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>How to Jumpchain
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Any jumps with EUROBEAT?
Jojo, make a cool Stand with it.
The Transporter Shard in Worm will make you a beast at driving
What are some good jumps with giant space wars?
Technically he wasnt an ork. Hw was an orukhai.
>it's an uruk-hai apologists can't even spell the race they're defending right episode
/jc/, what have been your dumbest plans?
I have the same problem with most fantasy jumps.
Personally I just got Nubee to give me one of his OC quirks at random, and did my build around that in the spirit of "people don't get to pick their own quirks".
Didn't we have that post like, two threads ago?
Sins of a Solar Empire
Supreme Commander
The Polity (with Avalon Station Drawback)
Starship Troopers: Roughneck Chronicles (with or without Arachnophobia drawback)
Steven Universe (with the big drawback)
Warhammer 40k (especially Imperium & Eldar)
>Star Trek Jumps
>Star Wars Jumps
>All 40K Jumps
>Endless Space (I think this is a jump)
Could we have a list of your waifus?
Marvel or DC can easily be depending where you go
Nah, we've got Endless Legends bu tnot Endless Space (yet).
> Finally decide to redo my Naruto build, in order to prune some companions
> This means taking advantage of the free imports
> Lookat drawbacks
> "Dysfunction Junction: You and your team... don't really get along."
> If one genin takes it, they all have to.
> Decide that, nah, I don't wanna take that if I'm importing my own companions.
> But in this jump, companions can also take drawbacks.
> Realize one of those companions would ABSOLUTELY take that drawback.
> For just a moment, feel an absurd desire to call that companion a dipshit.
> Realize this is what I put my companions through all the fucking time.
Huh. So this is what it feels like.
Thanks guys, I was gone 2 threads ago.
Batman user I have question. Can I take take learning timetable of 2nd magic from F/SN and apply it to Kaleid 2nd magic ?
Like current chain waifus?
If current chain.
1.) Pokewaifu (Gardevoir)
2.) Setsuna from Fire Emblem Fates
3.) Rinkah from Fire Emblem Fates
4.) Sadayo Kawakami from P5
They fulfil my roles I need. As a mostly mage/monk type character, I needed protection so Rinkah as a Black Smith was pretty good at that.
I also needed a roguish type character, Setsuna fits that bill. I had to work with her not to accidently walk into the traps. She's still a ditz when she's not in combat or in dangerous situations.
Pokewaifu is the healer type. She's also the head wife and takes the job seriously. However she is the motherly type so she's not mean.
Sadayo picks up what's needed at any given moment. She's also our personal maid, but she drops the cutsie "meido" personality. She's more herself but loving. She's like the second motherly figure do to her experience as a teacher.
The Spellmaster companion option needs clarification. She gets half the CP you do? For just this jump, I hope? Does that include the CP you spent on her?
And every time she resets her progress, she gets better at making you better every time you reset your progress?
Is there any way to safely use the upgraded shapeshifting perk from gunnerkrigg court without ending your chain?
Real eat toggle to selectively turn off portions of your powers, turn off unwanted shapeshifting.
Just ignoring that doesn't work with real eaters rules huh?
So which jump provides the best time diddling perks?
Bastard!! jump is quickly getting closer to being ready. All the perks are actually decided, but we still need to fluff them up and find the appropriately metal names, and there's only a few items left. Could be as soon as a week from now that I release this thing.
Problem is...we're kind of stuck on these last few items. 100 cp item for an origin based on Dark Schneider, a 100cp for one based on Kall-Su and his Shoguns, a 100 and 200 for an origin based on Yoko, her father and the various knights and samurai of kingdoms like Metallicana and Iron Maiden and lastly a 100 item for an origin based on the various monsters of the first half of Bastard!!, from the common orc to Ede EE and dragons.
If anyone familiar with the series has any suggestions for these (Or in general for the part 1 jump if they like), we'd really appreciate the help. My sisters are stumped and I'm struggling too, so while we will eventually find these last few, it'd speed things up a lot if anyone could chuck us some suggestions.
It doesnt make it more powerful or change its power source how is that against the rules?
>Doesn't make it more powerful
It seems like it's greatly increasing it's utility to me. Going from adjusting the level of the power to specifically shutting off drawbacks or unwanted parts of the power and leaving the good stuff is a huge, ginormous leap in power.
