Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/



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This scheme, for my Sisters?

Reposting. Can i make cadian Harker and pretend that my cadians are catachan?

Hello there, captain underpants

We played together last night and he said something like "wait til the internet hears about this" so he probably is posting in that thread

nth for you cant reroll what you didn't roll

Or this one?

why would you ever not use the varied frequency?

>Can i make cadian Harker
>pretend that my cadians are catachan

Chart-user's Damage Calc Chart: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1h0hk_IdJ7fivDEjMiIpKM5yMMB8HTm64lZHuKdLZCIU/edit?usp=sharing

Actively working on Blood Angels, taking requests for what to do afterwards. Added an info-page to explain what this is about and more clearly present the formula I'm using.

Grey Knight Vanguard Detachment

-Grand Master Voldus, 190

-Paladin Ancient, 142
+Nemesis Falchion, 0

-Apothecary, 92
+Nemesis Warding Stave, 0

-Paladin Squad, 275 (5 models)
+4 Nemesis Force Halberd, 0
+1 Daemon Hammer, 13

-Land Raider Crusader, 244
+Twin Assault Cannon, 35
+Hurricane Bolterx2, 8

Total, 999

How's my 9 model list, /40kg/?

>be me
>play emperor's children
>love the new noise marines, they're awesome
>go to store
>play a game against chad
>he sets up his Primaris Marines™
>wow i wish my models were as tall as his
>we begin the game
>he deep strikes his Primaris Inceptors™ into my 5 man noies marine squad, killing 2 of them on the charge with a well used Command Point™ reroll
>well that's ok I have a few more squads lef-
>his Primaris Inceptors™ rip my poor noise marine models to shreds
>his Primaris Hellblasters™ turn them into molten scrap
>finally my sonic weapons are in range
>aim and fire
>all my rolls missed
>my marines are too short to have any effect on the superior tall Primaris Marines™
>watch helplessly as that squad is ripped apart by Primaris Intercessor™ fire
>as he slowly tables me, he looks me in the eyes
>"that's what you get for playing noiselets"
>run home with my models and vow to never ever play Warhammer 40,000 again, while the rest of the store laughs at my misery

How many times can you reroll the stuff you did roll?

Guilliman is just the Emperor 2.0, this time with no psychic power.

Because single freq hits t8 on 4 and everything lower on 3, has better range, better AP and does more damage

Top tier user

You may never reroll a reroll


Once. Page 178, top left corner.

>noiselet marines btfo

Starting 40k with 8th edition and picked up Talons of the Emperor.

What is a fluffy HQ choice for the Sisters of Silence? A non-psyker inquisitor, right?

What about the Custodes? It doesn't seem like they take orders from anyone else.

Are they really best used as allies instead of as a whole army?

top fucking kek
how will slaaneshcucks ever recover

Seems to be trying a bit too hard m8 needs to be less forced

Does the CSM Prescience work on overwatch shots?

Non-Psyker Inquisitors or Priests, yes. You want to add in another army just to fill in the gaps of the low-option armies; bodies to claim objectives are a priority.

Thanks user your the best

Im gonna win a tournament with this list, I know it

Is deathwatch decent in this edition ? When I read it, I have the feeling that nothing has changed

>noiselet marines

When Zoanthropes cast Smite, is it only d3/d6 mortal wounds regardless of how many models the unit has or do they get a dice for each model?

I'm all for making fun of the tranny marines, but tone back on the ham fistedness.

Yeah, they're really short on options as-is. Until GW expand them, it may be worth seeing if your local group is okay with you using the Age Of Darkness rules for them (have a look in the OP links of /hhg/ for the rules).

From a fun standpoint, 10/10 would play with and against.
From an effectiveness standpoint, I'd take a cheaper HQ and include some Psybolters, like on the Apothecary or the Ancient. Ideally on both.

Overwatch always hits on 6 no matter what

"A unit of Zoanthropes can attempt..."
The unit is casting, not a model. The benefit of having multiple Zoanthropes is the Warp Blast ability.

>Not doubling down on your heresy
>Not using the power of chaos to make inhuman gainz
>Not being S5 T5 I5 W2

Embrace the word m8

I was trying to think of comparisons of Julius Caesar to Gulliman what with the stagnation of the Imperium and the Indomitas Crusade being compared to the Gaul Campaign of Caesar however it wouldnt fit Thematically with it considering the Gaul Campaign was before it was an Empire but a Republic. I could imagine the Emperor being a Julius Caesar/ Augustus Caesar type instead what with uniting the Triumvirate (Lost worlds in the Age of Strife). And Guilleman being annoyed at the effect of the Emperor becoming a Religious cult (much the way the Roman Empire became Christian before its collapse.

