CYOA Throg
CYOA Throg
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The thread name is missing, /cyoag/ should be on there.
It's also expected to link to the previous thread and to the pastebin.
No, sir, I don't like it.
This thread is a ripoff, it deserves a ripoff genie gallery...
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Previous Thread: Well, you could help out by posting it yourself.
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Anyone who doesn't search for cyoa is a retard.
All genie CYOAs are derivitives of the original.
>First picture is literally cuck porn
Never change Veeky Forums
Love /pol/
>Well, you could help out by posting it yourself.
I saged the thread hoping it would die, after which I would make a proper one.
It's too late for you. Throg will never die now!
>QT Fuckin Elves Nigga
What is supposed to be the advantage of that last one? It completely fucks me over. At least until I am a level 9 supreme magic caster and can just wish it away.
The genie looks like a nigger, therefore it's cuck porn to user's logic.
Despite the fact genies are arabic, and harems are a classic thing for arabic themed stuff.
Well I suppose you're right. But I also know for a fact that at least two are still unpublished...
I guess the last line hints that you get access to forbidden knowledge. So enjoy your tentacles.
Remember when people posted CYOA's?
Neither do I.
Interacial is not cuck porn.
It doesn't help how stereotyped the genie is. It looks more Hadza African vibe then any Arabic nationality
It is if you're still butthurt the Southern traitors lost.
Anyway, here's more genie stuff.
It's degenerate.
Race: Ifrit
>The "Queen of Djinn" is perfect for what I have in mind
History: Voluntary
>It was a too good offer to pass
Attitude: Dominant
Body: Curvy
>Iron fist beneath silky skin
Accessories: Devil horns, Fexible, Tattoos
>Fair warning is fair
Outfits: Modern, Chinese Dress, Glorified Jewelry
>Something normal, something fancy, something outrageous
Mundane skills: All
Vessel extrerior: Brass lamp with doubled interior
Vessel interior: Pocket dimension
Powerlevel: Phenomenal cosmic power
Perks: Loving heart, Lusty soul
>Loyalty requires trust. Trust requires trustworthiness. And why not enjoy myself while at it?
,Intoxicating aroma, Guardian Spirit, Djinn-ja, Friend upstairs, Cursebane, No misunderstandings, Minor & Major psychic link, Foresight, Giant, Mini, Minor & Major shapeshift, World Atlas
>just general utility
>Power is power
,Illusionary Copy
,Spare Changes
>times as many as needed to buy all mundane skills
,Making the switch, Your wish my command
>I think you saw where this was going
Maybe you could do a mass shooting about it, Elliot Rodger?
>You people of the South don't know what you are doing. This country will be drenched in blood, and God only knows how it will end. It is all folly, madness, a crime against civilization! You people speak so lightly of war; you don't know what you're talking about. War is a terrible thing! You mistake, too, the people of the North. They are a peaceable people but an earnest people, and they will fight, too. They are not going to let this country be destroyed without a mighty effort to save it … Besides, where are your men and appliances of war to contend against them? The North can make a steam engine, locomotive, or railway car; hardly a yard of cloth or pair of shoes can you make. You are rushing into war with one of the most powerful, ingeniously mechanical, and determined people on Earth — right at your doors. You are bound to fail. Only in your spirit and determination are you prepared for war. In all else you are totally unprepared, with a bad cause to start with. At first you will make headway, but as your limited resources begin to fail, shut out from the markets of Europe as you will be, your cause will begin to wane. If your people will but stop and think, they must see in the end that you will surely fail.
Sherman is an inhuman monster who deserved to hang from the gallows.
Or maybe you could stop being such a cuck and kill yourself.
Pitfalls: Mischievous mind, Magical Realm, Broken Facade
>Your friendly neighbourhood Cthulhu cult succeeded in summoning me. But rather than the head priest, I accidentally bound to the intended (virgin) sacrifice. Cue the laugh track.
Interlopers: none
>Not after I show them my real face and ask if they maybe want to go home to their mother.
Life Goal: Novelty
>It's basically a vacation for me.
>whoooah I don't think Jessica being in love with Tyrone is white genocide, what a cuck!
The state he fought treated human beings as beasts of burden to be bought and sold, and went to war for the purpose of continuing to do so. They have no right to whine about inhumanity.