It just turns the powet from always on to on when you want it. There is no power increase, it may have more utility now but utility is not base power.
So the perk can'tmake something any more useful? Seems stupid since that is literally its purpose.
You're increasing the good side with no decrease elsewhere. It is straight up making the power better overall. Unless you're the sort of person who thinks power refers solely to how much it can destroy, stop pretending this isn't making it stronger.
That's not it's purpose. At all. It lets you change things to similar things. Fire powers can become Ice powers. They can't become better Fire powers.
>You're increasing the good side with no decrease elsewhere.
No I am not increasing it at all, it stays the same.
Unless you cannot read english I have said this already. Fuck you could literally just use toggle as is.
The legend of Galactic heroes
And as I said before I recommend you watch the Anime first before reading the jump because the Jump spoils the show majorly
Yeah no, ice and fire have way different utility, if I changed it to electricty powers then I could do a shitload more, more utility is not more power.
You said above to "Real eat toggle to selectively turn off portions of your powers, turn off unwanted shapeshifting." Either you're just saying to toggle the whole thing off in which case you're a moron who mentioned real eater for no reason or you're saying to specifically turn off an unwanted part of the shapeshifting power, something way beyond Toggle's reach, and then saying to use Real Eater to make it capable of such a thing, which would be a straight up upgrade.
So is more power getting the ability to turn off all the drawbacks and unwanted parts of all your powers from a perk that normally just lets you turn off the entire power at once, good and bad?
>100 cp item for an origin based on Dark Schneider, a 100cp for one based on Kall-Su and his Shoguns, a 100 and 200 for an origin based on Yoko
For Darsh you can always put up that Cape/Leather gear for the freebie and have costume gear for the rest
IIRC one of the chapters has big pauldrons
Toggle already turns off portions of powers, stop moving goalposts. I mean unless you think toggle shpuld turn you into a base human whenever you use it.
No user, by his definition, total reality warping would be an acceptable change so long as it could not deal more damage maximum then whatever fire power you were working with originally. Just get the biggest biggatons ability you have and turn it into reality warping with real eater.
Being able to turn off portions of powers not entire powers is a downgrade. Not even who you linked just saiyan.
No, ti cannot you moron. Read the perk. It can turn off your power partially OVERALL. So you can have half your normal super strength or a tenth of your normal magical power, not that you can turn off bits you don't like.
...so turn off all portions of a power? How is it a downgrade to gain the ability to get rid of all the costs, limits and drawbacks to your abilities? Are you just shit posting? I cannot see how this can be more clear.
And by your definition real eater literally cannot do anything. All I am saying is utility does not equal power.
How long will it take for part 2 to come after part 1? Have you started working on it?
I don't know. We already have Abigail's tentacle/spider leg cape (Optionally some other attack capable clothing) as a 100 for another origin. It is a good idea to offer some sort of free clothing thing with big pauldrons though, thanks for reminding me.
>can turn off your power partially OVERALL
Exactly, so how if it can already do that can it not do that.
Wouldn't you just need something like user, It's You! (Robocop) to stop the identity loss, and then a perk to keep absolute control of yourself like maybe Mind Over Matter (Cho Aniki)?
>Half dragon in Arcanum
No idea, beyond that it increases power and lifespan to some degree, and was capable of resurrecting the long deceased.
It's a bit of a silly perk, as the Dragon Blood Pool comes up for one or two small questlines. Having it be a source for creating powerful undead would be more appropriate than completely nebulous "half dragon" powers that are never explained.
No you fuck you literally can not change the downsides of a perk.
I've got a bunch of ideas noted down already but not much serious work because we're all in the middle of our exams. It's probably not going to be as big as the part 1 (4 planned origins in part 2 against the 8 origins in part 1) but we should still get a sizeable amount done.
If it can't change anything if the utility or power goes up what can it do? It is way to expensive to be just a reskin.
For one, it's probably the fucking worst perk in the entire chain because of how vague it is, how meta bullshit it is and how much confusion and arguments it generates.
Two, if we have to talk about it, maybe a middle ground solution is best. Obviously things that boost power overall are out but things that only do it in certain situations could be okay or things that make it better in some areas while worse in others could be good too. That way you can make sense of things like the fire-ice-electricity example, where the 'utility' is improved a lot and it's better in a good amount of cases, but it's not stronger overall with no losses.
