>that guy that shows up to play stoned
That guy that shows up to play stoned
>inb4 wassa matta OP? do you hate fun?
>inb4 fucking degenerate
>inb4 this shit thread becomes shit mountain
>inb4 the opening of Shit Mountain Resort & Casino
>that guy who shows up to play but misses half the session because despite his clingy gf knowing ahead of time this is his game time she pulls him away to assert herself over him
This is why you need to bite your girlfriend's neck while fucking her from behind to assert dominance. If she's a bitch you treat her like a bitch.
Slip him some adderall and enjoy the stream of consciousness play
Actually I'm on OPs side. It gets real fucking annoying when they show up so high they can barely function. I was willing to let is slide because I don't give a fuck, I get drunk on the reg.
But when you're just staring off into space and have to be reminded you're in combat I get angry
I'm fine to hang and smoke dude, but don't do it if it's gonna impair your ability to play the game. And if youre not having enough fun just don't show up.
I dunno, I rarely enjoy non-sober company. Although that has many reasons, some due to experiences in my life that fucked me up. But I digress.
High folks, along with drunk folks, tend to think they're WAY funnier than they are, which gets old pretty quick. They also play slower. These things aren't a problem if everyone is inebriated, but that's rarely the case.
I dated men for 10 years and finally decided to go back to dating a girl. 2 years of annoying shit and whining and complaining. Never again will I date women.
There is...Logic in what he says.
There are more girls who get off on this than you'd think.
I do smoke weed, but I do it on weekends when I don't have gaming to do.
I don't get high to play board, card, or tabletop games, even if it might make it more interesting for me I'm kind of autistic about keeping my character in character and my character is not just me when high.
>This is why you need to bite your girlfriend's neck while fucking her from behind to assert dominance. If she's a bitch you treat her like a bitch.
Well my gf loves this so I guess it works
Who doesn't like being bitten on the neck during sex though?
That must make for some fun stories.
I dont care that one of the players like to smoke pot, only maybe twice was he so baked I was annoyed by it, everyone at our table just makes fun of the unsain shit he spouts..... he had a pus test cimming up and stoped smoking for a month once.... he said actully crazier things.
Enjoy your pot space wolf(his stoned persona.....obbessed with griffen phoniexs...like thats a thing)
Drugs are only fun when everybody does them.
Unless there's somebody with severe allergic reaction to the particular substance, then it gets hilarious.
Everyone in my group also smokes pot so it isn't a big deal.
I could say that it's ok because I'm a "functional stoner" but the truth is it's all about not overdoing things and knowing your limit, just like with alcohol. There are times you smoke because you want to relax and hang out with friends, and then there are times you smoke because you want to get fucked up.
>That guy who literally rips a bong right AT THE FUCKING TABLE WHILE PLAYING
>Can't say anything because the DM is super pro-weed politics
>That weird feel when it turns out the weed smoker is the most reasonable person at the table.
>This is my current group.
Bitches are primal as fuck, to keep your cunt in line you just have to strangle her in a similar manner to when her dad/stepdad/uncle/brother/cousin did.
Bitches sniff out weakness fast, they're like children except evil by default.
Like mine.
Life is good.
I'm confident these posts are as reasonable as this thread will get, and it's undoubtedly gonna be downhill from here on.
Smoking cannabis, just like literally any other thing done in a social situation, is fine as long it's moderated by contextual awareness. If you're so high that you negatively impact everyone else's experience, fucking cut it out. If you absolutely reek of weed and it's distracting, fucking cut it out. If there are gonna be kids around who can see/smell you, fucking cut it out. But if smoking makes the game more enjoyable and you're responsible with it, don't hold back. It's really simple.
>mfw at game and there is a feint smell of marajuanna at the table But most players are the kind of people who are scared of the reputation of drugs/alchohol beaten into them in public school.
Never found out who it was.
It's hard to tell when people who do it regularly are stoned unless they're really fucked up from some fancy strain they didn't expect to hit them so hard. Worse are the accusations from squares
>"Dude you're so baked."
>proceed to say some unfunny and inaccurate bullshit
>actually crashed hours ago
Most of my group plays stoned or drunk cuz its fun
If he isn't actively smoking near the kids, say he has a pet skunk. Simple answer.
I just don't get it, why do girls hate the one thing that gives them happiness?
This thread is clear reminder to why nerds don't know how to drugs. Adderall? Weed? I'm ashamed of browsing this board. Taking drugs is shameful and you shouldn't do that except when partying.
There is only one proper cocktail: first 100ml gbh and when it starts to hit, iv 0.3g some proper dex+levo amph. This is what you do if you want to "do drugs" and after it you won't be in any condition to just sit around a table rping. So don't take drugs while rping.
>low quality bait AND a buzzkill
Well aren't you fun.
Most people are only fun when they're drunk if you're also drunk. Practically all people are only fun when they're stoned if you're also stoned. That ain't just you, these are ancient and ironclad observations.
