soooooooooooooooo when are we getting a vanilla ariadna tactica?
Samuel Cox
also, how're you dudes enjoying the wotan missions?
There are primarily Combined and PanO players at my shop so we've been playing the sygtir missions a lot. I like comms center with artificial gravity failure a lot
Isaac Ortiz
>Step 1. Use Camo. And ya done.
Also, got the Neon Lotus terrain and the mdf support pack to go with it. After shitting on one mini-block testing to see if it was better to cut off the tabs and simply glue it, or use the folding itself, I've come to determine both have their upsides and downsides. Especially since some of them don't seem to really want to fit on the box itself. And the big builders are just fuckers, and some of the folds just don't make sense and I'm left with random tabs unused. Bridges are nice, though? But it sucks that instead of mdf for the bottom and walls, you just get a piece of acrylic for the bottom and no support for the walls leaving them a little floppy.
Dylan Williams
One of my buddies just got a JSA force started for Wotan (they use to play Vanilla Yu Jing) and wants to do a knights vs samurai fight this weekend. I play Military Orders and chances are we're just gonna do firefight for it. I know for a fact that he will be taking 4 Domaru Butai with Neko and probably a few ninja's and oniwabans.
What are some good units I can take against the Samurai link? I wanted to take a full house knight link but e/m grenades/swords kinda scare me in that fact, but Domaru only have short ranged weaponry so I was thinking about taking De Fersen with hospitallers and trying to out range them with HMG's and spitfire, while bringing some black friars to watch out for ninja's n shit. Or would I be better off not taking the expensive knight link and focusing on more harassing units?
I honestly have no idea what to expect against a Samurai link or how to prepare.
Thomas Mitchell
Attempt to have another "fun" exercise for a new thread:
>Make a list you'd run without a single duplicate unit: not just profiles, you can only run 1 model of each available troop.
Luis Ramirez
I'm also an MO player, I always advocate for going with the HI.
I'll say pick whatever style you prefer between a Santiago/magister link and defersen with some hospitallers.
the santiagos have e/m grenades which can truly wreck the domaru by immobilizing and isolating them in one go.
The hospitallers can afford more range but that may or may not help based on the board you paly. Deferson's assault hacking device can achieve the same effects as e/m grenades, though you cannot immobilze AND isolate the domaru in one go. I usually run the Santiago link. It'll be cheaper than the hospitallers/deferson link so you can afford to take more and possible even better support units. I love running sierras and TO sergeants with my link. the TOFO or TOS can help you spec fire those grenades and catch your opponent off guard respectively. You may want to consider the crusader bretheren too. If your opponent is gonna be running those domaru up to you then he may just leave his flank open.. the black friar is likely a wise choice. I always expect JSA to use ninjas
Zachary Ward
Well, you already seem to have a good idea of what to be wary of. Exploit the fact that the Domaru are trash outside of 12 inches and punish him hard for it. If you can bring E/M, do it. If you can bring a nice fiery blast, do it. I mean, shit, an Order Sergeant with a Heavy Rocket Launcher can very easily shit on him. And Missiles work well enough, too.
Also, expect him to bring something to offer up smoke to cover the Domaru advance, so make sure you have something with a Visor to shoot through that. Black Friars being a solid choice.
Sucks dick you don't have any Haris options, or else I might actually recommend just memeing and running a Core of Order Sergeants to exploit the HRL. But I am no MO player, so I'd defer to
William Robinson
Don't forget that Domaru link can include Haramaki, which makes up the short range with Missile Launchers, contenders, and blitzens (also E/M) with BS 13 base to boot. Although unlikely from what you said, it's a possibility.
Bring the FO/Sensor remote to help counter Oniwabans and ninjas in HD through sensor.
Occasionally, with some discretion, call the raiden's bluff (one of those camo markers on a building is a mine you can likely walk unopposed to at long range).
Avoid close combat, it's order inefficient even if you're good at it, and JSA's better than you at it.
Luke Jones
Fuck me, this is shitty. The issue with Kazaks is three of the options are Irregular, two Extremely Impetuous and the other Frenzy. Otherwise, I took every unit we have, excepting the Traktor Mul. Even the Colonel. And yes, Irmandinhos and Isobel are both ours. We just share the Intel operative with the Shotlandski.
Luke Williams
we don't have Haris but we have some duos.
