>Order a hamburger combo
>That'll be 6$
>Pay with BTC through off chain lightning network
>Settles in a few seconds and costs a few cents.
>Go home and enjoy my food.
Order a hamburger combo
Other urls found in this thread:
god that ass is insane
>order a vegetarian hamburger combo
>That'll be 6$
>Pay with LTC through shift debit card
>Settles in a few seconds and costs a few cents
>Masturbate onto burger
>Complain about burger with semen on it
>Get new burger, but also keep the cum burger
>Up 100%
You guys arent gonna get lambos if you cant flip burgers
Good Lord, sauce on pic?
barista elani
that looks just like this chick I've been sleeping with, completely batshit from too many drugs tho, unironically thinks 9/11 was an inside job
i hate you for posting this picture.
that girls ass is so fine, just seeing the thumbnail makes me want to fap, everytime you post it
Fees are a scam. Just use IOTA.
>GIVE give burge now!
>That be 6% fresh tasty
>HERE TAKE internet coin
>double pirce internet coin?!?!
>order a hamburger combo
>that'll be 6$
>put my card in and type 4 numbers
>instantly gets accepted with no fees
>go home and enjoy my food.
Could I afford her for a night?
>gets carded by fat neckbeards who will sell your card info online for internwt money
I fuckin lol'd OP
Are your retarded?
pics of lambo keys or stop larping
It was, you blind faggot
Day 3 of nofap this girl is testing me
You're batshit
if you don't think there is a lot of stuff fishy with 9/11 you are the crazy one.
unironically. I think it was an inside job
>no fees
Just because you're not the one paying them doesn't mean they aren't there. Once crypto has reached mass adoption and fees are low enough we'll see businesses start to eat them just like with credit cards
youre insane
Cumburgerland is the 1st stop between here and the moon.
>Are you retarded?
>sir your total is 0.0008275 BTC
>h-how much?
>market drops 8% within 5 seconds
>that will be 0.0008937 BTC
u think lightning will reduce fees ahahahahhah u fucking retard
Cute girl
Top larp m8
>mommy ordering tendies bc finally cleaned up last month's piss jugs
>what a good boy you've been user!
>mommy's best boy
>the biggest boy
>mommy can you pretty please use the Blockstream™ Lightning Network™?
>only paid $50 for this month's subscription
>want mommy to demonstrate my technical prowess to qt 3.14 cashier
>thank you ma'am, that'll be $12 for the Big Boy Combo Meal
>only costs $15 to use the Blockstream™ Lightning Network™ node
>wait 5 minutes in front of qt 3.14 cashier for Blockstream™ Lightning Network™ transaction to complete
>have a good day!
>go home
>go to my room
>scarf down Big Boy Combo Meal
>open Veeky Forums
>brag about exclusive Blockstream™ Lightning Network™ subscription
i wanna turn my autismbux into lambo money
thoughts, Veeky Forums?
honestly with how filthy rich some people got paying 15 more might be just a way to burn some money
>be me
>drive to McDonald's in my 1992 toyota camry
>walk inside, already sweating profusely due to the long walk since I didn't get my usual spot directly in front of the door (I have a handicap tag, some old 90 y/o bitch was in the spot)
>qt3.14 is 'mirin my leather trench coat and matching fedora
>finish my hit off my custom vape pen and exhale directly into her face so she can experience the delectable vanilla scented water vapor
>i take off my fedora and make a sweeping bow
>"Good day my lady, if you would be so kind as to put me in for an order of your Buttermilk Chicken Tenders, with McSuper sized fries, as well as a McSuper sized diet coke."
>she makes a weird face during what I can only assume is her lust for me taking over her body
>she manages to mumble out, "s-sure sir, will you be paying with card or cash?"
>I smile as smugly as I possibly can and pull out my cellphone, "actually, fair lady, I will be paying with Bitcoin!"
>audible groans of envy emit from behind me
>some wannabe Chad even says "are you fucking serious"
>I look at him and give him a gentlemanly nod as the screen on the card reader generates a QR code, which I promptly scan
>"Thanks to the new Lightning Network, this will only take a moment, I assure you!" I let out a hearty chortle as these normies are clearly overflowing in envy
>I stand there awkwardly for only a mere 20 minutes waiting for confirmations to process
>"T-this is the c-currency of the future you know!" I say with a smile, making plans in my head how I will rail this qt tonight while mommy sleeps
>unable to confirm transaction
did it, did it grow a dick in the middle?
Lamborghini takes autismbux directly now. No need for a third party. isn't the future great?
dude my iq is 127 im autistic not retarded, i hear binance a scam
im just looking for exchanges
i like to imagine you actually did this just to see reactions
I totally misinterpreted your question. I have had good luck with Bittrex and Cryptopia. The former is high volume while the latter is low volume but it has lots of coins that jump up and down 10% throughout the day for easy gains.
>thinking it wasnt an inside job
goddamn you're retarded
my only experience is runescape ge merching and flipping
wish me luck
>Order a hamburger combo
>That'll be 6$
>Pay with XRB through my phone
>Settles instantly and cost 0 fees.
>Go home in my Lambo (afforded with cheap XRB, before it mooned on main exchanges)
>Enjoy my food.
aww shit son new batsu soon
get to see how old these fuckers have gotten again
>easy gains.
sounds risky senpai, unless their price is magically stable for some reason
>order a hamburger combo
>That'll be $6
>whore my daughter out to cashier
>fuck her in the ass while she tongues his cock
>cum inside the burger
>enjoying hamburger combo
kek, poor fag
holy shiiiiitttt
except it was ironically an inside job. CIA spread the psyop of if you believe in 9/11 had any us govt tampering then you are a conspiracy nut job. It is also interesting to note that the cia also created the "conspiracy theorist" psyop to discredit real evidence against the US govt.
>literally just watch my fucking bank account and have it shut down by my trustworthy bank at the first sign of fraud
>lose zero dollars and zero cents
why even card these days
post pics
(OP) #
I thought I would participate in some interesting discussions about finance and all I do is collecting pics of whores.
no sane person agrees with you about 9/11, and no one believes a girl who looks like this would let you within 5 feet of her.
>Pay using Raiden, or some other ethereum payment channel network with better channel collateral scaling than the creaking lightning network.
>Fees measured in the millionths of a dollar due to vastly decreased settlement and collateral costs on sharded plasma ethereum network.
>Currency risk eliminated by ERC20 stablecoins and constantly rebalancing financial derivatives.
>Food arrives tracked from farm to plate by unforgeable guarantees of authenticity, all registered in a plasma subchain.
>Vote on some legislation while I eat
>Since all government has been replaced by delegative liquid democracy with all votes and power structures running on ethereum, all civic decisionmaking is vastly improved. Devs are always working on tweaking the system, proposing changes and new politicoeconocryptographic structures, processes, and incentives, which are implemented and phased in by voters.
>Pay for my five-star meal in one of humanity's best restaurants, not a greasy burger in a midwestern strip mall.
>NFC coil hidden in the table gives me my payment invoice unintrusively when I request it
>Restaurant systems register my payment of Dai stablecoin, worth 0.001 ETH, without needing to be brought a qr code or card reader like it's the stone age or something.
>The waiter is neither seen nor tipped since this isn't the irradiated wastes that used to be burgerland.
>I rate him 5 stars for his excellent service, which fees in to a vast and constantly revised algorithm the restaurant and the industry generally uses to set wages.
>My ethereum-connected self-driving car pulls up as I exit, and begins the journey home across the rugged grey landscape, to my mansion/moonbase on the sea of tranquility.