/swg/: Headhunting Edition

Fantasy Flight Games’ X-Wing and Star Wars: Armada Miniatures Games

Fantasy Flight Games’ Star Wars RPG System (EotE/AoR/FaD)

Shipfag's Starship Combat Fixes for EotE/AoR/FaD

Other Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars Tabletop (Imperial Assault, Star Wars: Destiny and the Star Wars LCG)

Fantasy Flight Games Dice App (Works with X-Wing, Armada, the Star Wars RPG system and Imperial Assault)

Older Star Wars Tabletop (d6, d20/Saga, etc.)

Reference Materials & Misc. Resources

All Canon Novels and Comics (via /co/)

Just What IS Canon Anyways?

The Clone Wars Viewing Guide


Shipfag's hangar

Heroes of the Aturi Cluster, co-op X-Wing campaign

I like big ships. Maybe someone can recommend a different ship or two besides Stridan though?

Captain Oicunn
>snap shot, hull upgrade, Vader, bo'shek, Intel agent, doubtless
Major Stridan
>fcs, op spec, systems officer, pattern analyzer, engine upgrade

Both at ps4 with a big base bumper that can possibly manipulate its target into snapshot/Vader range.

Asked last thread about STALKER: Shadow of Malachor as a campaign concept, looking to make the breeki a bit cheekier. Aside from the existing STALKER ones, what sorts of weird environmental anomalies might show up to make a Malachor V explorer's day miserable? And aside from Rebs, Imps, bandits, and crazy Dark Side cultists, would additional major factions be good to throw in?

Dagobah tier caves that try to make people kill themselves/people around them.
Crystals that resonate when force is used nearby and cause the environment to fall apart into caverns.
Sith Ghosts that whisper the perfect lies in your ear without you even knowing to lead you astray.

A blue holocron with the voice of an old woman.

An old Academy with malfunctioning systems that activate and seek to destroy intruders.

The Academy and old lady are definitely in. They're probably going to stand in for CNPP with the Dark Side squatters as the Monolith equivalent. Not sure whether to make the holocron itself an anomaly/source of anomalies, a stat-boosting paperweight, or just a source of endless nagging.

I'd say it can fill multiple of those roles. I'd kill for it in my own campaign but my GM doesn't have a kotor 2 hardon like me. Would love for a holocron of the old hag that somehow manages to manipulate those around me into causing problems for me under the goal of making me stronger. The mechanical benefits alongside the story paths. That said I guess that just depends on what your group would want out of that kind of thing. Not everyone was a big fan of that character.

Tips for new EotE DM?

Not yet but now I'm interested in the Defenders which you speak of. What is it? What's it made of/How do you run it?

Anyway I was looking at it for additional Interceptors and PTL + Targeting Computer

What fighter parts are most common to find if you want to build uglies?

Figure Ys and TIEs would be most common, probably head hunters too, then stuff like X-wings, TIE bombers, maybe clone wars surplus, I'd expect there to be a shit ton of vulture droids around.

Makes sense. Do you think it would also be appropriate to make the Trayus Academy itself an anomaly/mental hazard in the vein of Metro 2033's Kremlin? If you haven't read Metro 2033, IIRC, looking at the Kremlin results in being mind-controlled by the abomination that lives inside it.

X-Wings should probably actually be kinda rare, since theyre only really Rebel fare after the Incom devs defected to the alliance.

All common TIE variants are easy of course, Y-Wings, anything else from the Clone Wars would probably be common enough anywhere near the major Clone War battlegrounds.
There's a whole mess of other fighters outside the Imps and Rebs though - Cloakshapes, all the assorted Scum ships in X-wing.
You could have other stuff too - Lambda shuttle hull with no wings, which shits missiles.

How common are intercepters? Been thinking TIE fighters and bombers would be the only truly common TIEs, with intetcepters being at least X-wing tier in terms of rarity. For that matter, how common are A or B-wings?

The first guy was likely confusing Imperial Aces and Imperial Veterans-

Imperial Aces is the one with 2 Interceptors

Imperial Veterans comes with a Defender and a Bomber, along with the Defender fix.

Epic is 200-400 point games with smaller capital ships like the Raider, CR-90, GR-75, Gozanti, etc.

What expansions do you have currently?

Could be yeah. Would be cool to have odd "not completely un-star wars but also not overtly explainable situations" getting that balance right would be a little difficult.

Thing is, even if the Interceptor is the equivalent of the X-Wing in terms of rarity for its faction, the Empire is massive compared to the Rebellion.

