EDH/Commander General

"Help Me Dammit" Edition

Previously on /EDH/ :NEWS

>Commander 2017 Spoilers

>Latest Commander Ban Announcement

>Latest MTGO Banlist Update


>Official Site: Contains deck building rules and the current ban list.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck’s strategy and card choices.

>Another resource for commander discussion; they have an entire forum dedicated to discussing decks. People often make primers, which go into detail about how they built and play their deck.

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen Commander’s color identity.

>Veeky Forums EDH General Discord


>Official search site. Current for all sets.

>Unofficial, but has GOAT search interface.


What's the deck you wanna build but haven't? Why?

Other urls found in this thread:


Hey EDH. I'm thinking on what to build for my third deck and I was wondering:

Is it possible to build a decent Child of Alara deck on budget? I'm kind of a poorfag atm.

Also, what are some good budget decks you recommend?

Enduring Ideal, now that you can become completely immune to attacks with Sandwurm Convergence and Form of the Dragon. Dies to an overloaded Cyclonic Rift though

>What's the deck you wanna build but haven't?
Atraxa Superfriends, 'cause planeswalkers are neat and stuff, and she's obviously a superior choice.

I mean.. it feels like everyone I play with already has a deck like that, so I don't know. I don't like running "the usual".

>What's the deck you wanna build but haven't? Why?
Freyalise control. I've been brewing it for A G E S and while I feel like I've got the tools, like Freyalise's Winds and Ritual of Subdual, stax package and big draw, but it never seems to quite come together.

On that note
>"Help Me Dammit" Edition
Lost in the Woods with mana base of 40x Forest, Lost in the Woods with 35x Forest and a few more rocks (The deck already has several), LitW & 5-10 utility lands, or cut Lost and do Utility Lands and/or Rocks? How about Rowen versus Land Base?

>Form of the Dragon
>Sandwurm Convergence

Anything mono colored.
As for a budget 5 color deck, the weakness will always be your mana.
You can make a really good manabase for cheap, but it will be slow.

You can also make a fast one, but it will be terribly inconsistent.|

Which deck do I work on next?

Feldon will be Feldon, fill up your graveyard with Rummage and some reanimation stuff.
Mayael will be a linear big creatures with ETBs, kinda more of a deck aimed at lower power play.
Samut, which is focused on infinite combat steps.

Also, does anybody know any good people for doing Alters? I'd really like a decent alter of Samut, doesn't even have to be anime or cheesecake.


pretty happy with how this turned out.

How bad were the printing issues with the early sets exactly? I have ordered a couple of legends and antiquities cards and it seems that the ratio of visibly off-center cards amongst them (enough to be considered "marked" even) is staggeringly high. Do I just have bad luck getting more quality copies or were they really just that hit and miss with the printing runs back in the day?

Atraxa superfriends is fun. Atraxa can be a dick commander if built dickish but personally I feel atraxa superfriends is slightly less dickish than some of her other variations like atraxa infect

o shit I forgot about dovescape. Throw in Humility to dodge creature effects

Anybody got some underrated/overlooked cards that steal permanents in esper colors? Trying to remember the blue one that does it on death

finaly splurging and upgrading my brago deck
any cards i NEED?


What cards do I need to make a fun Gitrog Monster deck?

>Deck I want to build the most but haven't yet
I'd have to say either phelddagrif or a colorless deck with the new kozilek as the commander
-i like political decks
-i think he's cute
- kind of a symbol for edh
- could be a secretly deadly deck to catch people off guard
the only reason I haven't is because I have no idea what to put in it
- colorless is cool
- manabase would be way different than all my other decks
-Eldrazi have neat designs
- could be really powerful
the reason I haven't built it is because I would want to go all out and that would be really expensive

I wish two of my packages arrived today instead of throughout the rest of the week. Now I know how the Jewish kids feel in December.

Nah, the print qualities were pretty bad back then. I have a Demonic Tutor where the left boarder is about twice the thickness of the right. It's annoying.

