Tell me about your homebrew chapter.
Tell me about your homebrew chapter
Other urls found in this thread:
They're a pretty cool guy. They kill xenos and doesn't afraid of anything
No, because then you'll steal them!
Basing the dudes on ancient Carthage. Fleet-based with many ties to Rogue Traders. Specialize in Boarding. Neophyte trial includes hunting a gas giant beast. Currently divided between making them Dorn sucessors or new primarines with secret EC gene-seed, just because Fulgrim was called "The Phoenician" and those were the origin of carthaginians.
Besides, is calling a vessel "Kart-Hadast" too jarring to Imperium tastes?
The Knights of the Wheel are essentially Shaolin Marines. They prefer the use of Drop Pods and close quarters combat with power daos and monk's spades as well as the typical armaments of a Marine.
The Chapter is overseen by the Chief Abbot who along with the rest of the Chaplains act on behalf of the Chapter Master who is in such a deep medatative state that he is currently sitting in a guarded chamber on their battle barge guarded by two Dreadnaughts at all time.
That said, this chapter has a lot of Dreadnaughts and I havn't decided if they are of traitor stock (Word Bearer) or what loyalist stock would fit them best.
They were a Samurai chapter, and this was way back at the beginning of 4th edition, so I don't remember much.
The chapter recruiting world was from a pre-Age of Strife colony that was set up specifically to be have life like Tokugawa Era Japan. During the AoS there was a warring states period that led to the colony regressing to a technology level that was equivalent to Feudal Japan. Sometime after the Horus Heresy, the White Scars find them and a Successor Chapter is founded. The world stays mostly Feudal, with families rising to the Samurai caste when one of their sons were recruited by the Chapter.
I don't remember much else except using Chainspears instead of chainswords for your basic infantry use, the chapter Heraldry was the Rising Sun, and I wanted a special Unit that was basically the characters from Seven Samurai.
I'm mobile atm, but my guys are combined French courier de bois and Poland/Polish resistance. Their numbers have recently dwindled causing squads to be more self sufficient and operate on their own for longer periods of time. However, when the chapter is brought together, they bring the entire force of the chapter in devastating shock and awe armored columns. They have few if any rhinos and rely on Ariel transport or having the marine piggy back on predators. All the tanks have hussar wings.
>Tell me about your homebrew chapter.
They are all BLACK and wear Egyptian looking armor
they were the smartest most fearsome fighters in all the galaxy until the bloody XENOS SCUM enslaved them, now they have somehow mixed with the xenos and are a feral and violent bunch caught between worlds but still remember their roots so they still wear the egyptian armor
my guys are pseudo-word bearers with an Aztec twist. split during the heresy, some worship the emporer and sacrifice a white furry creature that originates from their homeworld with every planet stabalised or pasifyed, while the chaos version sacrifice eachother in all manner of depraved ways, often focused on one god. eg tricking someone unsuspecting of consuming a plague vial, that causes bloodlust and sexual pleasure from killing. [note this is not fully fleshed out yet, still in developemnet]
lol what a shitty name
Marines who had over the millennium been tossed into the realm of malal where he has been slowly building up an army of those he's collected.
They all wear muted versions of their prior chapter colours and are basicly rubic marines in that they are mindless slaves to whoever malal is pleased enough to provide their services to.
there's a simple reason behind it, but I don't want to bore you with the 12 answer explanation, what's the saying? "haters going to hate"
>what's the saying?
stupid is as stupid does and its a stupid name
okay let me tell you "I was playing a zombie quest, and I took the name" now where oh where user is the point I give a fuck about what an user says about my choise in name?
Still trying to figure out a name. Salamanders descendant, Ultima Founding, All Primaris. Same big heroic guys with a penchant for burning shit down, but with a little more tactical flexibility and a taste for desert and urban warfare. Codex-compliant
I'm thinking "Sable Drakes" for the name, but I'd love to hear others if anyone has any ideas
if you are going for the slamaders "for the emperor and his people" view then maybe a name like the desert knights? if not I need some more time to think. any fluff on them?
Please tell me they have Macuahuitl-like chainswords.
