Are there any RPG's that are similar to Porco Rosso? Sea plane pirates and all that jazz? Maybe like Tailspin with their Sky pirates? Are there any games around like that?
Air Plane RPGs
I saw the movie recently for the first time in a long while and thought to my self that I'd love to play a game like this. With Airplane combat, using you're connections to get all that you need to keep flying and fighting in the sky.
The idea just won't leave my brain so I'm wondering if there is anything like this at the moment.
Interesting, it might help if I need to make my own, but I'd like to stick to propeller planes as much as possible.
Off the top of my head, Crimson Skies or Gear Krieg.
Refluff the F-Zero game? although that has an emphasis on racing for obvious reasons
>Crimson Skies
I remember that game! I loved playing it on PC. That would certainly scratch the itch, but I'm pretty sure I'd want more right after.
Well, the uniqueness of the Characters would definitely bring some life to a setting like that.
Back in 2011 I put in a lot of frontloaded work on making a game in GURPS that was influenced by Porco Rosso for when Vehicles came out.
Really now? How did that turn out? I'm hoping but expecting not as well as I'd hope...
Vehicles hasn't come out yet.
All the sadness... I feel for you.
Would a conversion of x-wing miniatures work?
Need this in my life desu
That would be cool, using miniatures.
>Bag of X-Wing bases: ~$10.
>Bag of toy prop planes: oh-my-god-why to ~$10.
>Convert planes if desired.
>Glue plane A to stick B.
Minis done.
For characters, just say "Porco is mostly like this guy, Donald is mostly like that guy..." Do a similar process for everything else, being sure to remove or tweak things when it doesn't make sense for the setting (like shields).
A little work and dosh yes, but it can be done.
Honestly, Crimson Skies is your best bet. I've never seen Porco Rosso (but I'm going to change that ASAP), but Crimson Skies is all about the Air. Travelling around in a Zeppelin Carrier, you and your buds and your planes. Planes are like Cars in CS.
From there you can get into allkinda adventures, from dashing air pirates, to sky adventurers, have-fighter-will-travel mercenaries, all kinda stuff.
This would be the best! And I highly recommend it!
people want to share airplane, pilot, places, and adventure ideas for a campaign?
look up the Warbirds RPG
We'll depending on the setting, there could be an age of exploration focused on tomb raiding and stuff. With rival groups competing to bring back the best/most loot to trade in. And you can have groups and pirate gangs shooting each other down to take it from the others.
Basically everyone is Indian Jones and Rick O'Connell on the hunt for ancient treasure and duking it out in the skies.
With pleasure.
Since you seem to appreciate french hydroplanes.
My planefu
I'd love to run or play in a game like this, a romanticized romp through an early 20th century aerial wonderland.
I'd be down to play! Transporting cargo, mingling with other pilots in bars, having a team of mechanics working on your plane(s). Leading a squadron for your company or just freelancing... oh god I'm drooling over the ideas...
A lot of pulp adventures involve planes, too.
Imagine seeing an archeologist race for some treasue from the pilot's perspective, looking for fuel and spare parts in some small village on the altiplano while they are getting angry at you because they need to be the first to arrive to some hidden temple.
Thank God someone else mentioned it before me. Not enough people know about Warbirds, they just all mechanically say Crimson Skies.
>Rivals can be Nazis, Commies, Imperialists, natives, air bandits.
Sounds fantastic desu
>Rivals can be Nazis
If we use a light magic setting, we could have it where we're trying to stop the Nazi Occult Division from getting their hands on stuff!
Towns and Villages built on the water so Sea Planes can land pretty much anywhere and have a place to land, refuel and resupply.
I don't mind secret history and a bit of magic. Porco Rosso has it sorta (with the line of planes, and him becoming a pig)
Nazi Heinkels, Messers, Junkers, wunderwatevas would be swell too.
Use Warbirds. Refluff the setting because the default one is ass.
Which is doubly annoying because while I share the love of Crimson Skies as a setting, its a miniatures wargame, not an RPG
Yes please.
>Sheltered harbors.
>Canal systems that double as landing lanes
>Not Venice, and not-Venice of the East
>Rum row smuggling fleet (but with gasoline and parts and guns too)
Would jets be considered superplanes in such a setting?
Would seaplane fighters and bombers become the norm?
Would such a world be made up of beautiful archipelagos, placing an emphasis on aviation and navy?
Would Belka get all the clay?
