"i secure the bag"
you sure did normie lmao
"i secure the bag"
you sure did normie lmao
fucking shit monaco is mooning without me better buy some
kill yourself pajeet, dont derail my thread
>tfw you evict yourself from the house you own
>bought in at ATH
fucking moron, he deserves this death
You can't buy skill and knowledge. It's hard work. You are pathetic.
So glad this commie faggot is in ruins now.
Low IQ humans like this exist
so many gems on this retards twitter
Please tell me that this is shopped.
go check the twitter yourself :)
I don't want to, I am legit scared rn.
I thought this was a /pol/ tier troll screen shot. It's real?
please tell me he actually sold at the bottom
Not the absolute bottom but pretty close, lmfao
Are we going to the moon now?
i think we have another dip to 12k
can't breath.
I wonder if he has 2 brain cells to rub together to realize he's one of the greediest mother fuckers on the planet to take out a mortgage with the hopes of Bitcoin skyrocketing in value
110% deserves it
Well, he sure isn't chasing wealth at this rate
>give up on this Marxism shit
>literally has never read Marx and thinks it's a lifestyle
A nigger. He tweeted that because he wants to get donation from Normies
This pleases the Bogs
Always bet on the King.
I'm confused, so he's a degenerate crypto gambling marxist ?
Is that an antifa mask wearing cuck?
>went all in at 19k+
What's his problem?
His funds are being redistributed to his fellow global citizens. He should be happy
Could be ayyyy heez just playin yooo, who cares though.
lol my brother did this comrade shit with me once. i have never felt worse for people who think this is in any way cool.
>proud cookie
I refuse to believe this is a real nigger
No, he actually did this and that's his attempt to save face. He's selling his expensive clothes on his Twitter to cover his losses.
It sort of is. Every person I know who takes Marxism seriously changes into a completely different person.
either way, i'm sure it'll get turned into a collage and spread as if it actually happened.
Why why why
Why do these imbeciles never HODL? Why do they sell when we know BTC literally bounces back every time?
how did he lose that much if he bought at 8k?
socialism isn't income redistribution, it's an economy organized in a way so workers get the full value of their work, if their not getting the full value, their labor is being exploited for profits.
>It sort of is.
Marxism isn't a lifestyle
.t marxist
unless you want to convince otherwise, [citation needed]
OP tweeter also resells yeezys, so he's a capitalist robot like the rest of us. But bad at it.
it bounces back until it doesnt
how deluded can you be
>that picture
The fuck is wrong with celebrating the money you earned with hard work?
If you're not getting full value for your work then you are literally retarded and deserve to be a slave
80% of capital is held by 0.01% of people.
So? Most people are lazy sacks of shit. And those numbers are insanely exaggerated (at least in developed countries).
Seems like those guys are enjoying the full value of their labor
I don't think you understand, the vast majority of the human population is exploited, unless most of your income is coming from simply owning things/having investments.
it also removes the ability to put a price on that value. the consequence of that isn't people "stealing your hard work"; the consequence is that everybody is poorer. shit's been tried before, it doesn't work. and nobody is trying to make it work outside of fantasy scenarios outside of their imaginations.
This is beautiful pottery guys
>I don't think you understand, the vast majority of the human population is exploited
Not really.
Most people have next to nothing to offer, and they are in extreme overabundance, so they can be replaced easily if they demand more money.
Nah, they were always cunts. They only ‘change’ because they find other cunts who don’t call them out on their bullshit and instead encourage it. The brainwashing and virtue signaling circle jerk is real. They have no real friends who tell them to stop being twats and their parents never loved them as people and shoved them in daycares and after school clubs growing up.
His name literally says proud moolie. That's nigger in Italian american.
>socialism isn't income redistribution, it's an economy organized in a way so workers get the full value of their work
Labor theory of value has nothing to do with price. Stop pretending you know anything about Marxism and actually go read Marx.