>using perks in combination to shore up their weaknesses is changing them.
You should probably let everyone know their combos are invalid then.
Tge perk runs in between those reeimg fucks, yes it can change stuff into stuff with more utility to ypu as long as it stays the same power, turning fore to ice as said,or fire to electricity. The problem is you cant really tell where more utility = more power because without the maksr its just a bunch of reeeing shitpistery.
I don't really know desu. The perk is as follows:
>+You can now take on the form of things not strictly living or even normally mobile. Become a living pillar of fire or a flying shadow, will yourself into a form and it is so. You can gain great benefits in power from these forms by submitting to them and letting them change who you are within them, embodying destruction, life or other similar concepts at a cost of it being harder to act against your form.
>-You take on these forms by believing you are them, and this has the minor effect of altering your thinking slightly. Rocklike forms become more stubborn, forms based on fire seek to feed and grow by destroying the landscape. At base this is easily resisted, a minor want to be brushed aside. However time and people’s perception can change this, as you stay in a form or if all who know you see you as a form then that form’s influence on you will grow, not a great deal but enough for you to not notice. It is also somewhat over easy to change forms, with what you need right at your fingertips it is easily possible to give in on accident and change more than you intended. If you become more something else than yourself mentally, your chain shall cease as you are no longer you.
With the perk you can change your form by believing you are what you are changing into. So the perk from Robocop for example could make it impossible to change shape at all, because you always believe yourself to be human. That's why I asked the thread, I can't think of any perk that would allow me safe shapeshifting while retaining the ability to shapeshift at all.
Damn. Well that makes things more difficult.
Eh, you can upgrade the utility with it. The first example that we have of an ability being changed was a super-strength that make you invisible because people subconsciously feared you so much that they erased you from their minds to a speed ability that let you dodge a conceptual counter-attack.
Another change is turning an ability to see the world through other's eyes to a self-analysis ability.
Both abilities clearly upgraded their utility. Heck, the third canon example was to allow All Fiction to 'unerase' things. That's clearly an upgrade in power.
Just don't listen to these people. No matter what you come with, they will hate it because they hate the perk itself as admits.
You realise the ability is heavily, heavily nerfed from the canon power?
Says the idiot so stupid he can't be bothered to read the jump and see that the Real Eater perk has much harsher limits compared to the original power. Try not using those examples when they directly contradict the few clear rules the perk actually has you idiot.
Show where in the jump it says you cannot increase utility? Not him but unless it says it you have to go by canon.
>user, It's You! (Robocop)
>No matter what happens to you, no matter what you become, you will always be you. You could be just a brain in a jar and you would still have everything you need to make you 'human'.
Okay, so Robocop probably isn't the best one.
>I Am What I Am And Always Will Be (Innistrad)
>No matter the change in form, so long as the change was external and not of your accord, you will be able to reconcile yourself and remain true to who you are. You are able to reconcile things like the second soul of lycanthropes with who you are, and come out no less yourself. But with added abilities from whatever you have incorporated. If you were a werewolf, you would be able to seamlessly transition between wolf and man at will, and retain your mind in both forms. This can be applied to other similar circumstances outside Innistrad just as well.
...or even:
>Old Habits Die Hard (Overwatch)
>You are who you are, even if you would deny it. Deep down inside, you’ll always be you. Sure, you’ll change as time goes on and your beliefs and personality may change with you. But at the core, you will always be who you really are, whether that’s good or bad.
Not sure if taking a boosted perk counts as external though.
Are we finally going to get the Generic Isekai Jump or he Kano Suba Jump?
>It's nerfed from the canon
Nowhere in the jump says that. You should try to read it before coming to cry here.
>o long as the change was external and not of your accord
Quite useless in this case, I would think.
The second perk, even though it's better than the Robocop one, still has the same problems. If I am always the same deep down, could I shapeshifting by believing myself to be something else? This would probably be a good question for the jumpmaker if he's still around.
Who said I was talking about that? I was talking about you using canon examples of what Real Eater has changed when all but one of your examples breaks the no power increase rule.
The first one changed super strength that wasn't much more then MCU's hulk into super speed at the speed of light.
The second one fits.
