Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1544: King of the Wild Edition

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The Druids get a Scythe because the Scythe of Elune was initially created by the Druids of the Fang, who sought to use it to embody the form of the wolf to a much greater extent. The Scythe itself is two component parts - the Staff of Elune, and the Fang of Goldrinn the Wolf God. Using the Scythe forcibly warped their wolf forms into what we know now as the Worgen, made them go feral and insane, and inadvertently tied the Scythe TO the Worgen and created the Worgen Curse as we currently know it.

And that is why one of the Druid Artifacts is a scythe.

Oh neat, it's a doggy stick.

I can't find part 3, and 5 of the kamen rider hisei is it just me or is it still a WIP?

This isn't done but I felt compelled to share it anyways.

Jump 86: Worm
Origin: Drop-In
Age: 20
Location: New York
Outside Context Problem
Well-Adjusted [950]
Munchkin [900]
New to the Crew [750]
Blending In [600]
Spanner in the Works [300]
Perfect Communication [0]


Power: Thinker - Compounded Computation [1300]

Cape - Taylor Hebert [1000]

Fucking Jumpers [1300]
Wanted [1500]

I feel the world shift as my feet land in the middle of New York. I regard all of it for about half a second before I lift my hand and I'm suddenly somewhere else. Namely, the inside of my cozy little mansion, which wasn't too far away. I take a deep breath and relax my shoulders. These are all reflexive gestures since I'm not flesh and blood anymore, but I figure I should still make it a habit just on the off chance I get shoved back into my old body.

I walk up to an old-fashioned jukebox I had been taking care of since I left Gotham, tucked away in a little corner of the living room. I lazily tapped it with my finger and it would whirr to life, an old guilty pleasure tune of mine playing and filling the empty room with life.


I'm vaguely aware of panicked, hurried footsteps outside, moving away from and then around my house. Well, New York is always pretty lively so I don't pay it much mind. I just came from a pretty hectic world and one of the hardest-fought battles I've had in a long time. I do a mental checklist of what to do before the day is over: spar with Sun and Iron, find some soap opera channels for Nymph, get Android Dan a gigantic surround sound system (or whatever I could find here), some cooking with Ange…

Reminder that pic related wants a chance to live as a normal girl and you can give her that.

Hmm, I hear a helicopter outside. Several, actually. Wonder why they're flying so close to the ground? That spotlight is really bad for people's eyes. I snap my fingers and the helicopter lights turn off. There's some panic when I do that, and I can hear screams. God, I just turned off the spotlights, it's not like I knocked them out of the air. Pansies.

My butler hands the mail over, and mentions that I seem to have guests outside. I tell him to just ignore them. I'm slightly distressed by the fact I keep forgetting he exists, yet he's still here in this mansion, like he was following me like a shadow. I should probably ask about that. Eventually. I go through them and note that all my bills are paid forever, yet Voyager somehow still went bankrupt in the five minutes it took me to get here. I roll my eyes add it to the pile of identical notices in the corner.

I have a letter from a fellow in Russia. It's a polite request for us to hang out sometime. I set it aside, deciding to wait a little bit before I give it any thought. He seems nice, though. Finally, once the mail is sorted out, I sit down in my chair ready to read the paper. Then I realize there's something in my pocket. Blinking, I took out a tablet with a single file on it. The name read…


Oh, dear.

I look out the window and I see the perimeter of my mansion is completely surrounded, several beings in costumes covering every angle while people with machines hurriedly construct a mechanical bubble around the larger area. I can see military, police, and not a small number of individuals in said costumes staring right at me and my window.

Too early in the morning for this shit. I close the curtain.

Part three should be the Ryuki gauntlet, but you're right - Faiz and Hibiki aren't made yet.



I have to ask how did you get Taylor to go with you despite having a dad to come home to?

Well, I decided to let them do as they pleased just to see what happened. They setup this huge bubble dome around my mansion. There's some talk of negotiation outside, as if trying to decide a diplomat for a difficult situation. I got bored of it and used my sling ring to nab a cup of coffee from a shop downtown, which caused alarms to go off both in the bubble and in the city. I wasn't aware my caffeine addiction was that controversial. Okay, well, it's not like I NEED it anymore but I need to keep up old habits for appearance's sake.

…oh, wait, whoops. They probably interpreted that as me assuming dominance here, didn't they? People in this world are pretty easy to spook. Ah, they finished the dome. Oh, come on, guys. You didn't need to block the view of the sky, too! I decide to step outside and give them a piece of my mind. I step outside, locate what I sense is the 'head scientist', and politely ask if I can have a view of the sky with the dome. They looked flabbergasted about this and lots of people are pointing weird guns at me. He mumbled something about 'seeing what he could do', which was enough for me. I then went back indoors to fetch my companions.

