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>How to Jumpchain
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Finally an accurate edition.
Well that was upsetting.
Reposting from dead thread, /jc/ music night! Anything you're jamming to.
Rolled 789 (1d816)
Rolling before you daft and mentally-incapable mongs screw something else up.
Proving that if you scream at people hard enough, they'll eventually cave.
Are you fucking serious
So I have a question for people:
What is more important to them: The ability to create, or the ability to destroy? Why so?
It's too late.
But on the plus side this is the lone survivor out of all the 1543's.
Friendly reminder that Real Eater can't actually increase a power's utility and that just because it's named based on something in canon, doesn't mean it can do everything the canon ability did.
>Taylor Swift
If you can only create, then your life will be tangled up and become a prison.
I create destruction. Even if I don't want to.
And headpats.
Because Red Skull doesn't actually care about anything he's speaking about, user. He's using people to further Hydra's ends, nothing more.
Yeah, it's got pretty clear rules too. That's a good reminder user but we really didn't need it. Appreciate that you go to the trouble, it's real nice of you.
This I guess, Red Hot Chili Peppers in general I guess.
What I personally consider more important is the power to create. What someone would guess from my choices and actions is the exact opposite.
Ability to create; otherwise the destruction is for nothing.
>Taylor Swift
nah senpai, youtube.com
Friendly reminder that we'd all be happier if you contracted gangrene in your dick and suffered a slow and painful death.
Creating, because if you want something destroyed, you can just create something to destroy it. Checkmate.
So for the guy asking about the New Gods:
They're basically Not Asgardians. Kirby wanted to pitch the story to Marvel and they said no, so he did it at DC. DC worked it into their multiverse alongside the existing gods. The only thing that makes them special is plot fiat, they're no stronger than other gods, they just have tech that gives them a boost.
Go to Asura's Wrath, become a god, get worshipped in DC, beat their heads in with godly mantra.
Yeah, because it says it can't. That makes sense. Things work as they do in canon unless stated otherwise. Which means it probably is also as slow to operate as canon Real Eater, since it doesn't say otherwise, so that sucks. Really, it's kind of a shit power. But that's to be expected of Minuses, so I'm fine with that. Abnormal Master Race forever!
This and various other trap songs.
They're also all boring.
But New Gods don't need worship or anything?
Stuck in my head for some reason.
Nothing can beat the raw sexual energy of Cait Sith
They are SO FUCKING BORING. They are so boring that an ENTIRE RACE OF THEM WITH AN ACTIVE WAR couldn't fucking keep their comic afloat.
Nope. They're just sort of there. I guess that's what sets them apart from the Old Gods, that do need worship. Though apparently worship empowers them, judging by Darkseid. Or that might just be the editor wanking him.
Time for more of my newest chain, writefaggery next post.
Rolled for 35
Rolled for London, Airstrip One
Free Happiness In Slavery
Free A Minority Of One
Discount The Last Man
Discount Two Plus Two
Discount Re-Education
Not Dead Yet
The Inheritors
Free Heresy, Special Dark, Emperor-Size
But... The Future Refused To Change+300
Emmanuel Goldstein's protege+300
It's nice for relaxing, and I imagine stuff like this plays in my Jumper's warehouse a lot.
Friendly reminder that we'd all be happier if you followed suit with the other SBers and fucked off back to your containment cage.
Doom is a neat setting. One of the few ones it's okay to go completely nuclear in.
The power to create. but recognizes that is beyond his grasp. Jumper self definitely has passed a point of self destructiveness that they feel all they can do is destroy evil more than create good. and even that's been compromised by doing so out of a sense of aesthetics more than actual moral guidance.
Neither of these reminders are friendly, though.
After reading the last thread and seeing banchô I feel a lot better about my occasional killing sprees.
By the way do any of the companions in Duel Monsters Shadow Realm have any canon personalities?
That's not quite correct. Kirby was already being headhunted by DC, them offering to let him do his story where all the Asgardians died (and it's clearly the Asgardians dying in the opening bits of The New Gods) was just icing on the cake.
They're interesting when written well. Jack Kirby could do some fucking great stories with them. When they're not written well they are the most boring thing ever, though, yeah.
No. They're the new gods, they work on different rules from the old ones.
If I can only have one, ever, then creation. But if it's a question of what I'd focus on, then definitely destruction. Assuming I can't create tools to aid in destruction, because that just seems like a cop-out.
Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl probably do.
>White Knight Chronicles
>mfw I remember how I got utterly screwed in that jump
>"So, are you ready to accept my deal? or not?"
I closed my eyes for a mere moment before reopening them "Fine. Just bring me to a world where I can do some good"
I closed my eyes one final time, and when I opened them I was somewhere else. My wounds gone, by body younger if only by a few years. The world was...different. There was glass with faces on it all over the place, sound coming from nowhere repeating the same words. A woman pointed at me and screamed, and loud blaring noise began, with red lights. Well I knew an alarm when I heard one, I immediately took off running.