How would you refluff it? I'm pretty sure we'd settle on a slight alternate history. Maybe make the world more island heavy than it is. Would allow for everything mentioned here If we did do magic, I'm pretty sure it would be weak to mild Magic tools only, except for maybe some really ancient stuff which would be a reason to keep it away from the Nazi.
>Would jets be considered superplanes in such a setting?
We'll, if we have it were jet's were considered to powerful to be allowed by all the countries and thus outlawed technology, conventional warfare would last quite a but longer.
And with it being outlawed, it's development would always be low enough by whoever decided to break the law that skilled enough pilots could fight against them or something light that.
I would look at sci-fi games, you'll probably find some good dogfighting there.
The only game that approaches the concept is achtung chtulhu, but Idk how the vehicle mecanics are.
>Ach, now that we hafe die golden idol, the fictory of the Reich iz certain!
>Wait, you guys are nazis? We've been helping nazis from the beginning!?
>For chissakes Pete, she's called Ilsa Von Hittendorf.
>I just thought she was scandinavian or something.
In the fictionalized era of this setting, I would have Turboprops and Jets be experimental new super planes, toyed with by crackpot inventors and researched by government scientists. They're futuristic and science fictional, very rare and very dangerous.
Also there might not be the infrastructure around to support them (adventure wise)... like finding fuel vs finding kerosene.
For everyone else it could be a case of biplanes moving to monoplanes for what's considered standard?
>Those pesky Nazis
To be honest, I'd almost rather set a game like this in a fictional world that is very similar to ours and has a very similar history but with a slightly fantastical bent.
Ahhhh I want to get into this so badly...
I would love for there to be a tiny race of machine savvy creatures. OH! Wait! We can have actual Gremlins tearing up planes, like mini Mexicans putting cars on bricks if you're away too long. And on the other side of thing there could be these little short stacks working in machine shops, hangers and repair bays.
There'll still be a smartly uniformed blonde lady with a funny accent and formal manner though right?
Amelia Earhart is the leader of an all women squadron, doing government work, merc work, or even going pirate somewhere in the Pacific!
But of course. And you'll never quite know just on who's side she's on too, given the way she looks at your pilot and always seems to let him live to fly another day.
I have to admit that actual Gremlins sound pretty funny.
You could build whole adventures around testing or sabotaging these new sci-fi superplanes, depending on how your pilots feel about the people and governments building them. Also, I'd imagine that there would be an utter hodgepodge of aircraft featured in the game. Single-wing models would be available to pilots with more hotshot attitudes while biplanes would still be in use in more remote areas and by pilots who can't afford newer aircraft.
Found an old thread on suptg.
There's a rpg called night witches based on savage worlds, but I don't know how it plays.
I agree, if only because it allows for more flamboyant adventures like finding cities of gold or playing courrier across the world more easily.
IMO the main elements are :
Vast areas of desert, jungle and/or sea (to make planes worth it), with small remote communites.
Big cities and industrialized districts.
Unexplored territories.
Maybe a war, but then it needs to be limited to some theaters so it doesn't becomes the focus of every campaign.
Sorcerer/Wages of Fear, but with planes instead (in a foggy, mountainous area, where you have to find decent airstrips to refuel and orient yourself)
On a more general note, air mail can provide a lot of plot hooks.
>air mail can provide a lot of plot hooks.
Get hired to deliver package.
Fly across across desert to deliver it.
Get attacked by three different groups trying to shoot you down and take it for themselves.
Fly through canyon and through underground cave system to lose most of them
Oh shit it my rival,
Get away once again!
Fly the rest of the way and deliver package
Turn out to be a vintage bottle of wine/scotch from like 300 years ago.
Get offered a glass.
Get ready to Fly back when suddenly Gremlins.
Fuck you Gremlins!
Chase Gremlins through town to get back your lucky ball.
Need that ball to go to the wall.
Get back ball and fly away.
Return home, get package delivery job to Swiss mountains.
Here we go again.
>I agree, if only because it allows for more flamboyant adventures like finding cities of gold or playing courrier across the world more easily.
Exactly my thinking. I feel like you can go a bit more wild and have a bit more fun if you build a world of fantastical set pieces that isn't limited to what actually exists or was said to exist in our own.
>Mile-high ruins-encrusted canyon mazes.
>Tropical islands populated with cargo cults.
>Devils' Triangles and other spatial anomalies.
I wish I weren't at work and could post freely.
Check it, OP. Streamlined looking game about WWII dogfights.
I also found an ad-on for The Few detailing campaigns/planes in Africa.
Oh these are nice! Thank you sir!
Bumping this thread
They had a version of Crimson Skies going as well, used WW2 aircraft.
