Tell me about your angels Veeky Forums.
Tell me about your angels Veeky Forums
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Honestly, I don't know how to integrate angels reliably using an Abrahamic set up. I mean, it's easy to go "God is gone, all the angels are like 'Now what do?'" but assuming God is a thing in this world, and the angels are, as in the Abrahamic faith, more a manifestation of God rather than actual entities that have different opinions from Him, how do you portray them as interesting characters? I have few ideas
>but assuming God is a thing in this world, and the angels are, as in the Abrahamic faith, more a manifestation of God rather than actual entities that have different opinions from Him, how do you portray them as interesting characters?
You are talking in "abrahamic setting", as if it was something united. Also you get several things wrong, from Christian perspective.
In Christianity, angels are independent beings with free will (though severely limited, compared to humans), intelligence and emotions as well. Not exactly human-like, but still.
Also, though it is not part of an official theology, Christian apocrypha mentions stray angels, including Azazel and watchers, from Book of Enoch (that is actually considered canonical by several nonchalcedonic churches)
Though your general statement is true at some degree (once angel disobeys God, it becomes a demon), but they are not some sort of hivemind or robots.
Oh you're right, I'm definitely going from Christian perspective, but I made the assumption that Angels would be mostly similar across faiths, but really it was an assumption. Mm, that's the thing though, if they have limited emotional capacity, because they already have the perfection of God, then how would you play it to give them greater individuality, mate? I think it could potentially work to have angel's responsible for different things, like Death, or War, or as Guardians, and talk about how their specific role exemplifies the Lord. More like different facets of God rather than characters with a variety of motivations
They ride motorcycles made out of skeletons and sound like monster truck rally announcers.
The Authority is omnipotent, but he can't undo his own laws and he can't see the future. He sends angels into Creation to fix any major issues.
Paradox Angels are uncommon but extremely dangerous.
Divided into two main phenotypes: the transformed and the created.
The created are exactly what they sound like- they were made from scratch, typically by the first god of heaven who has since passed. They're conventionally human shaped, but the process of creating them has been lost to heaven.
The transformed used to be things that weren't angels, but were transformed into angels by word of the Canon of Heaven. The vast majority of the small fry transformed angels were once saints, mortals, etc. They are more accurately known as "Holy Geists", and this is the most modern form of angelic being. The other breed of transformed angels are actually carry overs from the first universe before it's destruction- this is where you get your weird angels. Intensely powerful, and INTENSELY loyal to heaven.
You are right, it is hard to make them as main characters for example, as angels are created as soldiers and servants, unlike humans, whose prime purpose is to achieve theosis/divinization (godlikeness, godhood).
Though I see what you are going for regarding their duties.
I dont know how can it help, but you can basically overlook 9 angelic orders and their duties according to christian lore. Maybe it will aid you somehow.
Also check some apocrypha like book of enoch and book of jubilees.
The Grim Reapers
Sent by the gods of Necessity to slay any cleric casting to many raise dead or resurrections.
Angel bones are found in altars at religious sites, which are frequently looted by thieves who sell the bones to wizards eager to use the bones magical properties.
They're made of light.
As in, holograms
My angels look like beautiful men without the dangly bits or nipples. This is the form they most often but their 'true' form is a pinpoint of blinding light. They're ironically down to earth for a bunch of clestial super-beings and prefer to inspire mortals rather then intervene directly.
I love the explanation Abbadon gave for those guys
Divine agents of the Celestial Bureaucracy
Heh, reminds me of Lemony Snicket.
>dangly bits
Demons to some, angels to others. Explorers... in the further regions of experience.
They are creation of the four gods who preside over the world, interpreting their will for humanity and defending it from outsider who would pervert, taint, corrupt and destroy the world by their very nature.
They're individual entities who are nonetheless constructs of the Creator's Light. They are 'angles' of God's will as all things are, reflections who are more pure than earthly beings but can have their reflection warped wrongly to fall away from their purpose or shine and inspire others to their own example closer to the Light depending on their own choices. If one falls away from the Source too far, they are bound to fade away entirely, drained energy from other creations rather than God as demons do only a mitigating slowing factor rather than a true replacement.
All en-souled beings having the same type of 'core' in a connection to the Light even if only a fading ember or a spark, mortals have the potential to develop into FAR more than they are, but most tend to drift and cycle through deaths, eventually falling away because they are focused on darkness which lessens them rather than grows their connection to Creation's beauty into something more.