Also check this:
>Here is what you need to know, OP: the Aztecs believed they were the last remaining descendants of the chosen people, and the only ones left who could save the world.
I can provide african-related names if that's of interest.
Also lore about african blacksmiths.
Ever thought about pyrographic scarification?
I've got an idea for a loyal Primaris chapter based on World Eater geneseed, now with my homeboy Cawl being all about this its not too far fetched.
In my mind Angron was fucked beyond measure by The Butcher's Nails and the Emperor whisking him away prematurely. They would encompass the honour and loyalty that the World Eaters would have embraced before they all had shit put in their brains and turned to slathering beserkers. They would have a large amount of Chaplains throughout all ranks to weed out any inherent weakness prematurely lest they end up like the World Eaters. Id like to think that are always trying to atone for their sins whilst everyone treats them like shit.
no actualy, the most weaponry I thought of was an athema blade for the chaos and regular chainswords for the loyalists. but the chosen people stick is pretty much just being space marines, but I am refining it how I can. any help is appreciated thanks.
Did you read the rest? 1/2
>Okay, its disappointing how little anyone in this thread actually seems to know about the Aztecs beyond HURR DURR SACRIFICES.
>Here is what you need to know, OP: the Aztecs believed they were the last remaining descendants of the chosen people, and the only ones left who could save the world.
>The world had already ended 4 times before, each time destroying the 'people' of that age with a unique calamity and paving the way for new life. Floods and shit like that.
>Our world already has an ending written for it. Eventually the sun god will die and the world will plunge into eternal night. In the darkness, monsters will descend from the stars and devour what walks the Earth. We dont know what, or if, the world that follows will be like.
>Aztec rituals are designed to buy us more time before this happens, usually by feeding the sun god, or generally check up on the health of the world. There is a fire ritual that they would do that asks if the world can end in the next 33 years. Not will or wont, but can or cannot.
>Cosmic Horror. The whole idea behind human sacrifice is that human blood is the only thing that keeps the god's powers running, and the god's powers are the only thing keeping thousands of titanic skeletal demonic horrors from descending upon the world and devouring it. Also some of those demons had rattlesnakes for penises. Aztec Mythology was weird.
Being the chosen ones, plus sacrifices to the sun god actually really fits with the recruiting and trails. It hadn't ocurred to me.
>I'd play it with the looming threat of universal annihilation being ever-present. Maybe something that's part of the skyline? A hole in reality, a planetoid-sized monster slowly approaching. They're soldiers/elite warriors from one of many kingdoms, and must make sacrifices to their gods regularly. I'd put them in situations where they may not want to kill these people. Won't work for a party of murderhobos but people who get into it will end up alone with a little orphan child and the ritual knife. They can, of course, choose not to. At first it seems like there's no effect. But every now and then something big gets through and they have to fight it off (preferably with heavy casualties) and wonder if they could have prevented all this.
>Some captives were sacrificed to Tezcatlipoca in ritual gladiatorial combat. The victim was tethered in place and given a mock weapon. He died fighting against up to four fully armed jaguar knights and eagle warriors.
>Thats fucking PC material if I ever saw it.
>Reminder that they escalated those fights, so he had already defeated at least sixteen warriors before they brougth on the 8 vs 1.
>Also he had won his freedom well before that point already, because jeez, that's more than enough blood for the gods and shit. But he was like: "Nah dudes, Immana die for the gods and become the pretty little hummingbird TODAY. BRING MORE WARRIORS!"
actualy I went to mexico and went through a very large temple structure and I do not belive the HUR DUR sacrifices. I know of the games, I know of the civilised points and a lot of other stuff. but I appreciate other knowledge on the subject
Siege Glory-Hounds, took a devastating blow from a chaos incursion. they have velociraptors (the small feathery kind) as pets, swarm, and scout.
Still wondering how to flesh them out more, like with traditions, demeanor, etc.
