Will you be ready for normie season, Veeky Forums?

Will you be ready for normie season, Veeky Forums?

In a month, after the Game of Thrones S7 premiere, every normie who's watched both Game of Thrones and Critical Role will want to run/play a "political intrigue game inspired by Game of Thrones!" in D&D 5e.

And it's going to be "just like Critical Role," down to the wacky hijinks on natural 1s and 20s.

You've seen these before, haven't you? How do you deal with these and still try to have fun playing?

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Honestly I haven't heard anyone outside of Veeky Forums talk about Critical Roll. The few new tabletop people I've talked to recently have been more inspired to get into gaming from shit like HarmonQuest, thanks to how popular Rick and Morty is.

Regardless, I frankly have no issue with an increase of political-themed games if that's the result. I'm far too tired of typical murderhobo campaigns at this point, even if it means playing with normies to get something different.

I don't play outside my circle of friends, so it doesn't seem like a problem to me.

I'll hide the thread and move on with my life

>down to the wacky hijinks on natural 1s and 20s
These are the fun of the party, user.

By running a political intrigue game inspired by Game of Thrones in D&D 5e, of course. How else?

By telling them either A) I run it in The Burning Wheel instead or B) They can fuck off.


More people engaging in the hobby and enjoying themselves? Sounds awesome.

If I can I'll advise them towards games which will do political intrigue better than D&D, which is rather unsuited to it, but if they can make it work more power to them.

You are already here, it can't get worse.

Truth. Veeky Forums is where all the normies go to pretend they aren't normies and complain about other normies.

>Burning Wheel

Is there any system that does political and speech-based gameplay well? It seems like you'd almost want to relegate all of it to roleplay.

Dogs in the Vineyard is exceptional at that

As someone who actually GMd for someone /r9k/tard could consider "normies", i can say that they're much more bearable compared to "hardcore roleplayers" and "D&D experts". They are much more receptive to GM's suggestions about the tone of the game, less spergy about minor unnecessary details and when they are unable to come to a session, they FUCKING SAY THEY'RE GONNA BE ABSENT FROM THE SESSION FOR FUCK'S SAKE Veeky Forums STOP DOING HOUDINI DISAPPEARANCE ACTS YOU DOUBLE CUNTBURGERS.

Although it's a sci-fi game, the political strategy system in Stars Without Number is rather cool. I've got a GM who has adapted it for a fantasy game.

Great. Every new player to D&D that joined my group is either an attention whore or That Guy where they try to kill everyone in the party.

Well, we've got more pressing matters, like Shit meta threads, and they're what we really need to deal with. Mostly I just respond as a namefag, which annoys people, then I attempt to segue into a different discussion entirely, such as how much me and my GF love our Trap BF, or I egg people on to insulting me and reply with the most sickeningly aloof attitude, which always gets a few keks.


you sound like a hysterical bitch

Sounds like y'alls problem. Since the beginning I've just lurked here for the art threads and occasionally interesting discussions.

running games for normies is great because you can pull inspiration from all kinds of shit they don’t know about with no fear for them catching on

I think it's kind of like new year resolutioners in gyms and Veeky Forums. People come and go.

Yes, you would want to relegate all of it to roleplay. But violence is also a valid tool.

The problem comes when you pick a system that makes violence too effective a tool, causing the players to pick it over their other options and you lose the intrigue.

even if they notice they don't care, they just think it's cool

>Will you be ready for normie season, Veeky Forums?
Of course!

Fucking madness.

I'm happy to induct those poor fools in my campaign of existential terror and cosmic horror.

At least people new to the hobby don't start crying when I fucking shred their characters apart or force them to fucking retreat screaming from something that lurks in the dark. They don't complain about wanting to use splatbook X or how allowing Y makes the game unbalanced.

I'd rather GM for a bunch of fucking retard normies than a fucking load of autistic fa/tg/uys, holy fucking shit never again. Never again.

And just like the fetish porn I use that pic to respond to, no one can handle it but the patrician few because it is vile filth hyperfocused on shit no one else cares about.

>The problem comes when you pick a system that makes violence too effective a tool, causing the players to pick it over their other options and you lose the intrigue.
Not quite. It's not that violence is too effective a tool, it's that it's the only tool with any adaptability.

In 5e, you get a bunch of neat abilities, of which 60% are explicitly geared towards combat. 20% are things that aren't explicitly for combat, but are certainly useful for it (monk's movement abilities), and whatever's left is stuff that is irrelevant to combat and gets deemed "underpowered" by 5ggots (see: ranger, warlock, Wot4E monk).

Anything related to social situations is nowhere near as effective as violence, because a large part of what keeps people civil is the threat of violence. This doesn't work in D&D because everyone has mountains of HP, and high level characters can shrug off dozens of commoners with ease.

