Good Story, but God forbid WotC Spoil on or two new cards.
Good Story, but God forbid WotC Spoil on or two new cards.
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I was hoping for a bit more fanfare, given the build up to the hours and the opening of the gate.
Also was pretty depressing that the gods had zero ability to reply bolas.
Yeah him just casually deleting them was pretty lame.
Also posting the rest of the art in the article.
This was pre/immediately-post mending Bolas, god level Bolas rushing to set his plan in motion before losing his power
>all that buildup
>literal river of blood
>just for him to call out Liliana
What a fucking anticlimax. Everything is going to shit, and we're still supposed to care more about the Gatewatch than about the literal end of the world.
On top of that, no spoilers, like it was a fine story, but God forbid it have a little more meat to it.
lol this art is so shit compared to the others
>this entire plane's lifestyle
>j/k it's all about her
as a mono black planeswalker, she must be absolutely frothing right now
I'm know this is going to be a blow out for the Gatewatch, where they are going to lose though I think Liliana will kill her demon I'm really hoping Hazoret atleast regains her mind against Bolas.
Oh yeah, I understood that. I wasn't expecting much of a fight, but something a bit more then two arrows, and then fleeing.
Spoiler season hasn't started yet. What were you expecting?
They fucking better lose.
>All these kangz dying is just to get a girl's attention.
The author is a woman, is she not?
Oh yeah the whole mending thing happened.
I love it. It's so old-magic.
Post reading song.
Just one of two cards, I don't see why its such a big fucking deal to wait to spoiler season. Maybe just the set trailer.
Well, then consider the new Bolas card to be the article's spoiler.
>seven gods
>no sign of Bontu
It's a mono-Black is evil episode isn't it
Kef was KO'd
>yfw God Planeswalker
Sorry to burst your bubble.
Bolas-sama is a god in spirit, I'm talking about the weak gods
I assume gods cannot be planeswalkers like angels cant be because they are artificial constructs of the plane
Well there was Xenagos.
Xenagos was a planeswalker first, god second.
The theros gods are also functionally different then the Amonkhet gods.
Yes, and there was Ob Nixilis on the demon front, and maybe someday Elspeth on the angel front.
In all these cases, we're dealing with a mortal who sparked and THEN became whatever thing cannot normally be a planeswalker.
Xenagos says hi.
Can you not read?
user please, see below posts.
Technically, it would depend on the manner of ascension. Mortal taking on role of god, like Xenagos, would be fine. For Amonkhet. Get a bunch of leylines, coil them up into god shape, and tie them to a person. In theory.
He was a planeswalker first idiot
Planeswalker wouldnt mean shit. Anybody who wirked it out could have done it, the question was whether his Spark would survive the change (which it did).
Sum it up. I don't want to read any trash they shit out after nu zendikar.
>jacetice league member dieing
>on a plane where you can resurrect (embalm) stuff
Starts off with flash back
>Bolas shows up to amonkhet right after mending
>destroys every city but one, gods are powerless to stop him
>corrupts the 5 known gods, stashes the other gods else where.
Back to current time
>hours are upon us
>the gates to the afterlife open
>just more wasteland is beyond the gates
>Lilian's demon comes flying in
>Turns the luxu into a river of blood, and calls out seeking Liliana.
Didn't the story say that all of the other cities on Amonkhet were already gone by the time Bolas arrived? Him entering Naktamunn (or whatever it is) seemed like the first time they'd seen him. By that point the Hekma already existed.
Yes the story explicitly states that.
"The gods of Amonkhet saw the dragon hovering outside the protection of the Hekma. They climbed to the tops of their highest vantage points and armed themselves for battle. They were determined not to fail this time. No monster could defeat the eight gods of Amonkhet. Not when Naktamun was all that remained."
Sorry, the story explicitly states that bolas destroyed them. I read your post incorrectly
Both the author and the creative lead for the set are women. So it's not surprising that this Egyptian Set is:
>We Waz
>Strong Independent Black Woman that need no Dragon
I'm sure what she intended to portray was that the demon Lil was searching for detected her before she detected it.
You have to understand that women have only learned how to write recently, let alone the ability to read itself. They're very far from perfect.
The flashback was good, the rest was a vehicle to establish Razaketh. "May his return come quickly and may we be found worthy."
The way it was written seemed to suggest that the world was already gone to shit when Bolas arrived.
There is no mention of him doing anything between Bolas arriving and the battle for Naktamun and the line about them not failing this time could refer to whatever other monsters ruined the world.
The fact that they got instantly deafeated by Bolas would suggest that they had never encountered him before, if they had why were they still around and were so clueless to to what he was capable of. But if Bolas had been on a rampage surely they would have gone to slay him long before they were down to one city?
I actually assume it was Razaketh that fucked the world up at first.
its a bit unclear, but the "they will not fail this time" seems to infer it was bolas who had fucked up things.
This statement is unclear.
We already know the demon was aware of Liliana, it happened a few stories back when she was exploring with jace and set off some magical alarm.
But the rest of the text implies that they had no idea about Bolas power. If their past failure was Bolas, they would have a better idea of what to expect.
