Stat me Veeky Forums
Stat me Veeky Forums
M6'' BS3+ WS3+ S3 T3 W3 A2 Ld9 Sv5+
jury-rigged pulse rifle
-24'', assault 2,S3 AP-1 D1
-8'', assault d6, S4 AP0 D1, automatically hits its target
combi-weapon: you may fire either weapon, or both with a -1 to hit
ellen ripley is adept at hunting bugs, and she and all units within 6'' may add +1 to hit and wound rolls against [tyranids]
ellen ripley is a master of camouflage and moving quietly, she may deploy at any edge of the table as long as it is not within 9'' of any enemy unit
her expertise in hiding also gives a -1 penalty to enemy hit rolls if she hasnt moved during your turn
Definitely a boost to wisdom and charisma with Aliens.
At this point I just associate her with shooting the shit out of xenos and weaponizing a power loader, but wasn't she just some civilian egg-head before she started hanging out with Uncle Sam's misguided children? I confess barely remember the details of the Nostromo incident.
>egg head
Space trucker.
After getting kicked out of Weyland-Yutani, she trained to operate power loaders.
She was a commissioned comms officer.
Her daughter was a qt too.
The wiki says she was a warrant.
Did her daughter grow old and die? Weyland-Yutani aren't exactly the most truthful.
Her other daughter is extremely hot.
I think he was referring to the video game alien isolation
Lore: Duct Tape (Advanced)
-4 str
yeah sorry. I remembered that she tried calling antarctica traffic control.
Do you guys think that prometheus had potential?
Also, probably the wife of Isaac Clarke in an alternate universe.
Why can't we get another good Alien movie?
The best part about this one were the Gigher-esque illustrations/props David had.
I had hopes on Neill Blomkamp's Alien 5, but it seems that Fox axed the project because Riddle Scott is a hack and ask them to.
Some people trash on Blomkamp because of the politics in Elysium, but the dude is basically the only director that does good action sci fi movies.
It doesn't even have to be an action sci-fi. This had the potential to be horror but it just... wasn1t.
It's like a movie stuck half-way between Alien and Aliens, except also with some philosophy! thrown in.
Aliens RPG already statted her. The skill ranks are Unskilled, Novice, Certified, Expert, Professional, Master and Grand Master
>Newt has Hand-to-Hand at Unskilled
That's cute.
>Some people trash on Blomkamp because of the politics in Elysium
But weren't the politics the entire point of Elysium? That's like trashing someone for depicting World War 2 in... a World War 2 movie.
STILL the fucking gold standard for a strong female protagonist done correctly.
Hell no, these new 'alien' movies are nonsensical and shouldn't exist.
Why does this guy feel the need to insert terrible 'explanations' to things that never needed to be explained?
People get old and drink their own kool aid, forget that things are spoopiest and at their best when NOT explained.
I still don't understand why her power suit vanished, or why the camera felt the need to make love to her latex-painted ass while she was having this weepy panic-attack.
Does that apply to both the creator of Alien and the creator of Metroid equally?
>Does that apply to both the creator of Alien and the creator of Metroid equally?
Them, George Lucas, and innumerable other content creators.
Ellen Ripley is no joke one of my very favorite fictional characters in film. I adore those first two movies.
Might watch them this weekend now, OP
Feminism done right/10
Ripley is a great example of how you do a "strong female protagonist," not this GURL POWER nonsense that Hollywood keeps peddling. There's a reason Samus invariably shows up in threads related to Ripley as well.
Talking about the new Alien movie... it's not fair to blame it all on Scott.
A part of the blame has to be laid on the retarded James Cameron loving cocksucking Aliens fanboys that watched Prometheus and couldn't handle a film that doesn't explain everything about the lifecycle of the featured creature or has big EXPLOWSIOWNS BOOOM ACTIUUUN BRWOOOM.
Ignoring some dumb script shit, Prometheus was a pretty cool scifi film with Lovecraftian themes and ~it's a mystery~.
Prometheus was outright silly.
I just hate how everyone is stupid in these new ones.
In the original, we had a bunch of space truckers, who acted smarter and more logically/consistently than the whole crew of a colony ship, and supposed scientists. They died because nothing they did could prepare them and they had a brick sabotaging them from the inside, not because they decided to not wear any protective gear on the surface of an unexplored planet and take a piss next to the alien spores.
Also, as weird and, well, alien the alien was in the first Alien I'm sorry for this sentence already, at least it felt like a creature. It was attracted by heat, it raided their food to grow. But in Covenant it takes 5 minutes after inhaling spores to cough up an alien thing that grows full size in a few hours. The facehugger aliens grow to full size in what, less than 10 minutes?
