>Wargs are wolves, not, for some incomprehensible reason, hyenas.
Wargs are wolves, not, for some incomprehensible reason, hyenas
Other urls found in this thread:
Why would there be Hyenas in a European-based setting?
That, in your pic, is clearly a cat.
Why would there be elephants in a European-based setting?
Niggers prefer dogs.
Orcs are niggers.
It's not rocket science.
Those were oliphants.
Blame the dark-skinned peoples of the Easterlings and Southrons.
They were marched in by the explicitly foreign army.
back in the day there were mastodons in europe.
Back in the day there were hyenas in Europe. Much more recently than mastodons.
>historical lion distribution
Makes you think
Hyenas are more cat than dog.
I know, but they are not cats.
Hyenas lived in Europe like 10,000 years ago, which would actually fit the pre-historical setting that Middle-earth is supposed to be.
Then why aren't there other prehistoric animals running around?
psudohistorical euromen are afraid of wolves, not hyenas
You mean like giant eagles?
I didn't know India had lions
It's almost as if a expert of mythology used what he knows best...
I love the question marked shaped distributions, along with the greek-sea-lions
But seriously is that thin distribution through Egypt because of the Nile? Now I wanna make a super complicated map in my setting of where animals are or aren't
The intelligent eagles that are regularly summoned by a moth and a wizard?
Hyena wargs look dumb, fuck those movies. Wargs are wolves except about four times the size and more bulky.
Hyenas were in Noah's Ark. Rather, they were in the biblical story as the only thing that wasn't on the ark. Therefore, Europeans who could read were culturally aware of hyenas as base and godless scavengers (that somehow survived a biblical flood).
T. The Bible
Wizards are another prehistoric species.
Only camel fuckers don't prefer dogs
Those were brought from the african equivalent of the setting
What's your point?
Italy had lions for sure
They went extinct during the early roman empire because of too much gladiatorial games
This doesn't even include European or American lions.
>MFW I realized wargs were real
What do you call a half-wolf/half-warg?
You got a real pretty face
Pretty doggo.
Spaghetti nigger has a point, there used to be tons of bears in Britain before we locked them all in cages and poked them to death.
These days we are importing wildlife into our cities just to spice things up a bit you know?
That's an entelodont though, and not even the largest of it's kind I think. They're more like nightmare boars.
See? That looks dumb. Keep wargs fuckhuge wolves and leave whatever the fuck that thing is out or bring it in as its own new thing.
>Spaghetti nigger
I love this
>That looks dumb
I concur with you, really, but could /pol/stop 5 fucking minutes? I am tired of seeing it on every board
>That looks dumb.
Instead of replying, just report the /pol/tards
I'm just kidding, our mod is a /pol/tard so blatant /pol/threads never get deleted.
A Tibetan Mastiff
The lions of Europe were long gone by the time Romans appeared. Romans imported them from Africa.
>But seriously is that thin distribution through Egypt because of the Nile?
Jee, I dunno. Is it shaped like the Nile?
Seriously though, almost nothing lives in the Saharas proper.
>horse-sized sentient wolves that may or may not actually be werewolves
It puts "the wargs have traveled west of the mountains!" into context.
>He doesn't know why there would be elephants in a European setting
>Okay panjeet you're fighting of lion man-monster who has 4 arms and like, dunno. 10 fire spewing serpents off his back, he is also probably a wizard AND a king of somesort.
>I shield slam it.
Hyenas live in hot climates. Wolves live all over the fucking place, depending on breed.
And evil.
M8 my comment got deleted for light banter, the mod is not a /pol/tard he just doesn't understand why people are such thin skinned faggots.
Calling an Italian a spaghetti nigger is even funnier than calling the Irish potato niggers. What's even funnier is that I'm both ya fuckin twit. No one has a sense of humor anymore.
This. Laughing at racism and muslims is the only way to make it all go away.
Ya'll remember this shit?
