Unearthed Arcana: Revised Class Options 2:
>Feedback Questionnaires:
>/5eg/ Mega Trove:
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Favorite class and why go!
Unearthed Arcana: Revised Class Options 2:
>Feedback Questionnaires:
>/5eg/ Mega Trove:
>Resources Pastebin:
>Previously, on /5eg/:
Favorite class and why go!
He's black under the helmet.
Rogue for mechanics
Warlock because i'm an edgelord.
Asking again. Anyone have advice for running Rivergard Keep? Characters are only level 3... I'm thinking I should drop a couple bandits/reavers, but I'm not sure. Maybe only if they go full retard and try to storm the place?
Everybody's red when you peel off the skin.
So what's your favorite definition of railroading and how do you personally go about avoiding it as a player and a DM?
Ranger because someone has to like them
He's actually what ever you want him to be.
I can offer you nothing, because my party scaled a wall in the dead of night and SWAT 4'd every room with Silence or blitzkrieg grappling shenanigans.
Monk. Because literally kicking the shit out of things is fun.
Sentinel + Tunnel Fighter
Is it as powerful as it seems? Or do you not get to utilize it as often as you'd think?
I doubt they will be so lucky.
>So what's your favorite definition of railroading and how do you personally go about avoiding it as a player and a DM?
Not allowing players to make choices for their characters. To avoid it as a DM, you simply allow your players to make choices, and react accordingly. IMO players cannot railroad, it is something done to players.
Looking for some critique here. Am I missing something? Tried to make it less front-loaded while trying to keep the same power level.
Tunnel fighter is stupid broken
>Implying it is not an undead ghost warrior using his ghostness to move the armour and sword
clearly just animated armor
Ignore that favorite bit, I'm going crazy but on the players part I meant if you get railroaded, how do you handle it. Should've worded that better.
I really like fighter because it has two of the best archetypes and I don't care too much about class.
It was worded fine, just understood poorly.
>Ignore that favorite bit, I'm going crazy but on the players part I meant if you get railroaded, how do you handle it. Should've worded that better.
my bad. Thankfully, i've never encountered shameless railroading outside of a written adventure module. Most of my friends prefer a flowing narrative. But the best way to deal with it is to simply confront your DM in a mature way and discuss your grievances. Or say FUCK THIS SHIT and leave the game.
Now you're catching on
So I've been working on a homebrew fix for the Warlock class.
I understand that no matter what someone proposes somebody will complain, and I accept that. But unless it is constructive or brings up major fuck-ups on my part I will be ignoring the hate for the most part. Feedback is welcome, and I thank you in advance.
It's about half done but honestly this is more or less finished as-is. My main changes are to the Pact Boons and in giving Warlock the ability to take either Charisma or Intelligence as a spellcasting modifier (explained why in the Spellcasting Ability section), and I also made a complete overhaul to Eldritch Master at level 20 and made it possible to convert a Mystic Arcanum into spell slots once per long rest (which is why I replaced the original level 20 capstone).
I just realized that I did not edit it in but I intend on giving 1 additional spell slot for warlocks around level 16 and higher, for a maximum of 5. Will play around with the numbers later when I get back.
I don't see myself changing any of the Otherworldly Patron features. Archfey/fiend/GOO will stay the same, invocations will mostly stay the same. The only change I intend for Eldritch Invocations for Ascendant Step and/or Jump and Thirsting Blade. I intend on tweaking Ascendant Step/Jump slightly, MAYBE, but mainly since Thirsting Blade has been rolled into the Pact of the Blade it will grant a new bonus: You gain a number of temporary hit points equal to your spellcasting modifier on a damage-inducing strike (you cannot gain more temporary hit points than you have dealt in damage to the target). At the end of combat or after 10 minutes half of the temporary hit points gained through this invocation will become actual hit points. Simple enough.
Oh, also, Pact of the Blade is gishwetdreams now. I'd still pick Tome though.
I have to go to work for now but I will be back and will read all the delicious hate and comments. I regret nothing.
I'll look at yours later too.
By which I meant that, since it's a negro, the correct pronoun is 'it.'
one last thing: Biggest thing I have to crunch later will be the Pact of the Chain bonuses I think.
I think that it's fairly balanced. The spells you gain are concentration and when broken the summons fade away, and to cast it you expend spell slots, but I'm sure someone will point out some horrific exploit that I overlooked. At least it's better than a single fucking find familiar. Dreadful.
>not wanting to enjoy a nice bowl of cocoa puffs
I don't like the UA shit so I'm more or less completely ignoring it. I'm only touching shit in the PHB.
Too much?
This is for a party of six level 7 PCs that are at war with a cabal of Vampires
If that's what you want under the helm then that is it. Welcome to DnD where you pretend to be someone you are not.
