Games you've always wanted to run but will never be able to

Veeky Forums what are those game ideas you've always wanted to try but never got to and why did it fall through?

I've always wanted to play a game about an alternate history of the Crusades in a low-fantasy version of our own world. Taking place in Japan as Christian Europe attempts to find the final resting place of Jesus Christ (since japansee Christianity says that he retired there after the crucifixion) along with several holy artifacts. The Knights would encounter all kinds of Japanese demons like Kitsune and Oni and would of course be at odds with the Japanese themselves.
I doubt I'll ever be able to run it though as unfortunately my group consits of people who are pretty anti-religious, even if it's hammed up.

Other urls found in this thread:!P9E2WQhZ!98D5UFzD_gpj1ta9M3ZJ7Q

Tell them to stop being such fedora faggots
I'm atheist but these people disgust me
I'd play that shit in a heartbeat

Shadowrun in general. I keep wanting to play but not only can I not get a group together, I can't find anyone willing to shoulder the burden and DM it. I just don't think I could do that myself. Especially since I'm usually the DM for all my other games.

Thanks, I don't really want to press the point though. Most of my friends also don't care for high lethality HEMA stuff which is what I would run it as.


I know somone who's been in a similar position for months. Both of us want to play and both of us are burnt out on DMing for now.
Plus I think I'd do it really poorly since the most interesting aspects to me are the purely cyberpunk ones.

You're not missing much. I didn't find SR to be a fun system at all, despite the interesting premise and setting. The mechanics themselves are just not good; games are pretty bogged down in you go RAW (which is borderline impossible anyway), so you're just better off transferring the setting to a different system like FATE, Savage Worlds, GURPS, etc.

I genuinely would love to play a match of Free Kriegsspiel. Prefferably dressed in 19th century army officer uniform.

I'd like to run a generic dungeon crawl with every splatbook and no one abuses the rules and genuinely has a good time.

There should also be actual players too. That would be nice...

I'm sorry user. Come to think of it, it's been a long time since I've played a good old fashioned dungeon crawl.
I miss the simplicity of it.

What this user said. Tell them they don't have to be religious anyway, they could be just in it for the profit, glory, or power, like a lot of crusaders, incidentally. Are you planning to run it as Jesus (and other deities?) being objective gods or make it so it can't be proven or disproven? Either way, as the second user said, I'd play this so hard.

I want to play as a group of mercenary officers and basically Mount&Blade around some random fantasy land.
Hire and level up underlings, manage a warband, make friends and enemies, fight a lot, loot stuff.

Never going to happen though. I can't find a system that offers the party system of Mount&Blade. It's not well suited for playing with more than one person.

I'd like to play a game of Black Crusade, but I'm in a deadzone of tabletop where nobody knows anything about Warhammer for now so I content myself with this Taiwanese kangaroo trading forum.

I'd like to play a superhero game that deals with the mass depowering of 99% of all powered heroes in the world. Have the players play as street level vigilantes who are trying to uncover the mystery of why it happened, or as depowered heroes, learning to cope with their loss. Some may retain slight powers and could use them but it'd be a gradual reveal of them fighting this conspiracy about it

1906 chetnik adventures in the mountains of macedonia against ottomans/bulgarians/albanians

fucking perfect setting for a game

Mindflayers out to rebuild their colony after adventurers destroy it.

There room for two in your boat? I know warhammer guys but theyre all loyalist dogs slurping guilliman's cock and wont consider my "Word Bearer Cultists turned into Big Shots In the Vortex" idea

Ive long had this dream. Ive been digging around for systems myself. Pendrgaon 5.1 might be good for it if you strip out some of the vassal knight stuff

Literally anything other than d&d.
And sometimes I can't even get d&d going.

I wanted to run a battletech RPG setting.
I did a bunch of work flushing it out until my players quit on me, I'm settling it down into something else for the time being.

I'd like to get everyone together and play Og sometime, but getting my group to play anything that isn't D&D and doesn't fit on 1 page is impossible.

My buddy wants to play a short series based around the stake land movies but isn't sure he could get enough people interested.
I think it would be fun. It would at least give me a chance to use one of the more outlandish characters I've come up with, Morty "Danger Close" Foomp.

