What's the rules for a Stormhammer in 40k?
What's the rules for a Stormhammer in 40k?
Nope. No stormhammer.
it's gonna be in the fw index
Hellhammer have a single lasgun amongst his weapons.
pistol ports?
a model i found has slits of some kind running around the hull
Imagine bringing a Hellhammer in a list, and through sheer creed brilliance and tactics, you are winning the battle.
But you only ever fired the lasgun from the hellhammer each turn.
Your opponent would be so fucking confused, and thrown off.
It's a typo, should have been a power sword
>Stygies Destroyer tank hunter
>Stygies Thunderer siege tank
Finally the casemate leman russ tanks are coming back.
>coming back
Didn't you hear? They only put stuff like that in there as a final farewell to the OOP models.
Are you joking me?
No, I'm serious, FW said they would add some rule support for old models, but they never mentioned bringing them back into production.
There's also currently in production models with rules still in 5E that don't appear in that index.
They're random as fuck, man.
And yet they aren't doing the knarlack rules for the kroot? They are random, girl!
I rather hope they release rules for the Repressor/Keep the Avenger a SOB unit as well. I rather like those parts of my army.
>Keep the Avenger a SOB
Fuck you that was never even supposed to be an SoB unit.
As much as it's an IG unit. It's a Navy unit that's used in support of both of them.
Are you blind?
Must be a throwback to KV-1 tanks.
>it's manned by a kommissar and and when he spots any guardsmen heading the opposite direction than into the battle, he blink on them.
Or T-26. Or some Jap tanks. Or any other tank with a defensive machine gun at the back of the turret.
>officer commands you to deliver a message to HQ that we need support
>commissar shoots you in the back for running away from battle
>everybody dies
>officer marked as a heretic for not informing command of the situation
>commissar lauded as hero for putting up with such a heretical regiment
How did I never notice this?
Also lmao
Most people put the container bits on the back of the turret and I don't even think the lasgun had rules before, it was just a thing on the model.
I'm literally going to have to start putting those on my other tanks. Nifty detail.