/pol/ is amazing in how hyperbolic a lot it is to the point that it's non-serious
>Lemme tell you a story about this great general that managed to cross a bunch of elephants through the mountains and was just this short of buttfucking the romans.
So how do you pronounce "Warg" anyways?
This is just how I talk and how everyone around me talks. Racial humor is still funny in places and doesn't lead to autistic screeching.
Wrong. Wargs are wargs.
Bull fucking shit.
T. A former seminary student.
No. That's a an Andrewsarchus.
>Wargs are wolves, not, for some incomprehensible reason, hyenas
Because Euros are scared shitless of wolves so they stuck. Seriously reading accounts of peasants disappearing in the middle of winter or going through the woods makes it all sound like a horror movie. Apparently werewolves were inspired by psychotic murder-rapists that would dress up in wolf cloaks and chase children down. That has a lot more punch some foreign creature you've never seen.
What Manga is this, it looks interesting?
>it looks interesting
Really? What is it that interests you?
reverse image search. It's cage of eden.
It's Cage of Eden.
I loved that series as a kid. Almost got into Paeleontology because of it.
These are wargs.
Someone once asked Tolkien if the fell beasts the Nazul rode were supposed to be pterodactyls.
I can't remember his answer.
>shocking scene of a kid in tears being eaten alive
>gratuitous panty shot
Because the word "warg" comes from the old norse word "vargr" which could either mean wolf, evildoer, or destroyer. Tolkien's work was heavily inspired by Germanic Mythology which is why a "Warg" is a giant fucking evil wolf. Tolkien's son who is now in charge of his father's legacy hates the movies btw for gutting what his father created basically.
That's Cage of Eden for ya!
Enjoy fapping to Japanese schoolgirls as they're eaten alive!
What is The Beast of GĂ©vaudan for $100 alex?
That's why I'm happy the Mangaka's moved on to serial killer women with big titties.
Massive prehistoric beasts rampaging and killing.
In oWoD shapechangers who held hyena form were considered Bastet, that's good enough for me.
>So how do you pronounce "Warg" anyways?
the same way Christopher Lee does
You ever heard of a fellow named Hannibal? Ask him.
Also nice trips.
Check out medieval bestiaries, they're full of african and middle-eastern creatures in addition to fantastical ones. Dragons and elephants are natural enemies. People heard stories from traders, soldiers or old foreign legends that contained these creatures and they added them to their lore.
Globalisation my be recent but that doesn't mean people and their ideas didn't get around in the old world.
Warg means wolf.
Satan, did you forget about that one African guy who absolutely rekt Romans multiple times and brought elephants with him to Europe? His family sacrificed babies to you.
He said it was a coincidence but he could see where that person was coming from
You're the kinda nigger who doesn't want guns in his late medieval fantasy because it's unrealistic.
How fucking dumb are you
How fucking dumb are you?
The guy's clearly making the exact point you are you God damned sperg.
How am I sperg when I'm new a poster to the thread?
>he thinks he can escape sperginess by being new
what is this
what did he mean by this?
All spergs.
Ahhh, I see. You sperg, I sperg, we all sperg.
End this spergery.
We didn't start the sperg. It was always sperging. Since the world was turning.
>Since the world was turning.
is changing the rotation going to change the sperging?
In fact, I think accomplishing such a thing would only increase spergery.
Are you me?
>warg riders charge over the hill
>wargs are wheezing and cackling
>can't keep up with horses, due to retarded back legs
>Rohirrim ride away at a moderate pace
>orc riders give up and start walking
Thats why
Hyenas actually lived in Europe quite recently at that.
Only most of the big game died of and humans took over quickly after we figured out how to domesticate animals.
It's safe to assume that lions were common on the Coastal mediteranean areas.
Sadly most remains remain lost due to climate change and sea levels which rose.
Why are you posting pictures of Ancient Welsh-Arab prostitutes?