You can take two santiagos, two father knigths (which I think is overdoing it) and two montesas.
Let's say you go with an order sergeant link of sorts,
the Santiago duo can do everything I mentioned in my previous post Two fatherknights can be good. Assault means they can potentially get into combat before the domaru do but they lack martial arts. I'd be very careful with that. The assault hacker is great though.
I fucking love the montesa duo so much. I highly recommend a spitfire and a LGL (the LGL isn't as effective against HI but it gives you some good options with spec fire) The montesas also come with chain-colts and breaker pistols stock WITH mechanized deployment. They can deploy closer and put their direct template and pistols to good use.
Gavin Hall
I do love your dedication to the Kazak cause.
Ayden Long
I feel like this is significantly easier in Generic armies compared to sectorials.
Anyways, if I were to rewrite the list I was thinking of fielding next game with this in mind I'd do this.
Let me see if I report back with a sectorial list.
Landon Cooper
You're right, some sectorials are really fucked if they try it.
Thomas Gutierrez
>Regarding Neon Lotus Toying around some more, and I found stapling works decent as far as removing some of the gappiness and staples also sink right into the MDF for a good lock. However, I'm slightly drunk so getting an even seal on the bottom without some clamps proved too much for my vodka-marinated brain. Properly done, though, it should be pretty decent. The bridges also are pretty neat -- I bitched about there not being any support for the sides, but the way they slot into the buildings, the railings of the buildings end up giving strength to them.
Cameron Allen
Thank you all for the help,, I'll keep those points in mind. Based on the suggestions for the main link, what would you think of 2 santiagos and 3 magisters one with a missile launcher? It's cheaper and provides a nice long range piece as well as the e/m from the santiagos for when they close in. Leaving me with more space to put in specialists and some TO sergeants.
Charles White
As I mentioned earlier, the santiago/magister link is my usual go to. A spitfire Santiago, Paramedic Santiago, Missile Magister, and two other magisters will have all of your bases covered.
it should clock in at 161 points and 3 or 3.5 SWC depending on whether or not you take the santiago Lt. that's up to you.
Levi Russell
I'm getting the Ariadna Wotan bundle to start building towards Kazaks, but I've already got a limited edition Unknown Ranger and I kinda want to experience Van Zant shenanigans, so I'm thinking of splashing out into a limited vanilla force too.
What non-russian units do you think really excel in vanilla, enough so to justify it?
I'd probably get a second chasseur, and 2 hardcases to enhance my shell game, in fact all the infiltrating camo is seriously tempting for a super camo heavy list, so I guess, maybe just focus on non-camo units you think are special.
Leo Kelly
>I feel like this is significantly easier in Generic armies compared to sectorials. Yep, definitely. ALEPH and CA are probably still fine with it.
Definitely looks better but I think it's still flawed.
I recently took a Recon list which consisted of a Marut, 3 Netrods, and 2 8 point bots. It's not unbeatable by any stretch but it's clearly not what the format wants, and if you're going to restrict it as much as they have, may as well iron out these sorts of things.
I also continue to think restricting units based on whether they are a character or not is silly.
Justin Martin
CHA can still pull together a 4 man link
Lucas Smith
Order Sergeants aren't meming. They're like an anti-meme, a decent but not fantastic option that nobody remembers exists.
Connor Evans
A real pity, too. I always loved Order Sergeants and Magister Knights. If they'd give access to just a single Haris, I'd jump into MO with an Order Sergeant core in a heartbeat. Maybe just a Haris along the same line as the Magister special, pick one knight from an Order and slap on two Magisters.
I still think it's absolute bullshit that Teutons can't link. Even without a change to their profile, that alone would be a nice boon.
>Traktor Mul At least the Amerikanski backwards-engineer theirs. Give us back our shit, ginger. And while you're at it, give all of Ariadna back the original Katyusha. Y'know, that was actually a katyusha.
I honestly can't give you much advice for playing Vanilla. I only ran it for a couple of games back in... 2012 or so. I'd assume spam your chasseur as usual. And speaking as a Kazak player, fuck Hardcases. The ambush camo is nice, and they're stupidly cheap, but they're also Irregular and basically just memes. We've got two Amerikanski at my FLGS, and neither one ever brings more than one.