And the beginning of the flashback also implies that Bolas just arrived and needed to deal with the obstacles in a small period of time.
That is what gets me.
What happened to the rest of the cities then, and why bother bringing it up in such short detail?
I still say Razaketh.
He seems like the most obvious one outside of Bolas.
I interpreted it as them having failed at previous threats, not Bolas himself.
It feels a bit weird to leave it so vague when there could easily have been a line mentioning Bolas getting to work destroying the world rather than just jumping from him entering the world to the final battle without any mention of what happened inbetween.
It seems incredibly odd for a single demon to completely ravage a plane when there are indestructible beings protecting it.
I'm with Razaketh seems to be the other threat they failed to deal with. Maybe the nudge to that would be that the gods may be uncorrupted at some point, to deal with him once again.
Hopefully it will be brought up what could have fucked up the world this bad.
Bolas was the easy pick but with him excluded it probably means that Razaketh is one powerful mofo to ruin a world like this. If it is him at all.
Statements pretty clear if you actually read the story, which I'm assuming you have which is why you might not be suprised as opposed to the others complaining about the writing when he yelled out her name.
Maybe Razaketh isn't an immediate threat compared to Bolas, but he can shit stuff up overtime if unchecked. The blood river makes me think of that, since it's probably referrencing the plagues of Egypt, only now coming from a demon instead of Yahweh.
Bolas had to have been fucking up the plane before. In this, he literally kills everybody who is not a baby. And I n the previous (or maybe the one before it) story Samut finds the engravings of Bolas's horns along side the word "Tresspasser" both outside of the city and inside of the city. If this was the first time encountering Bolas, and he utterly annilated anybody capable of talking who carved those Horns and "TRESSPASSER"?
Unlike Theros, the mummies are dead dead and thus will have lost their spark.
Theros is the only plane so far where death works differently and you can bring a planeswalker back to life theoretically. And no, becoming a Returned doesn't work there because that'll fuck shit up, you have to drag them out of the underworld manually.
>Autists can't into fiction and compensate by reading memes into the text every time they confuse themselves
>Higher Aspie shepherds them to the right answer while also letting them keep their delusions so they feel better
It's cool that you people look out for each other.
No wonder the world went to shit.
You can't have a straightforward communication anymore. It's always memetext being wrongly translated with countermemes.
Bolas might have had enough time the first time he entered the plane to wreck it covertly.
He then probably went away for some time, and due to time constraints, came back here to finish the job using more direct methods that forced him to show himself, thus getting the surprised reaction from the gods.
While we know there are a few methods to defeat indestructible things like gods, I don't think Razaketh is capable of the initial onslaught that brought the other cities down, too. I say Razaketh was instated by Bolas after he brought the eight gods down.
Gix managed to go against oldwalkers. Demons can be pretty powerful.
I wonder how strong Belzenlok is.
Well Liliana was introduced to her demons through Bolas, so maybe he Razaketh was empowered by him at some point?
Good point.
Gix isn't a traditional demon.
Gix is a human criminal, who became one of the original Phyrexian monstrosities.
I don't know what will upset me more. When the super friends effortlessly crush Bolas' because of the power of friendship, or that Bolas doesn't murder them for it while taking several planes out with them.
Gix more often used indirect methods during the Brothers' War.
When he fought Urza face-to-face, he simply used his physicality to get in Urza's face all the time, denying the walker enough time to cast anything that truly demonstrated his vast power.
What upsets me more is the inevitable return to Dominaria under these new writers hands.
I am am pretty positive we will never directly return to Dominaria just as we'll never directly return to Lorwyn.
>When the super friends effortlessly crush Bolas' because of the power of friendship
There doesn't seem to be anything that could help them on this plane. They don't have the easy access to mana that Zendikar provided. Bolas would certainly not copy Emrakul's about-face when victory is at hand, and he certainly isn't as weak as Tezzeret + the Consulate. Fucking Samut won't do shit unless she sacrifices her spark and transmute that into something that can overwhelm Bolas. They best they can do to get out of the situation is to planeswalk away.
>Fucking Samut won't do shit unless she sacrifices her spark and transmute that into something that can overwhelm Bolas.
I would be fine with the Gatewatch "winning" this block like that if it meant Samut doesn't show up again.
>return to Dominaria
The last block set on Dominaria was a decade ago. Nearly half of the game's lifespan. The majority of current players have never been exposed to the plane and have no reason to care about it.
I don't see any reason to assume that we're ever going back.
But it's racist to not have someone who has the skin tone of one who is of African descent on the team!
>yfw Gix finally emerges from the blind eternities and not only wrecks the gatewatch but wrecks Norn and instills himself as the New Father of Machines
>The majority of current players have never been exposed to the plane and have no reason to care about it.
The Gatewatch is supposed to reconvene there. Plus, Dominaria-flavored chase rares / Masterpieces.
just make Liliana black and of african skintone and pretend that she has always been this way. It worked with Gideon.
So are we going to get old man Bolas green texts like Gideon did in Kaladesh?
