Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/

Comfy edition


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first for the four armed emperor!

Second for the Grey Knight "Psychic Brotherhood".

3rd for Sisters a QT!

Not only is that shitty anime fanart, the bitch in it also looks terrible.

Should I get 32mm base adapters for my Nobz?

Posting from last thread for a bit more recommendations before I make my decision
Two questions for you anons:
Thinking of getting terrain and I have a few ideas. Should I go with
>Imperial Sector board and terrain, start expanding from there
>one of the AoS realm of battle boards, get a Garden of Morr or Sigmarite Mausoleum and start expanding from there
or possibly
>make my own board (even though I'm absolute shit at that) and get some GW terrain to put on that
Also, what could/should I use to make some kitbashed or proxy Tzeentch Chaos Spawn? Fitting in with my TS optional.
Thanks in advance!

blood for the blood god
6 str 6 ap -1 attacks each soon

Power Levels might actually be alright, but everyone is too much of a salty fag to even give it a chance.

Are Raveners decent now?

8/10, would inquisitorial decree


Do you even know what anime looks like? Clearly not.

Another edtition, another terrible Vanquisher statline.

So Veeky Forums, if you were in charge of stating the Vanquisher, what would you make it? Keeping in mind that, per lore, it would have to be better than Twin-Lascannons?

What're you, fucking gay?

Since the last GSC focus happen. What did I miss?

Any rules leak, silly autistic meltdowns?

alright hear me out
Heavy.. Alright you keeping up with me?
Heavy.. 3.
d6 damage
-3 AP

... are you being serious?

Anyone play nids that can give me some pointers?

Plan on having the venomthrope in the middle of all of my infantry units giving enemy shooting -1 to hit

i love power level ! i don't have to do list building like a Waacfag to have a good army now i just pick what model i want

>Any rules leak
Almost every rule of 8th is in the OP
>silly autistic meltdowns?
lots of that, yes

We have all of the 8th edition rules, both maingame and subfaction, except for Forgeworld's indexes.

Was out in vacation, no way in hell I'm paying for data roaming or hotel internet.

Since all of the actual rules were leaked, only shitty normals have actually paid them any attention.

Build your own, going to cost literally hundreds less

Literally everything got leaked. Everything.

Ah yeah, obligatory "grey knights are repurposed GSC"

Why not? I expect a change of scale on the whole line of models

Who is the guy talking today and which match is planned over twitch?

Are Nurgle Daemons any good in 8th edition? I'm thinking about making a small army (1k)

I can give normal sargents melee weapons without feeling guilty now

What do you guys think it is?

I'm going to use power levels until Battlescribe gets updated. Played a 50 pl game the other day, seemed reasonably balanced.

I hope not, that sounds gross

your mom

It's almost certain it is going to happen. Marines and chaos marines first, of course, then I guess guards and orks, maybe eldar. Screencap this

a cloak or cape with a fur mantle


probably Orks or Eldar next. Both due for new sculpts.

>bald borderline masculine looking women
>disliking this makes me gay
No thank you, faggotron. Go back to jacking it to traps.

Lion El'Johnson.

I like power level too, but here's the conundrum-

There is a tournament at my local store. They decided to use power level instead of points.

I play Deathwatch. A unit of veterans is power level 9, which is more than tacticals, more than sternguard, more than whatever equivalent marine veterans.

How many upgrades do I give them so I h aven't cheated myself, but how many upgrades do I give them before I become "that guy?"

For example, I could run every dude with a combi-plasma and an inferno pistol if I felt like, adding 37 points per model. If I don't do that, if I just run them with their boltguns, I am being punished.

>We then took a second look at our lists. Though we both had power level 75, my list was about 1300 points, while his was well over 1700. Womp womp. So we play another game, trimming our lists down to only 1k points. This goes MUCH better.

what prevented you from doing that with points?
>inb4 'but points is only for the competitive'

Why would the tank hunter be a supermega-autocannon

That much is obvious, silly. What I'm asking is the question that comes with most rumor engines- what unit/model/etc. do you think the teased part will be coming from?
Oh shit, it's coming together now. I wouldn't be surprised if he actually did come out soon with that plus the most recent one.

>can't handle a real woman
top kek
idk you wanted it to be better than a lascannon and I made it slightly better than a lascannon in the most lazy way I could imagine

One down two to go

Stormcast eternal.

To be honest it was always kinda obvious to me that Lion would be next
>Magnus: primarch of legion with blue armor
>Guilliman: primarch of legion with blue armor

>Mortarion: primarch of legion with green armor
>Lion; primarch of legion with green armor
It's like autistic pottery.

In keeping with the theme of guessing, what sort of points values do we think some of the Forgeworld stuff is going to roughly have?

For instance, I am guessing that the Storm Eagle hull is going to remain roughly similar to the current points cost, with a full loadout clocking in at about 400pts

Yeah, but guards too, and they're humans so the scale creep would be more evident.

get all the upgrades, yes its stupid, yes, that is why power levels are stupid.

because you feel like a fucking moron when your sarge dies without using his weapon and that's about 90% of games

are conscripts the new unit to beat?

Lion el Homo

It's not gay if they're wearing a dress. That's in the bible.

>"a real woman"
Real women certainly are not bald and certainly do not look like men, gaylord. You may as well play Dark Angels.

I love the SoS models, but that picture is garbage. I hate how that guy draws faces. Jarringly different to the rest of the picture and they always lack a soul.

5 tankbustas - 85 points, power level 4
5 lootas - 85 points, power level 8


Honestly, I think I actually like Power Levels better than points by this point. Vehicles are so outrageously expensive that it takes a lot of the joy away from a mechanized list.

>+1 BS
>reroll wound rolls vs vehicles and monsters
>3d3 damage

How do I strip paint from resin without ruining it?