Especially if you are going to become glorious Kazak player for pride of Rodina Mat, pick up some Scouts. Points-wise, they may be twice the price, but they are also absolutely fantastic. I never leave home without one or two. Infil, Camo, Marksmanship, 12 BS, 13 WIP and PH, with two profiles I mainly use. The BSG is probably one of the best assassins that Kazaks get, and I would argue better than the Parachutist Spetsnaz. The FO is fantastic for objectives, and the Ojotnik is basically a sniper rifle that wants to be from 8-40'' which is right where a specialist should be. Toss on the fact he's got D-Charges and Mines, and you've got a fantastic unit. If you're dealing with a lot of HI or remotes, you can bring along the E/Mauler, but its up to you.
Carson Brown
Teutons should really be along the lines of Santiagos and Hospitallers. I feel like MO would seem a lot less jank if more than half of the knightly orders were good main options.
I'd like an Order Sergeant haris personally, maybe with optional Father Knight. That would let them support the knights at the front better, and stuff like the FK ML and spitfire could really get some time in the limelight.
Bentley Jones
Whatever happened to the way things happened back in Second Ed, where you picked a Primary Order which formed the backbone of your army and was your primary Link and then you were allowed to have limited selection of Brother-Knights from the other Orders? I can definitely understand them trashing it because of being slight complicated, but I always thought it was fantastic as it gave you that feel of a band of crusaders dedicated to a singular cause though with the assistance of their other righteous brethren. And the fact it got dropped and then they made the Knightly Orders themselves so fucking janky just seemed weird.
You've got Sepulchre which are stuck solo -- though it kinda make sense, what with the Holoechoes. Hospitalers and Santiagos who have their options. Montessa, Santiago, and the Father-Knights -- who always felt completely unnecessary to me -- also get Duo. And Teutons just get trashed. Just what the fuck. It especially stings a friend of mine who was primarily interested in getting into the game as an MO player and to rock Teutons in particular. Sorry, bub.
Michael Bennett
Seps won't be able to link ever, and honestly that's probably for the best. The rules clusterfuck that is the Patroclus/Achilles duo shone some light on what linked holo2 would be like.
Montesas are pretty much stuck with duo. They're premium HI so full links are off the menu, and Magisters don't work either because half the point of Monties is their mech deployment.
Santiagos having duo is a nice touch, a spitfire+paramedic team is solid and a core can stick together even if their Magisters are let off the leash. It goes well with their more short range nature compared to Hospitallers, who are a lot less inclined to let their Magisters loose.
FKs having duo would be a nice touch if their duo was good and didn't rely on a 44 point shotgun with nothing else going on. They're the same thing they always have been: Disciplined tough HI specialist. Being part of a haris could really open things up for the combat profiles imo.
The best Teutons have is to hope for an overhaul when Varuna drops with the next book. They'll have a perfect fluff reason to shake things up since the original Paradiso Teutons will almost certainly all die when CA takes the planet. The new Varuna Teutons could be better.
Adrian Gonzalez
Is there any reason to run a Father Knight?
Mason King
I just bought a lot of Nomads, including among other things, the old ADHL+Combi Hellcat. It's NIB, and I already have the Hacker/HMB/BSG sculpts, so I'm thinking about converting them.
The combi profile I'll likely just clip off the back wings and run him as a Tomcat, but the ADHL is is atrocious looking. My plan is to clip the wings, round out the back of his head, and then clip and file off the gun from his hands an give him two swords ala Senor Massacre.
My question, where can I get tiny swords of the right size? I was thinking of sculpting it with greenstuf, but I've never used it before. Thoughts?
Kayden Robinson
2 wound BTS9 assault hacker. FO is pretty solid too, not being a frenzied retard helps with specialist work.
Henry Evans
Random speculation, time! >What will the Kazak characters be? In addition to the Colonel and Isobel, the RPG Character list that we've gotten has two pretty clear Kazaks. Vassily Plushenko and Pavel McMannus. What do you expect to see from these bastards on the table?