Still have to write stuff like meeting Taylor and the impact Decade ultimately has on Earth Bet, but I had enough fun typing this I wanted to share it with yall. Hope it was entertaining this early in the day.

Waitno Ryuki's technically Part 2, my bad.

So scythes are a bad idea.

So can i still jump to it without the missing parts or are they necessary to do the jump?

What's your ideal version of the Horde/Alliance divide? As in, which races on which sides?

River and Misunderstanding Adventure 2003 would be great

You just can't escape this kind of thing, can you, Decade.

Titan Altera a cute A CUTE


Jokes aside, was going with the continuing theme of 'misfits and outcasts' for my companions, and Taylor would get a chance to be more of a hero than get shoehorned into villainy. Plus the 'no time lost' thing.

That said, I'm actually giving this a detailed write-up, so if I can't justify it by the end, I'll just swap them out for a perk or item.

Whoops, I missed this one.

I mean. Destroyer of Worlds, ONORE, moons go boom, you know how it goes.

You mean sliding down the world's flattest slide?

4 - How to Train Your Dragon

>Background: Dragon
>Age: 17 years?
>Dragon Perks: Natural Weapons (Throwable tail spikes) , Biome Specific (Volcanic) , 'Fire' Breath , Flight , Co-Pilot , Ironside , Stomach Like A Foundry , The Alpha Wavelength , The Color of Death
>Items: The Archipelago , Saddle , Dragon's End , Egg Clutch (First purchase free, all purchases bought)
>Drawbacks: Take Care of the Kids
>Future: Move On

>"MUAHAHAHAHA! You were right, my old friend! This is fun!"
>"I see you didn't take a Rider."
>"I need no one to command me!"
>"Yes, yes, of course. By the way!"
>"Are you being a good father to the children?"
>"Answer me this. Why would I be an unfit parent to the newest members of the Red-Eyes Clan?"
>"Oh, no reason really. Just... they won't exactly be bright. Or all that strong."
>"Since when has that ever held us back?"
>"You know, I'm starting to see why no one in the Shadow Realm really likes you."

It's on hold until I can finish Batman Beyond and Justice League.

First, I hate you for actually suggesting something good and fully writing it out.

Second, this will work. I'll go ahead and update the jump again.

Just wanted to say I am loving this story of yours so far.

Red-Eyes is a good parent? Huh.


Alright, here's an update to-

Generic Cartoon Toon World -V1.1

Removed “Unlimited anvil works”
Replaced with “Back into the Inkwell” which lets you reabsorb missing mass and regenerate/heal by drinking ink or paint.
Changed “Squash and stretch” it now reduces (all, instead of just blunt) kinetic damage to one fourth of it’s original strength instead of outright immunity (to blunt kinetic damage).
“Quickchange” is no longer a perfect disguise, only lasts a few seconds and has reduced effectiveness if used more than once on someone.
“Reality Warper” now requires your full, undivided concentration to use defensively
“Director” no longer gives you immunity to other Time stop powers (now it simply allows you to “join in”)
Minor spelling/grammar errors
Added more page breaks and reformatted a few paragraphs to stop the paragraphs from breaking between pages.

Is there a Miraculous Ladybug jump?

After all these adventures, Jumpers, what has managed to change your nature?

Besides perks.

Those dubs.

Not yet and I haven't seen anyone pick it up yet.

I havent watched the series, but Ive heard its pretty much a superhero/magical girl mashup for kids, might be interesting.

I'm still irritated I can't be her descendent for my Servant build anymore.

I mean don't go STABBING people with the Scythe and you should prevent a worgen apocalypse. But the Scythe is also good for helping feral worgen return to a proper mindset although apparently, becoming a worgen via drinking another worgen's blood allows you to skip the whole feral phase.

You can jump the KRs just fine without those two.

Alliance: Human, Dwarf, Gnome, Draenei, Worgen, Jinyu, High Elf
Horde: Orc, Troll, Tauren, Ogre, Blood Elf, Hozen, not-sure-on-this-slot
Neutral: Night Elf (Joining either faction under the pretense of "KEEP AN EYE ON THESE ASSHOLES IN KALIMDOR"), Undead (Sylvanas and co with the Horde, smaller group facing persecution but prevailing and proving themselves as equals with the Alliance), Pandaren, Goblin (I mean yeah we can the Bilgewater Cartel as exclusive to Horde, but COME THE FUCK ON. THEY'RE MERCENARIES.)