If only 10% of Imperial squadrons employ Interceptors, that's still a ridiculous number of them across the galaxy - so yeah, pretty much any of the basic three TIEs should be usable.
A-Wings should also be usable - they're rare, but the way the Rebellion made them (in the old days) was they basically made the schematics open source - rebel sympathisers made them in their garages. There was a nice thing once about how A-Wings in the early days had all sorts of different internals, cos they were hand made - one had full blown wood finishings inside, which sounds comfy as fuck.

So yes, pirates should happily be able to get their hands on the schematic / parts of an A-Wing.

B-Wing should be fucking rare unless youre way post Endor.
They were designed and built in secret and are the heavy bomber not in particularly common use by the Rebels.

So I guess Y-Wing is super common, A-Wing is quite common, X-Wing is semi rare, B-Wing is incredibly rare.

it likely works, but I think Stridan is a support ship and isn't going to be the most useful supporting Oicunn.

It's a synergy piece and... Whatever the fuck that Oicunn is. Why Vader? I'd put on something like Captive.

You made a support stridan with nothing to support.

I have a question about making a choice for the current X-wing meta-

I currently run 5 Omega Squadron TIE/FO's with Crack Shot and Weapons Guidance, but I'm going to be switching 2 of them out for an Ace for a tournament on the 24th.

I want an ace that can both token tank (to discourage shooting them before my TIE/FO) and preposition to get inside HLC/TLT doughnuts. Autothrusters would be nice, but so would not being super stress vulnerable.

I have 40 points to spend, what's a good option here?

I need PS 8+ to avoid Old Telroch and Dash, so I'm looking at

Vader with missile

What would work best in the current Mindlink+Miranda meta? These guys will be supported by 3 pretty effective Crack-Shot-Toting Jousters.

So, Phantom, Defender, Advanced, or TIE/SF? What's best at dealing with common meta threats?




That blue planet with rings in the background is quite beautiful.

Quickdraw with Expertise, FCS, Sensor Jammer, Lightweight, and title is very good and comes in at 39 points for a one point bid. She'll actually draw quite a bit of fire from your FOs, so they'll be free to put tons of hits in.

Alternatively Vader with Predator, Protons, ATC, and Engine comes in at 40 and can hit like a truck while being quite tanky.

The outside case is Rexlar with VI, TB, /D, and Mk. IIs. PS10 tractors are always hilarious, will buff the attacks of your other TIEs, but the ship is very, very dicey.

Sensor cluster, not jammer. Dammit similar naming.


Anyone know any place to get a Z-95 Mk.I in XWM scale? I want to differentiate my S&V Z-95s from my Rebel ones and i thought having older model Z-95s would be right up S&Vs alley

Your weekly reminder that the Empire were, are, and always will be the true heroes of the Star Wars galaxy.


What sorts of jobs do you hand out during space battles, /swg/? Is there a supplement (fly casual?) with specifically expanded rules for tasks on ship?

One thing I feel the system lacks is a real representation of how much of on-screen space battles consist of "shit I have to go fix some thing" and then "shit lemme hide behind this... rock I guess" and lots of yelling at each other.

Page 237 in EotE core has the additional actions.
Generally though, Piloting, Astrogation, Mechanics, Computers and Gunnery are the things which will solve nearly most mundane tasks. You might scrape in every now and then with Athletics to do manual repairs, Perception to analyse sensors, but can look at stuff like Knowledge-
>Core Worlds: which ones have high security, difficult customs
>Outer Rim: As above, maybe areas that have pirates
>Lore: Ye olde battles and space fights in some areas
>Underworld: don't go there, its full of Black Sun/Hutt syndicate hijackers
>Xenology: The space spleples in this region hate everyone
>Warfare: Admiral thrawn is a cunt, lets run!

Stealth can be used to be sneaky in space as well, but it requires the person piloting to do the roll.
Leadership is useful to give bonuses to minion groups- important with crews

In saying that, don't give the people who don't spend any XP into ship based stuff too much to do unless its just being charitable or they've come up with some neat idea like Skulduggery + Deception to make some sensor spoofing drones chucked out an airlock or something inventive

Oh- and social characters on the comm's who are doing real time shit posting to annoy the enemy with bad memes and jokes about their poor career choices can also cause strain. Plus any friendlies in a squadron situation, helping them rally, get back some strain and other stuff is often useful.

Generally I go for using sensors, trying to fix shit in the ship, or using knowledge checks to recognise enemy ships and perhaps know where a weakness of their design is.

