PDF Share Thread # 69

It's Da Archive™ Innuendo Edition !
It Will Be The Best 9 Hours Of Your Gaming Career!
STEP 1 Go to the last thread if you haven't looked at it. there is lots of stuff, including filled requests directly posted to the board.>boards.Veeky Forums.org/tg/thread/53506769/pdf-share-thread-68#top
Files posted directly to Veeky Forums are not added to Da Archive, so go grab them now.

STEP 2 Grab your Documents: Da Archive is multiple documents.

STEP 4 Get comfortable and browse through the blasted thing. It is only about 100 pages long. If you skim over the Personal Collections without looking you will miss 7,000 pdfs.

STEP 7 If you want MORE, the previous threads are all archived in here:
archive.4plebs.org/tg/search/subject/PDF share/
There are other Veeky Forums archives somewhere as well.
7chan might also be able to help.

Please give as much information as you can when you make a request. The more information you give (cover, a link to product, name of designer/writer/publisher) - the more chances someone might recognize it and upload it.

Other urls found in this thread:


Step 45 Da Archivist Does Not Have An Opinion. He logs Garbage and Gold equally.
Please be respectful and don't belittle others' requests because you dislike the game. Imagine the horrific RPGs I've run across; 'Dragon Dildo Warriors', ‘Cheeto Fingered Gods of Angst’, and 'We're All Little Girls (Frilly Dresses Are Mandatory At the Table)' spring to mind.

STEP 5 Please be patient with the Irrepressible Urchins™ who request without looking first. They are always a regular feature here. They help bump the thread, and they want to look at something that's not porn. They might even read it. You don't have to answer them, although that also bumps the thread.
You don't kick a puppy for not being housebroken. If they upset you, tell your monitor or your teddy bear. Please don't tell us about it. I understand your frustration, they used to drive me crazy. I would punch my teddy bear.

P.S. - Remember, We are Better than all of the rest of the horrible internet and Good Manners ALWAYS gets more results. Wise up or please go elsewhere.

STEP Zillion Please post dead links and I will remove them to keep the archive up to date. Be specific - Include a Page Number -, there are dozens of copies of some Pdfs.

Does any have any of Heroic Maps' maps? drivethrurpg.com/browse/pub/5371/Heroic-Maps

STEP: the Next. If you have a fancy pdf that has unwanted clutter on it, here is one way to clean it.
Contact our resident Transmutation Wizard and politely ask him to clean a pdf. He will set his scrying device to accept pdfs and then you ship it to him. Magic occurs, then the pdf is purified.
[email protected]
By the way, Thanks Mageguru, you're the Best!

STEP: 33 1/3 Anons could also help by going through the lists and checking for dead links and notifying the board. This is mentioned again because it really helps us out.

Please ONLY POST OPEN SOURCE PDFS DIRECTLY IN THIS THREAD. Link the others from elsewhere. Excessive infractions could cause TPTB to remove the ability to post any pdfs at all.
Check for copyrights before you post anything directly.

Extra Special Thanks to the user Brigade who do ALL of the digging, loading, and posting.

My personal quest is to help Mageguru's noble cause:

1991 Fantasy Collector Cards Factory Set
Assault on the Fane of Lolth (3e - Free Worldwide Game Day)
Unearthed Archetypes: Heroes for the Ages (5e)
Forgotten Realms Archetypes: Savagery & Shadow (5e)
Alchemical Archetypes: Created & Creators (5e)

(and my list for Santa)
Dungeon Planner 1 Caverns of the Dead
Dungeon Planner 2 Nightmare in BlackMarsh, both by Albie Fiore & Robert Neville
GammaWorld 1E blank B&W map of the USA from Noble Knight.