Keep on sucking dick, cuck boy.
Hear hear!
Jews aren't funny.
>human beings
>start a war
>whine about it when it reaches back home
maybe don't pick a fight with an industrial powerhouse next time.
The state he fought for considered other races to be subhuman and wished to deport them.
Don't force people who hate you to be part of your nation and there won't be a war.
Sherman wouldn't do it, he'd be shocked and appalled at the social principles of the North.
Unheard of!
I'm not saying it is bro, I'm saying that's the logic user is using.
I want to touch those fluffy pubes.
t. salty cuckfederate
It wasn't the Union that kicked things off, my dude. Not fighting back would've been a terrible mistake.
t. Inhuman yankee, a people that really have never experienced war in their homeland.
Fort Sumter was on Southern property. It was a foreign occupation.
>the American revolution wasn't a war fought on homeland
It was Federal property that the State of South Carolina had no right to demand.
I'd barely call that a war, considering all you did was pick on some reserve troops rather than their actual army.
Well, they could start fantasizing about becoming a woman and sleeping around a lot instead.
Speaking of which:
Become a slime
>Who wouldn't?
Combat Effective
>Mainly for the agility, but being breathable also opens up new possibilities.
Cleaning Agent
>For aftercare of my clients. Also makes housework easier.
>Not for naughty purposes, but simple utility.
Scalable Minor
>To have the mass reserves for large number of long tentacles
>I don't want to leave a slime trail everywhere.
Perpetual Flavor (olive oil)
>How is this a drawback? Oh well.
Gamer Slime
>To push me into developing my fine manipulation, and also because games are fun
Lewd Slime
>To become comfortable with my new body. Also, booty (booger?) call
Blue Slime
>Bro (sis?) potential
Sports Slime
>To train my agility with
It was property in South Carolina, which was not part of the Union and thus the federal government had no claim on it.
The States had no right to secede, so South Carolina never left the union
The Union was an at-will arrangement. States that want no part of it shouldn't be forced to remain. Moreover, it's tyranny for the government to try and force states to remain against their will.
And why the fuck would you even want them to remain?
They clearly did own it, else they wouldn't have been able to build the fort in the first place.
Kitsune best cuddles.
I'm not even from a northern state, retard. So get this "you" shit out of here. Secondly, quit moving the goalposts. That was a war fought on defending northern homeland
Wrong. They voluntarily provided it to the US Federal government. You can't take property back once you give it to another sovereign, not without their consent.
I never said I wanted them to remain. In fact, I would rather the Deep South fucked right off since they're mostly money sinks.
I'll be a masseuse slime. My oilish look and feel are just perfect for that, and for a little extra I'll give you happy end. I'll envelope you, massage every square inch of your skin at the same time, and leave you cleaner than ever before.
And I'll post pictures of my client's semen floating inside me as a response to every last whine about cucks. I was a man, I threw it away to become a slime girl prostitute, and I couldn't be happier. Choke on that.
They didn't own it, as they had no claim on South Carolina soil.
And the US government no longer had any control in that area. It was no longer part of their nation.
Then you people should've let it happen. And not just the Deep South, all of it.
>The state he fought for considered other races to be subhuman and wished to deport them.
And you wished to enslave them. You're the villains here, traitor.
>Don't force people who hate you to be part of your nation and there won't be a war.
Don't kidnap innocent people to use as slave labour yet expect respect for _your_ freedoms, traitor.
Nah, nobody considered them human. They were simply no heroes nor villains.
Actually, most of the slaves in the South at that point were essentially bred. International slave trading was illegal.
And yet they clearly did own it, as the fort was built and operated by the federal government. That ownership didn't just vanish because South Carolina threw a chimpout because they lost an election.
No, the ownership vanished once the property was no longer part of their nation.
>Don't kidnap innocent people to use as slave labour yet expect respect for _your_ freedoms, traitor.
Stronger, faster blacks captured the weaker ones and sold them to jews.
Bullshit. They granted the United States all right, claim, and title to the Fort. So it was a little bitty hole in South Carolina owned by another sovereign nation. Kind of like West Berlin.
That was an internal agreement, no longer validly applied to a sovereign nation.
>nobody considered them human
They were considered at the very least 3/5ths Human, and if I recall it was the Southern states that pushed for them to count fully towards the population numbers.