And of course theres the usual gunnery.

Uh a lot. Even more since my local store just had a huge sale ($10 small ship expansions) and the May 4/40th anniversary sales

I have:
1x TFA core
1x Original Core
1x t-70 X-Wing expansion
1X X-wing expansion
1x TIE Interceptor expansion
2x TIE Bomber expansion
2X ARC-170 Expansion
1x TIE Punisher expansion
1x TIE Phantom expansion
1x HWK-290 expansion
1x A-Wing expansion
1x Z-95 Expansion
1x Y-Wing expansion
1x E-Wing expansion
2x Sabine's TIE Expansion
1X TIE Defender Expansion
1x StarViper expansion
3x TIE advanced expansion (my favorite TIE)
2X TIE Striker expansion
1X Inquisitor's TIE expansion
1X Millennium Falcon expansion
1X Slave 1 expansion
1X YT-2400
1X U-Wing
1X HotR
1X Rebel Aces
1X Imperial Aces
1X Imperial Vets
1X Most Wanted Expansion

I also have the C-3PO and R2-D6 upgrades from a tournament and eBay

My first ever tournament is coming up. What objectives should I take with this? Right now I've got Most Wanted, Hyperspace Assault, and Navigational Hazards.

MC80 (Liberty) Battle Cruiser
General Madine
Intel Officer, Gunnery Team, Engine Techs, Leading Shots, XX-9 Turbolasers

MC30c Torpedo Frigate
Admonition, Ordnance Experts, Assault Proton Torpedoes

Nebulon-B Support Refit
Salvation, Slaved Turrets

GR-75 Medium Transports

GR-75 Medium Transports

Shara Bey
3x A-Wings

If I brought Rexler, I'd be bringing the Rexpert- TIE/x7, Mk2 engines, and expertise.

I'm not sure what would work best in the current meta, expecting a lot of miranda and Old Fennaroo. I don't want to be bomb vulnerable, nor do I want to be not maneuverable enough.

Is a phantom just not an option?

Normally people asking if they should buy stuff only have ~5 or 6 expansions already.

I wouldn't get a second Imperial Aces unless you have one of everything for empire already or play Epic a lot- you probably don't need a 4th and 5th interceptor before you need a TIE/SF as an example.

I vaguely reading in one of the PDFs that you can reduce the price of a blaster in half by taking a drawback. Can someone point me to it?

I think a stun-only blaster costs half as much

Do you happen to know what book it's in, or maybe just which of the three systems? I've just been skimming all the PDFs I have and I don't recall where I saw it.

Phantom is the hardest for miranda to bomb because of decloak. It's just highly susceptible to green dice. You could run a decent phantom at 40, though I'd really prefer captive on them with expertise running amok.

I definitely remember reading that in the EotE core book. Dunno if it's also anywhere else.


I'm sorry I went head first with this game - I've only been playing since December

Rate lightsaber styles from FaD.Best? Worst?

They're all pretty solid, especially if you you build your style to match your stats and other specializations. Strongest would probably Ataru for raw damage output or Soresu for max bulk.

No need to apologize- I just assumed that sine you were asking for help in buying advice that you didn't have much.

A 4th and 5th interceptor is only really useful in Epic- Even PTL/Autothtruster/Targeting Comp generics are 29 each, so running more than 3 is impossible in standard 100 point games.

If you don't play Epic, I'd just grab expansions you don't yet have.

While the Phantom is hardest to bomb, it's also the most vulnerable if it does get hit,

I'm probably going to practice with all four in the future, and see what has good matchups against what.

Do any of those aces have a good response to Fenn or Miranda? Old Telroch was the reason I realized I couldn't take an ace of PS 7 or lower.

You definitely want a Tie/sf, maybe two. If you're looking for large ships the Decimator is fun.

And of course I see a lack of Scum ships so there's a lot of options there if you want to play Scum

Reasonably solid. Just keep the enemy from Salvation and it'll jack dudes up.


Never give up the fight, user.

The best answer to Fenn is PS10+ Vader. He folds to TLT and Miranda so be aware. Having low PS blockers can help keep miranda from bombing you out, though.

Shapeways gives me some hits. Just search Z-95 270, see if anything strikes your fancy.

I wish that Vader had Autothrusters so bad..

Hopefully the First order TIE Advanced/Interceptor fills that role.