Aw mate, you picked the literal ally force.

8e and HH are incompatible, m8

It just seems to be trying too hard, didn't feel like natural comedy my dude

Only D3/D6 regardlessof how many models there. But having 4 or more does add D3 on top of that.

>Playing the "elite guard" of the emperor
>Shorter than Nu Marines

Do you think GW will ever fix blast weapons? It's ludicrous that big explosions are essentially out of the game now. You shouldn't have to roll for random shots and then to hit with a weapon that fires a single high explosive round, they should do random auto-hits like flamers do.

Guilliman is Justinian.

I replied to the wrong post.

cry more bitch

Deathwing Vanguard Detachment:
Belial: 150pts

Deathwing Champion: 118pts

Deathwing Terminators: 245pts
+ Chainfist: 22pts
+ Power Fist x3: 60pts
+ Power Sword: 4pts
+ Assault Cannon: 21pts
+ Storm Bolter x4: 8pts

Deathwing Terminators: 253pts
+ Lightning Claws: 13pts
+ Power Fist x3: 60pts
+ Storm Shield: 5pts
+ Thunder Hammer: 20pts
+ Storm Bolter x2: 4pts
+ Plasma Cannon: 21pts

Deathwing Knights: 225pts

Total: 991pts

My first 8th ed list, gonna give it a spin on release day. Thoughts?

if conscript spam goes from meme to meta

Can you fucking read?
>When this unit manifest the Smite psychic power, it inflicts D3 additional mortal wounds if this unit contains 4 or more models.

In other words: 1-3 'thropes: D3/D6 depending on your roll. 4+ 'thropes: D3/D6 depending on your roll + D3


What's the fluff difference between those and normal Possessed?

Not for long :^)

I like the first one better

I took Voldus for this list because he's a strong beatstick, and is only 30 more than a regular grandmaster while being a lot stronger and a better psyker, knowing every power. The Apothecary can't take any of the special weapons, but the Ancient can.

Dunno what a psybolter is, do you mean psycannon or psilencer? I didn't take any because of point costs and also because I'm not sure if they're worth it since Relentless isn't a thing anymore, sadly.

An user earlier said they're still very deadly when massed


How does this make you feel

Voldus > Draigo

Are orks actually good now I haven't been paying attention

ugly cucks vs ugly cucks
who will win i wonder

I'd use more Lightning Claws because your dudes quickly become bogged down in enemies. Also with how small blasts work I wouldn't use the Plasma Cannon

Daemon Princes casting Prescience on nearby Predator is pretty brutal.

Prescience and reroll 1s is pretty brutal in general.

That's fucking pitiful. No point in taking more than 3 and even that's pushing it.

Gal Vorbak were the first and orginal possessed.

If Voldus is Chief Librarian, why does his smite suck compared to a regular Grey Knight Librarian?

Seems like fun!

Well I do have a spare Lightning Claws termie from my command squad since that got fucked so I could switch the Plasma cannon guy out for him.

Not enough Primaris Marines.
Eldar are good only for being Chad Marine dick warmers.

>all this asshurt over an internet opinion
I'm not against Orks/Nids m8s but you gotta admit a random number of shots that don't hit automatically in a weapon that only fires a single round makes no sense. If 8th is supossed to be more balanced then making an entire weapon type completely redundant is not a good indicator of balance.

I don't even field blast (WE player) but it just boils down to basic logic.

>1-3 'thropes
Can you read?

What do you mean? GK librarians gain the Daemon Hunter rule and the Rites of Banishment rule, so they become regular smites.

Which means...

It's also important to note that Gal Vorbak worked hand in hand with their Daemon and resembled a normal marine but stronger for most of the time, but in a fight they enter rip n' tear mode. Modern Possessed are similar to the Lupercaii who had less control over Daemon powers

Those of us who have actually played games know that the weapons you are bitching about are fine.

Cry more little bitch, or maybe go play a few games and stop posting online.

Blasts and templates added nothing to the game except grognard waacfags arguing about wether or not a model was under the template.