We're about to run a bs one shot at level 20, I'm thinking of going v human 17 pally/3 warlock for shits with PAM and GWM. What pact and oath should I take? How do you guys think it'll work out?
why would i use that when i can use a belt of giant strength and a lightning javelin?
Blade getting two extra attacks is just stupid and steps on Fighter's toes.
Because there's no magic item store!
If your DM is a jackass, yes.
Don't start this shit. You'll attract that autist, who keeps screeching "If it's in core, I am entitled to use it!".
Does character consistency come with time? I just did my first session and I find it hard to stick to one type of personality, if that makes sense.
While yes, getting 2 extra attacks is dumb, nobody cares about your special snowflake fighter powers.
even still, this is objectively worse than just giving your players a belt of giant strength and a javelin of lightning.
The belt doesn't wear off after three hits
The Javelin works when YOU want it to
The items can be split between two party members, meaning twice as many people are happy.
No one gets TWO levels of exhaustion
Seriously, no one in my party would ever touch this.
It will come in a few sessions.
Chalk it up to your character being around new people. Everyone tends to be especially malleable in new situations with new people. Your personality will come through with time.
Oh and giving proficiency with martial weapons is stupid too if you consider that you also gave them the ability to keep several pact weapons. Just use the old ruling of "you're proficient while you wield it"
>Seriously, no one in my party would ever touch this.
Good thing it wasn't built for your party, then.
But thank you for the feedback, I'll take it into consideration.
That's what you think...
>one of two major features which make fighter even worth considering compared to the other martials
>lol special snowflake
Go away Anna, no time for your inter-dimensional nonsense.
>2 levels of exhaustion
What were you intending to accomplish with this item?
Maybe he doesn't want to give them a belt of giant strength and javelins of lighting you autist
I personally feel, as do my players, that powerful things should come with serious risks.
Two levels of exhaustion is probably too much of a risk, but I'm not sure what I'll change it to.
I liked your explanation for Int/Cha.
It's interesting how you reworked Chain into a summoner.
Removing cost to transfer spells into the book is just silly.
Mystic Arcanum is OP, you're giving "free" spell slots.
Eldritch Master is too weak for a 20th level feature.
I feel you're trying to fix the wrong things with MA and EM, and adding too much stuff instead of rearranging the ones currently on the class.
>Maybe he doesn't want to give them a belt of giant strength and javelins of lighting you autist
apparently he does, because that's what this borderline cursed item is.
Well, what do you define as a risk? Something as detrimental as crippling you until you rest, or something more immediate like a chance that bolt of lightning fires off indiscriminately?
Besides, unless I read it wrong, you basically don't have to lightning bolt and you're always fine.
>upon reaching 3 charges, a Lightning Strike is unleashed
yeah, no, you have no choice as written, after three hits the power of the gloves is drained.
Literally the best way to use this item is to activate it and never attack with it, so you can enjoy that lightning immunity forever.
Ah, completely misread it. You hit something three times for +9 damage, and boom, lightning bolt for 10d6.
All that for disadvantage on ability checks and half speed until your next long rest?
TWO levels of exhaustion, TWO long rests to get rid of disadvantage.
The lightning bolt goes off the moment 3 charges is reached. That may be just my wording being unclear.
And yes, I feel that power like this should come at the cost of crippling you if you don't use it wisely.
Two levels of exhaustion is definitely too much.
Needs to be reworded then, because they *are* weapons, taking up both of your hands. You wouldn't be able to attack with anything else.
Yes, the two points of exhaustion is too much and needs to be changed.
What are some ideas for pros and cons of drinking the ichor of maglubiyet?
Druid. I love being able to fly and summon bears.
>Needs to be reworded then, because they *are* weapons, taking up both of your hands. You wouldn't be able to attack with anything else.
even still, be mage, get war caster feat, activate gauntlets, get swole, be immune to lightning. Nuke bitches.
How about this
>For the next minute, your strength becomes 29, you gain immunity to lightning, and you can spend an action to discharge a lightning bolt.
>In exchange, you become negatively charged. Until your next short or long rest, you gain vulnerability to lightning damage, and attacks made with metal weapons have advantage to hit you.
How do you witch?
>be fighter
>use 1d6+9 legendary item that gives me exhaustion after 3 hits
>grab a normal greataxe, grab great weapon master
>do 1d12+15 all day erry day
your players would have to be absolutely retarded to use this item as is.
>How do you witch?
be female, be "warlock"
That's an interesting idea.
I worked it into this iteration, but I might change it entirely to just work like that.
Warlock, Tome, find familiar into a Raven/Cat, at 9th pick levitate at will and buy a broom, fly with the broom.
>still worse than using a normal greataxe
Who thought this face was a good idea?
Still better judgement than that of your mother.
Nobody in the group uses any 2handed weapons. None of them use GWM.
