How long until the obvious twist is revealed of Guilliman being an agent of Chaos because Games Workshop will never ever allow their author-insert Evil Stu faction to lose, be challenged or be set back so that they can destroy the Wh40k world and introduce a new line of extremely simplified games set in a retarded pocket dimension the Emperor created to start a new Age for himself?
How long until the obvious twist is revealed of Guilliman being an agent of Chaos because Games Workshop will never...
>Actually having the audacity to complain that Chaos is given more appreciation and victories over Imperium
Holy fuck how stupid are you OP? They literally changed the results of that global campaign years ago because Chaos BTFO of Imperium so bad but Imperium fags whined too much.
>can never allow their author insert evil Stu faction to lose
>he actually thinks chaos is the chosen Mary sues
I'm getting really sick of newfags who have no idea what they're talking about.
The only reason Age of Sigmar was made was because Warhammer Fantasy was completely dead. 40k still has a lot of players.
>one instance of somewhat chaos-favored results being remade for fairness
Doesn't cancel out literally every other daily Chaos victory and "muh unstoppable chaos" bullshit they push out. Are you forgetting that they also remade the entire history of one of their other IPs in order to make Chaos unstoppable Stus who literally destroyed the entire world and it was said they only ever lost because they felt bored? Retconning an entire several-year canon line and global storydriven tournament where Chaos lost in order to make them win? Overwhelmingly?
It's fine to like Chaos but don't be this in denial that your faction is the company's absolute favorite and full of author inserting.
This. They've been worthless for so fucking long in the fluff I feel bad for the chaos fags in GWs. Suddenly they're dangerous for a bit because "all according to keikaku". So long as we don't get age of sigmarred, let them have their fun.
>How long until the obvious twist is revealed of Guilliman being an agent of Chaos
His armour already looks the part.
That said,
>thinking that Chaos has been a threat in 40K until Geedubs remembered that CSMs exist half a year or so back
This is one of the funniest complaints I've seen since "Nurgle gets no love from GW".
>Doesn't cancel out literally every other daily Chaos victory and "muh unstoppable chaos" bullshit they push out. Are you forgetting that they also remade the entire history of one of their other IPs in order to make Chaos unstoppable Stus who literally destroyed the entire world
Kudos to GW for actually having the balls to end it and not pussy out with an asspull at the end. Stay salty faggot.
I don't see why that required ripping out all the old fluff and replacing it with the incoherent, adjective-spamming, trademark-driven mess that AoS has now. They could've just restructured the game so it wouldn't have such a high barrier to entry, and actually bothered supporting it with more than the trickle of new releases it was getting in the lead-up to End Times.
>but no one was buying anymore hurr durr it's the players' fault
That's what happens when you make it hard for new players to get in, and.don't give the old players anything worth adding to their armies. People don't buy things.
>our spiritual liege
>losing, being challenged, or being set back outside of his tragic backstory
shit nigger what are you doing
Guilliman is about to acknowledge the Emperor as the one true god though
>chaos is unstoppable now thanks to gw shittery
>wtf no chaos has never won fuck you!
>but they did and destroyed an entire world
>yeah so stay salty faggot fuck you!
Because that way they can have a big launch
you can either
a) launch a new edition that will spread through mostly word of mouth because your playerbase is dead
b) Squat one of your most iconic (but no longer profitable) games and launch a brand new one
from a business perspective it makes perfect sense
because the public reaction is either "oh they're releasing yet another fantasy edition. I don' really care since i stopped playing ages ago", which turns into "huh, the one guy i know says the new edition is actually a big shakeup, maybe i'll check it out"
"EVERYONE LOOK AT THIS!! THEY'RE CANCELLING FANTASY BATTLES AND REPLACING IT WITH THIS NEW THING!!! I'M FUCKING PISSED (even if I haven't played it in ages)!!!", which turns into "huh, this new thing that i kept looking at because it enraged me is actually much better than the old stuff after all, i'll tell all the people i complained about it to"
it's all about exposure
At least neither chaos or the Imperium are considered NPC races. Nids fluff would absolutely wreck every faction but the necrons if GW wasn't shilling hard for the Imperium AND chaos.
>implying the galaxy won't just devolve into a giant ork-nid fuckfest
This is the true end of the of the franchise.
>This is the true end of the of the franchise.
If 40k has an end, it'll be with chaos eating everything so that the warp can spit out a new setting like with Fantasy.
Am I the only one left that believes the God Emperor will guide us to victory?
GW's only literary tool IS the asspull. Especially when it pertains to chaos.
A recent example is Hive Fleet Leviathan getting FUCKING DELETED by Khorne. I would elaborate except that GW didn't elaborate because they literally spat in the face of like 15 years of canon to make sure their Gary Stu chosen faction wins always.
Probably. If GW decides to conclude 40k, then the WHFB Chaos Route is the logical way to do it from a financial standpoint because then the new setting can recycle all the old models. GW is a business after all.
If the Imperium wins, that means pretty much all the other factions are gone, and dead factions don't sell models. Same thing with a Tyranid or ork victory.
>A recent example is Hive Fleet Leviathan getting FUCKING DELETED by Khorne
I still can't believe people defended this. It literally removed all agency from an entire faction, in a battle that they've been building to for 3 years now, and just said, "Warp Falls, Nids die." How can anyone read that and say "This is good. This is worth defending."
LSM's are the ones who get endlessly fellated in 40k.
Chaos is a real close second. They even retconned the entire Horus Heresy into Just As Planned for Chaos right down to Horus losing. You don't get much more fellated than that.
True, they both do because a ton of the players love either being the hero space marines, or the spikey space marines.
Poor everyone else.
Is it possible that the excerpt could be misinterpreted? Is it possible that it was just the small portion of Leviathan that was planet-side got wiped out, and the rest of the fleet just moved on during time-dilation caused by the warp storm? Or is that way too optimistic (or lore-breaking) a reading?
Yeah. It wouldn't be so bad if they weren't also taking all the Xenos' biggest battles (Armageddon and Baal), and handing those to Chaos as well. I can't wait to find out how Chaos become central in the Octarius War next.
It's hard to misinterpret one line. There's a Black Library novel coming out though and Black Library loves their retcons; maybe it'll work for good for a change.
Well, I mean, if I remember right, Baal gets swallowed up by the warp storm during the fighting - once it's cleared up, the Hive Fleet above is gone, Rowboat has shown up, and there's a lot of skulls on the moon.
I heard somebody give this theory - is it possible that the warp basically moved the planet forward in time a couple of centuries? Long enough for the Indomitus Crusade to make the long-as-fuck journey across the rift? (Basically, all the way to the end of the interesting era they promised us, which I mean, at least it happened...) And if so, is it possible that just *some* tyrannids got eaten by Rocky, while the rest just wandered off to find another meal? Or is all of that make no sense whatsoever?
(Though, as you say, they love going back on what happened - see Cadia blowing up without blowing up - so the line may change soon.)
>Is it possible that it was just the small portion of Leviathan that was planet-side got wiped out, and the rest of the fleet just moved on during time-dilation caused by the warp storm?