>Vassily He's from Tartary and was a Line Kazak for a short time before becoming a Tankhunter, finally ending up as as a bodyguard. He's an excellent marksman -- Marksmanship L1, perhaps -- and noted as being more at home out in the forests and tundra than in a briefing room. Also mentioned as being excellent at disappearing into the wilderness, probably Camouflage like the standard TH. It's also important to note that he's supposed got really shitty leadership skills and is terrible with technology, so probably no bump to WIP. They really hammer home the fact that he has no interest in leadership, so definitely not an Lt profile. Served as a dedicated TAG hunter. Armed with an... AP Rifle? AP HMG? I doubt CB will give us an extra Autocannon, and the Missile Launcher seems like a waste. Though I think I remember art from ages ago showing him with one. The AP HMG would put him in direct competition with the Spetsnaz, too. So probably a Missile Launcher, though I'd probably prefer an AP Rifle of all things. So final thoughts... >Basically just a Tankhunter with Marksmanship L1, maybe a slight bump to his BS.
Leo Martinez
How can I get over shit dice? I lost 2 ganes recently because my heavy hitters got double crit on crucial rolls. I love this game when the rolls are pretty even, but every time I remember this is a dice game it just kills the fun for me.
Julian Cook
>Pavel Half-Scot, Half-Kazak. Mother was a Scout, and he managed to pass the grueling tests to become one and was almost instantly raised up to enrollment in the Spetsnaz Shkola. He's military intelligence, with the training of Spetsnaz. So Camouflage and Martial Arts, maybe an extra rank over the Spetsnaz base of 2? Also hammers home his whole Caledonian heritage and endurance and the fact that he was raised as a hard-drinking and courageous Scot even though he matured into a proper Kazak, so maybe Dogged? Makes a big fuss on the fact that he uses his Ojotnik, so we at least know the weapon. Toss on... I guess just leave him with the Spetsnaz standard of a Pistol, bump him to the AP CCW that the Parachutist have, the Knife, and either Grenades or Mines. The biggest hang-up with Pavel for me is what sort of Camo and Infil or not. Since he's got the Ojotnik, I want him mid-field fast, so I'll say give him Infil but drop the Ambush Camo down to regular Camo. Giving us... >Basically just a Sniper Spetsnaz with the gun swapped to an Ojotnik, Ambush Camo dropped to Camo, toss on Infil, and Dogged if I'm lucky.
Colton Sanders
Keep playing, same as with any other game. Shit rolls don't last forever unless you're stuck here with me for all eternity in shit roll purgatory
Connor Sanchez
It's just shitty because I can only play once a week and we are doing a league, so if I get diced or fuck up I basically get to think about it for a week and hate myself.
Jose Hughes
5 armor specialist that costs 20-24pts less than the Swiss. Also, religious makes him a reliable ML ARO platform or suppressive fire piece. Spitfire profile is pretty good with BS14+3. He's the only duo available in vanilla (montesa is AVA1), I guess you could run him duo in MO with an Order Sergeant link.
He's also the only 'good' melee knight outside of the explosive CCW Teuton. MAl2 is nice and all for DAM17, but a lot of knights are packing AP or Shock CCW. DACCW+Assault on top of a higher CC skill than average means that when you actually want to CC, it's much more likely to happen.
Really though, ARM8 with cover makes him practically a TAG. And he's BTS12, so practically immune to viral. He's just a big, lean model with no frills. That ML is pretty sexy, though I wish it came with a light shotgun.
Jacob Rodriguez
Don't feel bad. We've got two guys at our FLGS that are basically cursed with absolutely garbage luck. One dude's dice are so awful that he legitimately switched from JSA to Tohaa just so that he could rely almost purely on template weapons. Now does pretty okay. The other's our Corregidor player (who doubles as one of the many USARF players) and just pushes on, nobly. He's probably one of the best players in our store as far as tactics and the like go, but his damn near curse-like unluckiness with dice put him in a middling position. Fucking terrifying rolls when he DMs Shadowrun, though.
Robert Brooks
That feel when you shoot a ML father knight (no cover) with your HMG Intruder (cover) and he crits you, then you medikit the Intruder who gets crit again.
That said, try the dice calculator ( ). Make sure you're not making math mistakes.
Nathan Cruz
I use it, but it just makes it worse seeing that you lost to a 1%...
Anthony Barnes
>He's the only duo available in vanilla Orc. Honestly the Orc duo ain't half bad, wish it had a tinbot but it's sure as hell better than the mandatory boarding shotgun of FKs.
The only thing MA2 is good for is hitting people who literally cannot fight back, like immobilised TAGs. Otherwise you're better off with MA1. Assault is pretty great though, it's highly useful for closing the distance and bullying units who can't CC for shit (which is what you're doing most of the time with CC anyway). And CC20 with the assault mod means the FK is basically built for it.
