>There are people out there asking money to GM and going as far as to make player evaluation sheet based on their performance
Tell me you don't do this, Veeky Forums
>There are people out there asking money to GM and going as far as to make player evaluation sheet based on their performance
Tell me you don't do this, Veeky Forums
No, and I kick anyone out of the game who even says the words "GM bribe". Even as a joke it changes the tone of the whole session.
Allthough i think it's silly, my inner capitalist approves.
I GM for enjoyment.
The players paying for my share of the food is the most I'd accept.
And even then I'd never ask them to.
Though I would appreciate them putting a bit more effort in and getting more involved with the game.
I want this to become more prevalent because GMing is my only marketable skill.
I always let my players blow me for rerolls.
Only had a homo do it, kinda hard to say no. Don't wanna be accused of discrimination.
Money thing im fine with.
Player eval sheets sound like a cover for being a shit GM in all but a few of the most extreme cases.
I use the Point Buy system for character creation, they buy the points from me and the more they spend the more points they get.
I don't for either, but I wouldn't blame someone for doing it, and would jump at the opportunity.
The evaluation sheet is interesting. I take my GMing seriously, and wish I could get more feedback about specifics of my style.
Let me tell you- in addition to RPG's my other thing is music. I, and other members of my band would get invited to parties - "Oh, remember to bring your instruments."
Now we're the entertainment for their party. It's bullshit, and we end up feeling used.
I've never felt that way about GMing, but I could see it happening, and if you're inviting me to entertain you, then I'm going to expect something out of it (It may be your company, but if I'm getting nothing out of it, I'll be out).
Bribery is fucking bullshit, haven't had anyone try that but I'd have a similar reaction I think.
There's something to be said about the players having some skin in the game.
How so? If I'm a shit GM, or could be better, I want the criticism.
Or worse, if I'm a 'meh' GM- I don't want to stay that way.
>being angry at the GM scamming money from idiots
>not being mad at the colossal autists who pay for a GM
The people who support this shit are the problem, if it weren't for them then these GM's would never have a group. As with most things, the consumer is the one at fault for being so stupid.
I think it's the opposite. A review sheet for GM's to show they're quality and to advertise their skills.
And to be honest I actually have nothing against people charging folk for GM services, as long as their strangers. It'd be awkward and shitty to pull this on your friends, but running a game well can be a lot of hard work and investment that a lot of people just dont want to do, and which a lot of folk who want to play a game simply dont have in their social group. There is a demand, there are those who would supply it. Good for them.
If there is a niche, you can make money off it.
There will always be people who are either unable to GM (because they either lack the time or creativity to do so) or are geographically isolated from others who share the same hobby as them. And as such, there will always be a market for those who are willing to take the time out of their schedule to run games.
I don't get why there are so many people who claim that you should find a line of work that you enjoy, but get irrationally angry at the people who do.
Yes, friends are friends. The only reason I would condone something like that would be something akin to club dues, to cover refreshment and prop costs (as in, we ALL put in $5 every session, and use that money for the group)
If you're playing with a bunch of randos as opposed to friends, I don't see any issue as long as everyone pays and you have clearly written guidelines for how you do things and what you expect.
>not making them pay for d6 instead
>I don't get why there are so many people who claim that you should find a line of work that you enjoy, but get irrationally angry at the people who do.
They're bitter and jealous.
>If there is a niche, you can make money off it
Yes people also waste thousands of dollars on bullshit every day. Doesn't make either participant likable.
>you should find a line of work that you enjoy
If you can get money from GMing then good for you, but the people paying you are still far more desperate to play pretend than they should be.
If you're good at something never do it for free.
Closest I do is gming for my FLGS and getting 15 dollars of store credit, but that's for bringing business in more than the GMing. GMing is fun, anybody who wants paid for it is an asshole. It'd be like wanting to be a paid player.
Does this apply to other services? Movies? Music?
Read this as GW and was very confused
>the GM takes money for GMing
I can't even, like what the fuck is wrong with people?
>It'd be like wanting to be a paid player.
Check out claqueurs. They were a popular and well-paid profession at the height of theatre.
I read that the GM has the players evaluate him.
I literally have no problem with this.
A well orchestrated campaign can take a lot of setup. Typically I tended to put 2 hours of planning into 1 hour of play.
I have also had playgroups where it was basically babysitting. The thing that always frustrated me the most, was when a player was about to make a catastrophic choice, I would give the obligatory "Are you sure?" the vast majority of the time they would continue with whatever choice that was. Next session, they would expect me to reset them to before the choice, once they realized its repercussions.
Honestly, it might be a good thing that I don't have the time anymore for GMing.
>Tell me you don't do this, Veeky Forums
You want me to be a liar?
I appreciate it may sound strange, but some of the setpieces would be hard to put together without supplementary income.
Oh, my bad. I inferred that it was the GM who selected the players...
Wait, now that I read it again more closely, is it not the GM who makes evaluations for the players?! Like, gives them marks for good roleplays and someshit?
the gm does put many, many times more work into running a succesful game than the almost bare minimum required by a player.