I dislike White Knight Chronicles for making it impossible to import your mecha without permanently crippling it. Imports are supposed to make things better, not worse.
Oh, hey, the red headed step child that I still love like my own of my Jumps.
The Magicians do, as mentioned. (Mahad being a kind of wise veteran and master of magic type while Maya is the girl next door, adventurous and perky) I can provide some headcanons but it all comes down to what's a cool character for your jump, as always.
My Hero Academia: Overhaul + Transfer. How does that sound as a Quirk Marriage, ya'll?
sorry I wound up not being much help with that, by the way.
I rented a few CDs from the library a week ago, figured i'd give it a go. haven't listened to anything since.
but here, user. this was my most recent craze, all thanks to that dumb user who spammed ruskieshit on thread #1488
I just finished this boss. Its tune is excellent, just like the rest of the P5 OST.
Started listening to this group again recently. I didn't even realize they had released a new album a couple years ago.
Also recently fell in love with this guys work. It sort of reminds my of Mindless Self Indulgence, and their... unique sound.
Speaking of which, the MSI frontman released an independent album recently, and SURPRISE, he's a pretty stellar composer.
>I just finished this boss. Its tune is excellent, just like the rest of the P5 OST.
Rivers in the Desert is quite excellent, yes.
Eh. Darkseid, Mr. Miracle, and Big Barda are cool.
But other than that they're literally just not!Asgardians with less flavor, yeah. I mean. Come on, fucking Highfather?
All you need in life is Goro Majima.
I misread this as 'do they have their canon personalities'. Well, from what I know, it goes something like this:
>Dark Magician: Wise mentor, generally cool guy who serves as a father figure to Dark Magician Girl
>Dark Magician Girl: Typical Girl Next Door character, sweet and compassionate, with lots of energy. Looks out for others.
>Blue-Eyes: Arrogant, but desperate. Tend to look after their followers but subscribe to survival of the fittest.
>Red-Eyes: Power hungry, to a ridiculous extent. As in, making deals with Satan-Cthulhu and then scamming him. Tend to fight dirty and use every nasty trick they can. Also, one of their leaders wants to kill the Blue-Eyes while the other is in love with them and wants one as a mate.
Should I go on?
It's Who Framed Rodger Rabbit, a pretty good jump with some versatile options. A little weird that it has two drop in origins, and two toon origins, but it works out in the end.
Honestly, while most of the perks aren't that great in my opinion (I can't find much obvious utility or significant synergy with outside perks or what have you) I do think Stunt Double is ridiculously good in the greater context of jumpchain. Executioner is also pretty great in general, since it basically gives you a get out of jail free card with the general public. P-p-please is also useful, for about the same reasons.
Ten years. Ten gods forsaken years I spent in that hellhole. It was a hell the likes of which the Templars could only dream of creating, I can only imagine that this is a reality in which the Templars won, and killed all of the Assassins. I spent so long fighting, trying to bring back some semblance of freedom, of free will. But the people refused to stand up, and no matter how many I killed more just took their place. But at least during that time I managed to learn the language, and bits and pieces of the strange technology. Though I could never stand their horrible food.
It was near the end of my tenure they finally captured me. A large group of men found men while I slept, as even I needed to sleep. I should have moved my location earlier, but I had gotten too confident. They took me away, deep into their base. There they tortured me. It was painful, agonizing, but I stood hard and refused to flinch. Until it got unbearable, finally I opened my mouth and began to scream, and the pain stopped and I heard a voice.
>"Well now, that was certainly fun. I do believe you deserve a reward. Even if you failed to accomplish anything.
There it was again, with that grin that shouldn't even fit on its' face.
I don't really have any guesses for how they might meld into something new.
Bah, don't worry about it user. I still got some help in the end.
Speaking of Darkseid, do we have some way to replicate the Omega Effect?
I like the Forever People. Mostly because they're just so very Jack Kirby a concept. Five technomagical space gods who dress and talk like hippies, traveling the universe in their flying motorcycle and combining together Voltron-style with the aid of their Mother Box to form the Infinity Man. I love it.
So reading through last thread, we chased away another jumpmaker, didn't we? I mean, that was pretty brutal. I wouldn't blame that guy for leaving.
Who, the clonefag? He deserved it.
Do people even look at the jump list at all.
Homeworld - Duel Monsters: The Shadow Realm
>Background: Red-Eyes Black Dragon (Drop-In discounts)
>Location: Red-Eyes Nest
>RED EYES Perks: Red-Eyes Burn , Red-Eyes Insight , Red-Eyes Spirit , Red-Eyes Transmigration
>CHAOS Perks: Dedication Through Light and Darkness , Chaos Sorcerer
>METAL Perks: Limiter Removal
>Drop-In Perks: Different Dimension Survivor
>Other Perks: Falling Down
>Items: Rose Whip , Curse of the Masked Beast , Flute of Summoning Dragon
>Future: Begin The Quest For Unlimited Power
>"Hello, little dragon! Let me ask you-"
>"I'm in. What happens first?"