The item was designed for a specific group, with their playstyles in mind. Why would I factor in something none of them use? I was simply looking for feedback on whether the /effects/ would be alright.
Personally I think Fey Warlock with Chain pact has the best flavour, but mechanically I'd probably just play a Druid instead.
>still worse than using a normal 1d8 weapon.
Depends on my mood but magic, and by extension, wizards, are dope.
I'm not sure that the advantage on incoming attack rolls is something I'd be excited about.
Guess it'd be okay for a barbarian
The character becomes fluent in goblin. Their pick of Fury of the Small or Saving Face from the goblin/hobgoblin class features. Permanent -2 to cha.as the character's body is warped to more closely resemble a goblin. The character now pings to Detect Evil and Good if they don't already. Cha counts as 21 when interacting with goblins.
>my normal weapon lets me cast lightning bolt
>my normal weapon doesn't try to get my ass killed
racial features*
Alright, the metal weapon part can go.
just use the bolt then take them off senpai
>just use the bolt then take them off senpai
you would still be negatively charged.
>the wielder...
can't be the wielder if you ain't wielding
Still keep in mind these are designed for a party where there is nobody using GWM, but is this any better for you?
>missing an m in 'slamming'
>Strength 'score', not strength 'stat'
>'a' minute should be 'one' minute
>wielder should become positively charged, assuming lightning in D&D works based on electrons
>lightning strike will hit the wielder (not sure if bug or feature)
Other than that you're good to go
user, I'm , may I use your text for spellcasting ability? Really liked it.
The wielder is immune during the effect of the gauntlets, so the strike hitting them shouldn't do anything to them.
I'll fix the other stuff, thanks.
now i have been giving you a lot of shit for this weapon, but i think i will give you some advice, as well.
The biggest problem is not the drawback of the weapon, but that the bonuses just aren't good enough to justify the drawbacks. 29 Str, for three hits is only +12 damage over a normal Str 20 character, adding in that the weapon is only a d6 means that they are losing 1-2 damage from their normal weapon (presumably), netting only a +9 damage over three hits, sure the lightning strike can add a lot of damage, but so could a simple spell wand. If any of your players have a +1 weapon, then the bonuses diminish even further.
If you want something like vulnerability, advantage against them, or exhaustion, the weapon has to kick some major ass.
I, personally, would do something like this:
1d6 damage
when activated, the weapon gains 1 charge every successful hit, for each charge, the weapon deals an additional 1d10 lightning damage. After 1 minute, or when the weilder removes the gauntlets, they lose immunity to lightning and take lightning damage equal to the amount of charges on the gauntlets. The gauntlets then lose all charges.
Now you have an item worth using, but cautiously.
Thanks user, the feedback, both positive and negative, is appreciated.
Now by, "Damage equal to the amount of charges on the gauntlets", you mean a simple 5 damage if the effect ends and they have 5 charges, right?
yes, could be more, the numbers were really just to illustrate the effects, could make twice the amount, or 1d6/charge, or however deadly you want it.
Thanks again.
I'll try to incorporate some of the idea here.
keep in mind, the real drawback is while the damage may not be much, they will likely have taken damage in combat first, so that 7 or 10 damage, could easily put them down.
Attacking 3 times is unneeded, bake in lifedrinker instead.
Cleric or Ranger. Preferably both in one. I enjoy Clerics for their shear mechanics and versitiliity, no one ever bitches that you've brought a Cleric to the table. Rangers I enjoy because I like being nature animal man.
Least favorite are Paladin and Bard. Paladins are really just kinda bland and unfun to me, while Bards always seem silly.
Why are there so many autistic and retarded people in these threads? This is 5eg for fuck's sake.
I'm thinking of keeping the Lightning Strike mostly because the players are drawn to it.
I'm thinking that I could make it optional? Before the minute ends, you can expend all your currently stored charges do do the lightning damage (slightly reduced, d8 instead of d10) in an area of your choosing. Sound worth it?
>Sound worth it?
that sounds good, yeah
I'm personally not a fan of the improved weapon invocation being a thing. I'd recommend adding the spell implement component in as a level 3 feature for pact of the blade. I said in the previous thread I'm not a huge fan of Eldritch smite being a level 5 restricted one but I see what you are doing.
What do you think are the funnest spells that are often overlooked? Personally I've never seen anyone else take Passwall but it's pretty useful when you need it.
Also can be used as a pit trap.
Ranger, thematically. I was initially drawn to that class over all the others because I liked the idea of being a wily trap setter that doesn't play fair and deals with enemies through clever planning and thinking two steps ahead.
Why would anyone take Beserker over Totem Warrior? Exhustion levels seem really steep.
>dual wield or take PAM
>berserker without exhaustion
it is and no one takes it over Totem.