This is why every character who can shoot a pistol needs at least one, maybe several holdout stunners. For 100 Credits, it makes a great emergency weapon, can be stashed in your toolbox or survival kit or whatnot, it does decent-ish damage, and it's generally rather more legal than your overclocked heavy blaster pistol with a triple-concentrated Tibanna gas chamber, in case you're checked by the cops.

My biggest issue with Star Wars was the lack of scale that they pushed for the setting. In a galaxy wide setting, the cloning labs would have had to spit out millions of clone troopers during the Clone Wars and would have needed thousands of cruisers to fight that war. The choices of producing that many clones to me is ridiculous to where they would have recruited various individuals and they would have needed to recruit more then just humans as well.

Same goes for the separatists and their droid armies. From what has been stated about the CIS, they had loyal planets that hated the Republic and I have no doubt that many would have raised armies to help go fight.

As for the Empire... I understand the no aliens bit for the Empire. Costumes cost a lot money and CGI was barely around in the 70's and 80's and they just went the easy route. From there the emperor would need at least 20% of the Galaxy to be loyal and eager to support him to keep his empire going but the books (like the up coming game), treat such planets as super rare. Not only that, for a galaxy wide empire, does bother me how they use the 'they couldn't afford a small research project of a few hundred people' way to often. If that many portions of the Empire was hostile to Imperial rule, they would need large garrison/policing forces to maintain order and at a galaxy level that is in the trillions of soldiers so a few research projects costing too much is BS.

Always those things that bothered

>My biggest issue with Star Wars was the lack of scale that they pushed for the setting. In a galaxy wide setting, the cloning labs would have had to spit out millions of clone troopers during the Clone Wars and would have needed thousands of cruisers to fight that war. The choices of producing that many clones to me is ridiculous to where they would have recruited various individuals and they would have needed to recruit more then just humans as well.
Mind you, they did.

There were systems armies and navies that helped in their local regions, and after Traviss left the 3 million "Official" clones was thrown out. (Even she allowed for more off-the-books secret clones.)

user, sci-fi writers on the whole have no fucking clue how big a galatic society would be.
They just do not understand scale at all.

It's a frustrating but common issue.

I mean, I'm a firm believer in the lower end of scale minimalism and even I personally retcon the "three million units" to be the number ready to go at that immediate second, with about several hundred million clones total

The funny thing about the numbers argument - the movie says nothing about actual numbers.

"There are two hundred thousand units ready with a million more on the way."

At no point are we told what a "unit" is comprised of, whether it's a single clone, a fireteam, a squad, a platoon, or a battalion.

So we're left to arguing what it means. Some writers tried to pin it down - Traviss being the worst offender, as someone who was supposedly in the military she should have known that three million was an awfully small number, considering that's about the same size as the US military, but she was by no means the only one - Stover tried to pull it about the same as Traviss in Shatterpoint, and the writers for the WotC Saga Edition books used Traviss' numbers. Even TCW tried to make the numbers remarkably smaller than you'd think for a galactic scale conflict, from the very beginning of the show the clones were stated to be outnumbered 100 to 1.

This is just my understanding, which is probably mostly headcanon as I'm pretty unfamiliar with the EU.

The Republic was less like the Empire and more like the UN. The standing army that the entirety of the Republic could muster would be absolutely gigantic, but massive swathes of the Republic would be resistant to sending such a force, and even if they did would retain command.

I think if you're running small galaxy, those 'units' being company or so strength would be about right, or call them divisions if you're playing the "muh gigatons and trillions" way

That's another problem. For most of the run for Legends, writers wobbled back and forth between big galaxy and small galaxy. We've got some sources that say Tatooine only has 200,000 people living on it (with multiple cities and the giant race track, that's... kind of impossible), and the city-planet of Coruscant was stated to be officially at one trillion, but unofficially with transients, homeless, and people just passing through it's more like four trillion, yet if it had the same population density as say... New York City and all of its boroughs, should be closer to 20-30 trillion.

The population scales are just generally way low.

Traviss wanted to use "People as Units" to underline the callous cruelty of Kamino's Clonemasters. It's fuckin stupid but that's what her narrative motive was. "They don;'t see their creations as people despite their own race mainly reproducing via cloning."

Though in her later books she sorta wrote in that hole conspiracy with secret backup Kaminoan tech and Spaarti cylinders augmenting the official numbers off-the-books. A sort of half-walkback that made the 3 million a propaganda lie.