>Then you people should've let it happen.
Just out of curiosity: you do realize the Civil War ended over a hundred and fifty years ago right?
Writing detailed waifu descriptions is hella fun. I'm getting attached to them like they're my daughters
>They were considered at the very least 3/5ths Human
Sounds like subhuman to me.
I'm gonna fuck your daughters.
That's not what "all right, title, and claim" means. It wasn't a lease, it was a transfer of property. They no longer owned it. Why is this concept so hard for you to grasp? If you divide off part of your property into a Second lot and give that lot to someone else, you can't undo that transfer when you later decide you hate their guts and want to cut all ties with them. You're stuck.
He's not the only one doing it, the other guy is calling him a traitor as if he fought against the Union.
>start working on my first CYOA
>have a cool idea but don't flesh it out, instead I focus on making the image appealing
>the image starts become really fucking beautiful
>forgot the idea I had for the CYOA
Fucking hell lads
The term you people is referring to Yankees, which are a group that existed both then and now.
It was an internal rearrangement of property. Sumter was no longer within internal territory.
Now he's never gonna post the CYOA. Great job nigger.
Give us some good ones, laddie.
Don't listen to THAT guy. I'm really looking forward picking one your daughters :)
That's a good point.
I was needling the person whose perspective I find more laughable, but both sides of the shitfit are idiots, and participating in any capacity brings me closer to that level.
Have fun.
Once you post them, I'll write detailed descriptions of which holes I'm going to ruin (all of them) and how (completely)
I know, that's why writing the romantic parts is the hardest for me. Please don't hurt her.
That's not how property works, user. The Louisiana Purchase doesn't get rolled back just because the land purchased is now in the hands of a new government. Unless you're claiming that the Confederacy was actually part of France.
See? Now you get it.
Both sides are being cunts, so you either pretend they both don't exist, or insult them both.
Doing anything else only insults the side you agree with, because you ignore the actions of the idiot.
Several parts of it joined the Confederacy, so it certainly didn't all belong to the US anymore.
Which means the two countries involved in the civil war were the US and France. Got it.
Except the US bought the land, the states only had it because it was an internal rearrangement of property, so the land still belonged to the US.
No, said land seceded from the US and were no longer part of it.
Except that was just an internal transfer, so by your logic, once they ceded, they had no right to any of the land in their territory.
>Leaving the country
>Internal transfer
You high?
The land was an internal transfer at the time, which means it got undone once the states seceded. Therefore, it goes back to its owner - the United States. The people are able to leave all they want, of course, they just need to leave the land that went back to US control.
>Nah, nobody considered them human. They were simply no heroes nor villains.
The South fought to keep slaves in chains; thus they were villains.
The North capitalized on this opportunity and made it their goal to free the slaves; thus they were heroes.
What anyone "considers" in the privacy of their heart is between them and the voices in their head. It's the actions which are visible to anyone else, thus it's the actions which make one a hero or a villain. South chose poorly, North chose better.
>Actually, most of the slaves in the South at that point were essentially bred. International slave trading was illegal.
Holding your captives for multiple generations doesn't make you any better, traitor. It makes you an Old Testament level villain. Your ancestors paid the price for that, but the North was merciful and didn't completely level the South to the ground. That mistake won't be repeated this time.
Almost done with a comfy life cyoa (Not really a cyoa, more of a pick some quality of life perks, what would that be called?)
Just trying to decide on how many points are alotted.
What kind of quality of life perks would you like on the subject of Love or to do with the Soul?
This is simply not true. Touting your opinions as truth is just wrong.
The land had seceded. Under new management, as it were.
The goal to free slaves was only espoused midway through the war, and they STILL were planning on deporting all of them when it was over. Hardly heroic behavior.
I want huge balls.
But user, in the modern era, the South houses a proportionally huge amount of the federal military ordinance, and several southern states are in the top 10 most populated states. Indeed, 4 out of 10. I do not think that a war now would have the same issues as the previous one.
Got u covered senpai.
>He's not the only one doing it, the other guy is calling him a traitor as if he fought against the Union.
The traitor flag still flies, does it not? And it's kept flying by people who try to excuse the Confederacy's actions, is it not?
It's not me but the US Constitution which names as traitors US citizens who give aid and comfort to the enemies of the US.