I personally see 'renting' a GM as akin to renting a large flatscreen tv for the big game.
Not OP, so I don't know the intent.
But I always ask for feedback and usually get bullshit feedback. A questionnaire would be nice. I try a bunch of different things, and I want to know what works and what doesn't work.
I've got XP to grade my players.
It's more like renting a dealer for a night of cards who's entertaining but stays out of the way of conversation and cheats at all the right times without anyone noticing.
Also dealers get paid for their work.
As do referees for sports.
>House owner takers money for renting his house
Alright, I've been gone for awhile. How big is this problem? How big is it ACTUALLY? Even with the rise in youtube fame, I can't imagine that this is more than 2 or 3 GMs out of 100 who do this, and even then, the only people I can see actually paying for it are reddit-tier autists who scare off all of the other DMs and got banned from official store play.
Are we making this out to be a bigger issue, or is there cause for concern?
I would never charge my friends for GMing except maybe if they wanted me to run FATAL, but I do occasionally give feedback to my players on their performance - which is most of the time positive. But no, I wouldn't make anything like a report card unless my players requested.
If I was GMing for strangers, I wouldn't mind charging a small fee. After all, GMing does take up from your own time to prep the sessions and so on. I actually used to get paid 5€/h (8,75€/h in the final year) for running a roleplaying club 4 hours per week at the local congregation house. Those were the days...
I'm not an Americuck, so no. Veeky Forums stuff is too niche here to ever warrant such degree of bullshit.
On the one hand, it sounds ridiculous.
Playing a little devils' advocate, the games I get to play I really can't be arsed about, and the games I want to play, nobody runs.
I imagine that if there were someone out there who simply enjoys GM'ing and doesn't mind the system or a bit of lore-reading, there would be those who would be willing to pay to be GM'ed through the game, especially with an experienced GM who knows how to make compelling characters...
If I found out that some guy would charge $20 a session to run a full Battletech campaign with RPG tie-in, knew his shit, and didn't throw some loopy bullshit in there like fursonas or psionic powers, I'd be interested/stupid enough to shell out in a heartbeat. I've been stuck for years trying to make the kinds of games I'd want to play, but never getting to play them in turn.
I mean, if the only thing you want to play is Pathfinder or D&D, groups are a dime a dozen, so this would sound stupid as fuck.
You keep only the ones that say you were good for display on your site. If there aren't any good ones, you make some up based on the style of the people who wrote the bad ones, so that each glowing testimonial looks like it was written by someone else.
I hate GMing and you'd have to pay me to do it.
This. It depends on what the GM's offering.
I don't think it was for 'reviews' for public consumption, but feedback on what could be better.
If you enjoy something, never do it for money.
>The only RWBY game on roll20 is p2p.
I just want to embrace my autism, goddamnit.
I once gm'd for my younger sister and her friends. I was therefore able to bully them a little and put them in charge of stuff like taking the minis and grid paper etc to the session, arranging it, I even made my sister drive me. I just had to show up and run the thing. I'd also offer exp for snacks, but it was such a tiny amount it was so stupid but they'd run and fetch me drinks and stuff... They were super weird.
>using XP
>There are people out there who have sex with strangers for money and even go so far as to spend the night with them while they pay for everything.
Tell me-
Actually that job sounds pretty rad on paper.
I only knew one GM who tried to pull this after reading about how some people charge money to run games.
He very quickly stopped being our GM. There were plenty of other reasons, but it was the "Oh since you guys are here, I'm charging you starting today to play in my games" thing that was the last straw of sorts.
he's since gained a reputation as the worst GM in the area and he basically can't get a group together to save his life..and the few times he does, they immediately ditch because he's still convinced he can charge people.
...what are you retarded?
>Yes people also waste thousands of dollars on bullshit every day. Doesn't make either participant likable.
RIP GW and 40k players.
More like people paying to "extract toxins from the body" and Oxygen Bars.
GMing for a group of players you don't know is work, you should be paid for it.
It isn't work, its playing a game. If GMing is work to you then you are probably a shitty GM.
>My group of friends want to play a game, but none of us want to DM
>If only we could pay somebody to provide that service that we want.
This is called capitalism.
As much as we can (and should) shit on GM:s like this, I have to ask myself what fucking players are so goddamn desperate and needy, with more money than sense or taste, that they actually pay for it.
I've never met anyone that did, and I'm not sure how I'd react if someone told me that they have.
Maybe being payed as a DM actually attracts serious and interested players, and it's easier to boot "that guy" assholes and just refund their money instead of them being "kind of friends"
Running a game is work by definition. If you're running a game that you would not otherwise run for your own entertainment you are doing work. Many people are not willing to put forth the effort to do this work, however it is necessary for somebody to do it in order to be able to play games.
That's why paid DMs are a thing that exists. I'm sorry that you have brain problems and don't understand this concept.
>would not otherwise run for your own entertainment
Why the fuck would you subject yourself to taking part in a game that you don't enjoy?