The third one even you admit is a straight increase in power.
If you're going to try and justify it, don't do it this way and rely on canon when the ability doesn't work like canon.
Well aionon was working on an isekai jump bur he dropped everything due to work recently so you could probably make one?
It can only make one change per ability. It must make things into similar things. It cannot increase power. None are canon limits of the power. Read the series before trying to discuss this or at least look at the wiki.
Actually, it might work because of this part:
>Sure, you’ll change as time goes on and your beliefs and personality may change with you.
In the end it's probably a matter of fanwank, which is a shame, because I wouldn't risk my chain ending for a single perk, even if it's essentially unique.
>don't do it this way and rely on canon when the ability doesn't work like canon.
Source: user's ass
That was a canon use of Real Eater if I remember right. Also granting All Fiction an Undo button.
Right user, tell us where all the limits in the perk are in the canon ability. Go on. If it's got those limits in canon, you can obviously link us to where that's said.
just take... What was it again, Gravity Falls shapeshifting?
>MCU's hulk into super speed at the speed of light.
Hulk lifted mjolnir with muscle power once, so I can believe that one if it was normal marvel.
Another guy to not even bother reading the actual perk? How do you even make builds? Do you rely solely on what thread says?
Post the perk then.
And yet it is not comics marvel. It is MCU marvel. And it was a comparison. The strength of Hinokage let him wreck up a under construction building. Not even a skyscraper. A few stories tall, made of metal girders. Not that impressive compared to moving at 1c.
>It can only make one change per ability.
Real Eater never does more than one change on the same person.
> It must make things into similar things.
Fire and Ice are examples and are hardly similar.
> It cannot increase power.
That's limit is so loosely considering the examples given that trying to quantify when something is actually increasing the power is pointless most of the time.
The canon power was hardly ever showed in the series to say that we cannot base it when it's clearly the same power.
That only gives me physical shapeshifting, and perks like that are dime a dozen in the chain. I want the Gunnerkrigg one to become physically impossible things. Examples in the perk are a living pillar of fire and a flying shadow. Also, this part
>You can gain great benefits in power from these forms by
submitting to them and letting them change who you are within them, embodying destruction, life or other similar concepts at a cost of it being harder to act against your form.
is pretty great. And the Gravity Falls one has the added drawback of only being able to change into forms you witnessed.
Jumpchain as a concept is pretty much identical to Isekai, if you think about it.
Never said it couldn't either, the fact that it is explicit in jump is a change.
They're both elemental abilities.
That's not even an answer. None of the examples are about increasing power so of course they do not give any way to compare.
You're going to have to explain where you get the idea that the perk, with many explicit rules that the canon NEVER MENTIONS OR IMPLIES, is somehow the same as the canon power.
It also can't alter power sources, another thing never even mentioned in series. You just forgot to list it. And it can't remove negative effects, which it does in series.
We're moving into the abstract here, but I think the trick of it is to use the perk to transform into something else that's still you. So if you want to become a rock, you need to become a rock that's you. If you want to be a fire, then you became yourself as a fire.
Which is... Maybe? ... possible with just the perk and some orthogonal thinking to direct it.
Prototype has a perk that says "you will always be 'you', no matter what form you are in, and will always be lucid with your decisions", which might do the trick.
There's also a shapeshifting perk in Marevl Magic that does what I was talking about earlier, but which is more limited in some ways, so combining the two together somehow would very probably help - they might complement one another nicely.
I'd recommend going for all three to cover bases here, the downside risk is huge if you mess it up.
Real Eater posting is one of the reasons I dislike the Medaka Box jump.
Like I said. The worst perk in the entire chain. Has any other perk provoked so many arguments, so often, over so many years? I know a few perks have made more vicious arguments that went on for a while (Who can forget the Derp Perception eye debacle) but even that has long since petered off.
Because that's the basis of how powers work? It's the named the same that a canon power, and it's worded to work the same exact way that the canon power, yet you say that they're two completely different abilities that cannot be compared.
Why should I follow that nonsensical ruling that makes knowing the scope of a power all but impossible?
There are no such thing as power sources in the series.
There are only arguments because of people like you. Since you dislike the perk you guys simply have to come and shitpost every time someones tries to mention it.
