Why is being "That Guy" so despised? Taking games off the rails and wrecking shit is fun. Especially when you get to see the GM get pissed when his crappy setting and plot go up in flames. Fucking priceless, m8. Come on Veeky Forums, let's have some stories of when we purposefully fucked shit up.
Why is being "That Guy" so despised? Taking games off the rails and wrecking shit is fun...
Other urls found in this thread:
It's only fun for you though. What about everyone else at the table?
>picture of moonman
>that drivel
You're slipping, Johnson. A few more threads like this and I'm taking you off bait duty.
gr8 b8 m8
>What about everyone else at the table?
Why does that matter? They came to an RPG game, they are not entitled to have fun. This isn't a fucking customer service position. You are not entitled to enjoy everything you go to in life. If you don't like something or are not enjoying it, be an adult and leave. If you do not do this, you have no right to complain, and you deserve everything that comes to you. That is how TTRPGs work. Your ""social anxiety"" is no excuse, either, by the way.
Read up on Oscar. You can do that without being an obnoxious chucklefuck shit about it.
You also have basically no idea of knowing whether you're ruining a good game ahead of time. If it's been garbage for everyone for half a year, then it's probably warranted to drive it to the ground.
Most of the time you'll just be an awful person and the great derail meme of yours will just end up in everyone shrugging and moving on, since they clearly didn't give that much of a fuck about the game to begin with.
That Guy isn't so despised, so despised is That Guy.
But that said, the difference is probably lost on you, since you seem to be a real cunt who's overly impressed with his own lel-so-randumb outplays.
The police will never find your body.
>What's wrong with being unlikable?
Nothing inherently, I guess. Just see where it takes you.
>there is another motivation for playing a game of any kind aside of entertainment
Ah, you're autistic. That explains it.
>there is another motivation for playing a game of any kind aside of entertainment
>creative fulfillment does not exist
Throw away the dice then, they stunt your histrionic growth.
This is either bait or a sad human being with no friends.
I'm going to believe the second because I'd prefer to believe that tonight ends with OP becoming an hero.
I doubt that's actually the case, but I like to think I can just barely hear the gunshot from here.
Well, it really depends on your definition of "That Guy."
Our group's "That Guy" started the first session of Rogue Trader by trying to buy sex slaves, and wanted to play delightful character concepts such as "Guy who tortures people because it gets him hard."
What the fuck are you even talking about?
I know someone who actually thinks like this
Why is he still breathing?
"That Guy" isn't defined as someone who takes the game off the rails, it's defined as someone who did something you don't like.
It could be magical realm or always playing the same dwarven fighter or lolrandom or being a massive munchkin. "That Guy" has no meaning other than "Fuck that guy."
>People aren't entitled to not being pissed off but why are they pissed off when I piss them off?
Obvious bait but you're still too stupid to live.
This man is fucking right.
Because having fun at the expense of others is not acceptable.
That's fine as long as you remember that you're not entitled to being allowed to stay in the game when people inevitably get fed up with your garbage.
Damnit Loki, how'd you sneak net access into your cell
because you are violating the NAP
People who complain about "That Guy" are That Guys themselves. They actively make games unfun by trying to police the fun, because you're not allowed to have Wrong Fun.
hello autism
He's really going all out.
If I'm not having fun at a table I udually just leave, what kind of idiot sticks around when they don't enjoy themselves?
If a video game is shit do you keep playing it?
That being said I'm not a cunt and I'm perfectly happy playing whatever generic game the GM can cobble together.
Hey, as an Autist I can confirm that guy is just asn asshole.
The only way to read this thread
Have a (you).
>you have no right to complain
If you have the right to throw spanners, and they have the right to leave, they should also have the right to stay and complain as well. If anything, it should only make it more fun for you in the long run.
>they are not entitled to have fun
When a RPG session is advertised as a game as seen the name Role Playing Game, then you would think that players come expecting to have fun and enjoy themselves wouldn't you? Entitled? No, perhaps not. No one is entitled to have fun. You have to earn fun, just like you imply. Rights? Yes, in a way, they do have the right to have fun when they show up to a Game of Role Playing and actively try to enjoy themselves, just as you also have the right to have fun being a dick. They also have the right to throw you out, but that depends on what you are doing and in what game. If the GM is turd, the players may welcome of even link arms with your shitdoings.
Strange that you should try to justify being a dick instead of admitting how cruel you are and sharing your ploys of ruin with us. I've had GMs who put me to sleep, and GMs who actively railroad, so tactfully (or sometimes non-tactfully) messing with the GM can be the only way to make fun occur. Similarly with players. Though my tactic would be to try and humiliate the problematic one in question, but pass it off as a jest in good humour. You can work to correct people's faults that way.
Sure. Except I'm usually the one running the game. Without me, there's no fucking game. Unless they want to go back to the horrible D&D campaigns they were running before I showed up. God those were a shitshow, I played in the one they were doing when I joined and man did it suck. So now I am DMing and they can deal with it. And if I am a player, we are playing at my house. That is how I maintain control.
This was made just for you.
>throw spanners
Why the fuck are brits even allowed on this website, don't you have a muzzie cocksucking quota to fill?
>When a RPG session is advertised as a game as seen the name Role Playing Game, then you would think that players come expecting to have fun and enjoy themselves wouldn't you?