Is it me or the entire Amonkhet story arc looks more like an amateur D&D Campaign? The entire presentation of the demon and the ending in "Liliana, I know where you are~" ressembles too much how my DM would present a background story boss. The entire plot is having that feeling. And it is not a good feel, you know.
Other example was the arrival to Amonkhet with those "and suddenly WURMS!". They don't help anything to the advance of the story. They don't add anything to the plot. It looked like they were there because the DM planned a random encounter to captivate McMuscles player's attention and the wurms were the number rolled by the d100.
Other example was the bartening when they first went into the capital city. It looked for me more like Gideon's player mocking the low rolls of Jace's player and the DM remembering the players to keep it ic speaking throught the avian to avoid breaking immersion.
Maybe this is why Magic lore is going to shit so much. Maybe we are just following their RPG campaign as they wank about their characters.
You forgot Nissa's player being so incapable of figuring things out that the GM has to sledgehammer it into her skull via Eldrazi to get her to understand.
Don't be mean to the autist of the party
>aw HELL naw
>i know you didn't jus talk bout my zombie like dat
>i ain't playin wichoo skanky ass pointy eared bitch cuz you a hoe
That's a pretty perfect choice thematically.
Fuck man, the soundtrack for that movie was amazing.
>Other example was the arrival to Amonkhet with those "and suddenly WURMS!". They don't help anything to the advance of the story. They don't add anything to the plot.
The sandwurms, along with the heat, sandstorms, zombies and weakened mana are supposed to show the harshness of Amonkhet outside Naktamun. They're obviously not there to advance the plot. They just help establish the feel of the world. You have to have those things if you're trying to tell a story. Not every element in a story is going to advance the plot.
Additionally, sandwurms are a good threat to use to show the strength and benignness of the God that helped the Gatewatch. They could have used a Horror or a Demon, but it seems sandwurms appeared in greater numbers in the area they ended up in.
Lilliana is going to fuck off and to fight Razaketh and Jace is going to chase after he because:
A) He wants that 300 year old snatch
B) He promised to her help her fight him.
Nissa, Gideon and Chandra will then be left to fight Bolas alone (as we see in Archenemy) where they will get the shit kicked out of them. In a few sets time they'll actually fight united and this time will win.
Ob Nixilis was a man cursed by the Chain Veil. Exactly the same as Garruk. They weren't born demons.
so where does the "darkies are ignorant and need a group of white folk to come and tell them that their culture is evil and barbaric" part fit in with all that?
also the first sandwurm spontaneously turning into a zombie after they kill it introduced us to the "things don't say dead here" aspect of the plane
I am hoping more for
> "Lilliana Vess... what are YOU doing here? Heroics are so unlike you."
> "I'm here for Razaketh, Bolas. To kill him before my deal comes full circle."
> "That's HILARIOUS. And how do you plan on accomplishing that?"
> "Well, I have the Chain Veil. Its pretty OP. And I lucked out into not getting instantly consumed by its curse by inflicting it on some other guy too."
> "The Chain Veil? So you think, with that artifact and your new friends, you can beat Razaketh?"
> "Yep. While we're here, they want to beat you too."
> "Hmmm."
*Bolas instakills Razaketh*
> "I didn't need him anymore anyway. Your work here is done, Lilianna. Have fun with that final demon. You really should be going while I still find this amusing."
And then Lilianna boogies out because if she doesn't Bolas will kill her, and Jace follows after to try and bring her back in time for the fight.
That actually sounds like something that would actually happen, but instead we're going to get to watch the Jacetice League of Social Justice defeat the evil male tyrant of oppression!
Bolas is almost 100% guaranteed to be the one to kill the demon when things go a bit south (but not enough to ruin his plan overall).
What the fuck does he care if Lili gets one step closer when he can just step on her at any point?
>when you want this over what the actual plot will be.
"Making a deal for power, using it to attain even greater power, and then turning around and murdering anyone who might enforce consequences on you? Ah, such fond memories of my youth. I knew there was a reason I invested in you, Vess."
Yeah. I don't see him begrudging her going after the demons, as long as she doesn't inconvenience him in the process. She already did the favor she owed Bolas for setting up the demon contract anyway.
If anything, this should be treated like something of a surprise party.
"Lilianna, so good to see you again. And there we have Jace and the fire girl, who were so kind as to break Ugin's seal for me and release the Eldrazi. Have you seen Sarkhan anywhere, by chance? I seem to have lost track of him."
> stares blankly at Nissa and Gideon
"I'm sorry, who are you? Did I involve you two in any of my machinations? I honestly can't remember."
Is it just me, or does Razaketh look like the stupidest one out of all of Lilliana's demons? Or...just out of most demons in general?
Actually summed up how I was going to respond to that. If anything, Bolas would be proud of his investment because of his immense vanity, and killing Razzledazzle would be without a doubt a favor Bolas could use for leverage on the future, especially since he knows she'll likely out live the gatewatch sans Hitler.
>Hey blue boy. Wanna try to fuck each others brains out again?
I think it's just a shitty drawing.
Belzenlok is pretty bad.