>We're moving into the abstract here, but I think the trick of it is to use the perk to transform into something else that's still you. So if you want to become a rock, you need to become a rock that's you. If you want to be a fire, then you became yourself as a fire.
That's actually pretty damn neat, didn't think of that. Also thanks for both perks, especially the Marvel Magic one. I think it's perfect for my situation.
>You are you, no matter the form you take or the shape you wear. However, some forms are particularly suited for you, being near as natural to slip into as any other. You have the innate ability to shapeshift into forms that are you in some manner. You could shapeshift into an opposite-gendered version of yourself or take the form of a fox or even a humanoid fox of an opposite-gendered humanoid fox. However, such forms will always be you, whether it you as a woman or you as an animal or you as an elf, it will still be you as you would be in that form. It is impossible to use this to take the form of another individual.
Thanks user!
Because, as you love to ignore, it has a wealth of limitations with zero presence in canon, including ones that you directly ignore even after admitting they break some of the rules.
So why does it mention power sources then? How can it be the canon ability when it has a noncanon limit? How can you say it's the canon ability when it outright says things have to be of a similar strength as the original, yet admitting in your own post that the canon power does not follow that rule and being shown examples of how other examples don't either?
>Real Eater [1000CP] Allows you to eat and alter the properties of skills. By using it, you can change one property of a supernatural skill to another similar property. A skill that boosts 'strength' could become one that boosts 'speed', and someone who throws balls of 'fire' can now throw balls of 'ice'. The new property must be of a similar type and strength as the old one. You can change an immunity to 'poison' into an immunity to 'disease', but not into an immunity to 'nuclear explosions'. It cannot remove negative effects, but it might be able to change them. A skill that makes someone 'tired' might now make them 'nauseous'. It cannot change the source of a power, like turning a magicbased skill into a kibased one. Real Eater can only affect a power in one way, but you can revert the change to change it in a different way (you can still affect any number of different powers). Can only be used on a voluntary target.
Directly from the Wiki:
>After using Real Eater on Zenkichi, his skill that let him perceive the world as others see it, Parasite Seeing, was changed into a skill that let him perceive his own limits, Model Zenkichi.[162]
>Real Eater also has the ability to add rules to skills; Shiranui stated she could change Kumagawa's All Fiction from being a skill that cannot be reversed to being a skill where only its most previous use could be reversed.[163]
So changes one property the two times exampled. The new property is similar in both instances Parasite Eyes being converted into something that still 'perceives' is pretty open ended but All Fiction being able to change totally to accommodate an undo button is pretty cut and dry. No examples of Real Eater being used on a power more than once.
>The new property is similar in both instances Parasite Eyes being converted into something that still 'perceives' is pretty open ended but All Fiction being able to change totally to accommodate an undo button is pretty cut and dry.
Mm, and an undo button would be a good example of an increase in "utility", but a decrease in "power".
It is the same power. In every way. But better. Because it now can do something it could not do before. HOW IS IT LESS POWERFUL HOLY FUCKING SHIT
Nope the powers level of nothing never changed from Real Eater's changes to All Fiction's original form. It still had the same amount of power as used to have, it just had an undo button for if Kumagawa wanted to undo something he'd done.
Is taking all of the drawback in naruto a good idea? And also is plot armor cconsid supernatural?
I think Guanlet did that to try the thought exercise.
He died.
No worries, those are in the bonus chapters btw
having character intros float under jumpers/companions are also nice free perks
Are you still working on Little Witch Academia?
I think plot armor is a meta-power, so I don't think it would be affected by things that influence supernatural stuff.
Yeah, we've been using stuff like that and the sections at the end of volumes for material.
Yes. Hoping to have it ready soonish. After I get Bastard!! part 1 finished I'm going to finish the second half of the anime since I think it's done soon and then finish off the jump.
Because you're turning "irreversible" phenomenon into "reversible" ones.
That makes it more broadly applicable, but decreases its specific narrative power, and opens up the character being manipulated or controlled into undoing their actions.
Killing someone is a big deal in any story. But it's less of a big deal if they can be resurrected.
Maybe you should actually look into how it works instead of relying on a single line someone else posts.
It was irreversible to the user of the power originally, not all over. The change made it so that the user could reverse his own last use. Kumagawa did not have a specific power or ability to make his power's effects irreversible, that is an entirely different character's power, the final boss in fact.