Compare with the original where it had an incubation time of days.
Maybe my standards are too high or I'm just idolizing the first movie for some reason but it's just weird to see how consistent that was.
Yeah, she was just the third in command onboard a commercial freighter prior to Aliens.
Well, yeah, but she's also the protagonist of Alien: Isolation.
Alien, Aliens or Alien 3 Ripley?
She was always meant to be some low level engineer who just rigged together some tools for a weapon.
How the fuck should she have higher combat actions then trained soldiers?
Prom Night was shit, the fact it only happened because everyone involved was retarded is not just "some dumb script shit".
That you are defending it while complaining about fanboys being the reason the second film was bad is hilarious.
apparently she's a natural. look at her shooting in Aliens - do you think gorman or the two dropship pilots would have shot as good?
-4 STR
+ 4 STR
Stat me
In a deleted scene in Aliens (which is kept in the novelisation by Alan Dean Foster), Burke told her that Ripley's daughter Amanda died while she was adrift. "Cancer - man, we still haven't beaten all the forms of that one." I think she was in her forties when it happened.
American conservatives got mad because they don't want a public health service.
Why does America hate the idea of healthcare so much?
Its like they hate alot of things that help the poor while glorifying the rich, is it the American Dream? They think they are all gonna be rich one day and when it comes fuck the poor people since they'll be reaping all the benefits?
Protestant Work Ethic mentality. You should never receive something you haven't worked/suffered for. Except for Christ's forgiveness.
Protestantism goes hand in hand with extreme self determination and libertarianism. Not even priests should meddle in your private business with God. This is also why Republicans hate big gov in general.
Because any sort of public anything (ignoring the roads, power grid, and Social Security, of course) is COMMUNISM, and must be resisted with all the might proper rugged-individual, red-blooded MURRICANS can bring to bear in the name of baby jesus and FREEDOM.
The US won't be allowed to improve and join the modern world until more boomers are dead.
We don't know what form of training these colonial marines have had considering how they react to the break down of their chain of command and the aliens, little better than Imperial Guard conscripts.
Decades of doing nothing but breaking up colonist labor unions will do that.
That's pretty fucked up, it basically means that if you are poor it's God's will.
Yes, actually, this was a very prominent belief at one point (granted about a hundred years ago)
Mind you go even further back to the Victorian era and you have people complaining about lightning rods being a defiance of God's will.
Because healthcare shouldn't be a right, and expecting doctors to work for free is slavery.
Explain why healthcare should be something everyone gets for free. There is no credible argument for expecting highly trained professionals to offer their services to those who won't pay.
>expecting doctors to work for free is slavery
Do you even know how a public service works?
>Why does America hate the idea of healthcare so much?
they hate the idea of the government providing for people because it makes people lazy and dumb over time. and given the state europe is in, particularly german society, i am inclined to believe they have a point.
if you think Europe is an improvement of the USA, you're literally braindead
yes, you take away someone's property because you think they have too much and give it to someone who votes you into office for it. as mentioned above, too much of it breeds laziness. the more comfy a society is, the more stupid people get.
Because they're redoing Fusion where Samus was Adam's little bitch the entire time. It's a DM's railroading.
That's specifically the Calvinist branch of Protestantism and modern Prosperity Theologians and some Dominionists.
Other branches see it as not exactly God's will but see "Thou Shalt Not Steal" to also apply to "the government doing it for you."
There's a CHANCE he'll blow his Android-load with Bladerunner and not make the Next Alien movie the David show, but I doubt it.
I really hope we Get Alien 5/Alien 3: Take 2 or whatever Blomkamp's movie was going to be, I hate Ridley Scott for delaying it because every second of delay is a second closer to Weaver, Biehn, or Henrickson dying.
I personally wouldn't want my doctors to swear a "Hypocritical Oath", but then again I still respect integrity rather than lies.
As someone with socialist health care and relies on it let me explain why it's bad.
>Government runs everything
>Doctors have very little time due to unreasonable quotas
>Pay is bad because of so much red tape making the entire system ineffective
>Your care comes second to being pushed out the door to get the next person in
>If your condition is complex the doctor can't afford to ponder if, they have 10 minutes per appointment.
>People expect anti biotics when they get sick, if they don't get them they feel ripped off
>This makes them less effective over time until useless.
This creates a bloated system that isn't helping people beyond giving them placebos to get rid of them unless they have emergency problems. Emergency problems burden the system more and more because doctors don't have time for preventative care. Then the entire system collapses under it's own weight and the people who need medical support (i.e. disabled people, chronically ill people) then have no system at all.