That's about right, it's standard army was nonexistent and it's standing navy a Argentinian-tier joke, but most member systems had standing armies and navies of their own, some of which the republic more or less drafted into the 'federal' navy, mostly, but most of which were left behind for defense while the clones did offensive actions and shored up local forces in trouble

Well to be fair, Coruscant also originally had oceans and icecaps and mountains and was generally not 100% city
Hell, the original population number from WEG was only 650 billion

I prefer it that way, because I am a low-pop small galaxy small navy guy

What's the worst shit-ship you've ever inflicted on your players? The most dangerous, unreliable, frustrating, or broken piece of shit you've ever given them the keys to.

Even better if they grew attached to it and kept it rather than trading up as soon as they could find a spaceport with lax security.

Bonus question: do you play with the strict BoSS registration and transponder status from Fly Casual?

Selonian Coneship. The party decided to ditch it after a mission to blow up a suspiciously well-guarded Imperial freighter caused a Sith holocron to be lodged in its hull. They couldn't find a way to get the holocron's ghostly inhabitant to shut up or stop shitposting on the ship's instrument panel readouts so they loaded the ship with explosives, set a course for Bothawui, and activated the autopilot after pooling together enough cash for a used YT-2000.
No because nobody in the group has a copy yet.

>a mission to blow up a suspiciously well-guarded Imperial freighter caused a Sith holocron to be lodged in its hull. They couldn't find a way to get the holocron's ghostly inhabitant to shut up or stop shitposting on the ship's instrument panel readout

I'm copying this

>The Force Awakens was good because it felt like the OT
>Rogue One was bad because it felt like the OT

What a joke.

Is that a catcher's mitt?

Rogue One was bad because it didn't have a single likable character for the audience to care about and was boring as holy fuck because of it.

>it didn't have a single likable character for the audience to care about
I liked both Jyn and Cassian.
Jyn was MUCH more likable than Rey, if only because the actress playing her actually had some talent.

Any xwing people out there, i just got done with starwars night at my local game store and for fun i played against thos real freindly dude and had a blast. He brought kylo shuttle kitted to the max, 2 tie ints one was turr phenir, and a rogue 1 tie stalker? Something cool that is allowed to eat all damage and reduce it to 1 damage for a stress.

Anyway i love the aesthetic of t65s so i ran all 4 and did alright, but i feel like there is a lot of potential here beyondd how everyone complains about them.

I ran this list:
T65 - Luke Skywalker
-vet instincts
-proton torps
T65 - Wedge Antilles
-r5 astro
-proton torps
T65 - Garven Dreis
-r5 astro
T65 - Biggs Darklighter

Luke and wedge managed to kill shot everything and killed all the ties with the stalker being last. Keeping dreis near wedge and feeding him focus tokens that he then uses to dodge while he green manuvers to regain sheilds and keep eating shots.

I only lost because the kylo shuttle wrecked face and wedge and luke were very hit from the ties since they had to leave the biggs bubble to chase down ties. Biggs bubble is strong with garven feeding him, but not invincible.

Still though, bad rolls killed me and i felt it was competitive enough, if a lot points heavy. A 150 pt game was just about right.

>Jyn was MUCH more likable than Rey, if only because the actress playing her actually had some talent.

I swear I'm in bizarro Veeky Forums right now

Daisy Ridley can't act though. Even she knows it. She had a breakdown her first day of shooting because she knew she was in over her head.




>i didnt like the cahracters therefore none of them were likable

I liked all of them my dude, but opinions.jpg

>What's the worst shit-ship you've ever inflicted on your players?
It was an ND-47 Stalwart Bulk Freighter, they got their main shipfu blown up by assassins and had this huge piece of shit bulk freighter with some hangers on it, upgraded sensors and full of really retarded repair droids.
>They tried to trade it in to Rebels- nope, we dont want it!
>They stole other ships, which they broke- well fuck back on the freighter
>They deliberately put it into risky situations it had no chance of surviving... and it survived

It was literally this albatross around their neck, fucking thing wouldn't die, everything around them turned to shit, they lost all their nice things, except this awful cursed freighter that would probably be still trolling the hyperspess lanes on its x3 hypedrive and irritating people long after their demise.

>They couldn't find a way to get the holocron's ghostly inhabitant to shut up or stop shitposting on the ship's instrument panel readouts
That's fucking hilarious, another thing to squirrel away for ideas one day

So, do twi'leks or zeltrons make the better traps?

Gayposting usually drives them off

Twileks probably make cuter ones, but Zeltrons have those pheremones so they can make you not care that they're the less cute one.

In the end its a tie.

What would a Twi'lek sex slave ring run by a Zeltron look like?

An orgy.

