

Other urls found in this thread:

>Be Imperium
>Recruiting one in a trillion humans with blank powers
>Send only the best females to join the SoS
>Don't issue them helmets

i miss the era of analog painting.

none of the digital covers get true 40k feel along.

You know what fucking gets me, is that pariahs are meant to be super rare, and they emphasize this so much in celuxes assassin lore, but apparently there's a whole fuckin army of them.

"Rare" only means so much in a galaxy with quadrillions of humans.

It's the opposite though. 40k is about extreme realism and high drama. It's the old covers that are wrong.

It doesn't help that the present art direction seems obsessed with showing exactly what is on a miniature and nothing else, which leads to very 'clean' looking characters. Even back when GW had paintings rather than photographs on their boxes to illustrate the contents their seemed to be more freedom to embellish.

There's definitely quality issues with some digital artwork though. He's got better at it in recent years, but you compare some of Adrian Smith's recent-ish work to his old ink and paint jobs and it looks very scrappy.

That just looks fucking ugly;

Well, Wraight has done no wrong yet aside from his very early missteps. Colour me cautiously optimistic.

While they're "rare" you're looking at a 1 in a billion chance of someone being a blank... the average imperium world can be anywhere from 5=25 billion people. With over a million planets in the imperium you're looking at millions of blanks floating about.

>muh feels

The game has left your kind behind, and is all the better for it, and all you will respond with is "nuh uh muh feels" like a braindead fool. Your feels are no longer feely enough.

>the present art direction seems obsessed with showing exactly what is on a miniature and nothing else

Thanks, Chapterhouse!

You wouldn't know aesthetic if it slapped its dick in your face

This, fuck chapter house forever, they single handled Spartan kicked GW into their current direction.

You've still got to find them before they're destroyed for being soulless abominations that, at best, alienate everyone around them, then process and assess them to see if they're high grade enough to be any use, then hope that they're mentally and physically strong enough to survive the next steps in training. For Sisters of Silence you have to do all that, plus cut half the candidates for being the wrong gender. I mean, yeah, there's still a lot of them in theory, its just realistically its a complete pain in the neck to find them amongst the uncounted trillions that make up humanity. That, and blanks are so useful to anyone that interacts with psykers that anyone who does find one is almost certainly going to try to hang onto them themselves for as long as possible.

But hey, "secret army of lady blanks operating since the Heresy" is perfectly sound compared to most of the new fluff, so whatever.

Where the fuck is she swinging that sword. That pose does not make sense. 40k art is ridiculous

Inb4 40k is completely ridiculous

This. The Kopinski art of the cadian is a great example of a man wearing the same uniform as the model, rather than a reproduction of the model.

Similarly, crazy exaggerated artwork like Blanche and England served to illustrate the insanity of 40k.

I don't know what that skull thing with the metal petals is on the new 40k. Its interesting but it doesn't seem like its anything at all


You're why I don't 40k threads anymore, holy Fuck.

>skull thing with the metal petals

You can see just in the general fluff discussions how much some people on Veeky Forums hate actual 40k despite frequenting the threads. Not sure how they got into the setting to begin with really.

>Still doesn't know how head armor works in warhammer

GW completely over-reacted though.

Those Cadians illustrate another thing that drew me to 40k in the first place: the Imperium is such a weirdly medieval future. Not quite space fantasy like Star Wars, but ugly, battered people wearing ugly, battered armour which is quite clearly advanced but is accessorised with fetishes and religious icons. At a glance you can tell that those Cadians are professional soldiers analogous to our own militaries . They've got the tan and camouflage patterns, their equipment is familiar but potentially a bit more advanced than us, they've both clearly seen some serious shit. Then the details creep in. Its not just the skulls and eagles, its the bone sticking out of a backpack, its the devotional script pinned to a pauldron, its the scars and facial disfigurements and uniform with holes in it. You can tell almost immediately that something has gone terribly wrong with the setting and it'll be really interesting to explore.

Side note - you don't see half as many crazy "normal" Imperials doing their thing any more, again probably because there's no miniatures of them. I loved all those toothless robed maniacs the best.

>the bone sticking out of a backpack
That is a trench shovel handle

He says as he posts one of the uglier busier designs.


Is it? It always looked like an arm bone to me from the colour and the nodules at the top.
Congratulations on your brilliant insight!

Newfags hopping on the nerd bandwagon. Alternatively they got here from the video games where things are generally less grimdark and it doesn't fit what they think 40k should be.