I'm sorry that you take no fun from this hobby anymore and feel the need to jew what are probably mentally impaired people out of their money.
>Why the fuck would you subject yourself to taking part in a game that you don't enjoy?
Because someone is paying you to do it. Do you understand now?
you just answered your own question.
Say 5 chumps pony up $25 each for a 4-5 hour session, that's $125 before travel n snack expenses for a bit of a headache on dealing with autistic fucks.
Dming its turning into another service people can offer
just like cutting hair, cleaning yards, literally diving into shit to clean sewer pipes
if there are people willing to pay for that then there will be those willing to take their money.
Person A has experience as a DM, but is not actively involved in an ongoing game and has no particular interest in starting one, but otherwise has free time. Persons B, C, D and E do not have experience as a DM and are looking to start a game, but want an experienced DM so they post an ad somewhere stating that they are looking for a DM and will pay them for their trouble. Person A sees that ad and responds to it, saying that he is able to run a game for persons B, C, D and E and they negotiate an appropriate fee between them.
Being a DM is a service that people are sometimes willing to pay for. Therefore sometimes people get paid to do it.
No, user. They were keen as shit about the hobby and didn't know better.
You're the fucking weird one.
Some carve wooden figurines because they like it and it's a hobby. Others carve wooden figurines to sell them. A hobbyist who complains about an entrepreneur is either bitter and/or jealous.
I'm an extreamly picky GM, and while I don't charge, I will judge you. Also rules must be followed.
1. If you can't make the schedule, don't bother asking, and "girlfriend" is not an excuse, that just tells me she's in charge of the relationship
2. We're splitting two pizzas evenly. You split the cost or don't eat unless you brought something else to share with everyone like chips or homemade cookies (we used to have this guy that was a baker that would bring a tin of fuckawesome homemade cookies and we had no problem covering his pizza costs)
3. If I give you anything to read, read it. It will never be more than a page anyways.
4. If you're at my table, you've already been vetted, so if you pull out some half demon fairy dragon shit, I'll be seriously disappointed unless it's a silly/parody game specifically using those types of characters.
5. If your girlfriend is coming, she better be a vetted player too or she don't belong here. (We actually had someone's girlfriend turn out to be a better player than he was and ended up ditching him in favor of her)
6. If two players are going to fall in love due to shit their characters are doing together, keep the sex or dick sucking out of my house. This has been a problem before and I'll make you clean up the whole room.
Fuck, for that price I may as well quit my job to run games.
>making them pay for rerolls
we korean gatcha now
Did her friends want to fuck you or something?
Why did you bribe them with exp instead of just asking politely for snacks?
>gming for money is prostitution
Sorta yeah kek
>6. If two players are going to fall in love due to shit their characters are doing together, keep the sex or dick sucking out of my house. This has been a problem before and I'll make you clean up the whole room.
What if one of the players falls in love with you as a result of something their character is doing with an NPC?
Well, if someone offered to pay me for GMing I wouldn't exactly say no.
He has to clean up the whole room before he can suck his party member's dick outside of the house.
I get paid to GM.
It's an in demand skill.
And I even run Shadowrun for a surcharge, of course, omae
Actually it's called meeting market demands, which isn't necessarily capitalist. Capitalism is strictly about means of production. Capitalists are strictly people who own the means of production. You post on Veeky Forums, ergo cogito you are not a capitalist.
How could it possibly be worth the hassle? What's the money like?
In the end I don't think it's much stranger than paying for a therapist (which is basically just paying someone to be a friend) but I feel like people with the money to pay for this sort of thing are usually prosocial enough to have a group to play with.
I could see it being done, summer job, offer a base rate per group/hour, schedule a time slot, pick a module, homebrew would probably be extra, set some rules and its not inherently bad, as GM myself who running a homebrew campaign and working a 40 hour work week, it would be nice to be paid for the effort I put in and the shenanigans my players pull sometime.
Sort of? Like, if I'm GMing I'm generally hosting - making sure everyone has snacks, food, drink and a place to crash if they decide to stay the night.
So the general rule of thumb is players either bring snacks for everyone, or chip in for snacks for everyone.
It's not like I make a career of it, and I generally offer a small in-game incentive for people bringing snacks and drinks to encourage the behaviour.
I am one of the greatest GM's playing today and I don't charge, so I can't see how anybody would have the gall.
This is why prices are dropping, you fucking scab.
I bake for fun and for my gaming group and sometimes for work people. Mostly cookies, cake, and different pastries i want to try my hand at. I don't charge friends or family for it but I've had coworkers and others ask for prices on stuff. I almost always decline because it takes the fun out of it but i have once or twice accepted cash in exchange for a cake for some birthday or other. there are even moments my game group has even thrown a couple bucks at me for ingredients and stuff, which is nice of them.
I basically think DMing for money would be the same as that.
Dude the wanted the D
I feel like it would be inconsistent.
For myself (and a lot of other GMs) running a game is fetish. Accepting money for it just feels like prostitution (which is kinda hot but I'd never indulge in that with my friends).