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tfw you all in bch and based roger ver has them cnbc connections
>We have a special guest today, Roger Ver, AKA "The Bitcoin Jesus"
yeah bitcoin cash is the solution. Even if it's not it's still gonna moon since cb = 10x
The jews will make the flipping happen, then once everyone FOMOs into BCH they'll scoop up BTC cheap and do it all in reverse. Its fucking brilliant.
Someone explain to me how Bitcoin cash helps?
>Still get charged a fee
>Still takes forever
>Still not accepted anywhere
just read this today but still its comedy gold if you realise that its published by buisness insider and they didnt look into the story at all.
the solution is bitcoin core switching to segwit instead of letting every fucking slowpoke in the world continue sending oldschool transactions
not perfect, but goddammit its better than nothing until lightning strikes
Super Bitcoin is the solution actually
> Still get charged fee
The fee is 0.01 dollar, thats almost nothing.
> Still takes forever
Your transaction is put into the next block for 0.01 dollars 100% of the time you nigger
> Still not accepted anywhere
Only a matter of time
lolololol oh god normies are going to make the best memes
I really hate big media companies.
the flippening will be with a different coin than bch but i dont think any of the current top 10 will be king since theyre all shit
even the 8MB block will be filled someday and what we gonna do then?
make bitcoin cash cash?
Increase the block size to 32MB
Anyone knows what happens when the blockchain won't fit on a single HDD anymore? Shouldn't take much longer.
>he doesn't know HDD's increase in size every year
Monero just sliped to #11 so I agree with you.
i dont think monero is terrible but its shady desu
Not exponentially like the blockchain does ya doofus
because its anonymous?
no, bc of its creators
Agree with this. I am all in on monero, fun, sky, and doge. Whatever shitcoin replaces king shitcoin is where i'll invest next and i will always keep a healthy stock of xmr
monero mining software is being spread as malware lmao. Monero is the true underground currency.