Fuck off you idiot. Socialisim kills with kindness. Government is for enforcing law and protecting the state and nothing else. Charity is where welfare and all that shit should come from. All Marxism is is giving the government more power over the individual. It is evil. Over my and over 52% (in the uk at least) of the people’s body’s. It will not happen and you are a fool. All social programs must go. This socialism-capitalist hybrid we have now is cancer and communism doesn’t work without the tech for Maxine’s to run things and replicators. We are 50+ Years from that so just stop before you give the globalists more power and we can never escape their control you gibbon! You are not the special generation to gain humanity it’s freedom. Your job is to stave off technocratic/socialist control at all costs. Do not get chipped, do not believe (((AI))) and stop with this Marxist bullshit! It is authoritarian and you are begging to have your freedoms taken away.
t. Actually smart and not part of your circle jerk populated by naïeve idealistic fools. (Typos are because I’m phone posting and I cba to check it). Stop being a twat, save your freedoms, keep the state at bay and go and have some kids in the hopes they can overcome TPTB as in the ancient bloodlines that have always ruled us that we can’t see. You are fighting the wrong fight. They are manipulating you.
You're going off of mainstream definition of socialism and not historical ones. Can you provide me any text by Marx saying anything alone of the lines of "giving the government more power over the individual"
Fuck capitalism, seriously. Under capitalism, the Jews are taking out their competition, the whites, by destroying white countries with no regrets or remorse. Fuck Capitalism.
Fuck Marksism too. But oven the capitalists first.
Then we go full fash.
Why do they deserve the full value of their work when the business owner is the one who took the majority of the risk in establishing the venture while the peons will escape unscathed if the business goes under?
let me guess, you haven't read any economic literature other than marxism. of course marx is going to tell you his theories are correct, except every real life attempt at it results in either oppressive dictatorships with overwhelming corruption or a failed state.
Fantastic picture user, thanks for posting it
why do socialists hate white people so much?
why are commie memes such pseudo-intellectual unfunny shit, it's as if they don't have souls.
kek. harsh lesson
that's literally what it is, dumbass. the difference between capitalism and socialism, by their respective definitions, is just who owns the means of production
I knew crypto was getting invested with left winged kike cocksuckers. Been a nonstop flood since mid summer. The fact that people defend BTC over BCH was a sure sign.
Marx believed that communism would come about naturally. Communism isn’t anymore pro govt than Capitalism. Natural progression of things leads us to a society in which people trade locally and share out of an honest communitarian desire to help others in their community. Capitalism also supports monopolies that control the essentials. You need food? You have no farm? You have nowhere naturally to get food because we farmed all the land to dust? Well sorry bastard you’re buying nestle suck my dick.
Yes, being a business owner is stressful, the owners and the workers become unemployed if the business goes under. In socialism no one would be forced to sell their labor to secure their means of existence.
No schools of economics says their theory is right you buffoon, analogically there a certain lens to view the world.
>except every real life attempt at it results in either oppressive dictatorships with overwhelming corruption or a failed state.
Except socialist causes dwarfs the amount of "bad things" capitalist states have done, nuance dood go read a history book and stop trying argue morals when your side is the most evil of them all.
pic related
Those are liberals, not actual socialists (who understand idpol doesn't trump class)
I don't know why do /pol/tards never have any arguments?
>Capitalism also supports monopolies that control the essentials
what? are you mistaking your conspiracy theory delusions for reality?
Government needs to have power. “Power to the people” is a terrible fucking idea.
>muh capitalism
>muh socialism
>muh strawmen
>the owners and the workers become unemployed if the business goes under.
Yeah, and the workers with no skin in the game get to claim unemployment benefits and just go look for a job elsewhere.
Meanwhile the owner tied up a significant amount of capital in the business and now has a sizeable capital loss, possible bankruptcy and still needs to find a new job.
The only people who seriously advocate for socialism/communism are the absolute dregs of society who know they can't hack it in a capitalistic society unless they get handouts. Fucking subhuman scum.
He's doing the whole "haha I was only pretending to be retarded" thing now and lashing out at people for believeing him but not giving him gibs
Please tell me this is fucking real
>Except socialist causes dwarfs the amount of "bad things" capitalist states have done, nuance dood go read a history book and stop trying argue morals when your side is the most evil of them all.
what moral argument? marxism just doesn't work off of paper
watch it, reevaluate your position against it, find a 'synthesis'. also don't even think about mentioning the sponsors: if capitalists can't argue for capitalism because they're biased, no one can argue his own opinion for the very same reason.
>Communism isn’t anymore pro govt than Capitalism.
This fucking guy.
Communism is so unbelievably unnatural that it can only be enforced with the help of a gigantic government.
>honest communitarian desire to help others in their community.