Angels are guides, guardians...powerful concepts when you get to Cherubin and aspects of fundamental forces when you get to Seraphim.
They see a lot more of the picture than we do and so appear far wiser, but ultimately are not infallible because only the Creator is and knows all. And because every soul is a spark of that divinity, people have to CHOOSE to allow certain things in how their path is shaped, consenting to it. That means the mortal has to ask for the specific assistance even though the angel may be ecstatic to help you develop yourself stronger. And they can't freely read your deep thoughts even if they can see your emotions and can make some pretty good guesses. God knows your heart, but the angels will try.
A big thing that matters in appearance is perception. It shifts a lot of specifics.
The nature of angels is that they are entities of pure good, who protect the souls of mortals from the predations of the various evils. Whether this means guarding the River of Souls from the predations of soul eating daemons, or appearing before a priest having a crisis of faith, they do their best to make sure souls reach their just reward in the heavens. All but a few kinds appear as humanoids with wings, always with some form of metal sheen or coloration.
Pic related is Sunlord Thalachos, a powerful astral deva who serves as the herald for the Sun Goddess.
There are more than just angels who embody the ideals of the heavens. The animal bodied agathions who arise from the idyllic paradise heaven of Nirvana, with its pastoral hills, breathtaking mountains, and lush woodlands. They help souls attain enlightenment through contemplation of the plane and themselves.
The militant archons are the embodiment of law and good. Native to the great mountain of Heaven, they form much of the militaries of the celestial hosts, who go to fight the demons and devils on their own turf. When not killing devils in Hell, they act as warriors and protectors for mortals in need.
The elf-like azatas exemplify freedom and compassion, hailing from the wilderness of Elysium. They act as advisors and guides to those seeking to create the circumstances for evil to be thwarted and for good to prosper.
And then there are the enigmatic manasaputras who guide and tend to the gardens of nascent souls upon the positive energy plane.
Basically I use Pathfinders celestials as they just work really well for what I want to do with my world
I see you Kyton Ostarious, back to the shadow realm with you.
>the fuck is this nonsense
>google it
>it's pathfinder
Into the trash it goes.
They're really, really full of themselves
Only a small percentage of Angels are 'born', though it is more that the will of a deity takes a physical form than anything resembling reproduction. They are the ones closest to their deities, looking like beings of ethereal light and often taking cues in their armors and weapons according to their makers. True Angels create Lesser Angels to help serve them. Lesser Angels who are created look like golems, often harnessing celestial elements as a power source. A Lesser Angel is capable of reason, but only in the same way True Angels are, so they are sometimes in clash with even faithful worshipers.
That would imply they are filled with Pride rather than Humility, controlled by that temptation of man rather than apart from it.
They aren't perfect, but a prideful angel would either be low on the hierarchy and still learning or on their way to falling.
What a phony god! Omnipotent but can't even see the future? If he's truly omnipotent, if he truly has the power to do anything, then that should include the power to grant himself the power to see the future. And if he isn't omnipotent, then he's not exactly that much of a god, now is he???
Science, Logic, and Intellect: 10000000000000000000000000 (as always)
"People" who believe in "imaginary" ""friends"": Zero!
Bullshit aside, I like the idea of a deity who is extremely powerful, maybe just-about-omnipotent for all practical purposes, but who is still fallible and occasionally makes cosmic-level mistakes. But you gotta be careful with the word "omnipotence" cuz that leads to some paradoxes and shit.
Why is that a gif?
...why is it in Korean?
He's omnipotent because he can /do/ anything. He's not retroomnipotent because he can't /undo/ everything.
It's a subtle theological distinction. We had to burn a lot of people to make sure it stuck.
Seeing the future isn't "doing" something. The passage of time is fixed. To un-do it and see the future would mean changing how time works. Everything would unravel.
Also, some of his cosmic mistakes were:
-Created sunlight dragons. Got slightly worried when they destroyed everything. Split them into their chromatic variants.
-Created early life: the primordial serpents. Made it slightly too robust. Buried it under volcanoes.
-Tried again with a new setup. This time, trolls ended up dominating the ecosystem to the point where /everything/ was trolls. Solved with volcanoes as well.
