Which one are you?
Which one are you?
Other urls found in this thread:
both depending on my mood
Second one because I got too much shit to do.
more like
Average intelligence
>sells at 13k to buy back at 9k
>btc raises to 15k
>fomo buy back in
>drops to 12k sells again
>rinse repeat
Hodl chad infinite wisdom
>buy at whatever price
>dont panic sell because not afraid
>iron hands CANT fold
>refuse to sell at a loss
>the market comes around
>doesnt need to obsess over getting small gains rapidly, because has more going on in their lives
I'm the one who cannot connect to Kraken cause it's overwhelmed.
Hodl is a stable profit. Number 1 depends more on luck than intelligence. The risk is not worth it
Top is a literal psychic/apparently receives divine wisdom, or has so much capital that they create the wisdom, i.e., the institutions
Bottom is tried and true conventional wisdom after applying in depth research and appropriate risk
If anyone could time the market with that much precision they’d be millionaires in short time (which applies to some individuals).
normies outperform hodlTM pros always
You cannot predict what will happen exactly, your 'average intelligence' approach is pure gambling.
>a pic that expresses all my feelings towards hodlcucks
thanks OP, saved
I hodl bc I'm an undisciplined piece of shit who refuses to learn or concentrate I probably have an acquired brain injury imo
Only valid reason to hold, anything else is brainlet tier.
>not selling low and buying high to fuck with markets
lmao poorfags will never into crashing this plane with no survivors
>unironically thinking you can use your "superior intelligence" to time the market and make consistent profits
hold on op i think you missed something on your chart, here let me fix that for you
by the time you "react" it's too late
Sold 11 BTC for 19.2k
Bought back in for 11.1k This morning.
Put the profit into IOTA, TRX, RIPPLE and a few moon shots.
Hey, you think it's not gonna trend down anymore?
I'm way too stupid to know when to sell before a dip or crash so I simply don't. I just use dips and crashes as opportunities to buy more.
"Average Intelligence" is dumb as fuck because usually in those situations you'd get your shit pushed in
"Average intelligence" approach is self contradictory - it can't be the average intelligence approach.
Every trade is done with someone else. So someone buys from you before the drop and someone sells you before it rises.
After the fees the average trader must lose relative to the performance of the underlying.
HODLing on the other hand has a expected return that's equivalent to the return of the underlying.
In other words, unless you have some special edge over the market which is clearly not something 'average' you are guaranteed to lose in the long term. In the short term it's the luck of the draw.
The scale on this image is so fucked up.
HODL at January would put you about 1000% profit
LTC seems a good price to me, tell me if I'm stupid for saying buy?
How many % in gains do you usually wait to take profit?
Im playing with so little money that I would lose more on transaction fees
You have to time market perfectly and also pay way more in taxes and fees...
5% profit.
I tried to do the first one, and every time I sold at the "peak" the shit mooned like 20% more... so, it's not that easy, and not TA fags get the fuck out. I'm not using your astrology.
Wow op you're right it's so simple just buy low and sell high. Damn why did no one think of this? We're all gonna be rich now. Thanks op
Both. I trade with 25% of my coins.
My holds always win because I only hold good coins.
Second on unknown markets where I have no experience; BTC, XMR, LTC
First on ETH; where I started and know almost everything and therefore earn most of my trading gains
>HODL doesn't buy the dip
>thinking that HODL has an strength without buying the dip
do better so I don't have to sage, please
I have absolutely nothing going for me. I've taken a year off uni and honestly don't plan on going back. My parents were very mad when I took a year off and are only somewhat ok with this because I was actually making money off crypto until 2 days ago. Like more money than both my parents make in a day kind of money. They also don't know I don't have the intention of even going back to school, they assume I actually plan on going in September even though they kicked me out my program for failing most my classes.
I was making like $300-1000 a day this past month with only 4 or so days were I went slightly under. I started trading with my entire portfolio like a retard and bought a coin 2 days ago I'm down 50% of my portfolio on. This is what happens when you are autist with nothing to live for. Only thing I have going for me is crypto and working out.
I hope this shitcoin goes back up so I can keep making money off normies. I plan to hit a million and then make passive income off that. If not that than a revolver.