This is without going into the idea that you're having to pay for other people's life choices. In a socialist health care system everyone is entitled to health care. So Billy Bob eats McDonalds 5 times a day, can't work cause of his diabetes and now he's draining the system until he dies. Instead of being punished for making subpar choices his punishment is instead spread across the entire culture where now I have to pay an extra $5 in taxes a year to let Jabba the Hutt survive.
This also increases the tax burden. Lets say I want 3 kids and I'm a responsible adult who earns a lot of money. Well 25% tax for my socialist state, now I can only afford 2 kids. But Shainqua who is living on government housing, EBT and is irresponsible can go have 5-10 kids and each time she does the government give her more money. Which leads to 10 poorly raised brats who will just be criminals instead of 3 well behaved responsible adults. Which is better for your society?
Europe's social laws are like 20 years ahead of the US.
>People expect anti biotics when they get sick, if they don't get them they feel ripped off
>This makes them less effective over time until useless.
This is a problem in both Privatized and government care. "I/my insurance paid you, now give me pills to make me better!" happens just as much as "I pay my taxes now give me my pills!"
I have no motive to comment on the rest because it's the wrong thread, and wrong fucking board.
Wasn't Elysium the one about Illegal Immigration, but with a Space Station instead of the US? I don't think that's about the healthcare side at all.
Hippocratic, named.after Hippocrates. Ironically it states nothing about giving medicine for free, though you do have to put up your teacher for free and promise to never perform abortions
It's an easier concept to grasp than actual economics of scale.
So abortions are bad and students have to pay tuition? I like this guy.
I swear by Apollo the Healer, by Asclepius, by Hygieia, by Panacea, and by all the gods and goddesses, making them my witnesses, that I will carry out, according to my ability and judgment, this oath and this indenture.
To hold my teacher in this art equal to my own parents; to make him partner in my livelihood; when he is in need of money to share mine with him; to consider his family as my own brothers, and to teach them this art, if they want to learn it, without fee or indenture; to impart precept, oral instruction, and all other instruction to my own sons, the sons of my teacher, and to indentured pupils who have taken the physician’s oath, but to nobody else.
I will use treatment to help the sick according to my ability and judgment, but never with a view to injury and wrong-doing. Neither will I administer a poison to anybody when asked to do so, nor will I suggest such a course. Similarly I will not give to a woman a pessary to cause abortion. But I will keep pure and holy both my life and my art. I will not use the knife, not even, verily, on sufferers from stone, but I will give place to such as are craftsmen therein.
Into whatsoever houses I enter, I will enter to help the sick, and I will abstain from all intentional wrong-doing and harm, especially from abusing the bodies of man or woman, bond or free. And whatsoever I shall see or hear in the course of my profession, as well as outside my profession in my intercourse with men, if it be what should not be published abroad, I will never divulge, holding such things to be holy secrets.
Now if I carry out this oath, and break it not, may I gain for ever reputation among all men for my life and for my art; but if I transgress it and forswear myself, may the opposite befall me.
Incidentally this means surgery and chemo are forbidden
>Maybe my standards are too high or I'm just idolizing the first movie for some reason but it's just weird to see how consistent that was
No, for goddamn space explorers, those motherfuckers were incredibly stupid, especially once they find out that there's a hostile alien species hunting them and then continue walking off and separating into small, easily killable groups
Ridley Scott is emphatically NOT the creator of Alien. He was hired by producers David Giler and Walter Hill to direct a film written by Dan O'Bannon and Ronald Shusset. To the extent that he contributed to the production beyond pointing the camera at the actors, his storyboards of the script which Giler, Hill, O'Bannon and Shusset had all contributed wrung some more money out of the studio, but Ridley Scott has never been credited with writing anything except an amateur film of his brother riding a bicycle fifty years ago.
Holy Fuck! Look at Bishops Stats!
Droids got awkward leadership though.
Ellen Ripley x Isaac Clarke when?
The wiki puts her at 66 at the time of her death (2111-2177)
>There's a reason Samus invariably shows up in threads related to Ripley as well.
I wonder what the world'd be like if it was a (magically?) binding oath you could not go against.
Because pre Other M Samus is another good example of a non-gurl power strong female protagonist.
But user, Fusion Samus never stopped sucking off Adam.
Why even make the oath then if it is outdated and incompatible with modern medicine?
Unless of course some magic force prevents anyone from doing any type of healing unless they swear the oath, in that case it would be interesting to see how people would try to lawyer the shit out of it trying to turn over every tiny detail to their own favor and ensure they can get healed.
Especially considering how specific is, there are probably many loopholes or otherwise interesting details to be found if it was magically enforced and taken literal.
>Con/ Acting
That RPG also made the space prostitutes where "It doesn't matter" if they're male or female ape-level intelligent aliens.
So hoooray bestiality!