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At least we got a properly made thread out of it.
>start working on my first CYOA
>have a cool idea but don't flesh it out, instead I focus on making the image appealing
>the image starts become really fucking beautiful
>forgot the idea I had for the CYOA
Fucking hell lads
Daily reminder that the civil war being about slavery was adopted for pr by the north and if you fall for it you're a sucker.
I'm on your side, bro, but please don't start this shit again. One thread was enough.
Pokemon Personifies Plus+ when?
>pick the perfect body option
>eat an extra yummy pre-sleep snack knowing I'll soon be an adonis
>it didn't work and I gained 2lbs
user. You didn't tell us how many of these we could pick. Are you gonna let me pick all of them?
How do the choices work?
Also thta says 2/2
B-class portal to timeline 133
B-class portal to timeline 632
C-Class portal to timeline 444
C-class portal to timeline 999
B-class portal to timeline 202
C-class portal to timeline 308
C-class portal 62
OK, I think I've got this.
A portal that turns males female. A portal that turns females male, and a portal that turns either into buff masterpieces.
Two more portals for romancing females, one which has not seen actual men in ages, and the other which contains genetic tomboys.
Two more portals containing kemonomimis. This allows both peaceful integration of the domestic animal humanoids into out society, and the possibility of genetically engineering cat girls.
And all without having to worry about any sort of femdom.
Including CYOA, because thread was closed by the time I attempted to post my build.
This has happened to me four fucking times.
It's hard to read the stuff at the bottom, and there's no rules on what you can and can't choose. If it's "pick whichever you want," it's good to say that, while if it's "you have 10 points, each tier costs 1," you should say that too.
fucking shit connection
was gonna post blackrock and beastmaster but cwnt upload fucking jackshit atm
Slavery was a root cause but it was far from the only cause. The federal government could have handled the issue so much better, and it's true that the emancipation was passed mostly in order to prevent a european power, (likely Britain), from intervening in favor of the South.
>white text on a cloudy background
Have this
I fucking saved the second page twice and tried to post them backwards.
Better get your money back.
You didn't realize that from the start?
What a fucking blunder.
these "choose a lifehack" cyoas are boring desu
does anyone still like them?
Is tier 3 Love hot?
Yeah I guess, I though about adding a transparent box, but the drop shadow seemed to work fine for me.
Sexually attractive.
Which timeline allows women to turn into men?
Does tier 3 Health include any sort of accelerated healing with immortality or do you need to take tier 2 also to regain limbs?
>Tier 3 Health
>Tier 1 Money
>Tier 2 Safety
>Tier 1 Enjoyment
>Tier 1 Ability
I like the design. Really appealing graphics.
Splitting your soul sounds really painful though. Not sure what kind of ramifications that is supposed to have either.
So you'd rather have another waifu cyoa?
You know, is she a fire giant or a salamander or something like that?
Are you thinking in rejecting your literal other half if it is not hot enough for you?
'The perfect being to fall in love with'
I would assume so.
Tier 3 Immortality does not come with accelerated healing.
I meant to add soul splitting comes with no negative repercussions.
Yes. I would unironically rather have another waifu CYOA, with the same fucking archetypes and the same bland fetishes, because at least it gets my dick hard.
Well, at least you're honest.
What the hell happened to the throg?
I'm just asking because I'm not sure between Tier 2 or 3.
Tier 3 seems better but if she can still be ugly, hugh...
Thanks, I just wanted to be sure.
the mod got triggered
Ugly people don't deserve love. That was the entire point of the Hunchback of Notre Dame.
Was plagued by /polr9k/.
Does "soul is split and tied to a human" mean I give a half and get a half or something like that?
Hope we don't suffer the same fate as the Caption threads on /d/
Will the fox girl genie ever come through?
That can't possibly be the moral of the story. Surely it was a cautionary tale about lust!
Nope. Everything bad in Frolo's life is the product of him taking pity on Quasimodo.
>Money 3
I'm going to become like the Jew, except I'll actually help my people thrive, so I guess not really like the Jew at all.
>Health 2
>Safety 3
Gotta protect myself from getting Seth Rich'd.
>Ability 3
I'll be drawing lots of 2D cuties and making super sexy doujins with this.
>Love 1
>Points [12]
>Health 3 [9]
>Health 2 [7]
>Money 1 [6]
>Home 3 [3]
>Soul 3 [0]
Live forever, heal any wounds. 500 bucks per day will stack pretty quickly and I have comfy demiplane to comfy around. Eventually I'll get bored or meteor hits us, I'll die and reincarnate somewhere else.