Luke Johnson
So what are the odds of actual plot advancement after Wotan? Maybe the humans should just let the CA win so we can get to the next book already.
Brody Hill
I don't think we'll see plot advancement until Acheron Falls/Cascade. Not significant plot advancement, anyway. Otherwise Modiphius will have to rewrite part of the rulebook again, and I don't want to entertain that thought.
Christopher Adams
That plot advancement can always wait for a splatbook, the delays have gone on long enough.
Lincoln Howard
>My question, where can I get tiny swords of the right size? Any resin bits for 40k store? I know puppetswar has some katanas, you would need to shop around if you want different ones.
Angel Thompson
The boarding shotgun for the father knight duo kills me. If I could take a duo with a spitfire and an assault hacker I would be so happy...
I also wish father-knights could link with hospitallers and santiagos.It could provide a cheaper way of completing a five man super-link without having to pay the super premium price that Joan or Defersen costs...
that rule you're talking is still in the army builder.You have up to AVA 4 of the knights from your chosen order and up to two knights from the other orders
I think Tuetons could be greatly enhanced with hyper-dynamics and extreme impetuousness. They're already glorified magisters as it is, just make them so.
As I see it, the only reason you want to take a tueton is if you're playing against the Combined Army. Your tuetons can't be sepsitorized.
Tyler Perry
fairy dust that mofo and watch the nomads cry because they can't hack him lol
Aiden Hernandez
To me, you just need to push the Teuton in either one or two ways. Basically, either go big or go fast.
>Giga Knigga Bump him up to a S5 brute in the same vein of the Azra'il. Basically a baby TAG, still unlinkable but with 5 ARM and able to really maximize his value from something like Berserk as he'd be able to Assault over smaller terrain to just get in there and tear into his targets. Toss on Hyper-Dynamics, perhaps, as a representation of the wired reflexes of the suit, but basically make them Mecha-Knights.
>Gotta Go Fast Toss on Extremely Impetuous, make him 6-4, and at least let him Duo if not Haris to become a CC monster truly worthy of fighting against the Domaru. Hyper-Dynamics maybe, but at least Kinematica. Turn them into something that can bolt down the board, move into combat swiftly, and wreck face in it. The Montessa might be able to deploy into good positions, but the Teuton simply brute forces where they want to go in a proper door-kicking fashion.
Lincoln Cruz
Dogged is such an obvious fit for Teutons that I don't know why they don't already have it. They're disposable crazy dudes who you aren't going to doctor anyway because no cube means no rerolls, and dogged goes well with the wound-trading nature of berserk.
I'd want them to be even more distinct from Magisters desu, you aren't going to out-Magister those guys. Get some twin shotguns or something in there for a more direct approach to doorkicking. None of that pussy Santiago shit like grenades, Teutons have to look into the eyes of their victims to really get off.
James Thompson
...Weird. Part of the core idea I was thinking for the Gotta Go Fast idea was to toss Dogged onto them. Dunno why I didn't toss it up there. Thanks for completing my thoughts, user.
Juan Brooks
It's an obvious choice and very popular for people's Tooton fixes.
I wouldn't give any order knight haris though. If they're your main order they're better off as your core, either alone or with Magisters. If they're your buddy knights then they're AVA2. I'd just give Teutons the same treatment as Hospitallers/Santiagos, maybe with duo.
Jaxson Rodriguez
Fair enough about the Haris. Honestly, I think they ought to just give all of the Knightly Orders -- excluding Sepulchre -- the Hospitaller/Santiago treatment, as well as a Duo option.
Samuel Davis
Well aside from Teutons that just leaves Montesas, and they're in their own little category. They're premium 50 point dudes so a full core link would be prohibitively expensive and Magisters can't share their deployment shenanigans, so really their duo is all they're likely to get. They're actually the one knight order where haris could work well, though I doubt they'll get it since a haris of HI starting halfway up the board would be pretty insane.
Levi Sanders
Just played the 'Hunt Down' scenario for Wotan and realized--- Bagh Mari are 'Veteran Troops' and thus get the ADHLs.
AROs neutralized half of the targets so I didn't have to chase them down for the capture objectives.