>I do not belive the HUR DUR sacrifices
Why not?
let me rephrase, I don't think it was YOU SPOKE A WORD WRONG OFF WITH HIS HEAD, BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD, THE SUN IS DYING ect, I belive. and have been told mind you, there was more to that, honor with the dead and disgrace and the priest hoods and all that bull hockey
Oh, now I got it. I don't have anything more to add about aztecs, neither had any ideas. Perhaps this might offer some to you:
Been working on a chapter, the idea is rather fresh so there is a lot of ground to cover but they're based more on feudal Japan rather than imperial Japan. They don't get much contact with the wider imperium outside their sector unless some orks are being chased through, so they are usually less well supplied and forced to come up with their own unique creations, or modifying existing weapons to be more durable. For instance they've converted most of their powered swords into powered kanabos, as a blunt instrument is far easier to maintain than a blade.
They're called the Isonades, named after the deadliest creature on their ocean world (and the japanese mythological monster). Much like how the tail of the isonade is covered in hooks for plucking unwary men from their books, the marines cover parts of their armor in hooks so that if they grab onto you, you are never getting away.
In addition to the Powered Kanabos as mentioned above, the Isonades have created chain-spears, modified versions of the fishing spears used by the natives of their home world Unabara rather than the kind commonly used by chaos cultists, and adamantium nets that can be deployed via rocket launcher and also be reused if they aren't too heavily damaged.
The most custom weapons are the Kotetsu blades though, weapons forged from the scales of the Isonade creature that are similar to the frost weapons of the Space Wolves. The first one was a Chain Nagamaki, designed and forged by the Techmarine Kotetsu as an anti-armor/cavalry weapon. Because of his daring/insanity, all future weapons forged from the scales of the creatures were also called 'Kotetsu blades' as a tribute to the first man with the testicular fortitude to go mano-a-mano with a giant three tailed shark that could crush boats with just one.
Regardless of their propensity for violence though, they're pretty good guys and do their best to defend civilians. They're likely descended from Salamanders, but I have yet to decide.
They're called the Steel Hawks, a non codex compliant chapter with a strong resistance to the warp and an overactive Sus-an membrane. Their chapter structure has 10 companies of marines but each company specialises in one kind of marine (1st is terminators, 2nd is assault, 3rd is tactical etc.) so some companies are larger than others. They're also slightly over strength (usually sitting at around the 1200-1300 marines mark.)
The world they recruit from is a feudal world that is bordering on a death world but isn't since the planet's apex predators can be killed by a man in primitive plate armour wielding a sharp piece of metal and none of the plants are poisonous.
I've got more but that's the general summary of things.
Their home world, Unabara, is an Ocean world. Island chains poke above the water and allow separate kingdoms to form, some of which are human, and some of which are ork. The Isonades allow the Ork infestation to remain in order to keep the natives hardy and ready to be recruited as initiates. Even without the Orks though it is quite likely that the people of Unabara would still fight each other as each lord on the surface fights to be the one that can claim the title of 'Emperor's true representative.'
Meanwhile on the Ork's side there is a great ork chief called Oda Orkunaga. He wears two masks stylized to resemble Gork and Mork, one masks is on the back of his head to catch 'gits trying to sneak up on him, and the other on his face to catch 'gits trying to sneak away from him. He goes around with an archaic flame thrower stylized to resemble a dragon's head. Under normal circumstances the Isonades would kill him, but Orkunaga is so busy trying to fight the other lesser ork chiefs that he can only occasionally fight the human kingdoms.
Now Unabara is a death world, if the giant three trailed shark doesn't tip you off. Hurricanes often spawn near the equatorial region where the most inhabited Islands, towards the northern and southern poles there are often ice storms, and then this isn't counting the fact that even if the Isonade is the top of the food chain, there are plenty of creatures below it that will prey on unwary humans for food.
>Lasgun using chapter. Emphasizing efficiency and long term operations. Main weapon is the lasbolter. Not as powerful as a bolter but near unlimited ammo. They also emply handheld multilasers and lascannons
>The marines are based off the Guards Rifles and communist honor guards. Even in their ranks they have commissars to motivate chapter proles and the marines in battle. A few marines were at times made example of for not showing absolute commitment.