This is hardly fair. Sometimes being the sober one in a group of drunk retards is the best shit ever.
You are the only one sober enough to keep tabs on whats happening, and you can give them shit for it later.
I'll agree with the drunk bit for the most part but most people can't tell when someone is stoned unless it's physically obvious.
False, my brother loves hanging out with me while I'm stoned, he doesn't want any for himself because it doesn't do anything for him but seeing me stoned amuses him.
I get really triggered by things like this thread. People boast all day long and have no idea of the good real fun. Drugs are for bingeing and ruining your life. Unless you're ready to party as hard as hardypartyers, then just keep roleplaying.
Fuck this thread now I want to go on a bender.
If people can tell you're stoned, you probably shouldn't be stoned in public.
If being stoned impairs your ability to function in public, you probably shouldn't be stoned in public.
If you, yourself, need to be stoned in public to be in public, you probably shouldn't be stoned in public.
I don't get why so many casual stoners have such godawful etiquette. I'm high literally 24/7 and unless you actually caught me smoking weed, you'd be none the wiser. And this isn't because I'm some sort of transcendent 420 man, it's because I'm respectful and know my limits. If I have shit to do, or I'm doing shit with other people, unless we're ripping bongs I'm going to be moderate and respectful. It's exactly like drinking; if it impairs your judgement or ability to function, you probably shouldn't do it in public.
>things can only be done in extreme's of completely abstaining or ruining your life
Ever heard of a thing called moderation? You sound like the worst kinda guy to hang with.
You'd either be a complete buzzkill or that guy passed out in the toilet, neither of which people wanna deal with. Not even hardcore partiers.
My DM is high the majority of the time.
He's managed to run a fun game with nearly 8 players for over a year, and despite the balance issues in 3.5, gives everyone a chance to shine.
He's probably the odd man out, but high functioning stoners do exist, and they are pretty chill people.
And there's nothing wrong with that. He's perfectly functional, which means he can enjoy his habits at his leisure. If he started putting sentient burritos and lengthy allegories about the downside of capitalism into every campaign, then it would be an issue.
What's your opinion on casual use of LSD?
90% of the time in my online games I'm not sober. either I'm downing a mickey of vodka or blazing a gram or 2 of weed. I know my own limits, and I play better than when I'm sober, as I have to take notes to remember and choose my words very carefully. Not one person in my group suspects me, and they all love my characters
You'd be surprised. I'm the guy who drives others further. I've watched a prostitute have a seizure after trying to keep up with me. I usually take my speed with people who organize raves and the performers. Also I don't pass out. Only things I take is speed, gbh and benzos when I want to sleep.
Thank you. I work in retail, and let me tell you, having to help someone who's obviously drunk and/or stoned, so much so they can barely even stand, is never fun. You never know what they're talking about because they mumble and lose track of the thoughts every other second, and you just hope to god they don't do something stupid and just leave the store before they throw up.
Well, he didn't do that but he did put a nuclear waste barrel in acid water as an easter egg one time.
he'd probably be more wacky if our barbarian didn't do it for him.
Half the time we meet a new chick, "Does she have nice tits". He's punched people out for giving him the correct answer to things. He's been in jail and we've needed to bail him out. He's even banned from a wizard tower for repeatedly punching the clerk. Our rogue's hardly any better, but hey.
Yeah I didn't want to put anyone on the spot for it because of the aforementioned group mentality. But I was legit curiuos because of how out of character it seemed for most of them.
I couldn't judge them for it either way because I've been friends with pretty big stoners and have smoked with them occasionally.
Haven't been able to take psychedelics for like 15 years after getting deep into speed. People tripping in raves are fun company though.
I've had mostly good experiences with LSD myself, with one exception where I got cocky and took more than I should have, and wound up crying naked in the shower on New Year's Eve.
Hmm... I wonder how you'd stat the effects of LSD in Pathfinder or 5e, or whatever your system of choice is.
>that guy who sees a bong on your bookcase and goes into a 20 minute rant on "OMG fukin stoners".
I'm probably going to get a lot of fedora's tipped my way by angry "male feminists", but look up shit tests.
Shhh. It's an excuse.
>tfw the guy who plays stoned is probably our group's best roleplayer
Only problem we have with him is his tendency to shitpost whenever other people are doing things.
>He's even banned from a wizard tower for repeatedly punching the clerk
For a moment I thought you were referring to your DM
Nope. the barbarian. Shoulda made that a bit clearer
His fault for commiting adultery. Allah doesn't forgive.
I'm not going to say it's hard to tell who smokes and a lot of people do so it shouldn't be a shock, but I've been surprised on multiple occasions that someone does it on the regular because the group they're with was vocally square or they don't do it socially cause reasons.
Holy shit, I thought the same. I was beginning to wonder how tight this group was until I hit the wizard tower bit.
yeah, reading it back now it sounds closer to a prisoners transcript at a state prison than an explanation of our barbs stupidity.