>titania, protectir of argoth
>splendid reclamation
> crawling sensation
> crucible of worlds
> cycle lands
would all be some good choices

ramos looks like it's gonna be an excellent option for budget 5c. wait a bit and give that a try

You're gunna have to shell out to make a great Gitrog deck

>What's the deck you wanna build but haven't? Why?

>Sun Quan Odric Wannabe Token Swarm.
>Derevi Bird Tribal.
>Cao Cao Headbangers' Ball (black creatures with tap abilities tribal).

Because I don't have the cards and the money to build them.

>Linvala the Hate Magnet

Because of so much hate that I'll incur.

Skirge Familiar and Dakmor Salvage

Post value lands

So much value

That thing is a beast in Noyan Dar decks

Any advise for repurposing a Teysa tokens deck? I recently took mine apart for parts for my Mono Black deck and I have a ton of B/W token cards I would still like to use. Who are the best BWx Token commanders? Considering Ghave or maybe Alesha small creatures

Any idea up to what sets the prints were like this? Since at least Tempest the cards are already pretty good.

So tasty with Sunforger.

I know, right?

What about a partner combo? Maybe Tymna/Reyhan?

because the other art is crap

you kinda need green to be a good token deck though

>Any advise for repurposing a Teysa tokens deck?
sac tokens or more of a kill with tokens attacking deck?

Might be cool, I will check it out!
Not sure which way I want to go. I didnt like the Darkest Hour combo in Teysa so maybe combat is what I actually want to do. In which case I think green is mandatory.

ravos/tana is pretty neat

Looking to possibly get into commander and wondering how this type of deck would be. (Small collection so I would be buying most of the singles and make changes for a budget)

Alesha deck:

Not anymore with Anointed Procession. Nearly all token specific buffs are in White and there are plenty of Zombie token generators out there in Black so it *COULD* be done. Sure it doesn't work as well without Green, but that's not to say it couldn't be done.

I've never seen such a shit taste in my life

Now this being said, I would seriously consider Abzan over Orzhov and making Teysa part of the 99.

Is he good?

Did you just assume xir's gender?

I think it's more likely for a druid to be male than female, lad.

Rashmi is indeed female. While I havent made a Rashmi deck, everyone whose played it says it boils down to UG goodstuff.


you're still missing out on doubling season, parallel lives, and all of the overrun effects. you're not gonna win in a token deck if you're attacking with 5-6 1/1s every turn.

I know it's a narrow effect, but I think it has value. If I have an extra land space I sometimes include it.

Klugg. Accept no substitute.

Shkreli knows what's up.

I'm think about buying into mtgo and 1vs1 commander. What deck should I get, /autismgen/?

im think bout play two mtgo as wellso

how good are leyline of sanctity effects in this format? i got hosed big time by rakdos's return last game.

Kinda niche, but pretty underrated overall. I prefer pic related however, Leyline's "starts in play" ability isn't very relevant in EDH.

I barely see decks using those types of effects because people will use something better (i.e. counterspells).


cool counterspell bro

Should I get MM3 Cyclonic rift or Return to Ravnica?

cool counterspell bro

I wouldn't sweat it unless player targeting effects are huge in your meta. Burning a deck slot because 'this one card fucked my shit up that one time' is not solid reasoning. Especially if the effect is super narrow like giving yourself hexproof.

Going all out with kozilek is about 500-1500 bucks, depending on if you wanna shell out for a workshop.

>three orbs
>two effects

>>Thread question
Maelstrom Wanderer.

I have a Yidris voltron deck that I am taking apart and MW was a part of the cascade subtheme. So I have about 60% of the parts I need. I just don't know how to abuse Cascade, cascade off an 8 drop. My first thought was 7 drop tribal. Then I saw some lists that boiled down to board wipes and jokulhaups. Which is amazing, but still unsatisfying. Temur goodstuff seems like a safe bet for testing it out. I don't know what to do.