Yeah, Psycannon, sorry, they were called Psybolters in the German version, I get the names confused. They're great on the Ancient because he shouldn't charge but stay out of harm's way buffing the Paladins so he doesn't have to worry about the Heavy weapon thing. But if you're set on Voldus, then that list is about all you can do. You could argue that a Land Raider is a dick move in 1000 points and that for the points you could get all the guns you want and an Interceptor squad on top, but your list can totally work.

Man, hydra is insane now.

Before they announced Blasts, I thought Large Blasts might have gone
Roll To Hit:
>If successful say D6 Hits
>If failed say D3 Hits*

>*Only works for units with 5+ models

Something along those lines.

Auto-hits are a bit much, they were always a gamble to shoot before, and I'm sure GW would prefer to keep BS relevant for non-flamer weapons.

Some decent suggestions I've seen to make them less unreliably and shitty:
>scale the number of dice you roll to determine how many shots you get with the size of the squad you're targeting, this already has a precedent in the demolisher cannon
>damage from blast weapons can carry over to the rest of the squad, like mortal wounds, but retain the same number of shots they currently have
>Increase the minimum number of shots, like 1+d3 for small blasts, and 2+d6 for large blasts

>Guilliman is just the Emperor 2.0, this time with no psychic power.
and the magical ability to listen instead of just waiting for his turn to talk.

So far, yes.
They have cheap hordes and their vehicles have gotten significantly tougher.

Priests are Elites, but that's a neat idea. Thanks.

I might get into HH, but the league I'm joining is 8th only.

I am starting to realize that, haha. At least I have some great allies lined up for whatever army I main.

This bugs me. They should be huge... but, oh well.

I just had a crazy idea. I like the Black Ships in the fluff, and I thought I could run a Primaris Psyker leading some Sisters. Is that cool? Or just silly?

Honestly how I would have liked to see blasts work is
>roll to hit
>then roll for number of models hit

I was actually surpised how toned back the suedom was with Guilliman in Dark Imperium. That might have been because it was all transfused into Felix.

"Its skin is too tough! I have to attack it from the inside!"

>Mfw 10,000 years, the emperor has learned nothing from his mistakes and it takes Guilleman to fix all his fuck ups

The emperor the Imperium deserves desu

Tempted to start a Daemons of Nurgle army...
Would that be a bad choice?


You could actually be onto something, especially with Guillemans idea of an Imperium Secundus in the event of a death of the Emperor.

Gal Vorbak were bros with their Daemons who were relatively chill, Possesed are fucked in the arse by their Daemon who controls most of the marine

They seem pretty fun to me. Tons of wounds to go around making them hard to chew through and their special ability only compounds that.

Well.. technically from a 40k perspective he IS the ultimate Sur, because he alone isn't a unreasonable manchild floating on a cushion of stupidity and plot armour.

>no model ever dies during battle

That's cool, man! Really this is a silly thing I thought about and thought it was kinda funny because you can fill the compulsory elites by taking a unit of paladins, and the two optional characters.

You're probably right about the Land Raider though, just thought it'd be funny and it coincidentally boosted the list to 999 points.

I'd probably be better off swapping out the Raider for more Paladins or other units. I'm still not sure if any of the GK guns are worth it or not, though they might be and I just might be miffed at the lack of Relentless for my glorious 3W 3A termis.

Look traitor, your dad only gave you 18 years. The God Emperor has never given up on mankind, even after 10,000 years of constant pain and agony, and even now waits for the days when all of the loyal Primarchs return to save mankind.

Not really. They got a pretty good buff imo with their Feel no Pain.

With precision Deep Strike you also don't have to worry about your GUO either mishapping or waddling up the field

Depends. Do you like daemons of nurgle? If not, then it's probably a bad choice.

can flyers in general still stay in reserve or just if they got the rules for it (like other units)? did i missa unversal USR for flyers in the rulebook or so?

Sounds like the proper use of Chaos. Chaos was meant to go hand and hand with man as they are a natural symbiotic relationship

So... Apparently Redeemed Primaris Legions are part of the Ultima Founding.

Anyone going to roll up a new army of Primaris Emperor's Children or Luna Wolves? Do we know what their new names are gonna be?

Apparently Cawl even used the two lost legions (II and XI) to make at least one Ultima Founding chapter each, so... Fluff is gonna be weird in 8th, man.

>Chad bends his knees to look you in the eye
>"Primaris Marines™ have never heard a song in their life"

Only if you fight Grey Knights.

Modern Word Bearers Posessed have this sort of relationship as well, as seen in the WB Omnibus with Burias, that cool dude.