Dominic Ross
>Veteran Kazaks aren't Veterans ok
Thomas Rivera
So i'm going to get me some Haqqislam Kum bikers soon. Any tips? I'm imagining I'm going to want to use their Smoke Grenades like crazy but I'm not too sure what loadout I should use for them
Evan Walker
Question about suppressive fire. Is this a weak point?
When you sf on a corner. An enemy model approaches around the corner, out of Los, and with his first move gives you the opportunity to announce ARO change facing. You don't take the ARO. With his second skill he comes now rounding the corner, right into btb with your sf guy. Your sf guy cannot shoot him now, because he let his first opportunity to announce ARO pass, is this correct?
Gavin Lee
Montesa Duo is just as good in MO as it is in ASA. It's just that Magister core is more popular.
Jonathan Brown
Well, they are Elite Troops though, so they get free ADHLs anyway.
Ethan Harris
Yes, that a perfectly legit tactic.
That's also a good incentive not to place your suppression fire troops in spots where your opponent can get to you in a single move value and to put up overlapping fire.
It is still another order where your opponent is not removing your model. Suppression is not necessarily to kill guys, but force your opponent to burn orders.
Logan Morales
When the guy was first creeping up on your SF dude, I assume he was inside of SF dude's 8" Zone of Control?
Josiah Nelson
>Giga Knigga
Okay that is legit a really cool idea. Dunno if that fits in with PanO design aesthetics as S5 HI are older gen armor.
Xavier Jenkins
Has Father Lucien Sforzas' sidearm been upgraded to a heavy pistol?
Currently Infinity homepage is showing pic related, so I wondered if Sforza got changed. The link leads to the download section. So I downloaded the unit profiles again (V.3.7), and Sforza is listed with a heavy pistol, whereas Army builder still features him with only a normal pistol.
I want to field him at a game tomorrow, what profile do I follow, what takes priority usually?
Landon Davis
No changes visible for Ashcroft though. I wonder if they've actually still to be updated.
Jayden Clark
They are regular now for Imperial service
Gabriel Clark
Huh, looks like the pistol has been changed indeed.
Other then that, the Regular/Registered version of him is +5pts and is now Dogged. Looks pretty good if you can spare
Regular version +5pts, with specialist and fire team duo with other bounty hunters presumably.
Both irregular and regular versions are available for all bounty hunters (named or generic) in the IS. Regular generic 'hunters cost just 2pts more.
Noah Williams
>Regular version +5pts, with specialist and fire team duo with other bounty hunters presumably. Uh... do I still get to take them as Irregular.
I mean, Specialist is good but I don't need Sforza to be Regular.
Samuel Hall
Wait, where are you seeing this?
Austin Evans
I believe so yes, only IS has both versions from the looks of it.
Regular Sforza gets heavy pistol and dogged, no specialist though.
Saw it on the wotan login, apparently the pdfs/builders are still updating.
Oh right, so Ashcroft is the one who gets specialist? That actually does sound pretty good Sforza, V:Dogged is a nice ability for him to have. He is legitimately a unit you don't care if he's Irregular or not though. And 5 points is a whole other order in ISS.
Not sure about Ashcroft. So 24/23 points for Regular Combi Rifle/Boarding Shotgun + Nanopulser Specialist Troop with ODD? You might run that if that was like a regular LI for your faction, probably, and had different weapon options.
If it's Duo only with the other Authorized Bounty Hunters I'm not wild about it.
Brayden Collins
Dandy, cheers!
Andrew Mitchell
Guys. How do I get gud at Morats.
I've been trying to roll Morat Vanguards (tl;dr, I got a shit ton of Morat stuff in a Combined Army lot). How the fuck do they work. I'm used to Fusilier links where I can leave em up as ARO threats, and they'll do the job. But these boys feel like jobbers.
How do I get gud. Chinese are wrecking my ass.
Mason Carter
People including Morat players will talk up Vanguard infantry but IMO they're pretty fucking shit. They shouldn't perform significantly worse than Fusiliers save for -BS, same as any other line infantry link like Ghulams, Khazaks, etc. so I feel you're exaggerating there but you pay extra points for basically nothing important to the unit all the same.
Honestly MAF profoundly irritates me as a sectorial and I really like Morat models so I'm prolly not who you want to ask for advice.
You could try a smaller Morat Vanguard linkteam (maybe just Anyat + Hacker + a special weapon) or try using Rodoks for a full-size linkteam instead. Rodoks are quite good although their MOV stat hurts as does the lack of an FO profile and special weapon variety.