-Ditto with vampires. There's a strata of compressed dead troll 30' in some places, with compressed but still living vampires several thousand years above it.
-Had to create ferns as a rush job on the last day of major work in creation to patch some unknown but persistent problem
People found this out by talking to rocks, and rocks are notoriously surly.
>ALL primates have front and back legs (with accompanying feet), no arms or hands, yet have fingers, somewhere
I want my next Pathfinder character to be an undead were-chameleon Dwarf. You can be a Lycanthrope and then become a Vampire, right?
Of course you can.
Grigori is such a cooler sounding name.
>he thinks he can understand God, the thing which created understanding
>IIn Christianity, angels are independent beings with free will (though severely limited, compared to humans), intelligence and emotions as well. Not exactly human-like, but still.
>though severely limited
Says fucking what
Why would angels free will be limited? A portion of them rebelled against God after all, that seems to be to indicate they have as much will as anyone else.
99% dead and destroyed after Queen Gith killed them all and the rest are being hunted by her soldiers.
erm. When I see Grigori I think of Gregorian Chanting
My doctor said I'm not allowed to argue gnosticism on weekdays. Says it's bad for my blood pressure.
Because they're constructed more around a certain purpose, aren't they? Unlike humans who are more fluid in nature, spiritual entities tend to have certain truths of identity tied into their Name which they cannot as easily escape from. They're a bit more 'concrete' in other words I think.
They have a certainty of meaning and purpose, so even if they have equal ability to choose, it would take a lot more to convince them to want to alter their more-developed/reflected inner selves.
>more a manifestation of God rather than actual entities that have different opinions from Him
Tell that to Lucifer, who dared to exhibit free will
Gith is not Vlaakith, you dummy.
Didn't god impart reason unto man so he could be known to them?
Checkmate alternative theists
>Tell that to Lucifer, who dared to exhibit free will
you get one.
Lucifer just got the raw deal of being the guy to intoduce freewill to man and give god a ready scapegoat for the presence of evil which still doesn't work
As the potence of an angel increases, the distinction between angel and devil becomes a matter of point of view. They serve Order and despise Disorder. They are made of the former, but dive beneath the surface of the latter to take up arms against chaos in all its forms.
They are armigers of darkness, of the cold-between-worlds, but glow with a joyous un-light that beats at the eye like a hand on a drum.
The word for both "angels" and "devils" in the holy texts is दएव.
It means "the Shining Ones."
Some angels joined Lucifer, did they not have free will?
They where human once, they lived and in life they where good and walked the path of God
They died, but for reasons only God knows there souls where reunited with there body and made perfect
Now as perfect beings of flesh and bone (but no blood) they serve Gods will
You could go with the Jewish explanation. He is too powerful.
If he try's to directly interact with the physical universe at all the entire thing would turn to ash.
That's why he works through angels
Angels are emanations of Good. They rise from the Source on their own, without purpose or personality. Eventually, most of them enter into service to one of the good deities that form the world's pantheon, although some powerful angels become a sort of divine hedge knights, travelling the world imparting good.
Not all angels are equal in power, this can be measure by the size of their halos. The weakest angels have small halos, barely the size of a coin, and the most powerful have halos so big it looks like their carrying the Sun itself. Angels' halos contain the angel's "name"; a group of words that define the angel's function and purpose. The halo's light hides this name, assuring the angel's true nature stays hidden from the unworthy, for only truly good beings (and high ranking paladins and clerics of good deities) can read an angel's name. If an evil creature learnt the name of an angel, it would be the angel's undoing, or worse, its corruption.
Angels come in a wide range of shapes and sizes depending on their power level, but most of them take the form of winged humanoids. Weaker angels take form of light orbs, winged helmets or small animals, and the most powerful usually are gigantic warriors with many sets of wings and arms.
To say it easily, angels are created as servants and soldiers.
Humans, as i stated earlier, were created in image and likeness of God. Their purpose is to achieve godlikeness and dominate over all creation at the end. So for an angel, free will is limited by his own nature, while for humans, being imago dei, it is essential.
>shining ones
They're the ones who interpret gods' laws as opposed to a mortal figure. They become a figurehead of the religion, with all but the chief priests ignorant that the image they have on their idols is only the middleman. Also, a god's set of servants will have differing opinions and as a result, the churches' tend to be pretty fractured.