Has anyone tried this before? I found some templates googling around after seeing a papercraft battlewagon.
Is this hard? The templates look hard. What would you do if someone plopped one of these across the table from you?
Has anyone tried this before? I found some templates googling around after seeing a papercraft battlewagon.
Is this hard? The templates look hard. What would you do if someone plopped one of these across the table from you?
A few more i thought looked good
laugh at them.
still a better option than paying the prices gw charges NZ.
indexes are 15sterling which is 30ish NZD
but nz gets a buttfuck to the order of indexes being $50
so papercraft, while tacky, is fine in my book, as are 3rd party models - so long as some degree of wysiwyg applies
This ones just kinda absurd. Id be terrified of it getting crushed
I think they are great for superheavies and large units, which are actually more fragile as heavy plastic.
Smaller units makes me wonder why you dont just print a photo and attach it to a base via popsicle stick.
Found a pdf for a caestus assault ram. What would the time investment for something like this be?
bit dot ly /2s2y0SM
How the hell do you post URLs these days?
I hat to chop that bitly link up so bad just to get through the filter.
I just realized I could just upload the pdf.
First off you might need better paper than regular printer paper. A friend of mine tried using papercraft IG tanks and the printer paper just didn't seem to fold well enough. If I remember right, it took hours for the guy to build a single tank, so longer than you might think.
If playing against them, I wouldn't mind unless the player is trying to show off or brag about them since it's all someone else's work. Good size appropriate proxies to test builds though
wait this is paper ??
'lo there, fags
at this point why not buy some plasticard
Get some card stock between 80 and 100 weight for best use. Quality differs between brands.
Also yeah, they are great for testing builds or units out as proxies without looking too out of place or for a larger apocalypse game for super heavies as most people don't own three baneblades.
Plasticard gets pretty expensive for a large model like that if you go 100%. Most papercrafters use it for framing and other parts that need to be more ridged though. Also popsicle sticks work well for support.
Yeah if you look close you can see the creases and folds.
10/10 would field smurfs
Get me some bdsm elf papercraft!~
Now I wanna try these so bad.
Any more of these things? Preferably Forge World stuff?
>inception marines
this shit looks hard af
I did it for years to try out armies or expand them for apocalypse games. You want card stock (110 pound) and edit the PDFs to at least fill in the colors you want
How do you store them to prevent any crush or damage?
They look more delicate than glass
I once made a paper Leman Russ tank. It looked ok.
Arguably tangential but, does anyone have top down flat miniatures of warhammer fantasy/generic fantasy that don't look like they were made in MS Paint?
>mfw you bring this to a GW
It's great for getting started playing with friends and for testing factions. I got into the game with a papercraft chimera, paper leman russ, and paper infantry.
Make them using decent card stock and glue and they'll last for years
We used to have a general for this on /po/ but that was many years ago. I have a good bit of ig stuff saved on an external hard drive
It is more difficult than buying other people's models off ebay.
But probably worth it
I used to . It just feels like too much effort now.
That dreadnought looks fuckin' incredible.
>they try and copyright paper to sue you
If someone popped one of these in front of me to play with, I'd want to know how to make one. A lot more cost effective to make three crisis suits from paper than spend 80 on three suits..
>Inception marines
I'd play them, but im an ork player with many parts of his army from the dollar store, or just made out of random trash.
I'd play them over unpainted minis
they aren't that weak goddamn it
clean up your workspace goodness