Gentlemen, how do we make the Raven Guard, Salamanders, Ironhands and White Scars relevant again?
Gentlemen, how do we make the Raven Guard, Salamanders, Ironhands and White Scars relevant again?
The real question is how do we make the Imperial Fists even more relevant? (Pic unrelated)
Buy more Iron Hands, Salamanders, Raven Guard, and White Scar products.
By playing 30k and letting 8th edition rot.
by playing large missions with joint forces between them. considering the Iron Hands hate the Salamanders and the Raven Guard, the enemy they face would have to be dangerous enough to warrant them putting aside 10,000 years of resentment and suspicion.
so lets get Fulgrim off his ass and doing things again. White Scars track him down- call in a meeting with the Raven Guard. get the Iron Hands and Salamanders involved, plus the Imperial Fists for good measure.
Imperial Fists seal off the system he's in using their fleet, Salamanders form the defensive line to save the people as they evacuate, Raven Guard and White Scars keep his forces busy while the Iron Hands go in for the kill.
We don't. Marines already get way more attention than they deserve. The real question os how do we make smurfs less relevant and get some love to the true heroes that keep the Imperiums alive
In my opinion, the fact that there are so few successor chapters makes them seem so insignificant in the grand scheme. When the Ultras, Fists, Dark and Blood Angels have nominally legion strength anyways, they can influence the fluff in interesting ways. A single chapter is significant of course, but against a tyranid hive fleet or black crusade its a bit underwhelming.
Each chapter also has their "thing" but it could be expanded on more. Iron Hands being a defacto armed marine wing of the Mechanicus, The White Scars and their great hunts, Salamanders and their relics, etc...
Ah yes the real heroes like umm... The Inquisition?
The guard
Literally just add characters and squad rules for each of the first founding chapters. Lore is full of different and cool things that GW can add, but they keep packing things into UM/SW/DA/BA. Even Black Templar, IF successors, have more flavor than their own first founding chapter.
It is really just dumb. Chaos-alligned first founding chapters actually have the same problem and it makes no sense.
>More Lore
The White Scars and Raven Guard teamed up to fight the Tau. Two chapters that SHOULD have been the most perfect anti Tau fighting force in the Imperium (Speed and Stealth) ended up getting their asses kicked and could only save face by burning a planet down.
Not to mention that the losses should have been fairly substantial to both first founding chapters.
In writing, having a strong, established character lose to a newcomer is a known trick to emphasize how strong the new character is. This is what this whole deal with Tau was telling me when I read it. GW wanted to show how impressive Tau military was and they needed someone to beat. It is unfortunate that they picked RG/WS to lose that one.
Still, lore for these chapters existed for decades and why nothing was done to make them more unique outside of chapter tactics is very strange.
Chapter approved edition focused on Raven Guard, Salamanders, Ironhands, White Scars, Fists trio, Minotaurs, Raptors, Space Sharks and Black Dragons?
The last IH novel, Heart of Medusa is fucking great, an absolute font of knowledge about them. Definitely recommend it.
Carcharodons and Minotaurs will get jackshit from GW, they're FW property. Even more so now that Primaris exist.
oooooo look at the crybaby
The White Scars and Raven Guard are dead to me for jobbing to the blueberries. They don't deserve to be mentioned again.
Iron Hands and Salamanders just need to be featured in some big event. It doesn't always have to be all about the Ultramarines.
Shame that Worf Effect lasted that whole campaign, constantly, and hit the entire rest of the Imperium apart from the Admech, though. That's taking it a little too far, even for an Admech player.
Basically this. Angels of Death was a step in the right direction, but having unique squads wouldn't be that big of a stretch. Something like Iron Hands sternguard with stormshields for immortals. Vanguard with bikes option for white scars. Stuff like that.
I miss the... 4th? 5th? edition chaos codex where every first founding legion had it's own page of special rules, fun idea.