don't know if my idea has been done before.
Basically, they'd be a mixed-gender armored regiment from a death world covered in radioactive desert. Their planet was colonized during the Dark Age of Technology and lost to the rest of humanity during the Age of Strife. Gradually the inhabitants descended into warring factions, which in turn left to a nuclear holocaust that reduced the planet from an Earth-like temperate climate to a hot and irradiated rock. Water is scarce, and clean water scarcer. However, the planet is still rich in mineral resources, a fact exploited by the people who survived the atomic hellfire and struggled to rebuild a society. They managed to create small-scale factories and oil refineries out of the ruin and scrap. Tribes formed around these centers of something resembling industry, because these factories were almost exclusively used to build vehicles. Using these vehicles to traverse the massive deserts that cover the planet, the tribes scavenged to survive and warred with other tribes.
When the Imperium rolled up and conquered the planet, things got a little better for the average inhabitant with the advent of things like "reliable water filtration" and "food importation".
They readily associated the Emperor with their own gods, but managed to miff the Adeptus Mechanicus because they already had their own superstitions about machine spirits in the form of their personalized and highly modified vehicles. Their rituals were a little too different, and their readiness to modify STC pattern machines borders on heresy to the Techpriests. Each vehicle issued to the regiment is painted and modified by its crew, much to the Techpriests' annoyance. They usually paint designs on virtually every piece of equipment they get their hands on, as the custom on their world was to intimidate enemy tribes with brightly painted absurdist symbols and phrases. Now they incorporate Imperial motifs into their war paint.
Regardless, they were raised to fight for the Imperium on other worlds, putting their driving skills to use on new Imperium vehicles like the Russ, Salamander, and Taurox. Their thirst for blood needs to be reigned in some times, as their tank crews have a tendency to jump out of their vehicles and engage in melee with enemy infantry, as is custom on their world. They prefer explosives and projectile weapons to las weapons.
Aesthetically, they take cues from Road Warrior and Tank Girl. Probably been done before though.
So Mad Max meets the Death Korps?
Yes, and played only halfway straight. Any models for them would look orky as fuck and have dumb shit added on like a Guardsman straddling the barrel of a Russ's cannon while waving his entrenching tool in the air.
Regiment of subterranean assault specialists who live entirely underground and build huge tunnel networks underneath battlefields, performing hit and runs, ambushes and the destruction of enemy fortifications from below.
I had an idea for a homebrew guard regiment based on red dawn. They would be hive citizens-turned insurgents on a planet taken over by heretics. all their equipment is makeshift stuff and they specialize in explosives.
gas the sunbacks, live unnaground.
Oh God, it's /k/ but as an IG regiment.
so legit, before today I had no idea the /k/ moleman thing was a thing, but basically yes. I have accidentally created the /k/ regiment.
We still need a regiment for the innawoods flavor of /k/.
wouldn't that just be tanith with las-nuggets?
Had a same thought as this dude
I am currently building Argo Brogade army. Started out as killteam project but fuck me it is expanding like a cancer. Doing some count-as Chimeras (almost got one Chimera ready to be painted). Currently got two infantry squad, almost two full squads of kasrkins, several heavy weapons teams and Manticore is coming this way. Pic related, currently the most finished guys, still need some detailing.
I like the idea of an IG regiment drawn up from a junkyard planet. Not sure how that concept'd play with the Mechanicus, but there you go.
I'm not sure about the Mechanicus either. I don't know enough about them to say how much junkers would piss them off.
I dont know much either but probaböy would be quite pissed for worshipping someone other than their own machine god.
Was the Argo codex ever posted after the first few threads?
Also I realized something about this WIP(?) cover page; for a mass execution by hanging all that would need to be done is string the victims up and then tell the artillery teams to raise their cannons.
No it wasnt so thats what Im hoping our Argofriend to notice this thread and post the codex here or somewhere at least!
Do they shoot squirrel rounds?
Tyrannis holds.
What's this?
I'm half thinking about a Krieg regiment composed of child soldiers. Like 14-15 years old. I don't know if it is fluff compatible or it has already been done.
You have entire galaxy at your disposal. There are possibility of this kind of group to exists.
Have you thought of fluff for them? Planet that is in constant state of war so they have pump out younger people into the ranks?