A Paraphrased Message From TheWiz!:
To guard against rapid takedowns by nasty little bots, we suggest encoding links thusly:


The above link is easy to decode but does not show up as a working link to the T-888's that lurk this ruined city with Plasma Rifles Primed. Even just adding spaces helps.
This becomes most important when filling requests. Posting a full link right out of a large Trove/Collection risks the whole thing. Just post a page reference for Da Archive or Da Annex, with a short instruction and let the document do the job of guarding the links.

user Suggests “Where to U.p.l.o.a.d.”
“S3ndsp@ce, which I prefer, U53rscl0ud or M3G4 for large collections. Protonmail is a free and easy disposable user email.”
“Mega is relatively safe, you would have to be an extremely flagrant repeat offender before notice would be taken past anything other than a take-down.
I've never heard of an ISP getting involved unlike trackable torrents and that is mostly because of Hollywood money. With Mega you get 50 gigs with each standard free account.
It has functions for uploading a whole folder at a time, including everything inside it. So you just select like "A, B, and C" and it does the rest.”
Other sites used here recently include vztur1, $nipli, and An0nto.

user Says:
Do you want to help the archive? but you are too poor to buy pdfs or unable to fill requests?
Then start duplicating the collections here. Get yourself an upload account, save everything you like and put it back online on your account. The more who do this, the easier these files will be to find, and the safer they will be if a big collection gets taken down. Especially if you hear that a file is rare when it gets uploaded. “

Images posted should have a Veeky Forums theme.
Images of maps, castles, open source pdfs, character art and general gaming art are always welcome. Please avoid reaching the 150 image cap too early.

Some Friendly Tips from RequestFiller:
Try removing things like "The" and "A" from the start Title and searching again. Try searching for just one word from the Title after that.

Failing all of these, open up the Collections in the first section that state a large number of folders but only list a small portion of them.

Next try searching things from the same core system. Looking for a rare Tri-Stat based game? Look at a BESM trove or two.

Looking at troves for games that come from the same publisher works, too. Need you some Red Tide or Spears of the Dawn? More than one Trove marked Stars Without Number will contain those.
A quick CTRL-F in Da Archive should always be a step that precedes asking for help.

If you like a game you are welcome to tell us why you like it. Feel free to add links to reviews, and such. We are here to learn about new games.
Give us your best elevator pitch.

Da Archivist is da best. And to celebrate his/her/its awesome-osity...

Some new things on m3dia fyre

Aperita Arcana (OSR for Fate)

Collectanea Creaturae (fantasy bestiary for Fate)

Aspects of Fantasy (Fate for D20)


Spellbound Kingdoms

The Play's the Thing

If anyone has

Early Dark Role-playing
Evocraft RPG

that'd be nifty.

Does anyone have a copy of Deadlands Reloaded: Good Intentions?

Thank you.

Just a heads up: some jackass a few chans over has a beef with the Guru for some reason. He's posting tons of unencrypted links to troves.

Not sure if it is only Guru he has a beef with. Posting those trove links, he hurts the community and the trove collectors/providers most...

Fingers crossed it will end soon...

Meanwhile, I'd love to repeat my humble request for tremulus supplements:
The Museum (Eabon Eaves II)
- The Asylumg (Eabon Eaves I)
- The Journey (Playset)
- The Frozen Wasteland (Playset)
- The Expedition Team (Playbook IV)
- Derelict Adrift
- The Orphanage (Ebon Eaves IV)

Looking for the D&D 4e version of the Book of Vile Darkness. There's the player version and the DM version. I want the player version if anyone has it.

I need what I think is a 3.5 DnD pdf from Necromancer games, "Bard's Gate". If it's another edition it's fine, I really just need the fluff for the town since it's mentioned in a Pathfinder adventure I'm running but says "Not in this book, sorry!"

Update: someone else has found it for me. Carry on.

I've been watching in a mixture of horror and disbelief, and I keep asking myself, "What can be done to stop this madness?" Even if people just stopped sharing over there, it doesn't protect Da Archive.

Looking for Tobias Beis, Critter Compendium. Trawling through the archive right now, but if anyone's got a direct link, I'd be much obliged.

I've checked a few of the larger dumps and could find one, but does anyone know if there's an asset dump (images extracted from pdf's) for any of the major franchises?

Are we sure it's beef? I haven't had a look today as yet, but every damned time I've gone looking through bananachan for something that wasn't available here it's been a total shit show.

Seems to me they post our hard work in the open as a matter of course, hell they seem to post everything in the open as a matter of course.

Not that there's a damn thing in the world we can do about it. We can keep our own shitpile from smelling too much by a combination of A) hiding most of it in an Archive PDF and B) the general polite and rules-following anima of our posters.

But once that Document is released into the wild, there's nothing stopping anyone from lighting a match just to watch it burn.

Does anyone have

Exiled in eris?