>in b4 The Hanged
Not much fluff as of yet. Fleet-based, sort of a mix between modern western military doctrine, but with a touch of heroic chivalry and knights errant. They pride themselves on conducting heroic interventions and being able to burn down literally anything to ashes and slag. Strong emphasis on maneuver warfare, will likely maintain a larger-than-normal allocation of Inceptor units, as well as a healthy number of Aggressors for that punch of flame. I'm trying to avoid using "Desert" or "Sand" in the name. They're obvious words. Maybe something a bit more esoteric and underused, Maybe a name for arid areas that hasnt been used since the medieval period?
I haven't put them together, but I've been conjuring up a chapter idea for a while.
The missing loyalist primarch was a daughter
The chapter is thus entirely composed of female space marines, who are basically just space marines with boob armor
Heraldry/tactics are based on Amazonians and the Celts
Primarch is a thinly-veiled Boudicca/Valkyrie rip-off
I want to do it specifically because I think the "space muhreens can only be dudes" thing is retarded.
Not out of a sense of "m-muh equality" but because I think the reason is stupid
It also triggers my best friend and I love pissing him off
I hope if you've gotten this far you aren't very mad
[spoiler[I forgot to mention that I wanted them to have some sort of gene-seed defect due to the fact that the Emprah was a man and I know the lore itself says there's something about Y chromosomes that make it so only dudes can be Spess Muhreens, but I don't know enough about biology or the lore to figure it out[/spoiler]
I also don't want them to be too special snowflaked since female space marines is already snowflake enough
>boob armor
>It also triggers my best friend and I love pissing him off
so not only are you a special snowflake, you're a flaming faggot with shit taste. congrats
Thanks for the hot take, user, I'll be sure to file that away for later consideration
So the plot is basically Dark Souls?
hmph so avoiding words for the desert? well ship based so, the fallen stars? this works if they have a chaos counterpart, otherwise keep it as a crummy back up,
>Void Raiders
Taking inspiration from the Black Locks on Veeky Forums a while back, but putting my own spin on it, the Void Raiders are Pirate themed Raven Guard successors.
The Chapter is fleet based, with each of the 10 companies operating from their own ship. My army is specifically the 3rd company, who travel on The Mourning Star. While it is usual for the fleet to journey together after the emergance of the Great Rift and ending up on the side of the Dark Imperium it was decided to be best that the companies become more independent to better tackle the new state of affairs.
The chapter specializes in Boarding Actions and City Fighting, and as such has adapted the makeup of the company ships. Devestators are rare, a ship having at most one dedicated squad with usually Tactical marines taking up heavy arms if required, while Assault and Tactical squads are balanced. Each Company aside from the 1st is a full Battle Company rather than the usual Scout and Reserves. Instead Scouts are divided amoung all ships but that of the 1st Company, Drake's Grail. In a boarding action it is their responsibility to secure (or destroy if the vessel is not be salvaged) the infastracture of the ship, including crew.
After one ship's crew mutinied, aided by the corrupt Chaplin and the newly turned to Chaos Marines of the chapter, and another was lost to Hive Fleet Kraken, the structure of the chapter was reconsidered. Now a selection of veterans are present on each vessel. There were a number of reasons for this adjustment, including strengthening the companies, ensuring not all experienced hands would be lost in a hypothetical destruction of Drake's Grail, providing an outside eye on possible heretical movements in the company while keeping it within the chapter and to handle the dual increase in promotions and casulties as the fighting in the Dark Imperium takes its toll.
Mm, honestly if you are going Salamander inspired and you don't have a Battle Cry yet, you could go with "I see clearly!" Apparently the root of Dragon, drakos, can be translated to mean "to see (clearly), to live, to watch, to gleam/shine." I always thought that would be a good battlecry for a draconic chapter
Is there a template for this?