Most kriegers are vat-grown for what I read, so I think it would make sense to try pumping out as many men as possible. Since they're expendable anyway, maybe they'll learn something if they survive the first engagement.
Kids and adolescents are also usually easier to indoctrinate than men (even by imperial guards standards) and they can even be crueller or more crafty sometimes. Just substitute the Emperor with the father they never had and convince them that the more battles they win the happier he is. I guess it could also be possible to turn the war into some kind of big lethal game to win.
That was my idea anyway. I think it would bring out the grimdark quite a bit. After all, we have child soldiers today, it would make sense to have them in such a grim setting too.
I remember you! Good shit!
A regiment of
I thought they were already that age.
Are they? That's why I wrote that I'm not sure about the lore. I still have to read Dead men walking
That actually doesnt sound that bad. Especiallybif they are vat-grown they're basicly empty canvas. Just brainwash them anyway you like and you're golden.
Sweet Jesus, those look amazing!
Your average Krieg infantryman is between 14-18, so yeah.
Thank you kindly! I still need to add some more depth to the blue and maybe different color masks (dark grey perhaps or some lighter color). Also jere's the vpunt-as chimera Ive been working on for these guys.
I might also add and show the Antitank rifle crew. 4 of these guys are to be made.
Aint Wolverins a no shit rwgiment from GW? Coulda sworn it was
How do you do the pants bro?
In dead men walking a krieg grenadier the guys who lived to long as they put it was like 16. So yeah it fits
It is.
Top left box
Bottom left figure
Wolverines Exalted
To answer your question OP the ones I know of are the Emperor's Nightmares, the Star Krakens, and there was an Aztec themed one who's name escapes me. They're all SM chapters
Were Star Krakens the ones that had olde scuba helmets?
Dark grey base layer and drybrush some white/light grey. Easypeasy lemon squeeze.
Got any more of those IG regiment pages?
I believe so, they were TG's reaction to the amount of wolf involved in the Space Wolves, I know they were aiming for viking feel more
Well, the thought was it would be a regiment of greasemonkeys. They aren't too bright, but they can keep just about anything mechanical running forever, even when it looks like it's fucked. Basically Mekboyz, but for the Imperium.
>obvious ant fucked up his image post again
Aztecs were Blood Jaquars. There were also the pirate themed Black Locks, inuit themed Megalith Marines and all the joke [Adjective] Marines that followed the Angry Marines.
I'm working on a homebrew chapter from an extremely wealthy hive world. Due to it's location in it's sector and along stable and trusted warp routes it's essentially the local trade capital for the area of Imperial Space.
As a result of the planet's incredible wealth, the planet is fill with massive corporations and industries. So when the regular Tithe is needed, this extremely financed centric world build a new regiment, but with a few quirks.
Known as the Cilium Speculators, Every new regiment will be sponsored by one of the planet's largest Banks or corporations. This sponsorship means that whatever Institution is sponsoring that current regiment, will receive any and all supplementary equipment beyond the standard las gun and basic vehicles from the Sponsor company.
This results in every regiment being very diverse with some being airborne strike troopers, while another regiment will be mechanized armor, etc.
The companies sponsor these regiments because of civic duty, and any "gains" (noble victories, new planets, honors) result in some very nice perks and benefits for the sponsoring company on the home world.
It's basically like Wall Street in a regiment. All of the soldiers are trained in finance, risk and are trying to make a fortune.
and conscripts are made up of those who have unpaid debt?
Well thats actually a good idea that I hadn't considered.
I originally thought of it as all soldiers of the regiment would be well educated, trained etc, but it makes sense that even in best case scenario you can never have enough bodies in the IG.
So yeah that works, I guess two factions within any given Speculator regiment, the conscripted who are in debt and the business dudes who probably held that debt.
IPerhaps the veterans, elite troops, specialist corps and all officers are from the educated, wall street side and majority of the grunts and leather necks are those who were in debt.
The uniforms are either evocative of business suits or workers jumpsuits, and rations are either expensive or kibble.
Well I was thinking due to the prestige of these type of regiments and the partnership with a large Corporation/Banking institution
All the Uniforms are bomb, and the rations are good, which is a huge change for the second class of recruits who unused to such luxuries.
But equally the regiment is host to a very active inter/intra regiment trading culture of getting better gear, customization, etc within themselves and with other regiments.