>"Wait. Just like that?"
>"You are one of the Archfiends, yes? Here to offer me unimaginable power in exchange for doing your bidding? Snrk."
>"Then go away. I have no time for well-wishers or panhandlers."
>"Wait! I can get you, uh, unimaginable power. Just not here."
>"I'm listening. Where do I go to get it."
>"Everywhere, kind of."
>"You had my curiosity. Now you have my attention."
>"Let's start someplace simple. What kind of powers do you like?"
>"Do I look like someone picky?"
>"No. No you don't. Say, how do you feel about video games?"
>"Perfect! Arfoire can fill you in."
Given that the Omega Effect's...er, effects, are to do whatever the plot demands Darkseid be capable of, no. There are some jumps that offer MacGuffins, but they only do one plot-contrivance at a time
Nah, Marvel.
lol yeah right. We haven't chased away a single jumpmaker that didn't deserve it. You give them too much credit.
Yes, we're just apparently working with an out of date one. Where is this up to date list that you are using, I would like to use it.
I mostly just mean disintegrating eye beams that can make 90 degree turns
I just went with what other people said and didn't both.
One of the Omega-level abilities from X-Men can do it, though Jack might remove the tiering system eventually.
It's on Brutus' drive user. Literally.
>789 Who Framed Roger Rabbit
Oh this ought to be good.
Oh. Then yeah, that's easy. Get the Regnant's beam cannon from Gundam 00 and minaturize it until you can fit it inside a cybernetic eye.
My usual stuff.
Found some weird neat stuff recently.
Also I occasionally listened to really weird shit like Death Grips and vaporwave. It grows on you.
Destruction is mildly entertaining to me, but creating amazing things is more satisfying to me. A sort of 'fuck you' to a cold, uncaring universe that wouldn't even acknowledge my existence normally.
So are we going to put the real Bastard!! jump on the drive considering SB doesn't really exist anymore?
I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.
Oh, that one? No, user, that one is out of date. I assumed you were using an updated one, but you're actually using an old one. I guess we're up to date, then?
We all wish your father had worn a fucking condom the day you were conceived.
Knowing your bitch ass however, it wouldn't have worked.
No thanks, I'm too busy for a date.
What? Yes it does. I'm on there right now, reading a dumb Douluo Dalu fanfic.
We didn't chase him away though, just yelled at him about Companion Imports until we both got tired and stopped arguing because neither would budge. He was stubborn enough to stand by his opinion that Companions shouldn't be able to work on the same level of ability as a jumper in any way ever, he should have thick enough skin to not be driven off over it.
If it's not the one in the Lists folder, it isn't up to date.
>real Bastard!! jump
It's not finished
Stop responding to bait.
Sign me up
No, Who Framed Rodger Rabbit is 789 on the up to date one. You must be using the wrong list.
>ever not responding to bait
If a jumpmaker can't pass the shitposting test then it's clear that his jumps are too shit to get on the drive.
Whatdo those two Quirks do again?
What jumps do I need to go to in order to make a Tulpa and give it physical form?
The first one I think you can do with the Moonphase Aspects Perk from Exalted - Lunars, not sure about the second.
Alright. I have two head canons in mind but I wouldn't mind seeing what yours were.
>Blue-Eyes White Dragon Companion
>Arrogant, haughty, and prideful. In future jumps she often acts like a rich bitch drinking expensive champagne, wearing expensive clothes, demanding to be pampered by servants who she treats like NPCs. secretly afraid of loosing everything again
>Red-Eyes Flare Dragon Companion
>Arrogant, cunning, powerhungy, ruthless, and sadistic. Acts like a dominatrix half the time. Likes putting people in their place if she feels like they've insulted her in some way. Hates the fact that I have a Blue-Eyes as a companion and often gets into arguments with her. Overtime she's started to soften up a bit. Now instead of actually trying to kill each other the fights/arguments between her and Blue-Eyes look like the ones Luvia and Rin (From Fate) have.
Go to that invalid jump :^)
> where all the Asgardians died
So, could I pretend to be Thor in DC and not worry about the Norse gods getting upset?
How often does Dragons Rising in Skyrim send dragons after you?
>Who Framed Roger Rabbit
Overall, I think this is one of my better Jumps. I give it a 8/10.
Drop In- Toon is based off of the book, which is completely different from the more famous movie; it also lets people get Toon abilities without taking any memories/history.
Overhaul disintegrates things and then puts them back together better (or at least, closer to their original intended function). The user can choose not to put something back together, making it just a disintegration power. Transfer lets the user absorb a material to gain its properties, and also phase through/teleport along anything made of that material. So I guess marrying them would let you do things like take things apart and mix them about when reconstructing them. Almost an alchemy thing, really, it would be pretty close to what Scar does.
How long must I wait for a Worm update?
Long have I waited. Even now my flesh rots.
I await the coming of a new age.
Ooh, I like.