There is no community anymore thanks to your kind. Nobody really gives two shits if you live or die, because you're just another shifting face within this international hotel known as earth
>You need food? You have no farm? You have nowhere naturally to get food because we farmed all the land to dust? Well sorry bastard you’re buying nestle suck my dick.
Wow it's almost as if failed and useless people get weeded out of the gene pool. I think biology has a term for this
The bible is infallible though, because it's the word of God.
you are talking to a bot, user
A positive position can never be a loss
Marxism doesn't say "government needs to have power" It implies political power should be held by people (the proletariat), and not 1% of the human population (the bourgeoisie).
Can you explain the strawman?
He's saying we shouldn't try socialism because bad things happen, I'm implying more bad things have happened in capitalism so taking the moral high ground is moot.
>marxism just doesn't work off of paper
Except it does, read "Towards a new socialism" by Paul Cockshott
I don't understand how he could have even possibly lost money, didn't it go pretty much straight up to 11k? I don't recall some sort of correction at 8600
>the vast majority of the human population is exploited
profit is not exploitation
please fucking kill yourself
Can you summarize the points of this video? I don't have have time to watch a 2 hour documentary.
>Except it does, read "Towards a new socialism" by Paul Cockshott
>marxism isn't just a quack job thoery, read this other theory on how it would actually work
the $4 production cost is subjective. The burger has no innate value, and to even suggest such demonstrates a complete lack of understanding in regards to the word 'innate'.
how do you place a value on expended human labour? or on time? you can't objectively, because objectively these abstract concepts have no dollar value, it must be placed on them extrinsically.
only morons and jews think communism will work. and the jews are correct: it does work, for their community, but while it is working for them, the goyim have their wealth siphoned off and get to enjoy a never spoken about genocide.
prove me wrong. you can't. good night you commie faggots.
>Menger used his “subjective theory of value” to arrive at one of the most powerful insights in economics: both sides gain from exchange. People will exchange something they value less for something they value more. Because both trading partners do this, both gain. This insight led him to see that middlemen are highly productive: they facilitate transactions that benefit those they buy from and those they sell to. Without the middlemen, these transactions either would not have taken place or would have been more costly.
look up marginalism, man. you're so dead wrong on everything.
Unpaid labor is the literal definition of exploitation
>please fucking kill yourself
please do
It's an empirical case for socialism, it's not a book about theories.
>how do you place a value on expended human labour? or on time?
With labor time, read cockshott.
I've read the Manifesto and Das Kapital. Don't you worry you Marx fanboy, his system will be dominant within a few generations when the slave caste has been created, from there, his people will rule with an iron fist and his legacy will forever live on.
it's a somewhat entertaining (if you're interested in the topic) recount of economic history and development of planned economies, so called mixed economies, and "free" markets from the stand point of clearly free market advocates.
I thought it might interest you to see the other side explain their position in a clear fashion, even if you do not agree. after all, hearing the other side is always good. even if it's just to be able to argue against them.
>everyone to the right of a literal globalist commie that wants to steal all of our gainz is muh hwite supreeemacist boogeyman
You have to go back
because he consider the 100k+ to be his, i never understood that, it's never your until you cashout. He's in at 8k and he's still positive
>ITT 19 century economic theory clashes with 20 century economic theory in the 21 century
I’m surprised OP found someone I follow on Twitter, I followed this dude cause I also resell sneakers and this guy is a fucking cancer on my feed, his political views are shit (commie), he comments on girl selfies with the same attempt, he tweets bullshit that makes him feel high on himself and he’s pretty much one of the only few people I willingly unfollowed cause I was tired of him being on my feed
typical nigger though
>commies on Veeky Forums
thought id never see the day. what compelled you to come to this board?
>It's an empirical case for socialism
>em·pir·i·cal, adjective: based on, concerned with, or verifiable by observation or experience rather than theory or pure logic.
>observation or experience
I'd be more inclined to listen if you pointed to a functional marxist society and not another book on how it would work if marxist got off their asses and tried to put one together
the libertarians at least had the confidence to start their own city
>workers get the full value of their work
workers get nothing if the (((party leaders))) decide they get nothing. the jewish ruling class owns everything and everyone under communism.
gtfo leftypol, what the fuck are you doing in Veeky Forums? A cryptocurrency space, which is, ironically enough for you, based on libertarian ideas.
Btw, if you think "socialism" will give more to the worker, you're mistaken, every society that tried to do that actually fucked the workers in the ass. Capitalism is the most humanitarian system.