Twi'leks don't have the weird noncon element that zeltrons do, so railheads it is

>Implying Hutts don't make the best traps

Prove me fucking wrong.

They'd be the happiest damn sex slaves in the galaxy. If they aren't, then they will me made happy by force.

Constant orgasmic stimulation reinforced by Zeltron pheromones and psychic conditioning leaves them a gibbering wreck, knowing only the pleasure of being owned.

What about a Zeltron sex slave ring run by a Twi'lek former sex slave?

I mean, because of the whole hermaphrotide thing, all Hutts are traps. So you're technically correct.

Exactly my point.

The ULTIMATE trap.

>tfw no qt 3.14 hutt gf/bf

Literally any harem anime. A whole bunch of visually distinct, attractive women, hopelessly devoted to an indifferent bore who inexplicably doesn't get with any of them.

[spoilers]Being experienced in the industry, the owner knows never to touch her own product. This causes the sexual frustration and need-to-please to build up among the slaves until finally they jump her and proceed to fuck her until she can't remember her own name.[/spoiler]

Probably at least a bit like Black Sun brothels, where the girls (and boys) are basically brainless bimbos with any willpower or independence washed away by the constant bombardment of pheromones, drugs, and dick.

welp, fucked up the spoiler tag. there goes my attempt at staying even mildly SFW.

Hutts didn't nearly destroy the entire Rebel fleet over Endor. Clearly, the best traps are Imperial battle stations.

Arguably it was a pretty bad trap, considering what happened when it went off

True, but then again, it failed by a narrower margin than the most iconic Hutt in the franchise.

Hand me zee saw

Big ship guy again, taking 's suggestion on Stridan into account.

How bout I just trim down the fat and put another big damaging ship in there instead?

>Intel Agent, Vader, Bo'shek, Snapshot
>Adaptability, Engine Upgrade

I could drop Intel for VI on Chiraneau. But I like the interaction between it, oicunn, and bo'shek too much for that. I could drop engine upgrade and add in VI and op spec or another 3 point or less crew on Chiraneau. Then I could bring all debris fields and never worry about stress or actions.


Was it a 150 point game?

Do you want game advice, list building advice, just want to chat, or what?

Empire with double big ships doesn't really work. If I take RAC, he is going to cost at least 61 points.

That Oicunn is fun, but the wingmen should either be effective jousters, or a ship capable of soloing a list.

I've posted before with a couple of defender lists, and need some assurance that I've made the right choice.

I have 1 point left over for either a bid, or to move TIE mk.ii to lightweight frame. The engine helps keep the shuttle in range of the x7's, and more options to move are always better. But at the same time that extra green die works wonders with wired.

>Gamma Sq. Veteran
- Tie shuttle
- Fleet Officer
- TIE mk.ii
- Wired
>Maarek Steele
-X7 Ttitle
>Rexler Brath
-X7 Title

With the bomber, my x7's get either 3 green tokens to use, or defensive mods to go alongside their offensive EPT's.

Rexler can grab an offensive target lock or focus, have expertise for offensive focus, a focus to push his ability, and an evade token.

Maarek gets focus evade defensively while still using marksmanship offensively.

Bomber makes full use of dishing out focus tokens to the defenders while maintaining some level of offendive/defensive focus modification itself.

Ill chat, but my question was why is there hate for t65s in the meta? Snubs with 2 shield and 3 hull is decent and they are fast and good attackers, yet no one takes them, even for filler. I see on here thqt nobody like them and i just dont understand why.

I also think it would be nice to see more named pilots or whatever, blue squadron people from rogue 1 or whatever.

Not exactly hate, but T-65's dont have a lot of durability or an amazing dial. With Integrated Astromech being so good and free, they effectively no way to reposition.

They are definitely underrated, and they are good in mission play when you need flexibility, but that's also mostly the named pilots. You see Biggs everywhere, Wes and Wedge make appearances, Luke shows up sometimes, maybe a PS 2 rookie. No one else sees play.

In terms of effeciency, the T-70 outclasses it.

Biggs closes up design space for their fix as his existence means that the fix cannot make them more durable, since Biggs is already so good.

Honestly, once the Inevitable Scarif Veterans pack comes out, I'm sure the X-wing will be fine.

I just want generic interceptors to be good, so i'm hoping that Kylo's Interceptor has some sort of fix for them.

>scarif veterans

Wasn't everyone involved massacred? Everyone but Leia's ship? I seem to remember the entire rebel fleet being decimated onve vader and his star destroyers entered the picture, along with the inevitable superlaser fire on scarif itself.