Baneposting RPG

Baneposting: The Tabletop RPG
What would the rules and system be like?

It would be very BIG! XD

Start by blowing out your fucking brains.

You can't make something be specifically about baneposting and not have it suck. Baneposting thrives on being out of the norm and unwelcome.

Thanks for the input! The game is now called Big Guys & Hot Heads (BG&HH). Character creation starts with the character being shot in the head.

Now I'm wondering why someone would shoot their character, before throwing them into a game.

>not calling it Banes & Planes


Brilliant Idea. Got any ideas for classes/backgrounds/races?

At which point, they're thrown out of a plane?

Why would someone do that?

>Big Guy
Front line fighter. Can survive a lot of damage, though it would be extremely painful.
>Hired Gun
Like a rogue, but with a lot more loyalty.
Healer and/or mechanic, depending on skill choices. Penalties to fellowship, but you do need him alive.


This is going to be wonderful. AAAAA

it's a d4 based system

What about Masketta Man? Is it some sort of prestige class?

Well, they already shot them, so you gotta dispose of the body first.

>Why shoot them though

Gee I dunno maybe so the guys you're intimidating know you just killed that guy? You can't really hear someone being thrown out of a plane.

Of course!

If I reported this thread would it die?

I see what you did there, but how would that even work?

It would be extremely painful

Why make it an RPG? It's gonna be hard to express Baneposting in situations other than the kidnapping of doctors.
I'd say it would make a great board game, instead.
Using the roles and proposed we can make some sort of operations boardgame.
Objective of the game:
The Masketta Man must get the Doctor. CIA must get the Doctor out of Masketta Man's hands, and possibly kill or capture him.

A group of players band together, with hidden roles, much like BANG!. They also have visible roles, which allow them to use abilities, like the Hired Gun being able to kill someone from afar, and the Big Guy being able to withstand a few more shots. Every turn you can draw cards to make plot points, stall the game with banter, or attack others. Sometimes you can just reveal one of your mooks, or even Bane himself, in order to confuse the waters.

When some of the members of the enemy group are revealed, the game shifts to the next phase. They are on the plane, they have to play cards properly to see if they can get the Doctor or if they can catch Bane.
Once the Masketta Man is caught, he has three turns to free himself. If he doesn't, his team loses and CIA gets to the HQ. If CIA is killed and the Doctor escapes, it's a tie.

I'm making this up on the run so any suggestion is welcome.

I like this, and it could be a spinoff; but I want to incorporate the expanded universe into the game somehow.

We're all big guys here.

likely a success based/dice pool style.

Oh, thanks for (you) clarifying.