Chaotic anything is Reddit meme tier to be honest.
what alignment are dumb frog posters
I was playing a true neutral/vaguely neutral character and I opened someone else's mail in-game. DM called me chaotic good after that.
>Picking an alignment on your own volition
>Never apply it to anything, even as a helpful guide to play your character
chaos just means they believe that living free from rules
they can still live by the rules, if they agree with the spirit of the rule, or the rule is essential to preserving your freedom, but they will disregard a rule if it is too constricting or against their principles
>Veeky Forums says you can't be neutral
>Veeky Forums says you can't be chaotic
>Veeky Forums says you can't be evil
Do you fucks seriously play a Lawful Good character every campaign? Don't you ever get bored of being a generic dogooder?
I play a character, not a caricature
AKA I just want to do whatever I want without considering any sort of code
>I can break the law I'm chaotic good
>I can kill him I'm chaotic good but I'm still chaotic
>boring autists can't understand other points of view
>more at 11
>user that is exactly the same as your last character
Chaotic characters are like AIDS at an orgy. The only way anyone's going to have a fun time is if everyone has it.
>tries to fuck every female character he meets
>has no endgame, just 'I want to help the world'
>chaotic good
>constantly steals from and fucks over other good npc's
>doesn't role play
>needs rules explained to him every session
>argues over rules ever session
>doesn't pay attention to the game or story
>on his phone during combat when it's not his turn
Every time
chaotic doesnt mean stupid
they just dont put an emphasis on following a formalized form of conduct
how far they take it is up to the player, as most people would simply play "cowboy cop" instead of "the punisher" when it comes to their dealings
Didn't you just post this in some other thread?
True Sailor
Neutral Horseradish
Chaotic Buttfuckery
Neutral BumFuck.
True Fonzie.
Neutral The Dude.
My Alignments are the best alignments. FIGHT ME.
>No chaotic-questfag.
Nah, it's Lawful-Questfag. They're too incessant and diligent in their posting to be chaotic... and honestly, I say this as someone who likes quests.
chaotic means you get to pick what rules you agree with instead of being a lawful rule-cuck.
It also allows the chaotic good to break the law in order to enforce his own version of doing good
chaotic good is a god-tier alignment
Oh! Lawful Rule-Cuck. That's a good one.
neutral (like, nurglite flavor of neutral) evil
But meta threads go against the rules, therefore it's chaotic.
Star Munchkin had the best alignments. Lantern Jawed, Gun Bunny, Eeevil!, Smugly Omniscient and so on.
"Stop playing things i don't like!"
But user
Lawful Good is the best alignment
i think you mean lawful neutral
try again idiot
I think YOU mean Lawful Evil
Putting anything above your own advancement is for plebs.
>not just following orders to put elves in the gas chamber
come on man
>There are people who content themselves with the send and third choice instead of going for the best
I had one of those in the game last week.
>new Dungeon World campaign
>four sessions in
>I skip a session because of injury
>new guy joins while I'm out
>I turn up to session
>meet the new guy
>session starts
>traveling to city
>camping in wilderness that nobody has traveled in years because of semi-recent apocalypse
>me on watch
>people approaching, sanctuary spell says they're not hostile
>I wake people and we start negotiating
>they're peasants and a city guard
>we must be close to the city now
>I'm trying to negotiate with the city guard, explain that we're just travelers who survived the badlands
>new guy playing Barbarian
>Chaotic - "eschew a social convention"
>Rolls for his taunt ability
>A peasant takes a swing
>Ranger provides backup
>they massacre peasants and guards
>even the fleeing ones
>mass murders
>my lawful cleric runs to the city and tells them what happened
There's nothing inherently wrong with Chaotic as an alignment but it requires a deft touch, it's so very easy to play it as LE RANDOM or FUCK THE CONSEQUENCES or STAB McSTABFACE. I generally don't let new gamers play chaotic unless they have a really strong concept and I'd like to make sure that they actually play the concept and forgot what alignment is written on the sheet.
Chaotics are dicks generally, so you have to know how to play a dick without actually being a dick to the party or causing consequences for everyone that interfere with the quest etc.
Chaotic Lawful.
>Veeky Forums is a hivemind
>(2011 + 7) - 1
CN, NE, & CE are generally what get a bad rap of Veeky Forums, particularly the last two.
The only way to play chaotic is unironically unapologetic asshole. Not the kind that goes murdering, but the kind that will break something, look at it, look at you, and just walk away. They will be general asshats but shouldn't be so dumbfoundingly autistic that they kill for no reason.
He's very consistent about being inconsistent I guess?
He literally said "not a caricature." You're just shitter shattered that people can be creative with LG while you can't.
I play lawful neutral.
The alignment axis is supposed to help flesh out the very basic underlying personality.
Lawful Good: Driven to help others, with a strong personal or perhaps imposed code, which could be anything from simply a set of rules they never deviate from, or perhaps a strong respect for law, or more concrete codes such as Paladin or Knight oaths, etc. Generally associated with the concept of honor.
Chaotic Good: Strong drive to help others that they do not allow small obstacles like proper law, hurt feelings, or idiosyncries of other to dissuade. They will do good and you'll like. Often associated with valuing personal freedoms above the restraints and safety of law or codes.
Neutral Good: Generally seeks to do good in most situations, often focusing on how to do the most good given the circumstances, rather than disregarding laws/codes/rules or slavishly following them.
Lawful Neutral: Values the rules and codes that underpin life more than sorting out the "good" and "evil" that can result from a system of rules. A stance of being pro-civilization, but not inclined towards helping others. Often associated with Loyalty.
Neutral/Undecided: (1) This character is a meaningless hole with a weak personality and no strong feelings for anything. Associated with peasants and dullards. An alignment truly to be reserved for NPCs only.
OR (2) "True" Neutral: This character is dedicated to an abstract sense of balance between the other axes, for example: they may believe that neither nature nor civilization should overwhelm the other and takes steps to correct imbalance. Not concerned with the morality of individual acts done to further this balance.
Chaotic Neutral: Believes in freedom and personal autonomy more than the idea of helping others or helping themselves selfishly. Will be reluctant to accept restraints on actions and will choose the outcome that affords the most freedom of choice. Remember that LOLSORANDUMB dickbaggery is actually Chaotic Evil.
>Do you fucks seriously play a Lawful Good character every campaign?
Only exception is warlock because when I play warlock I actually play a warlock not a shitty cleric or whatever they are pushing these days
Lawful Evil: Driven to seek personal gain, the form of which varies widely between individuals, but operates under strong personal codes or with respect to other systems of rules, such as the laws of a political system, or perhaps a code of Knighthood. While this is the alignment of a strict tyrant, it also applies to followers who happily follow immoral orders knowing they benefit themselves or their faction.
Chaotic Evil: This person is driven to seek their own self interest and does not like or respect any attempt to restrain them with rules, morals, or otherwise. While devoted to selfish gain, they will still avoid outcomes that will result in the loss of their freedom or automony, even if they could have gained more.
as an aside LOLSORANDUM dickbaggery is chaotic evil because it is usually done for little or no reason, ignores social contract/laws/etc, and is simply done for amusement of the CE character, which is a form of self-interest at the expense of others.
Neutral Evil: Helps themselves first in every scenario. Will use the law if the law helps them more, and subvert if that helps them more. Will adopt a code when it helps and throw it away when it stops helping. Selfish gain is the first and central concern. Associated with Greed.
>The alignment axis is supposed to help flesh out the very basic underlying personality.
And it's literally this simple:
Good = Ally
Evil = Enemy
Fucking how