>pic related
Why not just buy at every ATL and ATH and then just sell at ATH when you want to get out?
I already tried a bit with Monero and I lost $600 but on LTC I earned $40.
Does anyone else follow this tactic? It's retard proof imo.
>pic related
Why not just buy at every ATL and ATH and then just sell at ATH when you want to get out?
I already tried a bit with Monero and I lost $600 but on LTC I earned $40.
Does anyone else follow this tactic? It's retard proof imo.
are you actually fucking retarded?
Its a tatic already used, created by some famius guy its called abc trading
Explain to me. I don't understand why I would lose.
how does the strategy fuck up when you buy halfway down or halfway up
If you are going to sell at the ATH, then why are you buying there?
DO you see how this is retarded, or....?
I just buy at ATH and ATL. Why would I buy when it's halfway up/down?
WHich ATH is the actual ATH? You buy all the way 100 sats to 10000 sats. Now it's 5000 sats for the past 2 months, You decided to sell and it plummets to 3500.
You happy with that? Do you plan on buying in even increments? C'mon bro.
you're too smart to be stupid, this is too correct to be wrong, I say go for it
how are you supposed to know exactly when to buy lmao what if it dips then dips more. you're not gonna always get it right
Yeah I put $5000 in XLM and I'm gonna buy when it reaches ATH. Then buy again when it goes low and then probably easy gains when it hits $10-30 each.
You're buying the same amount of shares each time or spending the same amount of money? If you are buying the same amount of shares each time, then the price you sell at needs to be higher than the average buy price to make money (excluding any commission fees or whatever). Also, why buy ATHs? The profit is better if you only buy ATLs.
Another reason it's stupid, the price of something is never guaranteed to go high again.
fuck this actually works
why dont you explain to us why did you lose 600 on moonero?
>how are you supposed to know exactly when to buy lmao what if it dips then dips more. you're not gonna always get it right
Look at the chart bro, you just buy it at the peaks and valleys.
What I can't figure out is when to zoom out or in. If I zoom all the way in I'm buying at every trade. Then if I zoom all the way out I should have bought at zero and then just waited forever??
i buy it when it stops dipping you moron
Clearly, what's wrong is you're buying at ATL.
If you buy it at the ATH and sell at the ATL then you'll break out before you lose money, see?
i dont sell at the ATL, i sell at the ATH. why the hell would I sell at ATL
Don't you get it?
If you sell at the ATL. That will only be the ATL for a period of time until eventually the stock reaches the next ATL stage.
Therefore if you were to sell at the ATL you save an opportunity cost of ATL2-ATL1.
no because it will rise before i sell. i dont want to sell at a loss
i hope you’re joking
This, OP is dumb faggot who thinks he can predict the market not knowing if it looks like a peak or dip it can go MUCH more.
Sell at what you think is ATL, buy when it starts to trend up a tad. Then when it trends down to low low sell again. i'm up 350% average doing this
This thread is amazing. Thank you for this.
no problem
This isn't a winners game.
I've made 400% profit in opportunity cost using this method.
Allow me to illustrate.
??? Those aren't even ATL/ATHs just swings.
please start investing using this brilliant tactic OP, you will help the rest of us make so much money
>Explain to me why this wouldn't work.
>I already tried a bit with Monero and I lost $600