First buys

What are your first few investments or purchases after you make it.
> Roadster, 3 months paid on luxury apartment, a few stocks, favorite pornstar

What number to you is making it?

A copy of rimworld.
A chocolate bar.
A therapist.

5 million

Honestly if I hit 5 mill I’ll be giving a mill to my senpai then it’s

>s65 amg merc
>luxury apartment in my city
>mad high end whore orgy

Hair transplant desu

>infraorbital eye implants
>cheek implants
>jaw implant
>nice modest house with a lot of land and a large workshop full of 80s/90s sportscars

I don't know probably a million

going for the Bogg look ?

I'm going to buy my way out of inceldom and flip off God

pay my parents' house off



>Wire head kit once it's available
10 million

Comfy as fk with bzc

Lotus Elise

I just want to buy my wife a new car :( so I'm fine with 60k, then I can pay my 28k in tax, and still have enough to get her a respectable vehicle :)

>'99 corolla hatch
>a grand

im just a yuropoor student with 0 net worth

You're a good user

Do it

1 mil

u can live comfortably off dividend income at 1 mil

A tesla, luxury apartment in the city righ' by da beach. Rental property. long ass vacation to an island, and a degree after I come back from vacation.

Selling half my portfolio for 2 mil and keeping half to forget about for a few years.

buy parents new car and some tech gear

get myself out of my parents house

$400k would be really nice

I'm also crypto trading my checks for surgery funds

Buccal fat reduction, sliding genioplasty, surgically assisted rapid palatial expansion.

I'll look CHAD with that 30-40k combo

>Lasik surgery.
>Buy house for my mother and stepfather.
>A better education for my half-sis.
>Travel abroad with friends.

>What number to you is making it?
At least 3 million Euros (tax-free).

Good luck, we deserve it. I just feel bad that it'll all probably happen so late and the first 30 years of my life have basically been a wash.

Well I promised some user that I would buy a lambo with a Veeky Forums leaf decal, but after that I'll pay for uni, get a modest house, start up my business, a few stocks that pay dividends, then I'll forget about the rest and give it to my future children.

>finally buy an apartment
>a cruise/vacation for me and my mom
>good education for my niece and nephew
>pursue career unburdened by immediate need of income, but desire to do things I like.
>do my masters
>maybe a nice car

1mil+ is making it, but that's pie in the sky.

After that, I'll probably still be in crypto but I might take some gains and put them into a savings account/trust.