I have had for the longest time this idea of a IG regiment based on the old Swedish Caroleans,
I mean, the idea of footsaoilers being so fanatically faithfull that they never surrender and are fully willing to make suicidal charges fit the setting perfectly.
My guess for why noone has done anything with it is probably because the "super hard dicipline and fighting in formations" idea is taken by the mordians, and the "zealously loyal" hat is taken by the kriegers.
The commissar mentions that not a single green infantryman is older than 15 before their first (and likely last) off-world deployment. Their graduation ceremony is a series of life fire combat exercises with expected casualties and a dose of deadly radiation from being exposed to the surface to every krieg has likely been taking part in combat since they were 14 and maybe younger.
For the Speculator regiments, while it may be composed of two distinct classes of soldiers, there hopefully isn't much animosity. There is a strong rivalry, for sure but all speculators are taught that war in the name of the Emperor is the great equalizer and that cooperation and comraderie is critical to obtaining the riches that the stars hold for man.
Every speculator regiment that is raised has the freedom to focus on what the commander and sponsor believe will be best for success. A special tactic that speculator regiments do is try to game the departmento Munitorum by choosing whatever regiment designation (i.e. armored, line infantry, penal) will best put the new regiment in a position to be called in for the best campaigns. Of course the sponsors provide ample gear and resources to make the regiment ready to succeed.
Interesting idea. Now I can only think of Guardsmen having company logos all over their gear amd when around other companies they relentlessly to advertise products. The more you sell quicker you get out off the frontlines (not really).
"We fight for the Emperor! And while fighting why not have a refreshing sip from our new product: Emperor's Might! Now with more protein than ever before!"
>Now I can only think of Guardsmen having company logos all over their gear
>Vehicles and crews looking like nascar in some cases
>in other cases there are Itasha vehicles and flashy brand uniforms
>Primarily female medical corp in the style of Japanese promotional models
>their purpose is to try to put wounded guardsmen at ease and to be sort of like American hospitals in trying to up-sell branded meds and comfier accommodations
I can imagine seeing a colourful Valkyrie with a cartoon woman on it might catch some enemies off guard and make them slower to act.
>Attention refugees, this is an important announcement brought to you by Speculator™ brand insurance. Those of you who do not have our insurance may not be covered in the event of xeno incursion, only with Speculator™ brand insurance can you be certain (terms and conditions apply) that the destruction of your city will not leave without the means to rebuild your life. Remember that Speculator™ brand insurance is the only insurance company to be officially endorsed by the Ecclesiarchy and have won the Faithfuls' choice award 10,000 years in a row, because with Speculator™ brand insurance the Emperor protects.
Oh I forgot to say:
>Ogryns in plush mascot outfits.
So ridiclious thats its good. Love it!
Better add some cool light cavalry
Fuck yeah, Hua Yuan.
Still the best thing Veeky Forums has pumped out in years
Rave partying narcotics hunting for tyranids so they can make dope out of nids brains. Nice.
>I can imagine seeing a colourful Valkyrie with a cartoon woman on it might catch some enemies off guard and make them slower to act.
Or a vulture maybe?
That, and the fact that barely anyone outside Scandinavia has ever heard of them, and certainly almost nobody in the anglosphere. It's the same reason why you won't find any troops based around the 80 years war here, for instance.
Long time ago I was apart of a creation thread for an Imperial guard regiment called the Hounds of Locus.
They were navy armsmen who had a great relationship with Psykers and basically would use mining drills to board other vessels in order to destroy the enemy.
Unfortunately due to some arguing about whether or not Tech-Priests should be included as apart of their command structure since they did come from a forge-world and would likely be controlled mostly by the adeptus mechanicus.
Also others felt that the relationship with psykers wasn't very well defined and complained.
Here's a piece of artwork a drawfriend in that thread made.
I think the best thing is that they're giant hypocrites in that they play Arbites-lite while indulging in some pretty heavy heresy themselves
Well it depends on which sponsor the regiment has, but for regiments with large mega corps as the sponsors I'm sure much of their stuff will be flashy. Most probably won't be too obnoxious with outright advertising stuff, but I'm sure there will be some.
On the other hand, speculator regiments sponsored by the big banks will tend to be very subdued with advertising.
However all sponsorships come with perks, even if it means plastering a weird logo on regimental chimeras.
