We also talk about Wild Talents edition
This is a thread for discussing Monsters and Other Childish Things, Wild Talents, Reign and any other games built on Greg Stolze's One Roll Engine.
>***The System
Roll some d10s. Find matches. The number of matching dice is your Width. The number ON the dice is your Height. So a Set of [5,5,5] has a Width of 3 and a Height of 5, written as 3x5. That's it. Width and Height tell you a lot about your action, such as how fast it was, how strong it was, how precise it was, etc. Everything in the system is built around this fast, simple mechanic.
>***The Games
A game about cosmic horror using the Madness system invented and popularized by Unknown Armies. It's available for free on ArcDream's website here: arcdream.com
Superhero roleplaying during World War II. Fight supersonic Nazis and invisible French knife maniacs in a brutal setting where you're equally likely to be killed by a mortar blast as from a supervillain.
>Wild Talents
The sequel to Godlike, blowing the doors of the system to let you create any superpower you can imagine. /tg's favorite ORE game.
>Monsters and Other Childish Things
You're a kid with an imaginary monster friend who's real, and you have adventures. Converts nicely to Jojo and Persona.
High fantasy roleplaying in a crazy world that would need to have an entire post just about it.
>A Dirty World
Noir at its best. Relentlessly focused on character growth and psychology. A much lighter system than the others.
>Better Angels
You're a supervillain whose power comes from a contract with a demon. Try not to get dragged to hell.
>***Pastebin Archive
---A compendium of tips, advice, homebrews and other content assembled by /tg from /ore Generals past
>***This Thread
...converting MaOCT to play Persona
...Wild Talents character and campaign discussion
...ORE homebrew and house rules