I want to play a furbait setting, like Ironclaw style furry RPG, but with the human empire as the superior empire/species to everything else. Like a HFY setting with cute animal people, problem is:

>Furry players
>"Ew, humans in a furry setting"

>Non-furry players
>"Ew, furries"

Any goddamn game with more than three people present. Starting long campaigns when we were all young and had plenty of time was a fucking mistake

Am furry
why would you think of that reaction?
Id play the shit out of "animals protect forest from humans"

Wow, I thought I was the only person who had seen those movies. What system was he thinking about using?

An all psyker party being sent out on horribly thought out adventures by an Inquisitor that totally isn't an ork you guys.


My party is full of edgy cunts and my GM is to obsessive to let anyone else run a game. If he even gets a hint of someone else running a game, he will do his damnedest to sabotage the game, I've had two Roll20 games I tried starting that he found and ran everyone else off from. I'm just glad he hasn't found out about my Myth-weavers account yet.

No comfy games for me.

Paranoia XP, irl. Like, at all.

I have the outline of a mission I would run if I had to GM; Computer gives the Troubleshooters a package containing a sandwich and are told to deliver it to a location a BLUE's house, he ordered lunch with the express order to NOT open the package; it must remain secret. The secret societies think the package is important and want their moles in the team to replace the package with a decoy containing something either destructive or treasonous.
However, one of the decoys of the more passive societies will contain a sandwich as a prank. The looks on the players' faces if this decoy makes it will be priceless.

Cute magical girls doing cute magical things.

The day I find a group for this is the day I can finally die in peace.

Not least of all because Veeky Forums loves to shit on its parent system:

*Spirit of The Century,* a system/setting for FATE. It's based on the proto-superhero characters of the pulp fiction dime-store novels of the early 20th century, and it reads like it would be a fucking blast, and I can never raise enough interest.

Anyone here ever played SotC?

That setting is far, far worse then the sum of its parts. Please kill yourself.

What the fuck? Ditch him.

Nothing special, only THE BEST DAMN oWoD GAME THAT EVER WAS!

link related!P9E2WQhZ!98D5UFzD_gpj1ta9M3ZJ7Q
>X-Files+creeping horror+Ghostbuster+exploring the postapocalyptic wasteland of another world, and researching the threat that caused this world's downfall...while trying to stymie its plans to consume our reality

Are you shilling or did you just post twice?

Reminds of that SCP that is a doorway to an alternate world where their government created these giant, blob-like torsos that were "full of sin". The foundation was exploring the ruins of the other world to find out what went wrong and how they could prevent it from happening to our world.

...yeah, the idea of such setting sucks from one side, other side, and the position in-between them
scrap it

I want to start playtesting my homebrew, but I'm too self conscious about everything I make + my group consists of casual normies, so I'm not sure that they would be able to come with the input and critiques that I want/need.

Tried to clean up fugged up spoilers, but appearantly 4xchong has changed the formatting for those?

Aside from pulling a Bane and dropping him on my knee, I'd have to straight either not have games or move to a new town as he's the only GM in our bumfuck nowhere town (and even then it's more of a glorified village).

I would try to ask him if he would like to be a player in my campaign of this new game/flavor so he gets to play too and I can try this game I'm interested in.

But I don't know the guy, so I don't know if it would be a good idea to ask or if you already did that.

I'm atheist too, but I love playing religious characters.

That said, Satan might not be the best person to give advise on religious stuff.

As I mention here He will straight up sabotage any game ran by any of us, because he's an autist who wants to have control over the hobby in our glorified village.

Have you tried sabotaging his games?

Anything even close to adult-oriented. I'm not talking porn or anything, but if it has anything more mature the group won't do it.

The most 'mature' thing they'll do is the 40k rpgs.

I thought maybe the amount of control he has as a player would be enough to satisfy him.
But if that doesn't work you could try to look for a game in the nearest city or town.

I hope you somehow get to run the game you want.

>That said, Satan might not be the best person to give advise on religious stuff.

“The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose.
An evil soul producing holy witness
Is like a villain with a smiling cheek,
A goodly apple rotten at the heart.
O, what a goodly outside falsehood hath!”

A game that lasts more than a few sessions and that other people care about as much as I do.

What if you all just cut him out?
How can he sabotage a game if everyone is expecting him to be autistic.

I had an to like this but rather than just humans I had an ape coalition. Basically the five great apes, humans, chimps/bonobos, orangutans, gorillas, and gibbons joined together to conquer the land which was based mostly on Africa so you had nomadic elephant men and lion folk and such.