The Speculators (although I think I'm going to change the name to the Publicani after the Roman tax collecting class) homeworld is an interesting planet. It is massive, dwarfing Holy Terra with ease. However as a result it naturally has a very high gravity. But, when it was settled it was discovered that there are about 11-15 locations scatted across the world of Cilium known as Plinths. The Plinths are massive areas of land and water that are located upon ancient "human" archeotech devices that create massive artifical gravity fields that make standard Terran life viable. These plinths are the size of small hive cities or the size of small countries and thus most of the life on Cilium is centered around these plinths. Hence due to the difficulties of getting around the rest of the planet the planet has developed a very research, innovative and investing centric culture.
The world of Cilium was settled by the IoM in M36. A naturally verdant world, characterized by many rivers, rain forests, sweeping plains and volcanic mountain ranges with large oceans. The locations of the the Plinths showed clear remains of human habitation and the AdMech was called in to evaulate the plinths to judge if it was acceptable in the Eyes of the Omnissiah and thus viable for the IoM to settle upon the plinths of the world.
The AdMech came to the consensus that the Plinths and the machinery located within them are most certainly (probably) of human origin and fit for settling. However this came with the caveat that the AdMech would retain exclusive rights to one of the Plinths and share a second one with the world.
So from then on the world was properly settled. As of M41 8 of the known and verified plinths are settled by various cities, hives, towns, farms etc, with a 9th in the possesion of the AdMech serving as a research station and manufactorum center. Key to the AdMech's agreement to sanction the world and the Plinth's was that they could research the incredible archeotech to discover it's secrets. However by M37 the AdMech officially put a moratorium on any experimentation, research or tinkering with the mechanisms in the Plinths due to an incident that happened at the shared plinth. Essentially in the course of research at the Plinth shared by the AdMech and the Cilium government/populace something happened that caused the mechanism in that plinth to change. The results were catastrophic. Somehow the Plinth became dangerously unstable and it experienced a massive Grav surge which killed 89% of the population on that plinth as they were literally pulped by a sudden brief surge of extreme gravity.
While the gravity surge that ruined Plinth 09 was very brief, the plinth is no longer sanction for settlement as even to this day there exist a very rare phenomenon of essentially a roving localized grav storm rhat roves the plinth
As a result of the Plinth 09 Accident, the AdMech force on the planet took a "conciliatory" attitude towards the Planetary government and society of Cilium. Due to the AdMech accidentally pulping a few million loyal imperial citizens and rendering one of the few viable locations for habitation no longer viable they have taken a more relaxed approach towards innovation from non-AdMech on the planet. The AdMech currently hold dominion over two Plinths on Cilium. Plinth 09 and Plinth 03 and Plinth 1/8th ( a series of islands in the middle of the ocean). Plinth 03 serves as the main AdMech manufactorum and research facilities. Plinth 09 is now a research facility run by the Magos Biologis Rji-Zeta. The purposes of it seem to be centered around how the local fauna and flora have adapted to growing in a gravitationally unstable area. It also serves as a proving ground for the Cilium's AdMech Skitarii forces, which are considerably heavier, sturdier and designed compared to most Skitarii forces. They are designed to operate in normal gravity and the high natural gravity of Cilium and thus are considerably more powerful than standard Skitarii forces.
Due to the incident at Plinth 09 Cilium society has taken a careful approach to expansion. There are currently 11-15 Plinths identified across the planet with a the possibility of a few more existing. However since Plinth 09 revealed the potential dangers Cilium has taken a slow approach to settling new Plinths until it is really needed, thus allowing for workable land and resources in safe gravity zones.
Resource extraction done outside of the Plinths, while lucrative is difficult. While the giant planet has plenty of resources and riches, extracting them, or really having crews spend prolonged time on extraction is not easy. Thus why the world has developed a massive investment culture. any trip off of the plinths must be well funded and account for hazard pay
Every mining, lumber, hunting, agricultural venture outside of the safe gravity zones has to be well funded and prepared otherwise, said ventures would last a matter of days before the entire crew would have to return to the Plinths before their hearts gave out from the high gravity of Cilium.
It is also for this reason that Cilium has booming industries, most notably in tech and pharmaceuticals. Proper medications and drugs designed to help the "standard" human body cope with extreme, high or dangerous levels of gravity are a necessity for future growth on the planet. Equally another big industry is grav-tech. While the imperium has widespread access to artifical gravity for it's space stations, and space fleet, artificial gravity isn't nearly as accessible on the small scale so many companies on Cilium focus on developing small scale artificial gravity systems for transports, and portable housing for mining/resource/exploration ventures.
