Can we get a normies getting rekt thread?
Post em if you got em.
Can we get a normies getting rekt thread?
Post em if you got em.
This is the perfect era of crypto to be young and single desu
No one freaking out about what you invest in it and lots of time
bump for interest
He drops his bags and now begs for bitcoin
top kek
I'd be willing to pay the $3 fee just to send him a single sat
sell boyz..
Meanwhile, Black Phil the jealous hater spends his $400 weekly paycheck over at the Foot Locker
>I have 4 kids to feed
The absolute state of normies
Good meme but why the fuck would you have 4 kids before being financially secure. Using a condom really isn't that hard.
He's a black communist antifa member who enjoys going around destroying property. How can you expect him to think rationally?
If there is one thing that fucking sets me off it's seeing people get into Bitcoin and then telling everybody on Facebook about it and using their crystal ball to predict that the price will go up forever with no corrections.
What may be even worse is seeing people who saw an article on Forbes once and after skimming through it they become certified to tell every person on Facebook that Bitcoin is a scam and "not backed by anything".
I just want to see them in pain. Please post more normie butt frustration to sustain me.
nig nogs will be nig nogs.
please why arnt there more threads of this content.
Yup. These are the kind of people buying our bags. Makes me feel a lot less guilty about shitting all over them.
all hail king cuck
Yeah it really is comfy as fuck
>no kids
>wagecuck but make enough to put at least 1k per month into coins
>low cost of living, no niggers, spics or Muslims in sight
>everything I need is within 5 miles
>only regret is buying a new car so stuck w that payment but otherwise no long term burdens like student loans or a mortgage to hold me back
Wow, so Coinbase stole his lunch money, how will he ever recover
I want to see some serious rektage user
where you live fampai? i need a new place i hate nyc.
Could someone translate this into English?
bix nood muh fugga