No, too busy working on my chapter based off of /tv/. They were founded by an inquisitor and have an unhealthy obsession with tyranids
Cripes I'd like to see who created a plague that Nurgle, Khorne, and Slaanesh fight over... WAIT A MINUTE
if only the grandfather would let me near his vats of pestilence, tis not to be sadly. but until then HAVE AVIAN FLU BIRD BRAIN
My Imperial Fists successor chapter, The Knights of Ajax, were founded to kill Orks only to find that the Orks had vanished once they arrived in the sector. Unfortunately, the marines can no longer grow progenoids and are slowly dying out. As a result marines from this Chapter refuse todo anything that will hide their colors, such a joining the Deathwatch. They hold that since the Chapter is doomed, they will live as proud sons of the chapter.
A small, fleet-based chapter, they retain a Space Hulk called Heklor's Folly which is filled with jungle vines (think an isolated ecosystem) in which to train their recruits. The Chapter can only field four or five Librarians and has lost much of its history since their Librarium was destroyed by a raiding party of Eldar. As the Librarians are stretched so thin, many brothers feel vulnerable to the depredations of the Warp, so Chaplains have taken an increasingly large role in the Chapter, with many marines using confession to help deal with the dread of being a slowly dying chapter.
The Chapter reveres Rogal Dorn's perseverance after the death of the Emperor, pointing to his acquiescence to the Guilliman Reforms, the Codex Astartes, and the destruction of the First Black Crusade as examples of fortitude and adaptability in difficult times.
They have recently taken a Forge World back from the Iron Warriors/Nurgle daemons, and held their ground against an opportunistic AdMech invasion force.
Yeah, from GW's site, but I was told people couldn't get it to work right - using paint fill got fucked up because the lines weren't solid.
is it a coincidence that these homebrews have either terrible names and/or paint scheme
Here's a fixed copy of the template.
I have this chapter i based on asiatic hordes.They're called the White Scars.
Their main tactic is making a small part of their forces defend most of their frontline with mines and autocannons,while focusing their main forces in a deep push against the enemie's logistics and C&C.
They need fast vehicles to penetrate the enemy rear,so they're the largest jetbike users of the Imperium.
Jesus christ, just play fucking sisters
Years back I made a Carcharadon successor that specialized in naval (as in water) and amphibious warfare cuz their homeworld was a Ocean World. They used LCAC-style hovercraft and submarines.
Building a RG successor chapter called Ash Raptors. Eshin Grey armour, Naggaroth Night shoulders/knees.
Specialise in being mostly sensible marines, just not Raptors levels of sensible. Lots of scouts, jump troops and land speeders. Basically my 'I've got so many tanks already, lets do something different' army.
Founded on a death world (post apoc/fallout esque) so lots of lurking around in ruined cities or giving it the full mad max in wastelands.
The Scions of Calth are an Ultramarines successor chapter that was originally created with survivors and veterans of the Calth system. I haven't decided much of the background except that they send new recruits to walk the scorched surface of Calth before being accepted into the chapter. A marine that slays a Word bearer paints his right fist blue while the chapter symbol represents the five planets of the Calth system burning.
The guy in the image is the test miniature and I might change the chapter symbol later but he's a member of the second tactical squad and part of the fourth company.
>primaris marines
Into the trash you go.
The Gay Marines
They're faggots
Chapter symbol looks cool, but I'd swap the green for something else personally.
Awww shit dude, nice
Why are so many of these idiots Crimson?
Fuck off, it's my chapter :)
>disobey the codex astartes
Get out, heretic.
Salamanders successor. Focused on destruction and building. They get in quick, burn down everything in sight then stick around to repair the damages.
Sup, Veeky Forums. It's been a few years.
>Blows dust off ancient Veeky Forums meme
First is mine, other three are friends' chapters
Night Falcons.
Essentially Raptors, but with the luck of the Lamenters, who primarily aid with Imperial Guard offensives and are actually pretty nice dudes
Friends with the
Rust Angels
Who are chivalrous, replace much of their bodies with bionics to stave the Red Thirst/Black Rage, and are as friendly as the Salamanders
Hostile environment troopers from Aquamar, specialize in fighting in disease-infested and underwater environments, tacticool as f__k
and the
Void Spectres
Psyker-focused Dark Angels, mysterious and focused on lore and combating sorcery, and yet are less autistic then normal
Fuck off, I bet you wrote the Space Wolf codex.