Small difference, but context is everything.
You are literally scum
For being able to control myself enough to be able to make fun of people for doing stupid shit?
We play every week. Time never changes. She knows. I think she likes fucking it up for us, especially since I have to drive two hours to get there and spend an extra hour while he's in the other room talking to her on the phone.
This. At least two calls per game in our group. It was 3 before Russia annexed Crimea and my mom stopped calling because of international tariffs.
General rule that seems to work for everyone I meet:
>If it's fun for everyone then drink/smoke/pop whatever you want >If it impairs the fun then cut that shit out
Isnt allah a crocodile demon in hell?
Yeah.. Tbh people who enjoy themselves with drugs> people who enjoy themselves by passing judgement and being condescending, on the morality scale. im sure all your mates love it when you just lord over them on your high horse of superiority and trash them for having fun :/
>Shit Mountain Resort & Casino
>not Shit Mountain Ski Lodge
>ywn watch shitboarding stoners eat shit both literally and figuratively
Y-yeah.. girls, girls are into that stuff.
>t. failure
I don't drink and I'm not able to run a game High but my players regularlly bring drinks to the table and my only rule is that if they can handle their licor/weed they can use it. but if they bring weed I usually ask that we smoke together post game
Do you enjoy 12-hour sessions?
If you do, I suggest you try amphetamines and weed.
You sound like a cool dude. Don't blame you for not toking up beforehand because the tolerance needed to not go off into space isn't worth it and that sounds like a fun way to recap. My group usually takes a break at the midpoint to stretch and get down and I put on some crunchy tunes for the back half of the session.
Insecurity, sense of entitlement, fuck-fuck games they think they're supposed to play, etc.
why the fuck dont you make it clear that its your game time. just shut off all phones during the game
I fucking hate when people get wasted at the table. I had a group that wouldn't even game some sessions cause they were so into getting fucking gone that we'd skip game entirely.
That said my current group gets high during game and it works out pretty well, it's a lot more fun to GM high cause I don't feel any pressure or anxiety.
If anyone, regardless of gender, needs someone to give them happiness they're a fucking wreck and stay away from them
Can confirm, buds and Addy make for the perfect equilibrium.
My old group was all about getting high and playing PF. We'd all take a hit, settle in at the table, and then the DM would set the scene.
Unfortunately, there were 2 guys who would get way too high, much higher than everybody else. They'd take three hits each, sometimes pack another bowl just for themselves, and then slow the game down with their constant need to show off their new favorite stupid-ass Youtube videos. Or they'd fuck around on Spotify in order to "find the right soundtrack for the game," meaning they'd never decide on anything and we'd end up hearing the first 30 seconds of every Black Sabbath song for the rest of the night. Then, after wasting all this time at the table, they'd suggest doing something else because it was "too hard to concentrate, hahaha we're clearly all way too stoned for this."
No, YOU'RE too stoned, WE'RE just a little high and trying to enjoy a game that YOU stoner retards keep ruining with your dumb attention-deficit bullshit. Our DM eventually told them to fuck off from game nights until they stopped acting like teenagers about getting high, but it was really frustrating for about a month there.
Ugh that kinda thing is why i dont smoke socially or much at all anymore, retards who have to pause EVERYTHING to fulfill what ever train of thought their mind is on. i never understood people who just turn into zombies after smoking, even after getting super ripped if you commit to it, you can easily stay focused on something, people act like achohol like its an excuse to act annoying
i have literally never met someone like this and i've been smoking everyday for 4 years
You think you have it bad? I have 2 who are guaranteed coming stoned, 1 who is likely to get stoned, 1 who may get stoned, and 1 other and myself who won't ever get stoned.
Quints confirms you were the guy in the comic the whole time
Sounds like you two need to get stoned, everyone else is doing it.
Quads confirm truth
That's probably because that person is you.
>The triggered user has 0 sense of humor.
>What a shocking revelation
Humor at someone elses expense lacks creativity
Lol no.
Perhaps you too need to get stoned.
The Sharia way.
Soon brother, soon.
A game I played high in regularly, ended with my dwarf mystic theurge becoming a galaxy spanning construct arch-god. I think I did okay user
>mfw lately I've only found text only game so I wouldn't know if anyone's high unless they announce it.
My DM got verbally ed up with the worst player showing up either obviously high or reeking of pot and they eventually left the group. Not complaining- lack of rule knowledge despite hardly being new aside their roleplay basically amounted to memespeak.
[Spoiler] bless you "bob" if you're reading this. You knew how much I couldn't stand them and you're the broest for sympathizing even before you turned them away [/spoiler]
>that guy is a total abstinent
>is aggressive about it
>doesn't stop him from being fat af
>naturally, is a virgin
>is proud of it
>is generally holier-than-thou
Is this from the same guy who drew xenobiology?
>that guy that shows up to play stoned
is automatically That Guy.
It looks like his style.
Is he only reasonable because of weed?