The apes were trying to cajole the monkey's into being second class citizena

Assuming you're reasonably sane, it doesn't end well. Most people won't touch it because it either doesn't interest them or weirds them out and if the ones who are interested are anything like shotafags, then they are the most insufferable and immature faggots on the face of this earth on top of being fetishists. Go figure. There are a scant handful of people with interest who can play it straight and have a good time joking about it without being creepy fucks. Unless you're playing it like sailor moon, in which case it's usually fine and you can even get some real girls on board, but that's not your plan.

What kind of mature content are we talking? The kind a 12 year old would blush at or be bored by?

I want to admit that the bad guys raped people at various points and that's part of why they are bad. Not go into gross details but just be aware it happens.

They won't play Zweihander, because one of the player classes is a courtesan. (Which is literally just a "Hey, I'm doing my job now give me x gold" type of perk.)

Kingdom death is out, too.

I just want a game where one of my group doesn't try to play an "oh so clever" evil character. It's always the same guy to, and he gets unreasonably butthurt when he gets called on it IC.

I've wanted to include Deep Ones in my game for sometime but the whole "they have to rape"-thing makes me wary of including it.

>I've wanted to include Deep Ones in my game for sometime but the whole "they have to rape"-thing makes me wary of including it.
Wat. I'm pretty sure nowhere is it suggested that they have to rape. In fact, it isn't even clear that they do rape.

I'd like to run a west marches type game in the olde timey American West.

I want to try Dogs in the Vineyard.

>They're murderers and rapists who leave nothing but death and ruin in their wake. Go kill them.
Normally that's all you need to say but the thing is, I know people who would get their panties in a twist over nothing more than that.

Are you actual friends with these people or is it just some dorks who need a GM thing going on? I need to hear about this group and their upbringing. They sound extremely sheltered.

I want to play a game set in an exotic environment where that environment actually matters. An underwater game which allows for full three-dimensional dungeons and challenges. An endless series of caverns where light and food and the like are scarce resources. Or even just Skylands large enough that you can get some real exploration in but small enough that you need to risk legitimately dangerous flights on a regular basis. Anything more than "our world but pink."

Unfortunately, there aren't really any good rulesets for handling things like this, since everything is built on the assumption of our world with anything else just getting tacked on.

Ehh, generic evil fish people then. Think "They came from the deep", I just use Deep Ones as a catch all term.

Friends. They're just super bitchy when it comes to any mature thing that isn't just violence.

They're a bit stuck-up to the point that they won't even drink. One won't believe that a single beer won't get you drunk, and the others just refuse to try alcohol. It can really bring down the mood at times.

Uh... Unless you're talking about specific setting and specific fish people, that makes even less sense.

Is it really that rare? When I think of fish people, emphasis on the fish, I think of ugly, monstrous creatures that have to have sex with a female from another species in order to reproduce. Maybe that comes from watching too many shitty horror movies, along with the dilution of Lovecraft's work by people trying to ape his style.
Plus they can make good aquatic fodder enemies as a stand in for orcs/gnolls.

>I don't want my generic enemy race to rape
>so don't play them as rapists
>But they have to!

Circular logic at its' finest

user are you autistic?
It would be like playing a game where Dwarves don't like to mine, elves aren't tree hugging snobs and halflings don't like to eat. I personally don't want to run them at all if I can't run them how I think they are meant to be.
Why do you feel the need to bitch about someone not playing pretend the same way you do?

I don't know whether it's THAT rare, but it certainly isn't as common as you seem to think. Deep one hybrids are a thing in Lovecraft's work, but it's never said that they're the result of rape. None of the evil fish people in D&D seem to be suggested to rape people either, at least from what I recall(feel free to prove me wrong on that point, though!). And uh... that's all I can think of, the trope of "evil fish people" doesn't seem to be very common in general(except maybe among shitty horror movies).

I want to run a post morterm campaign set in the afterlife. They players would progress by finding things related to their past lives or they could start a new path. They would be hunted by Demons and Devils.

I probably just get it from movies if that's the case.

Changeling the Lost.

I have friends who love Labyrinth, Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell, The Sandman etc but that doesn't translate to wanting to try it out in RPG form for whatever real.

Psst - go check out Dark Sun sometime.