It's FATE, which I know Veeky Forums shit on a lot, but there's a lot of great stuff in here for aerial antics!
Any PDFs or links?
why not just play wings of glory?
Just had to pop in to say, "Fuck, this movie is great."
God I love Porco-rosso. I want to be a pilot in a fictional med where Seaplanes are the way to go, park up at an island like or of course the hotel What a life that would be.
One of the best!
Played the crap out of that PC game back in the day.
Me too! I played that thing for hours on end.
Never heard of it. Whats it play like?
wish the novels where more accessible
they first two of the fortune hunters where pretty good
Anyone got scans of Crimson Skies the boardgame?
>jet seaplanes
Yes please!
Woah, didn't even know these existed.
Sky Gunner 3D shooter OP
>You will never befriend a caldera-hopping merchant family living out of a trans-continental flying boat.
Dang, I meant archipelago
I've been developing a setting for this very thing.
>Tail Spin + Crimson Skies + Porco Roso
>Mix in Indiana Jones
>World is mostly shallow seas, tropical bahamas to cascadian environments
>High adventure and hunting artifacts
I am just terrified to share it with the world.
iv had a idea about a 40k world with a bunch of various air ships and flying machines..some of them planes where the tech has devolved to ww2 era levels. there are various human and ork factions that have mountain top bases that they launch their craft from...the world is very high gravity is why and it is almost impossible to go to the lower sea level areas.
I think, that while this might be fun for 40k, I'm not sure we'd want mean and green fucking around in this setting.
Share it with us here
do eet. I've got a google doc as well that's like 80 pages that I use to dump fluff and practice writing but it's got nothing in the way of how to make it a tabletop game.
I have never settled on a system. I'm also timid as fuck in sharing it because Some editor/publisher friends want to monetize it. Unsure if I should let them or attempt myself. I guess I should get a website up at least. This has gotten way beyond home brew which honestly has tied my hands to much. Not sure what to do at this point.
Also got some setting-spoiling-things that I've yet to figure out how to write in a way that lets people explore it - without ruining the experience of discovery. How do I describe [THING A] in a way that engages you without letting on [PLOT POINT FOR LATER]?
Well maybe you can set up a thing where you only get a general description of Thing A and you need to use "Skills and Knowledge" to figure out what Thing A is. You can have it take time to figure things out if you don't have the skill yourself. One of your NPC Expedition buddies could figure it out while you're out hunting for more. Eventually you'll figure out what Thing A is. Also, I would include Things B through G and just have them there to throw off the scent. They could just be there, but have nothing to do with the Plot point and just be there to sell for ebin lootz.
spend the dough on copyrighting it, and then use an online self publisher like amazon or what have you to establish an initial foothold. go from there.
I feel dirty coming to Veeky Forums about it, I've tried not to because I don't want to be that scumbag who is here to meme shit. Considering copyright + website. Hire an artist. Provide rules & lore for free, and sell hard copies + written stories on the cheap. No cost to me but time and artist right?
Just...really don't want to 'market' to Veeky Forums.
Thanks. I wish I could explain it better, but thank you.
bump for interest!
Yes please!
Copyright it just to be safe
If you post it here before it's adequately protected, I guarantee some ass wipe is going to try and steal it
Dude! I love this to pieces! It gives the vibe of the female pilot living out of her plane, and that's what an adventurer's life must be, being comfortable on the 'road'
Look up Tales of the Gold Monkey. It's a short lived, very Donald P. Bellisario series from 1982.
I ran a game of Adventure! like that about fifteen years ago. It was fun, but the rules aren't vehicle-focused. It was nice because if hit a block I could always steal plotlines and other elements from Uncle Scrooge comics or half-remembered episodes of TailSpin.
I've flirted with the idea of doing another game in that vein a few times over the years, but it's never materialized. It's probably just a matter of time before I come back to it, though.
Yeah, this or most any of the Fate and Fudge games'd be fine. They do vehicles pretty well. There's a pretty interesting setting in Fate Worlds Vol. 1 called Kriegszeppelin Valkyrie. It''s not usable for this purpose in its current form, but you could get some ideas from it.
There's definitely an episode of TailSpin about that.
That, too.
Fuck, yeah.
Gah. Forgot my image.
You have to imagine that each PC and NPC's plane has got to be modified and personalize like crazy. In a game like this, the planes have to be as memorable as the characters that fly them. Letting the PCs customize their rides as the game goes on would be a must, whether it's bigger engines or a slicker paint job or a bobblehead on the control panel.