The Crusaders Penitent.
They are a subsect of the Black Templars that really put emphasis on the fact the the original templar brothers, as well as Dorn, failed spectacularly when protecting the emperor. They swear a blood oath upon taking up arms, and paint their fist and melee weapons red as well as sometimes using the traditional chain the standard templars use. This symbolizes the pain glove of Dorn, the blood of the emperor being on their hands and more frequently the blood of their enemies. All of the crusaders seek glorious redemption through death in combat, so backline positions are seen as worse than death. Those who fail in the line of duty, or break their blood oath, are sentenced to penitance squads (devastator squads) as opposed to exile or death. Worse still is confinement into a dreadnaught sarchophagus, because at that point death is seen as nearly impossible. These marines have both their fists painted red to mark this second failure (the first being the death of the emperor) and brand them as such. Their most prominant member is a leviathen dreadnaught whose name has long been forgotten. Called "The Fist" by his bretheren, he is rumored to predate the heresy. Since none in the chapter are older then him, not much is known of his true identity, as the leviathan armor has long since reduced him to a gibbering butcher, barely cognisant enough to be directed at an enemy before once again slipping into a chemically induced slumber. To keep their nearly suicidal marines in check, this chapter holds apothecaries and techmarines in high regard as they help to stem the tide of casualties. All this bloodthirst is seen as nearly heretical by some, and rumors persist that their connection to the world eaters is deeper then the average templar crusade. Their power armor is black, and their chapter symbol is a red templars cross, only broken by the occasional red fist. Red trim or helmets are used to denote sword bretheren or other veterans.
Well there are quite a few of them in the archives but here are a few of them that remember well enough to bring them up.
A luckless space marine chapter who the admiration and Adeptus Mechanicus hate so are low on supplies and equipment.
A space marine chapter gets the support of a Sororita Order in a game of cards. A interesting idea of how a Sororita order would work with a space marine chapter.
The Abyssal Jaws have quite a bit of writing done of them but I haven't read much on them so can't say much more on them
A space Marine chapter who are successors of the Flesh Tearers who went feral with a Aztecs as a background.
A Sororita Order that are focused more on stealth and subterfuge rather then direct combat.
And those are just the ones that I can remember off the top of my head and I can find.
Good writefaggotry.
Banners could also be company logos or advertisements with phone numbers and stuff. What a better way to show tjose pesky renegades where to get the cheapest funeral.
I'f figured it'd make a fun setting for OW and DH and now with the new lore/setting developments with the Dark Imperium it'll be even more interesting. Equally the nature of this fluff means there can be a few interesting and different Speculator regiments, however all believe that the risk is always worth it.
as a result of it's location near the edge of IoM space, location on a stable warp route it is a subsector/sector capital of trade and a favorite stop of Rogue traders.
Equally the Adeptus Sororitas maintains a large presence of Sister's hospitallers and Famulousas on the world to benefit and work with the booming business and health industries and because, it's essentially the crossroads of the subsector
I'm also thinking that perhaps a Primaris chapter may be founded due to it's importance in the sector and the interesting fluff that could develop from that. A massive planet, but much of it all relatively inaccessible to standard humans, perhaps not so for Primaris Astartes
I'm currently making an Imperial Guard/Genestealer Cult army that borrows from both the Helghast and the Chimera. It's like a Playstation 3 FPS dream team.
I had an idea for an SM Chapter based on Hindu practices - Naganubhratra ("Younger brothers of Nagas" Salamander successors). Big on close combat Scouts with Urumis, third eye on helmet, murder-servitor Untouchables, etc.
Ive read every homebrew guard and chapter on 1d4chan and Ive loved all of them. Unironically got me into 40k
What's your favorite? Which do you like the least?
Same here. I was there when we started to create Argo Brigade. Now it is growing like a fungus.
Yea especially when you have debt up to your ears quick buck becomes tempting. You come do some dirty work for us and we wont take your house. Maybe even throw few bucks to keep your family fed.