>tfw your players are absolute shit wen it comes to creating relevant, respectable, characters.
>tfw they're also fucking garbage at handling anything remotely challenging, be it combat, diplomacy, or puzzles.
>tfw they keep asking you to switch back to pathfinder

I just want to run a game. Not masturbate these fags with their shitty waifus and self inserts.

A modern criminal campaign, sort of less crazy GTA style. I even have the scenario prepared, but will probably never find enough players wanting to play it and willing to invest themselves enough to make it a proper campaign

Something like Pay Day or a more organized crime kind of deal?

I did a session like that once. Had to secure a package of P1Z-24 and a small red container of electronics-fouling liquid

Kek, would play

I have an idea for a scifi campaign I've been wanting to run. The basic premise is that mankind is in a near endless war with a vast alien empire, to supplement humanities numbers we begin to send expeditions through times to collet the recently deceased after major battles. This is also where the idea of valkyries and angels came from.
After collecting the recently dead the expeditions return to the future where the warriors are resurrected, given a translator and sent to fight in the greatest war mankind has ever known.

Another idea is a post apocalyptic earth, the apocalypse being caused by the rapture and subsequent war between heaven and hell. So mad max with demons and angels thrown into the mix.

Never played Pay Day, it's mostly about heists, isn't it? I was thinking more like, the PCs have to(or decide) to turn to crime because something fucked up with their lives, they start with small time stuff like stealing cars or something, slowly start making connections and getting more serious jobs and eventually get entangled into the whole power struggle between city's major players.

The scenario I have so far is rather vague, so that it can be modified depending on the players and characters they roll, but it's designed to be quite open with various branching plotlines and endings, depending on the player's decisions and choices thorough the game, mainly who they will decide to work for.

I got two.
A space opera thematically similar to guardians of the galaxy.

Or a Promethean: The Created

Continuum. It's a time travel game, so obviously impossible to find seasoned players for.

FATAL. Nuff said.

A Desert Wars campaign in Shadowrun.
For those who don't know, in Shadowrun Isreal nuked the shit out of Libya and it now ceases to exist as a nation, it's just a bunch of bombed out ruins and is host to an international sport known as Desert Wars, where corporate security teams fight for cash and glory. Every match is non-lethal, except for the final which uses live ammunition, however, accidents (and "accidents") happen and people can die before the final match.
The party would be a team of almost-nobodies who are new the to game and have a relatively veteran to show them the ropes. During qualifier matches he gives them advice and buffs them using leadership, etc etc.
On the final qualifier match the players face off against a high tier corporate team from Ares or Aztechnology, and in what is almost certainly foul play the opposing team kills NPC McMentor and are not fouled for it because the league doesn't want the biggest team out before the real tournament.

In the main tourney bracket, the players and the high-tier team are placed on opposite sides, so the only way they will fight again in the ring is in the full lethal final where they can get their revenge.
Basically a cheesy underdog sports story but in shadowrun.

I'd play that game. The one time I got to play Paranoia we did a couple of missions, one of which was a package delivery. My character's mutation was being able to digest anything so I just ate the package and replaced it. Good times.

I think I'm gonna steal this for a game

Are you? There's a bajillion of weird fish monster races from Lovecraft to D&D and rape is never their core trait, or hardly ever a trait at all

I really want to try shadow run with my 5e group, but they're really into High Fantasy stuff. It also seems really unfair to ask them the learn the rules of a new game that they're barely interested in.

Sucks too, I really prefer scifi.

Just tell them Shadowrun is high fantasy with guns and corporations. It might interest them on that premise.

Why do people insist on players having to know the rules? Just tell them about the fluff, help them with character creation and during the game tell them when and how they need to roll. If they really need to know some mechanics to play just explain these only. You're the GM, you're the one running the game, I played with various groups over the years and throughout this time I had literally one player who actually knew the rules of the system we were using. Literally no problem with that, and you are sure to not have any rule lawyers or min-maxing faggots this way.

One of the big reasons theres an insistence on rules knowledge is this. If you gotta take 5-10 minutes explaining a rule thats time lost. Some people want to spend more time playing the game then learning it. Even if the game is at its core a social experience

But in most systems, except the crunchiest or most gimmicky ones, I don't even have to explain the rule. Player tells me what he wants his character to do, I tell him what he will have to roll to do that and afterwards I tell him the result.