That's about all I've really thought on it. Not quite my IDEAL, but it's what makes the most sense to me at an initial glance. However, it can be said that Pandaren would lean more towards the Horde - especially given Chen Stormstout's initial connection.

>I mean don't go STABBING people with the Scythe


I never played Extella. What's her romance like?

5 - Elfen Lied

>Background: Diclonius
>Age: 20 years
>Diclonius Perks: Mark of a Devil , Vectors , Seed of Chaos , Inhuman , Of Many Hands
>Other Perks: Clear Mind
>Drawbacks: DNA Voice
>Future: ???

>"You hear the voice, don't you?"
>"Really? That's all? Another voice in my head?"
>"You may not be able to resist this as easily as your kind resist the Archfiends."
>"Yes, and? The humans would want me dead anyway. You told me as much."
>"Listen, just... please try to retain control."
>"If anyone's hearing this message, please. Help me figure out what the hell is happening. It all started so normally. There was just this black-haired Diclonius walking around in broad daylight. Then some cops started doing the usual thing... and died the usual way. They didn't realize anything was wrong until he spent an hour just standing there shrugging off all of their blows. Then he did... something, and the whole city block was gone. Not just everyone dead. Every building flattened. Some kind of explosion, the official reports said."

>"Oh, right. And the unrelated reports of, get this, a 'giant two-headed dragon' flying over Fuji-san. I mean, come on. It's like something out of an anime, but they've got it on camera!"

Farming, git gud.



You just gotta believe

Yeah, farming all these soon-to-be-dead bodies I'm fighting.

I wish.

Never heard of it.

Let's see, supporting waifus would be the big one since that's a fantasy situation on its own and generally bumped happiness levels through the roof. Exploration has been a big contributing theme to Jumper's growth too though since he's gone from staying inside to seeing the world for what it is or might be, and that has made him more inquisitive and willing to try new things but also more discerning.

Martial arts training from a skilled master really gave Jumper some ways to dig deep and push through fear, not to mention bestowing a sense of discipline to help push through boredom. All sorts of combat toughened him up too.

Maybe one of the biggest things is also the simplest, age. Jumper has lived for over two hundred years with memories from various lifetimes. It's hard not to lighten up considerably, especially considering the starting point, but also become more understanding of those from different backgrounds and schools of thought.

Knowing I'm not alone.

The taste of souls.

Why does a Scythe have moon lasers

Why wouldnt your scythe have moon lasers?

Why WOULDN'T a scythe have
Moon Lasers?

He has to be. This is the next generation of the clan we're talking about. They're a little dim, can't talk, and they don't have all that much power yet, but they're more numbers and numbers are a power all their own.

Thanks! I thought this would be fun, yeah.


Great Titan Expedition?

cause it is the artifact for the ranged dps druid.
and well its the sythe of elune and elune is a moon goddess

Honestly it is, and the power sets just shown in Season 1 (2 and 3 confirmed and in production) are really well made and the kind Jumpers would want to get their hands on. Who wouldn't want luck maipulation and, depending on if you got the good or bad luck flavor, the conceptual abilities of restoration or destruction? Or perhaps you want minion creation, empathic senses, and telepathic communication? And that's just 3 of the 7 Miraculous* we know of, season two is going to introduce two more of that set, and there are rumors that there might be more than one set of Miraculous.

*A Miraculous is a mystical piece of jewlery that. Ontains a spirit called a kwami. You use them to transform and gain power. Permission and support from the kwami is beneficial but not required. Previous wielders have included ancient Egyptians, Chinese folk heroes, and St. George the dragon slayer.

>ancient Egyptians

First card games, then Keijo, now this?

It's made by France and is weirdly gay.

You slice, that is historically the way at least.

So how am I doing so far?

>weirdly gay
>only contains het ships


Also all the men dress like latex homos.

Het ships are the gayest of all. If you want a show to be straight, it needs at least one trap.

Aren't High Elves mostly extinct? The only reason the Blood Elves aren't Alliance is because of High Elves bitching about it, yet as far as a race goes they don't have nearly enough members to be playable. From any perspective listening to them was idiotic.

I probably should have said it starts atlike 10 minutes in

Every time I see images like this I always wonder........

......where the FUCK do they live that all these little girls are being chopped into large pieces like that!?

Necromancerland is a hard country.

I guess? There aren't many High elves left, but the difference between them and Blood elves is more philosophical/"dietary" than anything else.

Can confirm, necromancerland is only a step below demon land, at least skeletons wont rape you first no matter how hard or impressive their bones are.


Tell me that cat boy is legitimately straight.

I always hear that there are only a few thousand. As a playable race, there'd be more players than High Elves in the world.