What lists have you seen or played against that really made the most of cascade, cascade?

Since when were you under the impression that I did not use a counterspell on this?

>What's the deck you wanna build but haven't? Why?

Mimeoplasm ooze tribal. It'll suck, but I love oozes.

is sheldon's banlist actually good for the format?

>typical spike enters the format for a while
>sees that it's already solved because the banlist is retarded, only really like 3 viable decks
>makes a deck anyway
>everyone laughs at him because commander is a clown format for casuals thanks to sheldons retarded banlist
>spike can't prove his superiority to everyone else and gets laughed out of the format
>people can still enjoy their gimped 75% edh

however, if you started making edh a balanced format with a good banlist, then suddenly everyone would be trying to break the format again, which would attract tons of spikes from shittier formats like modern and legacy, and then you wotc would see that people are paying top dollar for the new sick tier 1 decks and would probably print a mythic that lets you win really easy in the next conspiracy set (only running in print for 2 days)

What's a good banlist, smart guy?

the exact same but even more shit unbanned

actually just make it legal to declare yourself the winner on turn 1 if you're going first

just make it the least competitively viable format possible

That is not an answer.

Even ataxa super friends is kind dickish. Pop an early Dovin Baan, and you see the frustration. I like a mix of 1/1 counter pump and walkers. I do agree that infect Atraxa breeds hate.

>thread question
Anything that involves a shit ton of tolwns or counters, like Krenko or ghave.
I only have so many tokens and I'd rather buy more cards than dice.

Trying to make a competent banlist for a casual format is a fool's errand. Look at the MTGO commander league, there's like 3 viable decks.

Here's my Maelstrom list


It's just ramp and fatties

>Thread Question
Jhoira. I haven't built her because when I do it's going to be the meanest piece of shit I can make. Every MLD, Blood Moon, Eldrazi fatties, with draw and counter-spells galore. It's the deck I'll make when I finally stop trying to pretend that Commander isn't a flowchart format.

>What's the deck you wanna build but haven't?

Seems like she's extremely easy to combo off with, and my play group isn't fond of combo. I'd either have to refuse to win when the options are in front of me, or exclude a ton of good cards.

nice trips but
>black caring about a creature getting countered

>there is a random deer in the maelstrom
>just for scale
That's the shit version of the card. Thomas M Baxa artworks for life!

2017 Commander Tribes are as follows:



Here's a good list for 7-cmc tribal.

Scale birds too. They're the biggest magic art cliche, right next to Wayne Reynolds' insane hip thrusts.


I can only hope so, unlike their red counterparts in dragons, they have so very little synergy.

I was a bit dissapointed seeing dragons take up a deck, given how easy it already is to build a dragon tribal deck.

I wish

yeah and marit lage is the commander

You don't know that

>printing a colorless eldrazi deck

the madmen

I'm assuming 5 color so that one could make a coherent tribal EDH deck with the Devoid Eldrazi?

And the Emerge ones.
Also there were just a few actual colored ones in RoE.

What would be the Commander though?

but theres no colored legendary eldrazi, who else could pilot it?

A five color legendary dragonlord 's servant for eldrazi

All three titans on one devoid card clearly.

No wait, that's STUPID

Honestly I would rather have a non eldrazi summoner be the improbable eldrazi tribal edh commander. It'd be more insteresting than them bringing out a big dumb spell as a commander like Ulamog or something

mayeal so it can be elfdrazi

It's Wizards. They'll bullshit something in to make it work.

5c Cultist commander.

There is explicitly an Eldrazi-worshipping cult, so that does kinda work.

actually probably going to be

Humans (utility creatures)
Dragons (big sweaty beaters)
Zombies (reanimation and other blackstuff)
Goblins and/or Elves (swarm)

There's also the story of Tazri getting eldrazified

Planar Chaos-esque Alternate Dimension Eldrazi Tazri?