Conservators and Flesh helms were always my two favorites. They're just so comfy
Hua Yuan and Sanguine Shields are also, but I was involved super heavily so Im biased
My nigga
I remember a geanstealer cult that was based on an agri world with giant ass hydroponics, was based off southern rednecks
Another dark eldar that was based on Celtic folklore
Not IG but a year or two ago there was a fusion faction generation thread where a Dark Eldar Kabal took control of a small Tyranid splinter fleet. The Archon set herself up as a mutant psuedo-Norn Queen and all the kabalites were using Tyranid bio weapons and high on Tyranid drugs with hormagaunts as hunting dogs.
They never got past one thread though, the OP just decided to roll a new faction instead of expanding on them for some reason.
Bigger version.
IG chapter of borderland psychos
Some Speculator Regiment fluff:
> Of course it'd be remiss to not mention one of the most famous Cilium Regiments. The Falumisk Filthy Fifty. The information giant Falumisk had secured the rights to sponsor the regiment that year. This was a particularly appetizing time to sponsor a regiment since it had already been decided where the newly founded regiment would be heading. The expected campaign for the new regiment would be on a slow approaching space hulk that was meandering ever closer to the neighboring system.
>Upon receiving the sponsorship of the new regiment Falumisk stunned everyone by registering the regiment as a penal regiment. The other corps and firms that lost out on the chance to sponsor the new regiment cried at this "offense" and claimed that the sponsorship should be revoked. However the genius behind this move was made apparent when the regiment shipped off.
>Due to the various rules, protocols and regulations of raising a regiment, registering as a penal regiment allows for a given regiment to raise a considerably massive force in one regiment. Usually done for cheap bodies to throw into the meat grinder of war, the Falumisk raised regiment, later named the "Filthy Fifty", was a regiment 50,000 strong.
>By careful and clever maneuvering, the new regiment was 5 times larger then the next largest regiment that would be on the campaign to eliminate the space hulk. Equally as per Departmento Munitorum protocols it also ensured adequate transport and munitions along with enough explosive collars.
> In the end, the Filthy Fifty was a massive success. Suffering only 17% casualties in clearing it's assigned sections of the space hulk and saved two allied regiments. In the end the enterprise resulted in tremendous honors for the Speculator "Penal" regiment and it resulted in 12% of the space hulk (cut up & salvaged) being given to the AdMech of Cilium which as per its agreement gave 50% of it to the sponsor of the regiment Falumisk
is /k/ still doing that unnaground thing?
>An attack every two days
>In 40k
Some mother fuckers roll hard.
Who were these soldiers? What horrors lurked on their homeworld? What gruesome training did they experience to become unbreakable stones? What's their cuisine?
Fuck these dude seem quite badass. Wikipages doesnt share anymore information.
Are there Ogryn-only regiments with normal human commanders/commissars?
A primaris chapter of iron hands succesor from the planet of mesing. Clad in armor that is very brasslike (i dont know how to convey brass in ms paint, forgive me) that call themselves the statues of mesing. Now pic related is them at the point of founding, but when they tried to cross the great rift to help out some ad mech they got really unlucky with warp fuckery, their armor and equipment aged extremely quickly and when they emerged from the warp all their equipment had a rust, all over there was that cool looking green rust that appears on brass (vertigris is the official name for the rust). Now im still thinking of more things i want to include into this chapter and cool stuff i can do for the mini to make it look aged other than just some nihiliakh oxide.
fuck i forgot pic, anyway i still dont have a good warcry or a good chapter symbol, the stuff i have there is just for the interecessors, hellblasters, inceptors
I saw one guy doing a ogryn only army but no idea if there are any fluff behind it.
Im assuming there are at least Ogryn PDFs from all ogryn worlds, so Im saying its definitely possible for it to happen
Sons of Baal
>formed from Blood Angels implanted with experimental gene seed meant to reduce chances of black rage
>many get accused of cowardice for not sharing the same ferociousness as their battle brothers
>get put in own squadrens
>sustain high casualties at the hand of allied death company after being fired upon for unknown reasons
>get put into own chapter
>get massacred by allied flesh tearers, again the reason is unknown
>decision is made that they are to much of a hazzard to themselves to stay near Baal
>labeled as The Weepers by other Blood Angel chapters
>get sent across galaxy to find planet suitable to recruit from in case Baal is destroyed
>space fleet made up of six skirmish class ships and many smaller vessels
> constantly thrown into battles and support rolls to try and induce black rage
> still zero documented cases