Have you ever played a strong woman?
Have you ever played a strong woman?
Nothing as freaky-looking as that, but my current Champions character is a strength 80 (that's 1,600 tons carrying capacity) 13-year-old girl.
Nope, also never seen one played with a strength above any of the male characters in the party.
Yup. Female human paladin vaguely inspired by Furiosa, high str and dex, but still primarily a dex character. Another guy in my group is playing a female wood elf barbarian that's stronk as fuk.
In a Veeky Forums approved game? No.
I almost exclusively play females in vidya though. A lot of it is that I don't like "dude with tits" and that is the extent of my ability to RP females for PnP RPGs.
That girl was a pure maiden
When you say Champions, I think of corruption of champions. Was that what you meant? Sorry, I'm a newfag to Veeky Forums
Female Saiyan. 6'+ and visibly ripped.
Somehow she ended up being the party's brains.
Yes. GM killed her at the third session.
Please expand upon why user.
Does a freakishly strong zombie lady count?
Chapions AKA Hero System. It's a superhero roleplaying game from 1981, I play a largely 4th edition version of the game, including a handful or rules from 5th and 6th.
From time to time, but I more or less alternate sex from PC to PC.
Her tits are super 2d and the abs and hips are a little off, the under-arm chest is too come to think of it., yeah that's got a lot of messed up parts.
It's fun.
My last character was a buff dyke shipbreaker turned mech pilot. She had a happy family, her dream was to get rich, protect the innocent and build a gang of Autobots to run her wreck salvage business.
Her family ended up missing, presumably in a POW camp, and she left the campaign going on a suicide mission to try and find them.
We fucked that campaign up bad.
It's fine, the dude she's after is gay
Yes, essentially pic related. We were a mid to high-level party filled with gishes and casters so the GM let me play a nearly superheroic martial to compensate. She was essentially a hard-light hologram copy of her creator, physically a 19-year-old woman but with superhuman strength and speed. She acted incredibly friendly and chipper while busting out wrestling moves on things twenty times her size. Imagine this woman talking like Baymax mixed with Hulk Hogan suplexing a dragon.
Honestly, she's the most fun character I've ever played.
Well, I guess you'd know, Satan.
Oh, and there was another character who escaped imprisonment by putting her soul inside the body of her servant girl / ward / pupil / lover. A wizard later constructed a body for her that looked like the one in the pic here. She was pretty strong.
Dude, that's not Satan. It's Double Satan.
Source please?
An anime called Outlaw Star. She's a minor character who only shows up for one episode involving a "Strongest Woman in the Universe" female martial arts competition.
She's kind of a pitiable chick, really. She's head over heels in love for Fred Luo, the show's recurring campy gay weapons merchant, but he insisted he would never marry her unless she could win 10 of those competitions in the wrong. Pic is taken from the episode in which she's coming in to win her 10th and he pulls strings so that the protagonists will stop her from winning.
Does Double Satan operate within similar 'rules' as Double King?
Yeah, female paladin. Best moment was a fight with a displacer beast at low levels. Grappling abuse nerfed the fuck out of that fight and got her a nice trophy.
You mean the Super Devil?
yep, and she didn't need no man.
Larkin Love, Zombie Queen
if your starting strength for a woman isn't 16, reroll the stats.
I wound up playing a female Operator in Rifts about a year back, because someone needs to fix and drive the ATV. Due to some lucky rolls, she wound up with a massive strength score. She basically wound up somewhere between your standard Wrench Wench and Heavy Weapons Guy in personality, and was a blast to play for the short time I got to run her. Unfortunately, the DM decided to give us a dragon DMPC and railroad the shit out of us, and the game fell apart after a couple of sessions.
A 600 year old vampire. She uses two NE .600 revolvers as her midrange weapon of choice and a 20 mm anti-tank gun repurposed into a mobile sniper rifle.
Victoria Seras is that you?
But I'm playing a Wilder, I don't need strength just stamina, and Charisma. What do I need strength for? If I want to push someone around I'll use Telekinesis.
Is that Katy Perry in a Michael Jackson music video?
Outlaw Star is best toonami anime
Ayesha? Is best girl!
More like Kiss-Shot with guns.
Just be careful around her cooking. And maybe avoid pissing her off to the point that she'd transform into two-tailed devil tiger mode.
It's all I play, regardless of race or class, because I'm a filthy self inserter / magical realmer.
Double satan would be 1332 though, that's 1001 satans.
>666 = Satan
>6666 = Mega Satan
>66666 = Giga Satan
>666666 = Tera Satan
Why do anime artists like twin tails so much? They always look ridiculous. They never, ever look good.
so wait it's probably just Shaitan
Does your Furiosa have a magical metal arm and a kick-ass armored warhorse she calls the War Rig?
You would need to melt two or three of those minis together before it resembled Larkin Love
Not quite. She had a semi-magical metal arm that ended in a light crossbow rather than a hand, and rode a kick-ass armored mastodon pulling a carriage called War Pig.
>because I'm a filthy self inserter
Are you a stronk grill, user?
Only once, after my character got taken out, my next was his wife come to rescue him. It had become a running joke by others that his offscreen wife was this unstoppable war machine, so the character was made for that.
Nice. Any stories?
Mostly just people trying to lead her astray either to convince her he was dead, or that she could do better.
Kind of dick move by DM to do some NTR shit but it all worked out in the end.
>A lot of it is that I don't like "dude with tits" and that is the extent of my ability to RP females for PnP RPGs.
I feel like you've met a critically small number of women if you think this is inaccurate.
Either that, or I suppose I may have mostly just met effeminate men.
I've no idea what that is, but what if your telekinesis is disrupted by an anti psychic field?
doing it right
clear the DMs fetish
Played a dainty looking fox princess who performed impossible physical feats from sheer power of rage and hatred alone, if that counts.
Yes, I know, edgy as fuck, but it was fun.
>traditional european couple.jpg