Apparently isoprop is no good.

take all the most expensive upgrades just to prove how fucking stupid power levels are

is the Ork starter set good value for starting orks?

How should you build your boys/nobz/deff dread?

I'm pretty sure this is the same retard who was spamming eldar pics from the same artist while sperging out about "muh cue tee waifus xD"

and you will feel less bad wasting 1 power point instead of 20pts (or whatever the real values are)?

Eldar a QT !

What is the most "It Aint Me" list I can run with which army?

Choppy, not shooty.
Choppy, not shooty.
>deff dred
Choppy, not shooty.

But priests wear robes.
Wait, am I onto something?

Catachan conscripts.

They sure are, aren't they?

too much of a hassle to find the best weapons/ units with points without netlisting
non competitive games now don't need you to calculate how much you are fucked if you didn't took the best option on a battlesuit

Yeah that will eat the primer too. Really any green floor cleaner apparently. Just stripped a thunderwolf with this stuff

I certainly don't mind playing power level. My Guard infantry squads get tons of stuff if you do power. Still I prefer points.

What army do play that is mechanized? And by mechanized do you mean you take all heavy support tanks or do you mean troops loaded up into transports with heavy support tanks?
I could see that.
Those faces creep me out every time. Soulless and lacking any personality. Like every face is them being drugged and looking at a bright light.

Mortrion is next for sure, but after that Lionel seems like a certain bet. I mean, I could only see either him or maybe Russ being given honest consideration.
Sanguinius and Ferrus are deader than dead, Dorn is often just viewed as Guilliman 2.0 and nobody gives a shit about Khan and Corax.

Basically this But Shoota Boyz arent that bad and throwing a Scorcha on one of the Dreads arms helps it a lot.

I wish that 5th edition Ork vs Ultramarine box was still around, you got a huge boyz value on ebay while it was selling

And what about for aircav?

>that is why power levels are stupid

No, thats why using power levels in tournaments is stupid. Matched play rules are just fine for this.

>S10, AP-4, D6 Damage, if the rolled damage die is a 1 or 2, it becomes a 3

doesn't change the fact that you're fucked. You may be even more fucked as suggested (is that a quote from somewhere btw user? If so, wher does it come from?)


Valkyries with door gunners.
If they run they are a chaos cultist. If they don't they are a well trained chaos cultist.

Ork Kommandos in a Chinork Warcopta

So when's the part where you stop posting shitty fanart and start posting actual official GW art?

It's great.

Boys should be built with Shootas, but Sluggas are no longer a terrible choice.

Deff Dread should be built with Skorchas and Klaws.

Nobs should not be built, and should be sold on sprue on ebay to morons to get money back on the deal.

What's that Max Total Lasgun shots? I assume it's to represent FRFSRF, but I don't see any Commanders to issue said orders.

>Or commissars for that matter.

Mechanized Marines, lots of Razorbacks with Predator and Whirlwind support.

Also, Eldar looking soulless fits surprisingly well, though I'm sure this wasn't intentional.

A traitor.

Wonderful drag queen.

where is that image from?

shit taste

>magnus kicking the shit out of deathwing live on stream
>jim ross losing his shit, it's just a massacre out there
>magnus pulls a table out from under the ring, sets up unconscious belial on it
>climbs to top rope, poses
>JR is literally crying
>magnus prepares to flying elbowdrop belial
>lion el johnson's entrance music kicks in

It's from a "first time trying out 8th battle report" on reddit

Khan is based

i don't care if i am fucked, if i am fucked it means i was a stupid strategist
i understand point for competitive because it's serious business but for open play ( or narrative for all i care ) power level is good enough

> Angron: primarch of legion with red armor
> Sanginius: His armor is gold but his son is red so still counts.

Catachans in Valkyries for models. Use the Tempestor codex entries.

>Tfw the glorious god tier cat in that picture is associated with shit tier eldar


Do we have a list builder for 8th ed yet? It's a ball ache to jump between costs.

Critique my list please!

Not designed to be win-at-all-costs, but I want to make an armored list that has a chance. It's an all-armored guard (counter-meta) that focuses on Manticore rocket artillery to either win or lose the game in the first couple rounds of shooting. The storm eagle rockets carried by them is among the most destructive non-LoW weapons in the game. The tanks are designed to be highly mobile and press the enemy, dump a lot of firepower into hordes, overwatch with heavy flamers, etc. Bane wolf to search and destroy tough TEQ things while the enemy thinks Pask is the real threat.

6 Leman Russ Tanks
4 Manticore
1 Bane Wolf


HQ - 271

Knight Commander Pask - 177
Demolisher Cannon - 40
Lascannon - 20
Plasma Cannon x2 - 30
Heavy Stubber - 4


Bane Wolf - 73
Chem Cannon - 15
Heavy Flamer - 17


Leman Russ Tank - 132
Punisher Gatling Cannon - 20
Heavy Flamer x3 - 51
Heavy Stubber - 4

Leman Russ Tank - 132
Punisher Gatling Cannon - 20
Heavy Flamer x3 - 51
Heavy Stubber - 4

Manticore - 125
Heavy Bolter - 8

Manticore - 125
Heavy Bolter - 8


HQ - 261

Tank Commander - 167
Demolisher Cannon - 40
Lascannon - 20
Plasma Cannon x2 - 30
Heavy Stubber - 4


Leman Russ Tank - 132
Punisher Gatling Cannon - 20
Heavy Flamer x3 - 51
Heavy Stubber - 4

Leman Russ Tank - 132
Punisher Gatling Cannon - 20
Heavy Flamer x3 - 51
Heavy Stubber - 4

Manticore - 125
Heavy Bolter - 8

Manticore - 125
Heavy Bolter - 8