What little is there seems fine to me. I look forward to seeing it complete.

100% straight.

Why would you turn away a military asset for a couple thousand people who arent even getting involved in the war effort seriously?

Eh, I don't really think those nerfs were needed. It was pretty much only one user complaining about it.

Vereesa riding on her status as the only Windrunner who isn't missing, a corpse, or both.

Sounds to me like attacking the us military because you don't want to offend snowflakes while the enemy is at your door.

Because of 'muh loyalty to old alliances'. Aka stupidity.

Jaina would fuck up later when the Blood Elves were courting joining the Alliance again by flipping out at them over Garosh blowing up her island.

Well he spend the entire show flirting with Ladybug so...

That's just normal French behavior. They flirt with girls all day, but then go home to their boyfriends.

Please give me some context. Who is this cunt and why should I just kill her in jump?


Are those limitations to Mallory Crossover canon or is the perk itself OC? Anyway, I think they are a bit too harsh, though I'll have to see how it compares to the other capstones
Besides that, I still hope that you'll include that neat suggestion an user made last thread:
>Have the reality warper perk include a caveat that makes you forget that you have it and not notice it until you have your spark, thus limiting your usage of it to the subconscious stuff she does such as subtly altering the word to suit your desires or providing a subconscious outlet for your negative emotions in the form of monsters.
It would prevent the perk from becoming the OTB 'cause it pretty much only has an effect post-spark and is only flavor while you're jumping.

Jaina? She was one of those hippie 'tolerance is best!' types you see on the news all the time, but she was getting stressed out at the horde under Garrosh being cunts, Then she finally broke when Garrosh blew up her island, and has flipped around to a "Genocide them all!" mindset.

You know I never read Squash and Stretch to only work on blunt kinetic damage, I mean there is no different between tearing a limb off and cutting one.

That one's on Garrosh entirely.

She had to work with Thrall to stop Archimonde back in WCIII, then to protect the tenative peace she let her own father die.

And what did she get in return? Her city, her heart, nothing more than a crater. Her father died for her dream, and look what happened.

Vereesa, on the other hand, is the Windrunner sister left over after Alleria went AWOL and Sylvanas died. She also married some mage named Rhonin and is a big part of the reason why Lor'themar gets no sleep.

>tolerance is best! Types

Welp more than enough reason for me to kill her rhen, those folks are leading the death of nations.

Her talks with Thrall are the only reason the Horde didn't do anything that stupid before Garrosh took over. Well, except letting in the Forsaken, but Thrall is a horrible judge of character and seems to actually believe that Sylvanas isn't evil.

Well everyone knows to kill Garrosh Hellscream in the jump, no matter which side you choose.

>Not teaching him the right way

>killing people for opinions they had in the past
I really need some better "you are a moron" reaction images.

That sounds important. Are they important?

Why is he worth it?

I only know wow from the movie, I assume you guys mean the green guy?

Also was the movie accurate that the orcs didnt really do anything wrong?

More like killing people who lead to entire populations dieing in the name of tolerance

They're the most relevant High Elf family, by which I mean the only relevant one.

Alleria's the oldest, she was a big hero in WCII. She fell for Turalyon, beginning her sisters' tradition of having it bad for human men, and went poof when Draenor went kaboom.

She's confirmed alive, and you find her bow in Legion, but nobody knows where she is.

Then there's Sylvanas, who you already know, and Vereesa, who you just learned about.

>I know we are fighting a war and you are killing people by the thousands but peace and love will make you a good person you just need to be included and met with tolerance!

Where are those lotr orc memes when you need them?

>Are those limitations to Mallory Crossover canon or is the perk itself OC?
OC we've never seen a proper Slider in Canon dispute it being the only Supernatural being that Haruhi lists often that isn't in the series. What about the perk do you think is too harsh?

>Reality Warper perk
I'll think about it. Basically it's a purchase of Plot Armor, as in the Naruto Jump thing, for the Pre-Spark and it becomes the Great Will Post Spark? Maybe still seems like it would be kind of odd thing to put in, since the whole point of the series is avoid the Reality Warpers going Self-Aware.

The movie is an adaptation of WCI, they're over 20 years before WoW. That green baby is him, though.

Orcs were a raping horde of alien demon-worshiping berserkers before Thrall took over.

I got you buddy

That's the funny part. It actually did look like they were starting to turn around. It looked like it was working.

And then Illidan did a thing, and THEN her dead boyfriend tried to kill everyone, and then Deathwing happened and Thrall left the worst possible person in charge while he was off on Official Shaman Business.

Really, someone needs to teach Thrall how to judge character. Giving someone the chance for redemption doesn't mean you can trust them to take it.