Modern Character Art

I'm starting up a game that is supernatural and in a modern, slightly more advanced era (cyborgs are a thing but it's not totally scifi). So that's the kinda stuff this thread is for. Modern fantasy is cool too, and super heroes are always welcome as long as they fit in the era.



Damn that bitch got a Louis Vuitton bag!

Yeah dude I guess hunting demons pays the big bucks













Anyone got any Business vampires?

this thread is badass.

>Anyone got any Business vampires?

photography is an art






> The Mothia

Isn't this the doctor from Tokyo Ghoul?



That ass tho

>Anyone got any Business vampires?

Happy this thread is up. ANyone have any art of just ordinary looking people but still interesting in a way that provides insight into what their personality might be?

Basically pic related







>supernatural and in a modern, slightly more advanced era (cyborgs are a thing but it's not totally scifi)
Sounds like Shadowrun.



shadowrun is basically cyberpunk with fantasy stuff. OP's sounds like shadowrun-lite




I agree



Does anyone have some fighting game style characters or fighters in general?
Gonna post some as soon as I get my computer.


how would you define fighting characters?





I had such hopes for the secrer world

regardless; It is a haven for character art

Don't know if this is a vampire, but it might do for character art for one.


The Dark Tower is a goldmine for this stuff.


They're relaunching it as f2p with retooled systems soon

It'll probably suck but I'm pleased to see it still kicking after all these yeara


I can't actually bring myself to hope.
I'll undoubtedly play it for a little while regardless.






Seems like a good place to ask, anyone have any art that fits the description of modern knight errant? Like what a Arthurian knight would look like today, or anything close to it really

Secret World concept art.
Maybe Hellgate London concept art.
For such an obvious combo most of it is 'guy in armor on a motorcycle, lol.'
Check the booru, iunno.

I dunno, I've never seen it. Could be.

It's actually a setting with supers, too. Just that this particular game we're playing won't have any supers in them, it's going to be a spooky haunted college.

huh, i thought that looked a lot like loch ness

you. i like you.












Yep, it is.





little hoof legs

Anybody have police-related stuff? I'm running a wacky police procedural game called COP SQUAD and I need some fodder.

>he's a secret demon who hides his satyr legs under weird pants and bravado
I don't know about that, but I probably have a few military things.




And another

I feel bad for not thinking of this already, as bad anime OVAs are a tradition with my circle of friends. Thanks for that.

well that was all the military I had, even.