Yoagats are another choice but at that point you're paying pain train points for a linkteam which is not a pain train.
Anthony Edwards
Rodoks are the link to go for Morats. That mimetism and superjump hit like a freight train. Oh, you think you're safe prone on top of this building? Monkey farting guy goes up in the air and say surprise motherfucker and shoots you to oblivion. Guaranteed surprise to a lot of newbs/reasonable players every time.
Plus that armor 2 and mimetism gets a lot of mileage. They're an active turn link that really can do board control well with the AHD, ML, and shotguns.
Be more active with your links in general. You want to get uncomfortably close.
Jack Hill
Montesa duo + Knight core is good for limited insertion.
The montesa duo is also pretty good with a Order Sergeant core, just be sure to take some infiltrating TO order sergeants and even a peacemaker to support the montesas.
Ryan Jones
What gets me about Morats (and it shouldn't because we should all be used to this) is the fluff vs. gameplay gap.
Morats in the fluff are a badass warrior race only matched in aggression by the worst and most warlike in humanity. They have a wholly military society and complete dedication to war and violence. On the tabletop they are: generic and average in basically every respect, with almost no standout profile or unit.
I'd like to see massive fireteam flexibility in the MAF akin to QK and a revision of most of their units to be competitively costed rather than generic options which cost more due to the Morat rule.
Adrian Russell
piggybacking off of All of your Morats ignore Los of Lieutenant. You really do want to get close and aggressive and put that lt order to use.
Lt dies? no problem...
Christopher Long
Get the fuck out of here ErryIn
Brody Turner
Got half of operation ice storm and two panoceanian starter sets. How do I build an army out of those. I know that the army wouldn't be optimal, without blisters and big unit boxs. But I would like to have something playable, not trying to win worlds just to have some fun localy. Asked around localy, but no one here plays panocenia and the only advice other then not to play military orders, was to buy a ton of robot boxs . In the near future am not going to have money to buy any, so the two starters and the icestorm are the thing I have to build my list on.
Adam Martin
So you have 3 PanO starter sets + the Father-Knight? Are all the starter sets the same?
Oliver Brooks
Which two other PanO sets?
Otherwise, I'd tell you to figure it out on your own by messing around with the army builder ( You likely have something playable for your purposes already.
Hudson Martinez
I do not have the knight the guy I was spliting the box, took him as payment for us using his credit card. the two starter sets are different. One is called Neuterran Kapitol Armee and the other one is called Panocenian starer pack.
So the models I have right now are: 3 fusiliers 1 orc troop 1 croc man 1 Aquila guard with Rocket Launcher 1 swiss guard 3 Neuterran Boltz 1 Spitfire Hexxas 1 orc trooper with a multi rifle 1 Neusse from Svalerheim 1 Akhali commando 3 fusiliers that look different from the ones in the starter set. not sure if same unit
Christopher Williams
>Aquila guard with Rocket launcher
Christian Anderson
What do people use to proxy Spitfire Bounty Hunters? Just the normal Combi ABH? Druze Spitfire? Conversion with the ABH and a Spec Ops Spitfire?
Jose Evans
What's everyone's opinion on the Joan + 4 Santiago core in MO? Seems like it would a make a good scary link that would have a negative psychological effect on an opponent but otherwise super expensive and hard to justify outside of annihilation.
If you were going to run this core, what would you bring? I was thinking 2 spitfire and a paramedic, not sure what the 4th knight should be.
Oliver Bell
Most likely the Swiss Guard with Rocket Launcher. That's actually fine, I thought you were gonna have triplicates of everything.
I would suggest not worrying about loadouts and feeling free to e.g. run your generic Nisse or Aquila Guard with an HMG. Will your community be fine with that?
You could also paint up the older Fusiliers (different looking models) and see if you can use them as proxies for a different unit, maybe one of the other LI options like Aconticimento guys or maybe Bipandra and a Machinist engineer.
Jack Carter
>Will your community be fine with that? I can ask them, and about using the different looking fusiliers as other units. Thanks. Good to hear I didn't butt fuck myself buying the stuff. There is 0 people here playing panocenia, so no one to ask about tactics or what units to buy first. Aside for the advice to ignore knight stuff, because it is shit. that is why I didn't argue with the guy who I split the box with. Don't care about models I wouldn't be using anyway, and without his credit card I wouldn't have had anything to play with.