Also splitting your soul among people essentially allows them to be brought along with you if you were to chose Tier 3 Soul
Only a portion of your soul (Which I like to believe is an infinite resource) is merged with theirs, but you don't get theirs unless they give you their own portion.
I still hold hope
I apologize in the delay of Pokemon Personified Plus+ I've been extremely busy and will have it out as soon as possible.
Cutie chicken girl.
Humanity is an all male race. There are monstergirls, but as human females aren't monsters, they will be turned male to fit in with the local populace.
>Create portals to both 339 and 993, let them duke it out
>create a B-class portal to 902, once there, create an A-class portal to 632 and activate the cataclysm, because they don't deserve men
>create a B-class portal to 999 and once there create an A-class portal to 647 with cataclysm, because they do deserve men
>do the above trick for 45 and 312 for a comic book universe
>use multiple portals to the same timeline for fast travel
Would the same go for 339?
Do people like Genie CYOAs? Are they worth making?
They're worth it if you want all your (you)'s upfront.
People love contributing.
use something like this to find complementary colours for text/background.
last time i checked they were still allowed on /d/ but forbidden on /aco/.
I don't and I don't think so, but I'm just one man sailing along this sea of shit.
has anyone made any half decent 40K CYOAs?
just wondering
You get to spam art you think looks cool, you get to contribute and it's always fun to see what others can make out from random pictures.
I fully support most of what you are doing, but you don't have nearly that many points.
>Assuming C class for 339 and 993, that is 2 points
>B and A class portals plus cataclysm costs 10, for a total of 12
>Again, 10 more points for a total of 22
>Finally 10, bringing the final value to 32
You only get 10 points. also, there is no timeline 647, did you mean 67?
Do you like waifus?
Angel is making SoB CYOA but I don't know if it will have more stuff than picking your Order and Wargear.
There's couple jokish cyoas, I think. I don't have them saved.
I'll post one I liked as soon as I find it but I don't think there's any effort ones.
Reposting latest version of Pervy Super Person!
thanks, i appreciate it, i planned to use them as a sort of starting point to integrate into a inqisiton story
Indifferent. Most people don't do them well at all and I haven't seen a good waifu CYOA in some time, but it's possible for me to enjoy them. I will say, however, that picking an established character is infinitely better than designing someone just for yourself.
Reading the description, it doesn't seem like humanity is an all male race. I posit that Succubi killed their competition.
Thusly, females entering a B-Class portal to 339 would likely die, to match the local populace.
Simple choice one
Story/Gameplay is not a dichotomy! It is the exact opposite of a dichotomy! Story is gameplay and gameplay is story...
Why bother making a cyoa when you're going to make one option clearly superior?
I don't know if this will actually help much then.
They are allowed yes but for some reason mods started to delete them
so G-man walks up to me, abducts me then sends me to hell......mother fucker at least i got to be an astartes
You could probably make ok cyoa just by lifting the character creation from Dark Heresy 1. Real problem is that pretty much any choice about "where you want to go" in 40k is death sentence.
Seriously? Open notepad or something and jot down your notes, then mess around with graphics. use a handheld recorder or get a recording app for your phone. Use sticky notes...
Give me an idea for a CYOA
Not!Amber/Nobilis CYOA
Demon lord seeking adventurers to help bring peace to this frozen peninsula, the order of symmetry opens its arms to all and promises grand rewards.
Spymaster (1)
Diplomat (1)
Merchant (1)
Apprentice (1)
Guild master: Masonry (1)
Harem (1)
Cook (1)
Blacksmith (1)
Master worker: Miner (1)
Cleric (1)
Cultist group (1)
Bard (1)
Captain of the Guard (1)
Squad of guards (x3)
Ranger (1)
Unit of hunters (x2)
Knight (1)
Troop of cavalry (x2)
Demon warrior (x2)
Succubus (1)
Cult of the Sea (+1 coin)
Monsters (+1 coin)
Coup (+2 coin)
Dark riders (+2 coin)
Thieves’ guild (+1 coin)
Fortified castle (+4 military coin)
The Priestess
Cult (1)
Study (1)
Gold (1) (+4 coin)
Demonic magic (1)
Immortality: Demonic form (1)
Intimidation (free)
a final fantaisy style adventure with a monster hunter style lore
in a setting with flying islands and airships
a tried and true idea, why not come up with your own?
I'm joking. why not you have to try and have a secret attack force, on one side and mutants or insert super powered guys here
watch all the gachimuchi new year's compilation videos and make something based off those
Holy shit that update is amazing.
this is a good idea
someone make it
and don't forget the waifus
Yuri waifu CYOA
You must cuztomize yourself (whether or not you are already a girl) and your girlfriend.
It's perverted.
A elona+ based CYOA?