Could a Ratling join the inquisition?
Could a Ratling join the inquisition?
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I don't see why not. It depends if the Inquisitor has use of the ratling. An Inquisitor will hire just about any sentient creature if he finds it useful
As an abhuman, the ratling will be subject some prejudice and wouldn't be able to blend in in certain social strata but at least it's not a mutant.
Inquisitors literally run on "fuck you I do what I want"
An inquisitor could have an ork in their retinue if they really wanted.
They get checked up on really infrequently and some are very radical.
>ork in their retinue
I'd love to see that.
Not if the ork sniper has their way.
Wuz dat stelffy kill ?
Paint an ork pink and pretend he's a junior Ogryn
I've been thinking of making some Ork in some kind of hazmat suit or just a straight up cyborg Ork.
No one except the Ork and the Inquisitor know it's an ork. They just think he's a smart Ogryn, a fucked up combat servitor or something.
Almost, boss.
Just pa-
Yeah, these.
The real problem is Orks wither and die when they're away from other Orks, don't they?
And why would this Ork work for a humie long term?
Maybe he took a live ork, cut out part of it's brain, and grafted a piece of human brain on there.
As a Cherub, sure
>The real problem is Orks wither and die when they're away from other Orks, don't they?
Orks in isolation just develop weird un-Orky behavior. They're fine without any other Orks around. A lack of war, combat, fights, loud noises and absurd speeds will kill them though.
>And why would this Ork work for a humie long term?
Easy. A human kills a warboss, and a lone Ork boy survives. For some reason, the human doesn't kill the Ork boy, and due to how Ork Kultur works, the Ork boy just assumes the human is the new Warboss.
It's not like there are any other Orks around to correct the Ork boy on his faulty logic.
By the time the Ork boy comes in contact with other Orks, he's probably so used to having a human Warboss, he'll accuse any other Orks of being unorky.
>you's unorky!
>no you's unorky!
>And why would this Ork work for a humie long term?
It's a Blood Ax Orc, he's being paid in teeth and dakka, obviously.
Everyone who doesn't want Ratlings removed from the canon is part of what's wrong with 40k. Please kill yourselves soon.
They have literally no presence anyway, no one gives a single fuck about them. Removing them would give them needless attention.
look up sanctionned xenos.
I like you.
Until the junior ork playful cuts off his superior's arm and realises that actually, He's Da Biggest And Da Strongesf
So I could have an inquisitor who's taken a bunch of genestealer cultists and rewired them to think he's the patriarch?
Seeing as there's literally an Inquisitor who's going around trying to direct Tyranid hive fleets towards specific targets, I don't see why not.
>not taking your dismembered arm and beating the junior ork to submission.
No matter what, you show them your bigger and stronger. One way or the other and that includes sodomizing the junior ork till he cries
Fucking do it.
> Some radical psyker who's messed with their unconscious telepathy to make the genies think they're the patriarch.
> When is the hive coming father?
> Soon, now eat these techpriests so I can take their stuff.
> Sodomising the fungus warmonger.
y u do dis
Next time, try ignoring the troll.
>Da biggest iz da best!
>Da best iz da sneakiest!
>I'z da biggest, so i'z da SNEAKIEST!
The weak should fear the strong.
Great, now I want a squad of sniper Ratlings in DoW 3.
An augmented Inquisitor can be stronger than an Ork
I want an Inquisitorial retinue made up of an Inquisitor Lord with psyker powers, four ratlings, one eldar exodite prince, one human from a destroyed world raised by eldar, one human noble from a feudal world and a Squat.
underrated post
>reminder that the exact opposite is 100% canon, so what you're saying would logically follow.
when the fuck are they going to hurry up and give us a digganob army list
here's hoping for new chapter approved
Literally 0 things wrong with this logic.
fuck off to reddit
>radical inquisitor
>cyborg ork who's so far gone he thinks he's a spess muhreen
>ratling scum/sniper that has to convince everyone the cyborg ork is actually an ogryn
>techpriest just crazy enough to maintain an ork cortical stack inside a gutted second-hand combat servitor covered in armoured plating
>imperial guard who's just too jaded to care - as long as it serves the emperor it's all good
Together they fight heresy, while avoiding an Iron Hands techmarine who just wants to admire the technological handywork on that "magnificent Ogryn servitor".
Isn't that more a RT thing?
Fucking kek
>Doesn't realize that's Grey Knights.
that saying has no power. its almost like a "hello how are you", and quickly singles you out as a virtue signaling faggot who is trying to gain the acceptance of the "crowd" by targeting someone else.
Bad news, this is not your school, and we aren't your friends.
Deuces user.
Oh child. A terrible sin
you will find no suitable reply from an early 1990s anime. But the memes must flow.