Only thing that bothers me right now, is that without infinity being sold at stores, the cost to get them is huge 80 euros for postal, just because the models are heavy and then a 27% import tax makes the models cost twice as much as they do in the web store.
Lincoln Allen
I don't run it because I'm not down for special character/obvious lts but if I did...
take mobility joan if you're playing a scenario where zero-g/multiterrain is to your benefit(Case in point, Comms Center in Wotan).
Her skills and loadouts are also closer to what the santiagos come with but I don't think she needs kinematika and she shoots too well to need the nanopulser in my opinion. Otherwise you're fine to just take standard joan nad get the +1 SWC.
Don't forget that you get cheapo orders w/a tech-bee and a warcor under joan
I would take one of each of the Santiago loadouts. A spitfire for heavy lifting, a combi rifle as backup to the spitfire (or as an ARO piece if your opponents turns) the paramedic for objectives, and the boarding shotgun for when it gets uncomfortably close.
Levi Sullivan
Asked the league orgeniser, and he said I can't use models as other models, he mentioned some specific other model that can be used as other models, but I do not have it. So how should the army look like , I need 300pts to test for next week games.
Joseph Gray
The Kums come with a rifle/LS and a chain rifle.
I only use the chain rifle as a dogged fuck you missile
Dominic Lewis
You could do something like this in Vanilla. It's not great - you might benefit by subbing out one of the more expensive units with more generic fusiliers (for orders), and you're gonna hurt for special weapons if you've got to be unit-accurate.
DESU m8 I don't think it was a good idea to go all in on a purchase and be playing in a tournament without understanding enough of the rules to be able to put a list together, and between that and the credit card thing you're coming across as underage b&.
You could also consider running Neoterra sectorial which means you can't use a number of units but can link your Fusiliers - except you have no Fusilier with a heavy weapon, so it's still not great.
Isaiah Phillips
ok thanks man. I only got the starters, because the guy I was sharing the icestorm with told me you can't order it without buying two starter sets for each faction. I do understand that a starter plus 3-4 blisters and a big box of one unit would probably be better.
Juan Collins
I cant tell if all the 3rd world country local shops are just super anal about model accuracy (you would think the opposite because they are poor and cant order models other than what the shop carries) or there are just very similar people meming constantly.
Caleb Taylor
Our shop doesn't sell Infinity, sadly. I wish it did, it is more or less the orgeniser and his m8s that have full blown armies. the tournament has a cash prize and they split it after winning. Or at least I assume they do it, because they did the same with warmachine. I don't think the shop owner cares, as long as we pay for the food+drink+entry fee, we could have anything barring an orgy and he wouldn't bat an eye.
Camden Rivera
If you can change up loadouts you can do a lot better with the options you have (even just running Orc guy as HMG) but if you've gotta be model accurate it's a bummer.
Nathan King
That sounds shady as fuck my man.
Bentley Allen
The only bad knights are teutons. Hospitaller is your best doctor in vanilla. Fatherknight is a beefy son of a bitch and great assault hacker. Santiagos have a weapon for every occasion. Id avoid magisters outside of MO sectorial but they are still mean bastards once you know how to use them. Joan is almost borderline OP and defereson is solid too. Sepulchres are better in vanilla and just a tad boring in profile selection. Montesas can establish foward board control, especially with buddy peacemaker rem.
You got memed on dude. Also fuck that shipping cost is some bullshit. You should check online to see if there are sellers that wont fuck your 3rd world ass over.
Nathan Reyes
Aaron Perry
Morats truly are Space Marines of Infinity.
Easton Hernandez
There are no Space Marines in infinity because it isn't autistic.
Aiden Diaz
That looks like PanO starter + NCA starter + I think Fusiliers from old PanO starter and Croc Man. Do they look like this?
And all that is totally good enough to build an army. Bolts are shit outside NCA, but everything else from that box is golden. Fusiliers, Nisse and Croc Man are all PanO staples. My advice would be to run Aquilla as HMG with a Nisse, Croc Man, Akali and some Fusilis at first, maybe an ORC if you can fit one. Open the Army Builder app and try making a 200pts and a 300pts army, bearing in mind that you should always have at least 10 Orders.