Anyone got Swords of Kos or Blades in the Dark?

Our greatest fears realized...some mindless turd deliberately shitting on our hard work and good intentions. One bad apple with a 'tude wants it all to burn because someone flustered his bum once.
We have our troubles itt, but it seems we don't delve into this level of absurdity here. Why is that? Seriously, what is different here that makes us (perhaps) (slightly) more civil and restrained?
Is it the shared community effort? Do other sharethreads not have that?? Or have we just been stupid lucky? Or do we suck just as bad and I don't see it?
I don't like seeing hard work wasted...this is a damn good thing we got going on here.

BitD is in the Archive

thanks friend

I actually mirror my release posts with the same format across both chans.

Can't vouch for other posters.

Maybe I should do my next posts in Base64, so that tool has to put in actual work to decipher.

I agree - but people still have trouble with leetspeek. If we can tolerate - and not respond to - the endless requests to decipher tha links, it might work...

Reposting from last thread

Looking for a couple of books, Advanced Encounters: Terrain Toolbox and Advanced Encounters: Alternate Objectives, specifically the 4e versions. The only downloads I found in the Veeky Forums archives were to the Pathfinder versions, though one user a significant while ago did have them but couldn't get them cleaned. If they're in Da Archive, it would be appreciated if they were pointed out, as I must be blind.

I only do 1 to 3 letters, usually A (@), S ($) and E (3), along with "." as , it's not that hard to figure out.

I do think some form of damage control is necessary at this point. It seems silly to post a minimally obscured link just to have it "unscramble" by that asshole. If it were me, I wouldn't share a damn thing over there.

Not to mention I go through all the trouble of putting the source URL through a URL shortener, that has various options. It is actually a lot of work that goes on before I post links.

And your work is much appreciated!

Forgotten Realms Archetypes, my humble contribution
s3ndsp@ce c0m file/ep9m58

Hope I'm doing this right?

Dunno how long the link's gonna be active, though, so a reupload might be interesting

If I might chime in:

Your 4 main troves represent the most work, at least in terms of an effort-per-link metric.

You could fire up a fresh mega account and mirror those preemptively, and keep the backup urls to yourself until they're needed, or until the offending asshat loses interest. From what I understand you can do a mega-to-mega transfer without using up your own bandwidth.

That way, if the asshattery gets them yanked, there's minimal downtime before you drop a replacement here, and you don't have to spend hours of upload time and precious bandwidth getting it back up.

As far as the individual file releases are concerned, they are a pretty spread out plethora of targets. If any of them are nuked, you can simply wait for someone to point out or re-request the missing file and drop the fresh url as part of a future release.

A World of Dew
The Blossoms are Falling

Nah, I just change Keys.

>It is actually a lot of work that goes on before I post links
This! Plus, the uploader bears the risk. We want to give it away, we don't want to be raped.

Blossoms is for sure in a couple Burning Wheel troves in Da Archive.

Does anyone have the new book Grimoire of lost souls for pathfinder? if not, how do I contribute and buy and send it to someone to take the name off of it? new to this whole thing, sorry!

Reading the first few posts of the thread helps.

Don't get discouraged: lottsa good info at the top of the thread to help you out. Mirroring troves (i.e. copying them to another location) is always a good thing to do, too. For cleaning of pdf's, the Mageguru is wise.

Anyone have Emirikol's Guide to Devils?

Requesting kindly "The Northlands Saga Complete" for Swords & Wizardy. Thank you for your time.

Kindly requesting

Index card RPG core

Thank you very much. Not a humble contribution, it is much appreciated.

Not linking the last thread? Bad fucking form...

It's URL linked in that post, for some reason.

Boku no lurk moar

Seems to work for me, put the pointything on the funny-colored gibberish then click...

It works. People just don't pay enough attention to the opening posts.

Looking for
Deadlands 20th Anniversary
Monarchies of Mau early access
Open Legend Core Rules early access

Doesc no-one have PDFs any of maps by "Heroic Maps"?


I've been looking everywhere,

Several of things I had posted received takedown notices within an hour of this so they've been removed. Unfortunately they were things that no one else had posted before. Hopefully others will put them up at some point.

Yep. It's annoying when one has to completely redo a trove...if they get shut down again, I will find the fuck.

Does anyone have for Savage Worlds?

