why do you wanna stay poor user? it started mooning already. this is the time to buy. you don't wanna miss out on gains, do you?
Why don't you want to buy the dip
Comfiest hold, UI is out in the next 10 days
Best hold I have too. Ticket to lamboland
wish I could buy more of it
Yes, we need more COSS threads. When the new UI comes out we are going to the far reaches of the galaxy.
>still in beta for fucks sake
Yes I went as long as I could on this one too.
>15 million market cap
this is basically free money at this stage. you are guaranteed to make at least %200 profit in 6 months time.
Wish we all had more money to get part of this developing company. Possibility for this one is big!
Anyone have any price predictions for Q1 2018?
KEK! we will look crazy if we put what we truly think this is going to this year. Going to be tempting to sell when it gets overbought (if even possible)
The team has been great at communication and transparency. That's really what sold me on the company.
Yea I am definitely in it for the price increase on the COSS coin. The only cumulative coin I owned was BNB, and that wasn’t hat similar. That was a 10x for me.
I am in this for the profit sharing.
Not* in it
I've been trying to buy this thing on the mega cheap for days, but the fucker is only going up. Fucking hell.
Are you joking this coin is at ground zero. If the UI is good this is a 10x. If it gets to binance level its a 50x.
It went from 0.31 to 0.16....
I don't really care about its value in $, I care about how it's measured in ETH and BTC. I can usually soak up alts for cheap ETH/BTC because most things drop 20-40% when those crash. But for some reason, this coin doesn't go down much.
I got a bunch back when it was sub 0.0002 eth, but it didn't drop below that with this most recent crash.
Goddamn I love this coin however all these fucking posts seem written by the same person
It's an actual legit coin that sounds scammy. This has to be a psyop to supreme the price.
I think threads like these are actually ruining the reputation of Coss. Let's just stop talking shit and wait 10 days to see what the new UI brings.