Pick your class
Pick your class
Ghana has the right stat distribution
I'm going to pick Ghana
I like Belgium's tank stats but Russia's armoured artillery looks good as well.
Most of these are ok, but why does Switzerland look so damn goofy?
why is greece short one dot
Iran all the way.
A man of impeccable taste. Kitefu is best waifu.
Hard mode, motherfuckers.
max power, max speed. i'd play that. too bad there's no max armour/max speed build
I'm gonna go Spain. I prefer the stats of Colombia, but the girl is orders of magnitude inferior.
Was going to say Uruguay but I missed Iran! Definitely Speed and Range for me, too.
Why is Bosnia so weak? They have 1 in all their stats.
Becuase who ever made this doesn't like Bosnia. Little sad that Canada isn't on this, but at the same time they would made us have 0 or 1 in all our stats, because Canada is seen inferior to everyone, so maybe it's for the best
'Murica Fuck Yeah
All in on Algeria, GOTTA GO FAST
>anyone picking a class with both high magic and high Str
It's actually because you get two players
Team work makes the dream work
Going Bosnia. Who doesn't love a challenge?
Ahhh, makes sense.
I want to cum inside smug Italy , going with it.
I'll go with Netherlands. Genki robo-girl with a cool robo-lion companion. Low speed kinda sucks, but with high power and magic she could lay down some serious hurt.
If it's purely about the stats I'd go with Algeria.
>use magic to incapacitate the enemy (paralyze/sleep/freeze/etc.)
>then use power to bust their skull
You don't even need speed or defense if the opponent can't fight back. Some range would be good though.
>If it's purely about the stats I'd go with Algeria.
Algeria is just a worse build of Straya
Australia, hands down.
Gotta love playing rush-down characters.
They couldn't afford any more
Greece is totally my play style, Greece is for me.
swap around stats of russia nad belgium, Belgium had colonies in Africe while Russia doesn't have hands that long when no one is scaring childrem with it
t. belaruskie
Gonna go with Spain. Good all rounder with the chance for some stylish moves with that flag.
Does America represent American soccer in general or American women's soccer in particular? It's funny, we don't care about the sport at all, and yet our women's team still manages to be pretty good because so many other countries are sexist cavemen who care less about women's athletics than we care about soccer.
I like Nigeria's build and shes not the worst designed, so I guess Nigeria. Even though im a burg I usually route for England during the cup.
Ghana looks Peruvian and Costa Rica looks Arabian.
Netherlands, Colombia, and England based off of designs alone
Its in reference to their soccer teams m80, the divisions are from the last world cup.
>association football
"soccer" distinguishes association football from other forms of football
Rule Britannia!
Armor, power, speed straight to the face of your enemies
>range and magic are so gay
>all this mind control spells casted at judges
It was divine justice that Germany fucked them so hard for all the shittery we had the watch while Brazil was playing.
How happy I was when after all this shameless wankery to Brazil and Neymar in the commentary they lost.
Algeria all the way!
>Glass cannon
>Sanic speed
>Sexy design
>Tan with long dark hair
>Yes pls
>max armour/max speed build
To what end? Seems like all you'd be good for is being a pseudo-tank for two groups at once. Unless it's one of those vidya were weight + velocity = damage.
>a wizard is the same as a barbarian
"Other forms of football" aren't football.
>not rolling around at the speed of sound while also being fucking invincible
>No magic
We have motherfucking Hogwarts this is bullshit
Albion is supposed to be a land of magic, fey and we're on Ley-lines, but hey...
And being useless at the same time. Speed is already a defensive stat. You'd just watch your friends die because you're basically just an observe rather than a combatant at that point.
how ironic that algeria and iran girl are the less clothed girls
Crotia knight is best
They can't give us our real stats, there's no room.
Do you get tired of constantly defending yourself from imaginary Americans? or is shitposting all you've got going in life now
Germany, because they stomped so much ass that World Cup.
7-1 Fuck you Brazil.
Probably Chile, I like my girls well balanced as opposed to that crazy chick from college
If I was being patriotic I would say Poland, but it would seem that once again it doesn't exist
Those are made up!
France's stats impress me. But I want to bully Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Chile. I want Chile
France, Switzerland, and Greece are fine too though
Argentina looks so cool and composed.
Damn tough choices but Spain or Straya. The first hit should be the last hit.
Nigeria, Australia, and Iran are all doing Dark Souls correctly.
>No Kraut-Magic
>Not slowed down by it's love of bureaucracy
3/10 at best
No Asuka in Final Germany.
user these are soccer waifus, not government waifus.
I like Argentina's overall presentation.
Champion Germany makes up for Final Germany by having two Asukas.
>Her smile and optimism: About to be destroyed forever.
Posting a higher resolution of OP. Pick 4 to put on a team.
>Japan - scrappy team leader
>Mexico - peppy best friend
>Ivory Coast - strong, silent big sister
>Argentina - wise and mysterious matron figure
Because lel Swiss cheese and lel Swiss army knife
England, instead of Britain.
Most of the magical shit comes from Scotland, Ireland, and Wales.
England without them just has loud noises and pissed off Redcaps.
Non-English Britain is irrelevant desu
And cats.
I clapped
You're welcome
The team was England, I thought? That's why their flag was just the English cross, not the full Union Jack.
Yeah, the 'Home Nations' each have their own team.
Brazil, Greece, Ghana and Honduras.
How can you hope to win with me bending reality via my mastery of magic?
>Team West Europe
>Germany: Seemingly never stops being deadly serious and is constantly on edge as to not make any mistakes,but lets her guard down around October.
>England: Likes to think herself the leader, but really Germany calls the shots. Beyond the "U wat m8" attitude she is suprisingly cultured.
>France: The definition of "Holier than thou", yet beneath her apparent disdain and rivalries she really does value her team mates.
>Spain: Easy going and friendly, but dont mention the Civil War or her loss of Empire.
Isn't germany in the middle east though?
/pol/ pls go, this is a board of PEACE and TOLERANCE
How does it feel not being able to take a simple joke?
Jokes are fine.
Constantly forcing /pol/ memes into every nook and cranny of the website is not. Keep it in your circlejerk board.
>you both fell for bait and sarcasm
I was very close to buying the shoes Switzerland is wearing while I worked at puma. Its weird seeing them pop up on tg
>Just jokes, bro! Only sarcasm!
Be more subtle with your racist handshakes.
>your racist handshakes
Sure. And you people don't identify by loudly shouting how you hate white people. I was like you, once. Mocking those 'big bad nazis'. Saw them as stupid and foolish.
Yet look at me now. You'll come around someday or you'll end up exterminated. Not by me, no. But by the people you claim to love.
I wanna hold hards with Netherlands
This was made before Brazil 2k14, right? Cuz the stats after it would be a whole lotta different.
Yes, these were all part of the 2014 World Cup. That stats are just a Veeky Forums addition.
>Australia, Italia, Croatia, Korea
The "REMEMBER THE BASICS OF CQC" team. Minimal range across the board, but high overall power and speed, especially from Australia, aim to make up for it. The team core of Australia and Italia severely lack in anything that -isn't- power or speed, so Croatia serves as our blocker and Korea brings the magic.
You'd get more Speed and the same Magic if you replaced Korea with Algeria.
I am disappointed by the lack of my country there.
Aside from that, I like Japan's attack distribution. Largely balanced between magic and standing one's ground in the melee.
>Bosnia and herzegovina not being a pair of intertwined, lovely twins.
What are you doing, user?