I've always maintained that the best system for political intrigue or anything explicitly RP heavy is GURPS, because it takes the real world as its starting point and goes from there. Thus, you don't get stuck in metagamey nonsense, you can basically simulate how things will go based off your rl experiences

I'm really looking forward to it, i've been trying to run a campaign with some friends for awhile but they are a bit too normie to dedicate themselves to it. They will likely be more primed after watching GoT.

>How do you deal with these and still try to have fun playing?
Ban women from the table.
It keeps the women out by design, and as an added bonus it keeps easily offended manginas out. That's like, 90% of Critical Role's target audience.

What is Critical Role anyway, heard they are making D&D "Trendy" and mucking up the place like that.

Oh, sucks that those are you sorts of friends. Maybe you should look for better degenerates to play with?

>not Torchbearer

Stop this condescending attitude, it only leads to stress for yourself.

When I stopped being an uptight grognard I gained more friends and have a wider social circle, and guess what: some of them actually did get into the hobby and are fine players, because I gave them a chance.

Same way I always do:

By playing with the same handful of people I've been playing with since high school.

What's annoying is that these people don't stick around. It's like once they find out that there are rules to these games and you have to actually learn how they work their eyes just glaze over and they go back to posting nat 1/nat 20 memes on Facebook.

Whats worse is when they fuck peoples shit up or act lol so randumb and wonder why everybody hates them.


>Luke Crane meme games

>And it's going to be "just like Critical Role," down to the wacky hijinks on natural 1s and 20s.
I have no idea what Critical Role is but my friend had Crit Fail effects when he played AD&D back when it was new. Those are NOT a new invention.

A and B are the same option since human beings cannot play Burning Wheel

It's a streaming show where VAs play a modified version of 5e. The actors tend to get overly excited when they crit but after watching it I feel like it's only because Mercer gives over the top descriptions of success/failures and also Veeky Forums hates fun.

It's actually really easy?

I mean, some of the subsystems can be a bit confusing, but they are explicitly optional and the book even tells you not to use them until you feel you are ready.

The core system is just "Roll some 6 sided dice, hope you get enough >=4 results"

Now everyone thinks that drinking a potion is a bonus action. Matt mercer is alright but he should have kept his campaign under the radar.

>I'm an autist: the post

>I work with spreadsheets 9 hours a day and when I come home on friday I want to work with spreadsheets for 4 hours with my friends

That's what you get for playing entry level stuff like dnd. You get to be the containment zone for all the human garbage.

Normies can be bad too, user

Why did everyone stop calling them normalfags

>using tools like a tool-using human is bad
Show me where the .xlsx touched you, user.

Oh boy

People who complain about "normies" are just people who wanted to become normalfags but failed. They're even worse than normalfags.

Go home Steve Jackson

Like corruptded normies or more like tainted normies?

>Picturing fat neckbeards trying to look and smell human with the finesse of a troll

I have a group of friends that I play with. What people play or do outside that group of friends doesn't concern me.

Somehow I doubt every normie will think to play D&D.

Personally, I'm looking forward to the Witcher and Chronicles of Amber tv series vying to replace GoT.

>Somehow I doubt every normie will think to play D&D.
What on earth would give you that idea? It's virtually the only RPG normies even know exists.

Because most normies will go, "Well, that was a good TV show, guess it's done now." and not think of RPGs at all?

Just run damn fine games.

That's it. If other people want to run games I don't enjoy, it's not breaking my leg or picking my pocket. All I can do is run the best games I can for the normies, and write materials to help other people run good games.

So, you know, business as usual.

damnit, you're right

No idea. I don't even remember when we /started/ calling people normalfags.

I like calling people normies because it reminds me of this video and it makes me laugh.

Couldn't drinking a potion technically be free if you spread it across two turns as two different object interactions?


You'd be a much worse on the table than some "normies" with clear inspiration.

You act like someone is forcing you to play with these people, which is laughable at best, pitiful at worst. How much of a weak willed pushover do you have to be to have this "problem"?

For "political intrigue game inspired by Game of Thrones!"?
>Hey guys, I have this nail that needs to go in this piece of wood. I think I use this really cool saw for the job.

I'm currently running a game that was pitched as political intrigue in 5e, because I was stupid and thought it would be a good litmus test for the system's versatility.
Except there is none.
I haven't stopped giving a fuck yet, but that's because I have battered DM syndrome. There is still a tiny spark of giving a fuck, deep within my heart, where the crushing grip of reality hasn't snuffed it yet.
5e is completely fucking overrated. Its only benefit is that everyone knows it, it's easy to play, and it doesn't suck as hard to balance as 3.PF.

>you can pull inspiration from all kinds of shit they don’t know about with no fear for them catching on
I'd love it if my players catched my references. For now, even the most blatant one slipped through

I don't play shit systems and certainly don't play games inspired by shit series, so that won't bother me. If anything it'll clear the morons out of the playerbases that I like. So bring on the normies.

>I don't play shit systems

So you don't play any games at all?

You're fishing in empty waters

But we all normies, aren`t we? Or you snob