Looks like orange mag pies.
Founded to protect an AdMech excavation of some primo Dark Age tech, they were cut off from the Imperium by a warp storm for several centuries and developed into a highly divergent chapter based much more on local values than those of the wider Imperium. They're extremely humanitarian to the point of conflict with other arms of the Imperium, they get along eerily fine with the Eldar, and they have basically subsumed the explorator group that was left on their planet into an arm of their fortress-monestary.
The Guard loves them because they go out of their way to back up their fellow men, but the Inquisition gets a rash just thinking about their dealings with xenos, and the AdMech despises them, the moreso because mum's the word on what happened to the dig.
Basically the only reason they haven't been declared renegade is that the Administratum hasn't gotten around to the paperwork.
Do they have a bunch of psykers and steal shit from other chapters?
Found some others from the thread where the megalith/innuit marines got conceived.
>Champions of Athena
>No golden armour
One job
I really want to do some green primaris, but I can't decide on what other colors to do with the green or what to call them. Or what lore to give them. I just want to do green primaris. Any help? With color schemes, and maybe an idea for a name? And don't say just do salamanders, if i wanted to do salamanders i'd have already done salamanders.
Or is it
If possible I'd like something with "Judges" in the name. I just can't think of a prefix for it.
...the librarian, I think? Made in 2011, memory's kind of fuzzy on the details.
Those Caveman marines?
Discussion got around to giving them a "fallen" or crazed component, e.g. the Death Company.
Yep. Based off Inuit/Eskimo mythology. I can't remember who they're founding legion was supposed to be. The thread where we came up with them was back in 2011.
Huh, never noticed the similarity until right now.
I remember reading about them once.
I'm surprised, really. I thought they died with that thread.
I think their 1d4chan page is still up.
Holy shit, it is.
Thanks. Time for some light nostalgia reading.
Glad I could be of some help.
Been working on a WS successor I like to call the Winds of Vengeance. The WoV dedicate themselves to hunting down Xeno and heretic leaders responsible for the deaths of many Imperium soldiers and/or civilians, sometimes at great cost for the chapter. The chapter's greatest enemy is Abbadon himself. The WoV have participated in each Black Crusade post 4th founding in an attempt to kill Abaddon. As of the 13th Black Crusade, the chapter has been reduced down to what is left of the 1st, 4th, and 5th companies.
Their color scheme is sky blue with green pauldrons, armbands, and Aquilas. Their battle cry is: "The winds of vengeance have come for retribution!" Squad number is indicated by a gothic numeral over the squad symbol while company number is indicated by a Roman numeral on the right kneepad. No idea what to make their chapter symbol.
Do they have a gimmick? Jump packs ackimbo? deep strikers? How do they like to fight?
>every chapter is pretty much "uhhh they [insert ancient civilization] marines and well they do what those people did lol
My OC donuts are called the Dragon Knights, White Scars successors that do the mounted knight thing as opposed to the mongol thing.
Thanks to the Deathwatch chapter generator, they were made to counter orks but instead made Tyranids their greatest foe.
I wanna sum them up instead of writing an entire history for them. .
Anyways tl;dr I made these guys up in 2011 as Vermilion Wings, but this year decided to strip and repaint my army and gave them a name change to Void Vultures.
They're cannibalistic barbarian Blood Angels
Here's a template that's fillable in MS Paint.
Ah, I remember the heady days of the Create-A-Chapter threads.
They're gray and orange and that's about it
Full Primaris, newly founded. Bells chimes are constant during pray time, and they bring a fuckhuge bell escorted by echlesiiarcs and servitors to battle for chants and morale.
I like yours, user.
Thanks. I got my template from the first thread when they published the shitty one on the community page, so I didn't knew there was a better one.
It just got posted. Enjoy.
I guess I can do mind now. One chapter of mine is called the Frenzied Scions. A 3rd Founding BA chapter that was originally a Legion company that was stationed in the Ghoul Stars during the mid to late Crusade who missed out on Horus's edgy temper tantrum. I am having trouble remembering the fluff for muh dudes since it has been a while since I thought about them.