What exactly in the name "roleplaying game" implies characters are entitled to have fun? When you play Monopoly, are you entitled to have fun? No. Admittedly Monopoly is a shit game anyway, so bad example. But this level of entitlement is just kinda sad. Especially because so much of it comes from Matt Mercer's Critical Roll podcast setting unrealistic expectations for what an RPG will be like. Matthew Mercer is contributing more to the downfall of the D&D community than anyone else in history. Not even Monte Cook, not even Lorraine Williams, not even Micheal Merals, not even Gary Gygax himself have done as much damage to D&D. Mercer has made the game palatable to the kind of person who spends his Friday nights playing Cards Against Humanity while slobbering microbrews all over his beard while his wife's son is sleeping in the next room. The kind of moron who thinks mirthful laughter is the end goal of everything, and fails to understand the potential that RPGs have as a fulfilling hobby.
>That is how I maintain control.
If I was your player, I would of told you to fuck off and I would of found another. Rather play no game then play with a cunt.
Went just a touch to far on this one, need to maintain a better balance on your bait, make sure people are fully invested before you start going pol and dragging up old copypasta
Here's a (you) for your effort though, good show mate
>he types out a huge reply to a post he didn't finish reading
Tell me user, in the quiet moments when you're alone, how sad are you?
Bait and autism.
Personally, I prefer to "maintain control" by running games that are entertaining and creatively satisfying for both me and my players, making them eager to come back for more.
I like threads like these. Even though they're clearly just bait, it gives you an excuse to sort of rationalize and argue with this hypothetical person to better understand why that person is trash, and what it is about these games that are actually positive.
I bet you have a lot of friends, OP
No (You) for you.
It's not that being "That Guy" is despised, it's that if you're despised then you're "That Guy".
The amount of anal damage this poster has caused is directly proportional to the truth of his arguments. If you disagree with any of this, head for the oncology ward, because you're the cancer killing tabletop RPGs.
This part especially
>Mercer has made the game palatable to the kind of person who spends his Friday nights playing Cards Against Humanity while slobbering microbrews all over his beard while his wife's son is sleeping in the next room.
desperate samefagging
let your retarded thread die already OP
I r8 b8 8/8 m8
Watch the latest released episode of "Heroes & Halfwits" on YouTube and you will see why That Guy is so despised, as you realize that everybody participating including the audience has wasted two hours of their time because of some jackass's 15-second joke.
OP I understand that you made this thread because somebody ruined your fun. You're trying to see if anyone will defend the indefensible and simply imitating The Guy you hate. I'm interested in what the story behind your pain is.
Why would he do that when his thread is doing exactly what it was made to? Look all the angry anons here who've gleefully jumped at his bait. OP has already won. Veeky Forums is the easiest board to troll.
Sorry kiddo, but you've been BTFO
I truly believe you are pathetic.
Seeing how this thread is absolute shit I have decided to post knights.
P.S I have a lot of knights.
I enjoy knights.
How many Roll20 games have you been kicked from user?
Be honest.
Do not underestimate me.
Do not disrespect me.
Becuase all it will do
God fucking damnit I forgot the knight
It will simply push this thread closer to the end
Oh, look. It's Autism: The Thread.
Damn, and I thought /k/ was easy to troll.
You got that right
See, that's true if the GM DOES have a crappy setting and plot, and DOES deserve a comeuppance.
THAT GUYS do it to games that everyone else would have enjoyed, but he just couldn't let them because it was all about his own fun.
That is the core of That Guyness: Selfishness.
OR how about since everyone else was having a good time til you showed up, DM included, YOU leave.
Welp, we found OP's alignment.
Put me in the screencap at exactly a 135° angle
He looked at me and whispered "You'll never reach the truth." and like that, he vanished.
Ah fuck this knight doesn't have a name.
What should I name him?
BRB babes gotta name knights.
(I will post knight's later)
Just try to ruin it.
My settings are so well constructed that you cannot really ruin anything, and if you can think that you did something that was unexpected then think again you fucking weirdo, I am a DM, when making a scene I always think of 35 possible and -98373 impossible things.
My level of railroad is comparable to the free will given to you by God himself, and yet you will think that's all your doing when I will just laugh silently and silently apply the easiest way to bring you closer to your character demise.
Here I thought it was Autistic/Faggot.
I am not Knightposter, but I will contribute a Lady Knight to his crusade.
here, take this (You) pal. you'll need it for the long winter alone.
>be OP
>be an autistic asshole to everyone playing whatever RPG at the moment
>"If you don't like something or are not enjoying it, be an adult and leave."
>everyone proceeds to leave and move over to the next area
>OP sitting alone now
>"Why is being me so despised?"
I can see it now. You actually gave me a good chuckle. You're still a faggot thou.
The help is appreciated.
thank you knightbro for saving this shitty thread
I accidentally my entire Xbox
Would Chaotic Autism apply?
No problem
The artist for a lot of these is Kekai Kotaki
Ayyy lmao
Hope you guys are enjoying the dump.
not a knight but here's a badass lady
I should change that to long dead knight but the thought of a man refusing to die and surviving from pure willpower is pretty cool.
Anyone got any good anime to recommend?
read jojo
I hope you guys understand how many knights I have.
Atom: The Beginning is pretty cool. It is a nice SoL prequel to Astroboy.
Already read it.
Johhny is the best.