A band of Dwarven miners are stuck in a cave system after a cave-in. They find that they cannot dig up, but can dig down just fine. They continue to dig into caverns, and find that they are not alone. The farther down they dig, the more ancient and powerful the enemies become, but so too do the minerals and treasures become more valuable.Their excessive greed and a desire to survive keep them going, believing there is a way out far, far below the surface somehow.

Initially, it's just vermin and moles, but the fauna of the artificially expanding cave system just gets worse and worse almost everytime they dig into any pockets. A den of a pack of Goblins and Hobgoblins, then a cavern solely of undead and a necromancer coven, then colonies of giant spiders, then a hostile Drow society where they'll be forced to fight in a Colosseum-like pit for a while before they escape if they get caught, then a pack of kobolds and their loot-hoarding Dragon master, then a tribe of horribly inbred and disfigured Dwarves that had come before long, long ago, then the steampunk ruins of a forgotten Dwemer-like race riddled with traps and automaton guards, then a fiery, almost volcanic lair of demons, and on and on until they awaken a slumbering, horribly destructive eldritch god.

All the way, everyone's sanity is gradually slipping, becoming far greedier and less trustful of one another. Bickering, arguing, sabotage, hatred envelops them. They wanted to take from the mountain, but the mountain takes them.

Isn't that basically Dwarf Fortress?

So... you're all pretty young, right?

Speaking of, I'd love to run a game of Paranoia adapted to Dwarf Fortress, where instead of Friend Computer you have the person playing the computer game.

Same exact boat over, dude.

I'm always so fucking excited about my games and all the interesting shit I want to do, but then my players seem to drop the ball incredibly.

I won't get into specifics because I know some of my group browse Veeky Forums, but when they turn in a character sheet and you feel yourself deflate because of how fucking terrible their ideas are and then have to essentially walk them through rewriting it into something coherent before playing a game, you know you're not going to have an easy time.

Especially hard when you get into a game with them and they don't have any conception of fucking theory of mind when interacting with npcs.

I once had a player lure an npc to his house and kill him. He accomplished that by writing a letter asking for the king to send that character to him as "aid", and then got all confused when the king pieced together that the npc never returning or even being seen after arriving at the house was kind of odd and suspicious. Player literally looked me straight in the fucking face and said "But... nobody saw me kill him...?"

No shit nigger, but this isn't fucking Skyrim. These characters are capable of basic logical reasoning, something you evidently fucking aren't.

Shit like that totally saps my will to run these people.

That sounds fun as fuck, but how would you break up the adventure? The party would want to stop, sell loot and resupply at some point.
How do the desert wars work, is it something along the lines of a very elaborate paintball match or are there objectives?
My group has been playing 5e for months and we still waste 20-30 minutes per session because a certain player can't remember the rules and constantly rifles through his spell list like he's searching for treasure. along with spending 45 minutes haggling with every single NPC he sees

A game of SuffAdv. Not even anything particularly unusual for the setting, I just want to get a group together for long enough to propose a game in one of the system's standard settings. It's legitimately some of my favorite worldbuilding in tabletops, and with solid mechanics to boot.

Never heard of it! What makes it cool?

Speaking of worldbuilding, I want to try Microscope.

a Long post apoc campaign (think the road not fallout) with the players as survivors trying to make it in the world. all the while I give them hints of a strange glow far away, have them walking to this glow for a long time (maybe a whole year of Post apoc wandering) only for them to find that the glow is a mega-city and we cyberpunk now.

a low fantasy medieval game, with wars and plagues and the such and steadly having more and more magic bleed in the world

The best way I've been able to describe it is Eclipse Phase, but optimistic and with a much smaller political soapbox.

General overview: at some point in our future, people created true AI, it started receiving broadcasts from its future self and fucked off into deep space for a while. Hundreds of years and several wars later, the AI showed up again with a bunch of others that it had built, gave humanity wormhole technology, encouraged people to spread out and go colonize the universe, then disappeared again.

From there the details vary by setting, but essentially you have transhuman sci-fi with humans of all kinds of crazy societies--from group-minds, to people who clone themselves indefinitely as a form of immortality, to space monks who sit on deep-space asteroids trying to escape all noise so they can hear the voice of God, to entire planets that are full-immersion historical recreation 24/7.

The creator draws inspiration from a lot of Veeky Forums approved literature, like Hyperion, A Fire Upon the Deep, The Golden Age, The Collapsium, Foundation, and Bloom.