There is literally nothing wrong with being Elvish
There is literally nothing wrong with being Elvish
>There is literally nothing wrong with being Dark Elvish
fixed it for you
There is everything wrong with making yet another elf-based bait thread that doesn't contribute anything to the board.
>There is literally nothing not wrong with being Elvish
Fixed it for you.
A thank you, thank you very much.
>There is literally nothing wrong with being Orcish
Fixed it
I dissagree
There is literally everything wrong with being dwarvish
Fuck you I was gonna make that joke
Fuck me, I made that joke.
Not until after the second date though.
Elves are alright.
Kill the rest
>t. /elfpol/ manboo
you should respect all sapient races
Except orcs, but most especially: Drunk, smelly loud mouth, axe fetish, cave dwelling Beard-Nik midgets.
Fuck off, swede
>raped in 3...2...1...
The Elf-Right will rise again.
I get the whole elf-being-raped schtick but c'mon?
Dwarf; midget. Raping a taller person?
Even if you're some butthurt dorf, not gonna happen.
Elves have shit for Str usually.
They actually don't. Do you even play traditional games?
thanks for the compliment, but I am Slav.
reminder that there is LITERALLY nothing wrong with putting elves in the ovens
Elves make good archer builds and Wizards in the World's Oldest Roleplaying Game (tm) and the PF spinoff.
Archers depends on Dex first and Str second, Wizards depend on Int and basically nothing else. Also elves have -2 Constitution.
Dorfs get +2 Constitution and generally go into classes that actually need Str to function well.
>Ima slav
Well I guess obligatory CHEEKI BREEEEKI!!!!
But in some seriousness, do you slavs actually get sick and tired of cheeki breeki memes sometimes and find it insulting to your nationality?
Or no and you actual slavs find it as a funny self-deprecating joke?
Who fought against a balrog in Gondolin (it is Gondolin right? Or have I got my shit all mixed up?).
I don't think anyone ever found it particularly insulting desu.
You see all kinds of people around.
by the emperor
honorable battle brothers lend me assistance,
I do not have the fire power for this heresy.
Can you both kill each other? Thanks.
Then you are a race traitor.
Fuck off, bliad.
Then we'd like to see you try then.
>race traitor
nice meme word, tovarish
>mfw there was already a previous elf thread about elves being tacticool and military shit
>implying elves are skilled in the arts of anything military and tacticool
>mfw elves and elf threads in general
>nothing wrong about being dark elvish and dunmer
So I guess there's nothing wrong about worshipping and overglorified dumbass spider?
How savage and archaic should the elves be given that they often live for thousands of years?
აზურა ის ნოტ ა სპიდერ, დუმბასს...
shit, wrong keyboard
Azura is not a spider, dumbass
I'm talking about Mephala stupid! You know? The Daedric Prince/Princess that the Morag Tong waifu/husbando?
I don't see how one of these would affect the other thing. What exactly is the problem?
prime daedra for dunmer is Azura, whats the point of mephala here? some retarded assassins?
She's worshiped as the Anticipation of Vivec.
Fuck off Thomas
>Respecting orcs
>Respecting non humans
>Respecting humans who aren't white
>Respecting white humans who act like those stricken from this list
Respect is only for dignified white humans
Thanks for pointing that out. So yeah, like I said Dunmer worship an overglorified dumbass spider.
And Azura? Well, maybe glorified Suns-and-Stars-and-Moon-Slut.
I forgot how little effort they put into elf costumes. The ears aren't even pointed.
How are slavs not orcs? they're the closest real life analogy we have to them
>not Americans
I IZ STRONG SO I FUCK U is their entire foreign policy
roche was a total bro in witcher 2
That's incredibly racist
now that's just rude. We may be corrupt, drunk, rude, dishonest and violent but we still know feelings and on rare occasion even harbour them.
>Elves have shit for Str usually.
>They actually don't. Do you even play traditional games?
>lists some statements that don't counter anything said above
But they [do] have shit for Str unless you play like a retard.
You must have rolled pretty good to be able to lift those goalposts all by yourself
Show me the last time you played an Elf with 18 Str m8
Change comes from a new generation taking over as the old generation becomes old and die off. If it takes thousands of years for that to happen, change is going to be slow.
The Fae kidnap our children and use them as slaves!
There is literally nothing wrong with impregnating an elf.
>prowess-based warriors
>respect warriors above all
>strange, barbaric gods
>no horse culture
>no true cities
>not especially skilled smiths
Orcs are pre-Christianization Saxons.
>>not especially skilled smiths
Really? genuinely asking
There's nothing wrong with liking any fictional race. They're not real.
Would that make the ancient elvish empire [tm] the Normans?
So there's something wrong with liking real races?
A reminder.
I just realised that the eldar and high elves wear the same hats
>no copypasta posted yet about how the elves are deep ones with better PR
>being best race
as long as your are human
And the Dwarf drags the elf out of the room, you hear the moans til morning.
It was indeed in Gondolin, and the motherfucker was Glorfindel.
He killed the monster, but perished in the process.
in our campaign: most of the elves went feral when nature decided that humanoids have been fucking her over for far too long. what is left of civilization is a massive city the size of a small country with the rest of the world taken back by the forest. also the animals are mutated so we have bears the size of school buses
It'd be a reasonable explanation for the angrier more wild hunt type wood elves
Nah. Doesn't compute.
>But they [do] have shit for Str unless you play like a retard.
That's PCs, you moron. Rest of the population has 10,11 for stats (or rolls old-school).
I never quite understood the idea that nature gods would be upset about civilization or that druids need to maintain a balance between nature and civilization when the average D&D setting usually seems to consist of a few sparsely populated settlements separated by vast amounts of wilderness full of horrible monsters. If anything the balance is tilted way in natures favor and druids should be trying to protect civilization from nature.
All those repeating digits don't lie.
Are you implying that the picture posted was not of PCs?
Do you take drugs to be that stupid, or is that a natural talent?
Implying Scotland isn't full of grey skinned sun hating bitter Dark elves.
you should come and live in Glasgow m8 it's basically the underdark...
>There is literally nothing wrong with being Elvish
Well said. Stop the hate!
Even the ELVES don't want to commit being elves.
"Yeah, I'm Elv-ISH."
Shieeet how the hell did I forget that.
Well theyre the same species so
Are wood elves looked upon as the trailer trash of elves?
Nah, they the wild, unwashed cousins.
they're more the smelly hippies of elves.
Ain't nothin' wrong 'bout elves man. Especially the guys, I'd say your girl/daughters be fortunate to have a elf husbandoo.
>Two sets of ears
w-which one's the usable ones?
Neither, he's deaf
where do you take that elves are weak?
>a elven fighted many balrogs at the same time
>a elven almost killed a god(morgoth)
>a half-elf will kill it for good in the end of times
i dont know where this "elf are weak" trending came
probably to make them not op in rpgs
Probably the same source that says elves are faggots or male elves don't exist: memes and headcanon.
jesus christ
theyre more souless than gingers
Did Aulë even give them souls? Did anyone bother with that?
Valar cant give souls, only eru, eru only did it after much sperging of the part of aule
Yes, but they have rules elves and humans don't.