-Deadlands 20°Anniversary (own system)
-Deadlands reloaded: Good Intentions
-Deadlands reloaded: Paradise Lost
-Deadlands reloaded: The Twilight Protocol
-Deadlands reloaded: Land Beyond the Busted Doorframe
-Deadlands reloaded: Sawed'em in Gomorra
-Deadlands reloaded: Perilous Parcels and All The Purty Little Horses.
-Savage Worlds: The Goon rpg
-Savage Worlds: Fear Agent rpg

m3g@ Enz33 (Nz)

In case you need this one again.

Does anyone have RelicBlade PDF??

Can Boot Hill (1st, 2nd, or 3rd edition) be legally purchased?

Mage, did you rekey the D&D 3-5e folder, or did it get DMCA'd?

Don't worry it wasn't DCMA'd

In fact it will be expanding :) I was actually running out of room.

Does anybody have the Broken World RPG version 1.5?

(Kill Six Billion Demons RPG)

Here's 1.4

Anybody have any tips for OCR? I'm trying to get hold of a searchable copy of Hackmaster 4e's Player Handbook, but nothing is OCR-ing it well.

Does anybody happen to have a copy of Freeport Bestiary?

Fly my pretties! and find issues 73-77 of THE RIFTER

Here's the Kickstarter preview and extra Playbooks for The Watch. I'd love to see the preview for Noir World.



My decade-long hunt for Munchkin RPG continues. If anyone has it, please post it. Pretty please.

Does anybody have the powdermage game?

I meant *Star* Munchkin RPG. I already have the rest.

Damn. A lot of these look really cool. I hope torrents exist.

It's like $8 on several sites for the hardcover. I like to think I'd spend 8 bucks if I had been looking for something for over 10 years...

Does anyone have the Exodus Wasteland Bestiary?

Yes, get a physical copy from a shop.
I don't know if there is an official pdf for sale.

I'll post it tonight if no one beats me to it.

Myeah, but I already own the hardcover, I want a PDF, and I'm too lazy to scan it.

Anyone have a newer scan of Burning Wheel Gold? All the ones in Da Archive are the 2011 printing.


Requesting the "Atlas of Rokugan Digital Map Pack" pdf. Google shows me a google drive where it might have been uploaded, but it was removed for violating google's TOS.

It's got the image I posted, but way larger. Please and thank you anons.


HAI2U! :3




Anybody have this?

Looking for Raiders of the Lost Artifacts and Freebooters! Thank you--

W@5t3l@nd B3@st1@ry


Only good for 48 hours.

Anyone have "Tales from Forlorn Hope" for Cyberpunk 2020?

Anyone have any of the following for Cyberpunk 2020?

Tales from Forlorn Hope
Cabin Fever
Green War
Northwest Passage


Looking for the following Indiana Jones books from WEG:

45001 The World of Indiana Jones (1994)
45002 Indiana Jones and the Rising Sun (1994)
45003 Raiders of the Lost Ark Sourcebook (1994)
45004 Indiana Jones and the Tomb of the Templars (1995)
45006 Indiana Jones and the Golden Vampires (1995)
45008 Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom Sourcebook (1996)

Cabin Fever is in Another RPG Fan's Collection on p.4 of the Archive, and I know I've seen at least one of the others in another collection.

But I'm not willing to do ALL of the work for you.

Dig, my son, DIG!

Reporting the Death by Nuclear Fire of:

The Random (Horror) Collection

Page 8

A Moment of Silence for our fallen Hoard.

I gotcha. Us cyberpunks gotta hang together, savvy?


Anyone got the 3rd edition of Victoriana? Supplements would also be nice

I'm sure Mageguru had it, probably in his PF trove (see in thread).

Thank you for your time, I found it, but unfortunately it's the Pathfinder, not the Swords & Wizardry version that I'm actually after.


I found that already actually. Cabin Fever has been DMCA'd, but thanks for the pointer regardless.

Much gratitude.

Unfortunately that's all the terrible TSR version; user and I are looking for WEG d6 version,

The Grand Grimoire of Cthulhu Mythos Magic

Please obscure links...

Noted, but that gofile link is my upload, and it's a throwaway set of fills for one guy, not a CP2020 archive or anything.
If it wasn't my own link or I was actually worried about having to reupload it, I would obscure the links. As it is, meh.